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Created December 23, 2016 12:13
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define('VERIFY_TOKEN', 'teste');
define('API_URL', ''.BOT_TOKEN);
$hub_verify_token = null;
function processMessage($message) {
// processa a mensagem recebida
$sender = $message['sender']['id'];
$text = $message['message']['text'];//texto recebido na mensagem
$account_linking_status = $message['account_linking']['status'];
if (isset($text)) {
if ($text === "login" || $text === "Login") {
sendMessage(array('recipient' => array('id' => $sender), 'message' => array("attachment" => array('type'=>'template','payload'=>array('template_type'=>'generic','elements'=>array(array("title"=> "Teste de Login","image_url"=>"",'buttons'=>array(array('type'=>'account_link','url'=>'')))))))));
}else {
sendMessage(array('recipient' => array('id' => $sender), 'message' => array("text" => "Olá! Eu sou um bot que serve com exemplo da funcionalidade 'Vinculação de Contas' da API do Facebook Messenger. Digite 'login' para começar.")));
sendMessage(array('recipient' => array('id' => $sender), 'message' => array("text" => "Quer ver o código-fonte desse bot? Acesse:")));
} else if(isset($account_linking_status)){
sendMessage(array('recipient' => array('id' => $sender), 'message' => array("text" => "Login feito com sucesso!")));
sendMessage(array('recipient' => array('id' => $sender), 'message' => array("text" => "Logout feito com sucesso")));
function sendMessage($parameters) {
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => json_encode($parameters),
'header'=> "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" .
"Accept: application/json\r\n"
$context = stream_context_create( $options );
file_get_contents(API_URL, false, $context );
//-----VEFICA O WEBHOOK-----//
if(isset($_REQUEST['hub_challenge'])) {
$challenge = $_REQUEST['hub_challenge'];
$hub_verify_token = $_REQUEST['hub_verify_token'];
if ($hub_verify_token === VERIFY_TOKEN) {
echo $challenge;
//-----FIM VERIFICAÇÃO-----//
$update_response = file_get_contents("php://input");
// Save the output (to append or create file)
$fh = fopen("linking.txt", "w+");
fwrite($fh, $update_response);
$update = json_decode($update_response, true);
if (isset($update['entry'][0]['messaging'][0])) {
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