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Created March 12, 2023 17:02
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Sorting/Drag&Drop Demo Using AlpineJS + TailwindCSS
<div class="min-h-screen justify-center flex p-16 bg-blue-200">
<!-- This is a revised version. See the original clunky version here: -->
<p class="mb-10 text-center">Drag & drop or press the menu icon button <br>(or use your tab key)</p>
<div class="pt-6 pb-4 bg-indigo-500 rounded-lg shadow-xl max-w-sm">
<h1 id="agenda-title" class="text-white font-extrabold text-lg p-6 pt-0">What's the agenda for today?</h1>
x-title="Sorting Demo"
x-data="dragAndSortHandler(items)""usedKeyboard = true"
@dragleave="dropcheck--;dropcheck || rePositionPlaceholder()"
<template x-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
@dragend="$'draggable', false)"
class="border-b border-transparent"
'opacity-25': indexBeingDragged == index,
<!-- Pointer events are disabled while dragging, otherwise drag events fire on child elements -->
<div class="bg-indigo-300 p-6 flex justify-between"
:class="{'pointer-events-none': indexBeingDragged}">
<p x-text=""></p>
<div class="relative" aria-haspopup="true">
<!-- Lots of events are here as it combines click drag, click, and keyboard events -->
aria-label="Sorting menu"
:class="{'focus:outline-none': !usedKeyboard}">
class="block w-6 text-indigo-500"
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
d="M3 5a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 110 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1zM3 10a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 110 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1zM3 15a1 1 0 011-1h12a1 1 0 110 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1z"
:aria-expanded="(openedContextMenu == index).toString()"
x-show="openedContextMenu == index"
x-transition:enter="transition ease-in duration-100"
x-transition:enter-start="transform opacity-75 -translate-y-1"
x-transition:leave-end="transform -translate-y-1 opacity-0"
class="absolute w-32 bg-indigo-500 py-2 -mt-3 left-0 transform -translate-x-12 z-50 shadow-lg rounded text-sm">
<li role="menuitem">
@click="index && move(index, index - 1)"
class="text-left w-full pl-4 hover:bg-indigo-400"
:class="{'focus:outline-none': !usedKeyboard}"
Move up
<!-- hard coded for two options. If you need more then you need a new method -->
<li role="menuitem">
@click="(index + 1 < items.length) && move(index + 1, index)"
class="text-left w-full pl-4 hover:bg-indigo-400"
:class="{'focus:outline-none': !usedKeyboard}">
Move down
<!-- Dev tools -->
const items = [
name: 'Learn about the draggable API',
name: 'Practice guitar',
name: 'Read a novel for 25 minutes',
name: 'Practice Thai vocabulary',
name: 'Sleep',
function dragAndSortHandler(items) {
return {
// Keeps track of when we leave the dropzone
// Otherwise child events will trigger @dragloave
dropcheck: 0,
usedKeyboard: false,
originalIndexBeingDragged: null,
indexBeingDragged: null,
indexBeingDraggedOver: null,
openedContextMenu: null,
items: items,
preDragOrder: items,
dragstart(event) {
if (this.openedContextMenu) {
// Without this the drag will show the context menu
return this.closeContextMenu()
// Store a copy for when we drag out of range
this.preDragOrder = [...this.items]
// The index is continuously updated to reorder live and also keep a placeholder
this.indexBeingDragged ='x-ref')
// The original is needed for then the drag leaves the container
this.originalIndexBeingDragged ='x-ref')
// Not entirely sure this is needed but moz recommended it (?)
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"
updateListOrder(event) {
// This fires every time you drag over another list item
// It reorders the items array but maintains the placeholder
if (this.indexBeingDragged) {
this.indexBeingDraggedOver ='x-ref')
let from = this.indexBeingDragged
let to = this.indexBeingDraggedOver
if (this.indexBeingDragged == to) return
if (from == to) return
this.move(from, to)
this.indexBeingDragged = to
// These are needed for the handle effect
setParentDraggable(event) {'li').setAttribute('draggable', true)
setParentNotDraggable(event) {'li').setAttribute('draggable', false)
resetState() {
this.dropcheck = 0
this.indexBeingDragged = null
this.preDragOrder = [...this.items]
this.indexBeingDraggedOver = null
this.originalIndexBeingDragged = null
// This acts as a cancelled event, when the item is dropped outside the container
revertState() {
this.items = this.preDragOrder.length ? this.preDragOrder : this.items
// Just repositions the placeholder when we move out of range of the container
rePositionPlaceholder() {
this.items = [...this.preDragOrder]
this.indexBeingDragged = this.originalIndexBeingDragged
move(from, to) {
let items = this.items
if (to >= items.length) {
let k = to - items.length + 1
while (k--) {
items.splice(to, 0, items.splice(from, 1)[0])
this.items = items
// THe rest are just for adding better UX to the context menu
openContextMenu(event) {
this.openedContextMenu ='li').__x_for_key
closeAllContextMenus() {
this.openedContextMenu = null
highlightFirstContextButton($event) {'button').focus()
highlightNextContextMenuItem(event) {'li').nextElementSibling.querySelector('button').focus()
highlightPreviousContextMenuItem(event) {'li').previousElementSibling.querySelector('button').focus()
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
[x-cloak] { display: none; }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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