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Last active May 9, 2016 16:58
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toArray = (d) -> []
currify = (fn, args, remaining)->
if remaining < 1
return fn.apply(null, args)
currify(fn, args.slice(0, fn.length - 1).concat(toArray(arguments)), remaining - arguments.length)
curry = (fn) ->
currify(fn, toArray(arguments), fn.length - arguments.length)
module.exports =
curry: curry
get: curry (property, object) ->
pick: curry (properties, object) ->
if typeof properties is "string"
properties = [properties]
tmp = {}
tmp[k] = v for k,v of object when properties.indexOf(k) > -1
total: (m, n) -> m + n
average: (m, n, i, list) ->
if i is list.length - 1
(m + n) / list.length
m + n
{curry, get, pick, total, average} = require "server/utils/functional"
sum =
data = null
describe "functional", ->
beforeEach ->
data = [
name: "Foo"
value: 1
year: 1970
name: "Bar"
value: 2
year: 1971
name: "Qux"
value: 3
year: 1972
sum = curry (a, b, c, d) -> a + b + c + d
describe "#curry", ->
it "works in any order", ->
expect(sum(1,2,3,4)) .toBe 10
expect(sum(1,2)(3)(4)) .toBe 10
expect(sum(1)(2,3,4)) .toBe 10
expect(sum(1)(2)(3)(4)) .toBe 10
it "returns original function if all args exist", ->
name = get("name", data[0])
expect(name).toBe "Foo"
it "returns a function", ->
name = get("name")
expect(name(data[0])).toBe "Foo"
expect(name(data[1])).toBe "Bar"
expect(name(data[2])).toBe "Qux"
describe "#get", ->
it "combines with map", ->
names ="name"))
expect(names).toEqual ["Foo", "Bar", "Qux"]
describe "#pick", ->
it "combines with map", ->
names =["name", "year"]))
expect(names).toEqual [
name: "Foo"
year: 1970
name: "Bar"
year: 1971
name: "Qux"
year: 1972
describe "#average", ->
it "averages with reduce", ->
expect("value")).reduce(average)).toBe 2
describe "#total", ->
it "totals with reduce", ->
expect("value")).reduce(total)).toBe 6
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