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Created November 13, 2015 08:38
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Nabla syntax


integer numbers

underlines in between digits will be dropped.


oct numbers have a 0o prefix, so that number parsing won't make mistakes on numbers that start with 0


float numbers

hex numbers with scientific notions

0xFFp3 == (0xFF * 2 ** 3).to_f

(literal) suffix flags

rational suffix


imaginary suffix


[design NOTE]: since we don't have /.../ regexp, there is no regexp suffix flags (o x u i g m etc), just use (?i) and (?m)


single quoted, the only escapes are ' and \


double quoted, can contain escapes, hex, unicode


and strings can take multiple lines


the spaces are significant


a .. b  # b inclusive
a ... b # b exclusive

since .. and ... possess very high precedence (only lower than .), adding paren around it is very common pattern (see below for operator precedence)

a.b (...) c + 1

other direct literals

true false nil

constants and variables

names starting with upper case is constant, they can not be re-assigned

A = 3
A = 4  # error
A = 3  # OK, no conflict and no effect (this design makes `load` a bit easier)

names starting with lower case is variable, they can be re-assigned

a = 3
a = 4 # not shadow naming

Variables better be named in snake case. Examples:

fooBar # still OK, but not recommended as code style

The local environment is mutable, local vars can be changed inside a block (sub), but such kind of sub can not be turned into a lambda

a = 0
sub1 = do
  b = 3
sub2 = do
  a = 3
Lambda[sub1] # good, sub1 doesn't change local variables outside
Lambda[sub2] # error, sub2 has side effect on local variables

If you need to store blocks for futher use, it is better for the method to require lambda instead. When a local scope ends, the reference count to the associated blocks are checked -- if more than 1, it raises an error.

Can use var to force declare variable instead of search up captures

a = 0
  var a = 3
  a # 3
a # 0

[design NOTE] Just check the type is better, error message is easier to understand than "block can not be converted to lambda because it contains mut-assignment in line ...".

anonymous value _

if it is "left value" which lies on the left of assignment or matching-assignment, then it has no effect. (see also pattern matching)

[_, x] = [3, 4]
x as _ ~ 4
x as _.f ~ 4 # syntax error
_.f ~ 4 # syntax error
x._ ~ 4 # syntax error

if it is a "right value", then it represents value of expression in the context. (good for repl)

3 + 4
_ * 5



can be indented with block

# foo

  this part is comment, too

comma, new line, semicolon and end

, means new line

  b, c]

  if foo, bar;

; means end


operator precedence

method dot is tightest


then operators (mapped to method, can redefine) and the space in method calls

! + - * **              # 90  prefix and splat
.. ... **               # 80  range and power
* / %                   # 70  multiplicative
+ - & | ^ << >>         # 60  additive and bit
< > != >= <= == <=>     # 50  compare
&& || ^^                # 40  logic, can be redefined. note: ^^ means logic xor
:foo a b                # 30  space in method name and params

NOTE: for more compatibility with other languages, && || ^^ do shortcut

knot operators: it means an operator is wrapped by (), the effect is precedence -= 100, making it looser than all of the above. but still can not be looser than assignments. for example:

x = a (**) :foo a b  # means `x = (a ** (:foo a b))`

NOTE: no loop shift operator: method .shl/.shr requires a second param of bit length. NOTE: no bit flip operator: only method .flip.

[design NOTE]: method calls can not fit in the knot operators system. or (:foo) is ambiguous (it can mean call or looser method name)

then looser: assignment / match, can not be wrapped. all assignment operators are of the same precedence and bind from right to left

~ = += *= ...

then looser: bind operator <-

then looser: logic control structures (can not be redefined, do shortcut):

not and or xor

then control structures

if else case ...

on prefix operators

The prefix operators are: !, - and +

NOTE that not is equivalent to !

