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Luis Medina luisdamed

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luisdamed /
Last active May 7, 2024 20:43
A simple script that I use to generate arc-deformed images that wrap perfectly around a truncated straight cone shape. Example: vinyl wrapping for a camera lens hood, print image for a latte mug, you get the idea...
# Compute the key dimensions of the flattened surface of a truncated cone
# Use the cone height H, large diameter L and small diamater D to calculate the
# ring sector that wraps around it, given by the parameters:
# P (inner radius), Q (outer radius) and alpha (sector angle)
# check out
# Need to install CLI
# Consider using wand ( for a
# more "pythonic" interface
luisdamed /
Created April 21, 2023 22:19
Get the size of a 3D print job from the G-Code. Works for Verbosed G-Code from Prusa Slicer (tested on version 2.5.0+win64)
# Read the details about this on
def get_max_size(text):
pattern_xy= 'G1.X(\d*.\d*).Y(\d*.\d*).E\d*.\d*.;.perimeter'
pattern_z = 'G1.Z(\d*.\d*).F\d*.\d*.;.restore.layer.Z'
pattern_width = ';TYPE:Perimeter\n;WIDTH:(\d*.\d*).'
matches_xy = re.findall(pattern_xy, text)
x = list(list(zip(*matches_xy))[0])
y = list(list(zip(*matches_xy))[1])
luisdamed /
Last active April 10, 2023 14:54
Python script to get the maximum dimensions of a gcode file for 3D printing. Works for gcode created from PrusaSlicer, with verbose enabled
# %% Import libraries
import os
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
import re
class App(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
luisdamed / sl_customization.m
Created April 7, 2023 18:23
Create custom command for Simulink, allowing you to call addblocks.m from the Toolbox or using a combination of keys. See the explanation:
function sl_customization(cm)
cm.addCustomMenuFcn('Simulink:ToolsMenu', @getMyMenuItems);
function schemaFcns = getMyMenuItems(~)
schemaFcns = {@autoAddBlocks};
function schema = autoAddBlocks(~)
luisdamed / batchgoto.m
Created April 7, 2023 13:31
Batch-create matching Simulink From blocks based on the current selection of Goto blocks. Read the article I wrote about this:
subsystem = gcs;
goto_objects = Simulink.findBlocksOfType(selection, 'Goto', 'Selected', 'on');
for i_block = 1:numel(goto_objects)
tag = get_param(goto_objects(i_block), 'Gototag');
origin_position = get_param(goto_objects(i_block), 'Position');
dest_block = [subsystem '/Goto'];
dest_position = origin_position + [200 0 200 0];
handle = add_block('built-in/from', dest_block, 'MakeNameUnique','on');
set_param(handle, 'Gototag', tag, 'Position', dest_position);
luisdamed / addblocks.m
Last active April 7, 2023 13:27
Batch-create matching Simulink blocks based on the current selection. Read the article I wrote about this:
subsystem = gcs; % Get current system
objects = gsb; % Get selected blocks
% Alternative: find_system(gcs,'Selected','on')
for i_block = 1:numel(objects)
% Add Outports and connected lines for From blocks
if strcmp(get_param(objects{i_block}, 'BlockType'), 'From')
% Get the tag and position of the From block
tag = get_param(objects{i_block}, 'Gototag');
luisdamed / Macropad_3x3_test.ino
Created March 17, 2023 07:10
A simple code to test the connections of a 3x3 macropad based on the Arduino Pro Micro
#include <Mouse.h>
#include <Keyboard.h>
// Defining each pin, with a unique name
#define KEY0 0
#define KEY1 1
#define KEY2 2
#define KEY3 3
#define KEY4 4
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luisdamed / PieChart_Python_Pygal_Thingiverse_Proportion_Makes_vs_Things.svg
Created March 3, 2023 05:41
Pie chart showing the average number of makes for the models in each category of Thingiverse as of October 2022
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