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Created September 4, 2022 16:12
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Structural Pattern Matching - Python Examples
from dataclasses import dataclass
def execute_command(command):
if command == 'ls':
print('$ listing files')
elif command == 'cd':
print('$ changing directory')
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('pwd')
# case 'batata': = if case == 'batata':
# case _: == else (default case)
def execute_command(command):
match command:
case 'ls':
print('$ listing files')
case 'cd':
print('$ changing directory')
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('pwd')
# Commands in match
# match command_food.split(' '): # split two values
# case ['like', food, ]: # get a literal and a variable
def execute_command(command):
match command.split():
case ['ls', path, *_]:
print('$ listing files from', path)
case ['cd', path]:
print('$ changing directory to', path)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('ls /home/ /Users /mais')
# execute_command('cd /Users/')
# Case with or inside a list
# case ['enjoy' | 'love', food]:
def execute_command(command):
match command.split():
case ['ls' | 'list', path, *_]:
print('$ listing files from', path)
case ['cd', path]:
print('$ changing directory to', path)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('ls /home/ /Users /mais')
# execute_command('list /home/ /Users /mais')
# With rest
# case ['like', *foods]
def execute_command(command):
match command.split():
case ['ls' | 'list', *directories]:
for directory in directories:
print('$ listing directory from', directory)
case ['cd', path]:
print('$ changing directory to', path)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('ls /home/ /Users /mais')
# With case guard
# case ['like', *foods] if len(foods) <= 1:
def execute_command(command):
match command.split():
case ['ls' | 'list', *directories] if len(directories) > 1:
for directory in directories:
print('$ listing ALL directories from', directory)
case ['ls' | 'list', *directories] if len(directories) <= 1:
print('$ listing ONE directory from', directories[0])
case ['cd', path]:
print('$ changing directory to', path)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('ls /home/ /Users /mais')
# execute_command('ls /one/')
# With as
# case data as variable if 'CRACKED' in variable:
def execute_command(command):
match command.split():
case ['ls' | 'list' as the_command, *directories] as the_list if len(directories) > 1:
for directory in directories:
print('$ listing ALL directories from', directory)
print(f'{the_command=}, {the_list=}')
case ['ls' | 'list', *directories] if len(directories) <= 1:
print('$ listing ONE directory from', directories[0])
case ['cd', path]:
print('$ changing directory to', path)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('ls /home/ /Users /mais')
# execute_command('ls /one/')
# With generic placeholders
# case ['A', 'B', _, _]:
# case ['A', 'B', _, _, *_, 'Z']:
def execute_command(command):
match command.split():
case ['ls' | 'list', _, *directories, _]:
for directory in directories:
print('$ listing ALL directories from', directory)
case ['cd', path]:
print('$ changing directory to', path)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command('ls /home/ /Users /mais')
# execute_command('ls /one/')
# With dicts
# case {'name': _, 'last': 'Doe'}:
# case {'name': 'Otávio' as name, 'last': 'Doe'} as data:
def execute_command(command):
match command:
case {'command': 'ls', 'directories': [_, *_]}:
for directory in command['directories']:
print('$ listing ALL directories from', directory)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
# execute_command({'command': 'ls', 'directories': []})
# execute_command('ls /one/')
# With objects
# case Food(name='rice') | Food(name='banana'):
class Command:
command: str
directories: list[str]
def execute_command(command: Command):
match command:
case Command(command='ls', directories=[_, *_]):
for directory in command.directories:
print('$ listing ALL directories from', directory)
case Command(command='cd', directories=[_, *_]):
for directory in command.directories:
print('$ changing to', directory)
case _: # Não obrigatório
print('$ command not implemented')
print(' of the code')
execute_command(Command('ls', ['/users']))
execute_command(Command('cd', ['/users']))
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