NOTE unlike other languages, in Nabla the ~ symbol is not used for flipping bits, you should use .flip instead:


the .flip decision is for less ambiguity on ~ matching operators.

since + and - may be ambiguous as infix or prefix, the defining syntax of prefix operators requires explicit self:

# prefix
def +self

# prefix
def Foo::Bar.+self

def self.+self

The method names are !self, +self, -self

chaining binary operators

a.< b c   # a < b and b < c
a.+ b c   # a + b + c
a.* b c   # a * b * c
a.&& b c  # a && b && c

NOTE: the methods are defined with arbitrary members, but VM can optimize them.

[design NOTE] since the rules for < is different from +, so we should not auto translate them into chained by syntax, it is too strange to make many special cases.

Control structures

if cond

if foo1
else if foo2

while loop

while foo

wend loop

while foo # perform loop body first, then check condition

coselect (see below for the coselect section)

  a <- as
  select a * 2

case ... when (see pattern-match)

[design NOTE] we don't need mod clauses, just use , for one-liners, and it is easier to modify

if a, b;
if a, b, else if c, d, else e; end

Data structures

array and hash literals

create an array (compiler may choose list, or HAMT, or array buffer for underlying implementation)

[a, b, c]

because , is the same as new line, the above is equivalent to


create a hash map

  "a": b
  "c": d

Note that hash is un-ordered

For convenience, for : the key is string by default, for => the key is expression by default.

  a: 1

Is the same as

  "a" => 1

To get a member from array or map, use @ operator:


And there is @= operator:

arr@3 = 2

NOTE: we use the @ operator, so looking for subscript looks cleaner, and not conflict with object creating syntax A[foo, bar], A{foo: foo, bar: bar}

alternative collections

assoc array

assoc-array (backed by array)

  a: a
  b: c

it can store repeated values

foo = AssocArray[
  "a": 1
  "a": 2
foo.add "a", 3

assoc-array is aware of insertion order

foo['a'] # 3

assoc-array can be used as a multiple array.

foo.values_for 'a' # [1, 2, 3]

Iterating will go through all stored values. The multi-array feature makes it suitable for storing cookies, request params, and http headers.

And it also has @= and :delete! methods to update or remove existing values under a key.

When elem number is very large (hundreds or so), assoc-array may become slow for random access, but methods like iterating is still very fast.


Set (backed by map)

Set{a, b}


dict has little memory for large string dictionary, but unordered

Dict{ ... }


rb tree, find is by default binary search

RbTree{ ... }

can be used as priority queue

pattern matching collections

Left and right must match the type exactly.

If the right pattern is [], will call .to_l of left. If the right pattern is {}, will call .to_h of left. (Set:to_h will expose the internal hash map, and the values are true)

design notes

[design NOTE] list is not really useful: slicing, deleting, or concatenating 2 immutable lists still require O(n) operations RRB tree may be a good option for list impl.

[design NOTE] there is no need for a linked hash map, an immutable one is very slow. For mutable impl, redis may be a better choice.

splat operator for generating new arrays

To unroll an seq-like data structure, use * To unroll a map-like data structure, use **

[a, *b, c]
{"a": a, **b, "c": d}

NOTE it can also be used in patterns

data types (custom records)

[design NOTE]: adding ivars to core data types is not allowed (so allocations and copying are easier), however, it should be easy to delegate methods to them.

data declares data type, fields list can be type checked

data Foo
  $r/\d+/ ~ a
  Integer ~ b
  String ~ c
  d, e, f # 3 fields without type checker, note that `,` has the same meaning with new line

in a data type, you can inherit other data types, and fields with the same names will overlap the previous one.

data Foo < Bar # think "<" as "⊂"

but inheritance is limited only in data fields, no behavior will be inherited, and only single-inheritance allowed.

data can not be opened after definition. but class can.

data defines default getter and setters, and they are final.

ways to new an object

Foo[1, 2, 3]   # ordered, new with operator []
Foo{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4} # looks like a hash, but much light weight
                                    # no operator `{}`: it is a built-in syntax
Foo[-> a, ...;]

# the prototype way:
bar = foo{"a": 3, "b.c": 4} # overwrites members

When a field ends with ?, it is converted and stored in boolean

data Foo

foo = Foo{1, nil}
foo.a?    # true
foo.b?    # false
foo.b = 1 # Foo{true, true}

[design NOTE]: ADT's sum type doesn't fit in dynamic languages because values are summed type of all types. And in OO language, sum type is polymorphism.

under data we can not define methods

[design NOTE]: if we allow methods defined under data, then the difference from class is unclear (let data mutate members? but how about more members?)

