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Created August 6, 2020 20:49
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# community
# by
from distutils import util
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, Set, List
from ciphey.iface import ParamSpec, Cracker, CrackResult, CrackInfo, T, registry, Config
class XandY(Cracker[str]):
def getInfo(self, ctext: str) -> CrackInfo:
analysis = self.cache.get_or_update(
lambda: cipheycore.analyse_string(ctext),
# TODO Write something useful here
return CrackInfo(
def binary_to_ascii(variant):
# Convert the binary string to an integer with base 2
binary_int = int(variant, 2)
byte_number = binary_int.bit_length() + 7 // 8
# Convert the resulting int to a bytearray and then decode it to ascii text
binary_array = binary_int.to_bytes(byte_number, "big")
ascii_text = binary_array.decode()
return ascii_text
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return ""
def getTarget() -> str:
return "XandY"
def attemptCrack(self, ctext: str) -> List[CrackResult]:
Checks an input if it only consists of two different letters.
If this is the case, it attempts to regard those two letters as
0 and 1 and then converts it to ascii text.
ctext = ctext.lower().replace(" ", "").strip()
# cset contains every unique value in the cstring
cset = list(set(list(ctext)))
if len(cset) != 2:
# We only consider inputs with exactly two unique values
return None
# Form both variants of the substitution
variant_one = ctext.replace(cset[0], "0").replace(cset[1], "1")
variant_two = ctext.replace(cset[0], "1").replace(cset[1], "0")
# Apply function to both variants and strip stray NULL characters
candidate_one = self.binary_to_ascii(variant_one).strip("\x00")
candidate_two = self.binary_to_ascii(variant_two).strip("\x00")
# Replace empty strings with NoneType
candidate_one = None if candidate_one == "" else candidate_one
candidate_two = None if candidate_two == "" else candidate_two
return [candidate_one, candidate_two]
def getParams() -> Optional[Dict[str, ParamSpec]]:
return {
"expected": ParamSpec(
desc="The expected distribution of the plaintext",
"group": ParamSpec(
desc="An ordered sequence of chars that make up the caesar cipher alphabet",
"lower": ParamSpec(
desc="Whether or not the ciphertext should be converted to lowercase first",
"p_value": ParamSpec(
desc="The p-value to use for standard frequency analysis",
# TODO: Change this to match this class (it's copied over from caesar)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
# TODO: Change this to match this class (it's copied over from caesar)
self.lower: Union[str, bool] = self._params()["lower"]
if type(self.lower) != bool:
self.lower = util.strtobool(self.lower) = list(self._params()["group"])
self.expected = config.get_resource(self._params()["expected"])
self.cache = config.cache
self.p_value = self._params()["p_value"]
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