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Last active November 8, 2023 18:04
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vundle work with neovim

after install neovim nvim config file folder ~/.config/nvim

$ git clone ~/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim

set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin("~/.config/nvim/bundle")
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trprado commented Jan 29, 2018

Not work to me, to solve I modified to:

set nocompatible               " be improved, required
filetype off                   " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()            " required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'  " required

" ===================
" my plugins here
" ===================

" Plugin 'dracula/vim'

" ===================
" end of plugins
" ===================
call vundle#end()               " required
filetype plugin indent on       " required

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andersonbosa commented Jul 23, 2021

thank you!!! to let this public** it help me

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This helped me as well, thanks!

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Chien-Mu commented Jul 7, 2023

If you prefer not to have two "bundle" directories existing, you can modify the following content:

Change $HOME/.vim/bundle to $HOME/.config/nvim/bundle.

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