[design NOTE]: the nabla object serialize format with class support:

{"foo": Date{"year": 1995, "month": 12, "day": 31}}

It is pure text, a bit readable, and can be parsed (with only the value rules, no other operations allowed).

coselect constructor

coselect is short for the collect-and-select way of initializing data.

It is as expressive as (or more) monads or list comprehensions.

For example:

sums = collect Array
  a <- as.each
  b <- bs.each_slice 4
  if Integer.match? b
    select a * b

coselect may also be used in other data types

collect Point
  x <- coords.each
  select x

collect Foo
  [k, v] <- kvs.each
  select k => v

since this form is not very pleasing:


we can collect without select instead:


example with IO:

  h <- 'f' 'w'
  line <- a.read_line
  if /foo/.match? line
    h.write line

example with try (Object[o] yields o, and Object[] yields nil):

collect Object
  a <- b.try

[NOTE] we don't have elvis operator ?., it makes syntax hard to recognize when combined with question mark method names. but we can specify syntax for this kind of visits, see custom-syntax for more information.

[TODO] it is like fmap ... should we use map instead?

[impl NOTE]:

We add an implicit continuation arg in lambda calling, with it we can aggregate data into the primary stack.

See also for applicative do notation

[design NOTE]:

  • It is in essential a monad
  • In the block is just normal nabla code, with just one addition: select elem or select k => v (NOTE we should disable the syntax select k: v since in this case k is usually string)
  • if we use collect Array[...] syntax, then it becomes a bit ambiguous with Array[...], and we know the languages between
  • it is so more like a control syntax instead of a constructor syntax
  • the syntax is a relieve for lambdas not being able to change outer variables

Behavior types (class)

a data type is inherently a behavior type, but there can be behavior types that are not data types

class Foo
  include Bar # can even include

the class being included must be a class that's not data

there is only one kind of inheritance via include, methods defined in include module is looked up hierachically

to inline the methods defined in Bar

class Foo
  include *Bar

the code above is a macro include, all methods searchable in Bar are inlined and may overwrite defined methods in Foo. if Bar is re-opened afterwards, Foo will not be affected at all. This is useful when you need to make sure methods defined in Bar are searched first.

NOTE: be careful when using it, if some source file has include *, it is not reloadable. (in future we must develop some a bit more complex mechanism for reloading them, but only raise error when we meet final modifiers)

class can be re-opened, but data can not.

classes can also be scoped

class Foo
  scope :bar
    include Bar

scoping is a way to separate concerns. scope in fact creates a new class and provide ways

data Foo
class Foo
  def a; # no way: can not overwrite final method
  scope :foo
    def a; # ok, since scope is an implicit sub data type

The goodness: one data type can re-use other data-types methods.

and can delegate methods

class Foo
  delegate :bar as Bar # delegate on bar, can search methods on bar (will do a class check of Bar)

we can also use splat macro on delegate (TODO and it has the same reload problem as with include *)

class Foo
  delegate :bar as *Bar

delegate is like include, and class_of? checks both include and delegate. for specific checks, use class_include? and class_delegate?.

how about if we delegate only a part of the methods? -- we don't

class Foo
  ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].each -> x
    :def x -> args
      :bar.send "#{x}" args

the order of behavior type and data type can be switched

class Foo
data Foo

[TODO] do we add syntax for import Behavior so methods in the object can be limited?

defining method

def foo

to define method on an object (TODO consider whether def makes sense)


mutator methods end with ! or =

def my_mutate!
  self.b = 3 # good, changes self
  :b = 3 # warning, changes self while not putting self on the left

def v= x

note: if you don't want to change self, use other left-values:

def foo
  a = self
  a.mutate! # doesn't change self

predicate methods end with ? and return values are always converted to true or false

def good? x

To mention a method, we can use Klass:method, but it is not valid syntax (just for simplicity of reflection API).

