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Last active March 3, 2018 20:19
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  • Save luizbafilho/99c6ec91b0c3415df75b4c4cf7d0265a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save luizbafilho/99c6ec91b0c3415df75b4c4cf7d0265a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set-option -g default-shell /usr/local/bin/zsh
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set -g repeat-time 125
set -g base-index 1 # count from 1
set-option -g allow-rename off
set -s escape-time 0
#Change prefix key to backtick (`)
unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix `
# So we can still use ` when needed
bind-key C-a set-option -g prefix C-a
bind-key C-b set-option -g prefix `
# Easy bindings for split
unbind %
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind m
bind m resize-pane -Z
# Enable mouse mode (tmux 2.1 and above)
set -g mouse on
bind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "send-keys -M" "if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'select-pane -t=; copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'"
bind -n WheelDownPane select-pane -t= \; send-keys -M
bind -n C-WheelUpPane select-pane -t= \; copy-mode -e \; send-keys -M
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi WheelUpPane send -X scroll-up
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi WheelDownPane send -X scroll-down
# reload config file (change file location to your the tmux.conf you want to use)
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R
set -g status-bg "colour234"
set -g message-command-fg "colour231"
set -g status-justify "centre"
set -g status-left-length "100"
set -g status "on"
set -g pane-active-border-fg "colour254"
set -g message-bg "colour31"
set -g status-right-length "100"
set -g status-right-attr "none"
set -g message-fg "colour231"
set -g message-command-bg "colour31"
set -g status-attr "none"
set -g pane-border-fg "colour240"
set -g status-left-attr "none"
setw -g window-status-fg "colour250"
setw -g window-status-attr "none"
setw -g window-status-activity-bg "colour234"
setw -g window-status-activity-attr "underscore"
setw -g window-status-activity-fg "colour250"
setw -g window-status-separator ""
setw -g window-status-bg "colour234"
set -g status-left "#[fg=colour16,bg=colour254,bold] #S #[fg=colour254,bg=colour240,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour237,bg=colour240] #W #[fg=colour240,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]"
set -g status-right "#[fg=colour232,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour250,bg=colour232] %a #[fg=colour236,bg=colour232,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour247,bg=colour236] #W %R #[fg=colour252,bg=colour236,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour235,bg=colour252] #H "
setw -g window-status-format "#[fg=colour234,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[default] #I #W #[fg=colour234,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]"
setw -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=colour234,bg=colour31,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour231,bg=colour31,bold] #I #W #F #[fg=colour31,bg=colour234,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]"
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