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Created December 21, 2019 14:54
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Mikrotik/RouterOS Script to update DDNS on No-IP (
# No-IP DDNS Updater
:global publicIP;
:global abortUpdate;
:if ([:typeof $abortUpdate] != "bool") do={
:set $abortUpdate false;
:if ($abortUpdate) do={
:error "DDNS: Update aborted. Intervention required.";
:local currentIP;
:local targetInterface "<interface | auto>";
:local ddnsUser "<username>";
:local ddnsPass "<password>";
:local ddnsHost "<hostname>";
:local ddnsURL "$ddnsHost&myip=$currentIP";
:if ($targetInterface = "auto") do={
:local response [/tool fetch url="" as-value output=user];
:if ($response->"status" = "finished") do={
:set currentIP ($response->"data");
} else={
:set currentIP "";
} else={
:set currentIP [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=$targetInterface] address];
:if ([:typeof $currentIP] = nil) do={
:error "DDNS: No IP obtained.";
} else={
:set $currentIP [:pick [:tostr $currentIP] 0 [:find [:tostr $currentIP] "/"]];
:if ($currentIP != $publicIP) do={
:local response [/tool fetch url=$ddnsURL user=$ddnsUser password=$ddnsPass as-value output=user];
:if ($response->"status" = "finished") do={
:local data ($response->"data");
:set $abortUpdate (!([:pick $data 0 4] = "good" || [:pick $data 0 5] = "nochg"));
:set $publicIP $currentIP;
:log info "DDNS: Update succeeded."
} else={
:log error "DDNS: Update failed.";
} else {
:log info "DDNS: No IP change.";
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Thanks for the script - works well. But I've noticed that the log always shows updated succeeded, even if my IP didn't change since the previous update.

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Hi, I can't get this to run on version v.6.49.4

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Hi, I can't get this to run on version v.6.49.4

Interesting - I have it working on v6.49.5, except it always reports the IP as changed, even when it it's the same.

Did you update the targetInterface, username, password, and hostname?

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x8009 commented Sep 17, 2023

It's not working with 7.x
any fix?

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not working for me on 6.49.8
i dont get nothing in log and ip not updating

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frosty024 commented Apr 20, 2024

April 19, 2024

Still working for me, running firmware arm64-7.14.3 on an RB5009.
Also running it on an older RB2011 and an older RB951 with firmware mipsbe-6.49.14; working fine.

The script still always reports the IP was updated because it was changed, even when it hasn't changed... But it does actually update when the IP does change, and that's all that matters.

Beware that certain special characters in your NO-IP username/password may not work on a 'tik without first escaping ( \ ) them in pre-7.0 firmware. #

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