[design NOTE] We should not impl local def, it can be quite complex if we impl dynamic method calling.

object path changing

Consider this expression:

a.b@c.d = 1

It changes local variable a, and is equivalent to something like:

a1 = a.b@c
a1.d = 1
a2 = a.b
a2@c = a1
a.b = a2

This may remind you the reference changing in mutable languages, or the lens library in Haskell :)

What if I do not want to change it?

x = a.b@c
x.d = 1 # a is not changed

The rule is simple: only the variable on the very left (leftest value) is changed.

We may define a chain macro with := to DRY code:

x := a.b.c
x.d = 3 # equivalent to a.b.c.d = 3

Note: Bang methods can only be used in the tail of the chain.

a.b.c.d!     # OK
a.b.c!.d = 3 # syntax error, meaning is ambiguous

Note: The chain can be optimized by compiler

special methods

def hash

def eql?

[design NOTE]: if we use, def_hash, def_eql may introduce too many keywords and syntaces. though the other way introduces more special rules.

[style guide]: .build is a convention for customized constructors. For example

def a
  Foo[a * 3, 4]

default params

params with default values must be put after other params

def foo a b=3 # usually we don't put spaces around `=` here, but it is allowed

if some default value contains something with looser precedence than method space, it should be wrapped in brackets

def foo a=(:bar 3 4)

there are no "named params", the following code just sets a default map to param b

def foo a b={c: 1} d=2
  {c: c, d: d} ~ b # but you can match against the map here

:foo a {c: 1, d: 2} d
:foo a {c: 1} d # match error

default params can be put in reverse order

def foo a=3 b=4 c

Arity is still the same as normal order (1..3 in the above example). :method('foo').reverse_default_args? is true

[design NOTE]: there is no arbitrary arity, the syntax is harder to fit in.

matching args

see pattern-match

method calling

method is the boundary of lexical scoping for local vars

: lookup passes object, then goes to Kernel (it extend self), so methods on Object is much fewer.

chain: right-value _ represents the last expression value in the same block baz xip
_.lower baz xip
_.continue baz xip

composed :baz xip

not composed (:baz) xip

[design NOTE]: do not support (.meth), because then we may induce (:meth), and it is ambiguous

[design NOTE]: keyword self instead of @, to free the usage of @

method search rule

search latest defined, then latest included

class A
  include M1
  def foo
  include M2
  def foo
    ... super # search first foo, then M2, then M1

the final modifier

a final method can not be modified, even in the inherited class.

final def foo

def foo;   # error
undef foo # error

[design NOTE] we should not do final class, this will lead to bad-to-explain semantics. for example: do we freeze every method in the beginning or end of final class block? should we inline included modules?

final effects only within some classes, in child classes, you still can re-define those methods -- because it is not mutating, but overlapping.

class Parent
  final def foo;
  final def bar;

class Child1
  include Parent
  def foo; # OK
  undef bar # OK

but note the exception: macro include * inlines all the method defs including final declarations!

class Child2
  include *Parent
  def foo; # bad

you may use include * for the purpose of freezing methods, but be careful, include * also makes the file not-reloadable.

NOTE: it is mainly used for certain optimizations to work, but not recommended to be used everywhere. source files with final can not be reloaded!

NOTE: there is no modifiers like private and protected -- we can always use scope and delegate to reuse code while keeping concerns separated. and they are not easy to test. for some cases of private/protected methods, we can also use lambdas.

[design NOTE]: the modifiers are not methods? :final, :include, :delegate, :scope makes compiler optimizations harder, and not as easy to write either.

Lambda and subroutines


can capture local vars but can not change it

-> x
  x + 2
-> x y, x + y;

recall note: comma (,) means "new line"

quick lambdas (-> followed by bracket)

->(4 /)
->(+ 3)
->(.present? 3)
->(4 + )

[design NOTE]: we can not remove the (), because it may give ambiguity on -> *args, and with () it is more feasible. And () is more unified.


