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Created May 28, 2017 00:35
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local.conf for better font rendering on linux
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<edit mode="prepend" name="family"><string>Noto Sans</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test qual="any" name="family"><string>serif</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"><string>Noto Serif</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test qual="any" name="family"><string>sans-serif</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"><string>Noto Sans</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test qual="any" name="family"><string>monospace</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"><string>Noto Mono</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<edit name="dpi" mode="assign">96</edit>
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter">
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