-> x y
  x + y
l = _.curry

for lambda

subroutines (todo clean it)

a subroutine can modify captured variables, and can use next and break. but the life of a block ends with a local scope.

similar to lambda, but start with do, for example

arr.each do e
  :print e

in lambdas, return ends the control flow, and captures are snapshot and immutable

in subroutines, return ends the control flow of wrapping lambda or method, and can change local vars outside subroutine in subroutines, break/next can control iterations, but in lambdas, they are forbidden if not wrapped in subroutine. in subroutines, the arity is not enforced.

subroutine's life ends with the call receiving subroutine or local var (some_local = do, ...;), if ref_count > 1 at it's end of life, it raises an error.

iteration methods can use either subroutines or lambdas.

more usages

s = do
; # return value is pair of ['break', 3], ['ret', 4], ['next', 5], ...

[impl NOTE] break and next in if/while are compiled differently than subroutines.

NOTE nesting lambda and subroutine

a = 1
  do, a = 2;
  a # 2
a # 1

a in lambda capture is changed, but outside of lambda, a is not changed. compiler should generate warning: assigning local variable inside closure has no effect for the outside (lower warning level just warns the subroutine-in-lambda change, higher warning level warns lambda change)

thought C-API of subroutines

// use return value to control the flow, C-ext usually use this
int cb(Val e, Val* udata) {
  if (...) return ibreak;
arr_iter(arr, undef, cb);

// iter with code obj, used in lang impl
// in byte code, `break`, `return` will create control flow yields,
// and the loop captures it, cleans up resources, then re-throw a `return` -- yes, every method body captures the `return`
arr_iter_code(arr, undef, code);

on non-local jumps (todo clean it)

break, next, return goes one jump buf chain

for every method that requires resource cleanup, adds a jump buf chain

todo: make a setjmp/longjmp prototype for impl of coroutines see

do starts a block, inside the block, variables can be altered -> starts a lambda, lambda just snapshots outside variables

simple rule: break / next are only allowed inside a block, so

while xx

is in fact:

while xx do

blocks hold reference count (just for check) but it dies when containing block terminates

blocks are more common than lambdas, but only lambdas works when we need to store them (register callbacks for example)

:register some_obj -> x y

NOTE block is mutable object so it errors instead of giving segfault. mutable objects are immutable pointer with reference count, and a pointer to mutable memory

shadow naming and variable scoping

shadow naming means the variable is in fact a different one than the original variable

a = 4
  a = 5 # not shadow naming, changes local var
  a = 5 # shadow naming, does not change local var

constants follow class scoping, while variables follow lexical rules and are separated by defs

A = 3
a = 3
def foo
  A # 3
  a # error

[design NOTE] even constant folding with literals is not viable in a dynamic language. Consider we may have a "commit current constant" operation, which forbids all the constants from reloading then they become real constants and we can start constant folding? But we still can change name mangling of a constant symbol after that. Think this code:

A = 3
class B
  def foo, A;

# then after a while
class B
  A = 5

So we can cache constants, but folding is not allowed. --- should we force all constant references to be concrete? no, the syntax is bad for initialization-heavy code. Constant caching

A = 3
class B
  def foo
    A   # can cache but not fixed cache
    ::A # can cache and make final method lookup fixed without class tests

Constants have a source meta connected to it, when reloading a source, all constants defined by it is undefined and all constant / final caches are cleared. -- so final method just skips a little bit overhead of class testing?

back arrows

back arrows generates nested lambda

  e <- a.each
  f <- b.each
  <- c.each

is equivalent to

a.each -> e
  b.each -> f
    c.each ->

it is just an opposite writing of -> and the following lines before end are brace nested into the blocks.

there is no back arrow for do-block (we recommend immutable ways, when we really need to change local vars inside block, then use do directly)

matching args

see pattern-match

case ... when syntax

[design NOTE] not switch ... case since it is more like functional case of.

case a
when X
when Y
when _

case [1, 2, 3]
when [Hash, ->(==).bind 3, ->(.present?)]
when _

They call obj.match? concrete on individuals, which doesn't raise

the default Object.match? uses ==


  • prog can warn dead match routines

using as for splitting var and pattern

case a
when [head as Head, *_]


a       -- var without match
self.a  -- var without match
Const   -- type
1.2     -- type
'asd'   -- type
->(.zero?) -- type
[] {}   -- type (recursive splat open)

by default, locals and ivars are vars, other expressions are patterns. if need to change default positions, add as. the lhs of as is used as vars, and the rhs of as is used as types/patterns.

disambig examples:

_ as $(x a 3)  -- literal as pattern
_ as a         -- var as pattern
_ as self.a    -- call result as pattern
Const as _     -- const as left value
a.b as _       -- calls a.b =

to test if matches instead of raise error...

use ~~ instead of ~ and it gives a boolean result true or false.

[TODO] think if there can be a better choice?

[design NOTE]: assign operator, match operator, test match operator, 3 different semantics...

matching and mass-assign

<match-expr> ~ <expr>

raises error when not match. finally the match? methods of the objects on the rhs of as are called.

[a, b as Int] ~ arr

the above code is equivalent to

# match first, then assign
if !(Int.match? arr[1])
  yield <match error>
a = arr[0]
b = arr[1]


if not [a, b as Int] ~~ arr
  yield <match error>

case of const:

Foo = 3          # assign
Foo.match? 3     # matching returning matchdata, there's no match-expr, so no assignments (what about regexp?)
Foo ~ 3
_ as Foo ~ 3     # matching (can raise)
Foo as Int ~ 3   # matching and assign (can raise)

matching Map

example (use *: rest_var to match the rest)

{"a": a as Hash, "*": b as 3, *: rest as (-> x, x.size < 3)} ~ {'a': {}, '*': 3, 'c': 12}

function params are NOT match exprs, they allow default assignments

def f x y z=3 opts={a: 3, b: 4}
  a ~ Integer
  b ~ Object

[impl NOTE] compiler and doc-generator should be able to extract the first several lines of matchers for further use

matching Set

We can match a set to another set

Set{a, b, 3} ~ Set{1, 2, 3}

It is turned into canonical form first

matching arguments

When args are quoted with brackets, we are matching the arg array, and it means if match then...

def foo [a as Integer, b as 3]

You may think, how about multiple matches? but nabla does forbid method overloading

def foo [*xs]
  case xs
  when [a, b]
  when [a, b, c, *_]

When method is defined with matching args, the arity is -1

Lambdas and subroutines may also be defined with matching args

-> [x, *xs]

do [x, *xs]

The back arrow is also powered with matching syntax

  [x as ->(.even?)] <- xs.each
  [y as ->(.odd?)] <- ys.each
  select x * y

[design NOTE] can we make mismatch an error?

aux match ("or")

for example, a can match Integer or String or a responds to .foo?

a as Integer as String as ->(.foo?) ~ x


First simple usage is syntax sugar for visiting environment variables or match results.

$file # sugar for $(file)
$dir  # sugar for $(dir)
$args # sugar for $(args)
$(args 1)

[design NOTE]: if we use $lit[content], then we don't know if it is $(lit)[content].

from other namespace (NOTE we only know the scope in compile time, we don't know the object type)

Foo::$(bar ...)

with inline code

$(bar ... )

The delimiters can be


Dangling with block code


[design NOTE] to support dynamic src? {src: ...}$Foo::bar is bad practice, if one macro syntax can not be checked at compile time, just use normal library calls instead.

[design NOTE] compile options before $foo should not be dynamic evaluated value, it should be part of the language:

  #pragma -L... -I... -fPIC
  foo() {

if need some run-time values

$<<c_inline.exec {env: ..., args: ...}
  int main() {

To make the following mixed use comfortable, literals are designed to be noun-like, so inputs are put to the left side instead of the right side.

:puts $file $line $1

[design NOTE]: since literals are noun-like, if we need to inject some run-time variable as options, define a method on it and call. if we use a prefix notation to inject options like {opt: 3}$foo, then namespaced syntax require a weird tweak: 3Foo::$bar -> 3$Foo::bar, and doesn't help much: we don't need dynamic syntax, and most options must be determined at compile time.

[design NOTE] some places are cleaner and easier to do static analysis if design a syntax instead of macro. So instead of


We should use

require "code"
include FooModule

multiple dangling blocks

:puts $<<foo $<<bar
  ... # foo
  ... # bar

[design NOTE] not implemented for the first release of nabla

define syntax

def $foo src compile_context
  :check_interp compile_context src

  # do the parsing, return a lambda at last
  -> exec_context

we may attach something to the top of the lexical scope context

define digit macro

for $1

def $? digit

the context object

for runtime retrospection

context.set_local # should not let it set local, it violates lexical check

use context.locals if the lang need simple interpolation lookup. #{} is recommended but not forced.

the language should be able to expose several component parsers as library, so the parser can even interpolate complex expressions.

src processor should be abel to invoke part of the language parsers.

some built-in literals

$(env path)   # env var (ignores case)
$env          # map-like
$(global foo) # global var (note: delimiter has some limit due to perl-style extended syntax)
$(reg \d+)         # regexp
$(str hello #{you}) # interpolates
$(quote hello #{you}) # do not interpolate

string example

  hello #{you}

  hello #{a} world

custom syntax usage ideas and examples

Workflow engine

  yield 'state1' # this state can be saved
  yield 'state2'

Data formats

  x: 3
  y: 4


String processing

$<<awk << "some file"

$<<tr << "something"



Makefile syntax for build tool

Constraint programming

c = $<<constraint
  def sibling x y
    :parent_child z x and :parent_child z y
  def parent_child x y
    :father_child x y or :mother_child x y
  :mother_child "trude" "sally"
  :father_child "tom" "sally"
  :father_child "tom" "erica"
  :father_child "mike" "tom"

c.query $<<predicate
  :sibling "sally" "erica" #=> true

pure methods can be captured as predicates

def zero_sum x y
  x + y = 0
c = $<<constraint
  :zero_sum x y
  y == 3

Array programming

C ext

C inline

$<<c_inline.exec {include_paths: ..., lib_paths: ..., libs: ..., target: 'exe'}
  #include <stdio.h>
  main() {
      printf("hello world\n");

C ext ffi (with default header and linking)

$<< "printf" "hello world"
  #include <stdio.h>


NOTE: We have coselect syntax so no need comprehension in custom syntax

Sequence inferring

step increment seq

$(seq 1, 5, ..., 41)

step decrement seq

$(seq 9, 8, ...)

product seq

$(seq 1, 2, 4, ...)

fibonacci seq

$(seq 1, 2, 3, 5, ...)




x = 3
$(select foo.a, foo.b from foos foo where foo.a > {x})

SQL segment: with

lambda args:

where = -> x, $(with where foo.a > {x});
$(select foo.a with { 3})

sql args (TODO modify to use PG with syntax):

where = $(with (x) begin where foo.a > x end);
$(select foo.a with {where}(foo.b))

IO open with protocols

$(open ~/.vimrc).read

HTTP header

Symbolic computation

Do not shrink symbols

Add 3x syntax

Add syntax: int[] <exp>, dif[] <exp>, sum[], lim[], product[] and matrix

  :factor 3x**2 + 2x + 1

${sym int[x] x (+) :cos x }
${sym int[x=1..4] x (+) :cos x }
${sym lim[x->INF] 1/x }

Note - for seamless integration with numeric integration, $sym can reference lambdas, and args are set as $1, $2, ...

f = :method 'f'
${sym int[$1=1..4] f }

Greek names will be displayed in the original form

The expression only evaluates when output is required.

Note - the syntax in $sym is limited to calls, operators and constants.


Annotation macros are effective for compile-time AST transformation, an annotation starts with @ and takes a whole line

@attr_foo bar
def baz

Annotation can also be scoped within constant namespace

Foo::@attr_foo bar
def baz

[design NOTE] args in annotation must be constants, if you need run-time AST transformation, just use normal methods.

custom annotation

def @foo

NOTE: difference between the definition of infix @ method:

def @ that

ast transform examples


The options are the same as command line compile options only without the leading --

@attr_optimize $[w mutable-array static-dispatch static-type inline lazy]
def f
  a = []
  3.times do i
    a.push! i

NOTE lazy means the optimization is invoked the first time the method is invoked instead of doing it at once, so some methods defined afterwards can be located.


@maybe 'a'
def foo a
  x = a.b.c.d

Weak typing

treats everything as string, treat 0 and "" as false in conditions, consider nil as ""

@weak 's'
def foo s
  if s == 23
  if something.size

Attribute Unification

treats a.b as a["b"]

def foo
  h = {"a": 3, "b": 4}
  h.a # use h["a"] if method `a` is not defined
  h.b = 5

Web server Actions

@GET '/index.:format'
def index key1 key2 # gets arg by name
  String ~ key1
  {a: {b: x}} ~ key2

@PUT '/update.json'
def update

[NOTE] We may lose some compile-time advantages for syntax simplicity...

custom operators

to add new infix operators

Kernel::Lang.add_operator "^_^" {precedence: 5}

then it can be used in def, . or : calling

class M
  def ^_^ other

operator naming rule: {Symbol}({Word}|{Symbol})*{Symbol}

custom comment processors

def # src obj # the object following the processor (constant or method)
  ... return a comment obj or nil for non-doc identities

[TODO] this syntax makes lexer not very consistent, maybe we should use namespace.def_comment

comment object

comment_obj.to_term # to ansi terminal (colorful)
comment_obj.to_html # to html
comment_obj.assoc "A::B::foo"

you can use assoc method to document macro methods

comment processors are module-aware

class Foo
  def # src context

class Bar
  def # src context

NOTE this custom comment processing framework provides a uniformed good way to document code, and SDE can make use of it for searching documents in code too.

NOTE for cross reference, a doc page contains simplified links which can be re-written by js, so no need to consider too much on it now.

We use the shorter name Proc to denote the light weight process (as in "process calculus"), and longer name Process to denote the much heavier operating system process.

spawning a new proc


proc = Proc[obj.method 'foo']

Proc starts running right after the spawning

new proc utils

Proc{sleep: true, call: ->

We don't need new_seq ? We can manual code the invoking.

sleeping and terminating a proc


sleep and awake

proc.sleep $5seconds # wake after 5 seconds
proc.sleep           # sleep permantly

sleep current proc

:sleep 5.0

proc communication

Only through channels

chan = Channel{"type": Integer}

recv and send

  x = chanx.recv
  chan.send 'foo'

For rendezvous (or barrier, join) behavior, the primitive way:

chan = Channel{}
  x = chanx.recv
  chan.send x
y = chan.recv
x = chan.recv

A simpler, parallel way

[x, y] = Proc.par ->
end ->

uniq channel

Channel{"uniq": true}

timer proc

# one-shot
Proc.timeout 5.3 ->

# if one round takes more than the interval to finish
# then the next round (or maybe more rounds) is canceled
Proc.interval_seq 5.3 ->

# always start a proc after the interval
Proc.overlap_interval 5.3 ->

error handling

Proc dies if error is thrown. We can make a pool to monitor procs inside.

pool = Proc.pool
pool.new_proc ->
pool.add some_proc
pool.catch -> e proc
  # may re-spawn proc here


utils to avoid resource locking

Grouped channels - with biased priority

g = Channel::Group[]
c1 = g.new_channel
c2 = g.new_channel

uniq channel (reconcilation?)

Note: only keep messages in buffer uniq

c = Channel.uniq
c.send 1
c.send 1

channel lifecycle

channel is ref-counted (closes external connection too)

If a channel is totally used for external connection, just retain it.

some_chan.retain # additional retain

channel with limited slots?

No need, just check size of the channel and decide whether to drop the message.


Just start same proc several times.

about static analysis

It is hard to do so in a dynamic language, but maybe we can make the analysis in some point after all processes are loaded and detect resource exhausion after building channel/process graph.

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