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Last active August 5, 2020 15:16
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from typing import Optional, Dict, List
from ciphey.iface import Config, T, U, Decoder, registry
class Atbash(Decoder[T, U]):
def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
Takes an encoded string and attempts to decode it according to the Atbash cipher.
The Atbash cipher is a very simple substitution cipher without a key.
It operates by replacing every letter in the input by its 'counterpoint'
in the alphabet. Example: A -> Z, B -> Y, ... , M -> N and vice versa.
dec = ''
letters = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
atbash_dict = {letters[i]:letters[::-1][i] for i in range(26)}
if type(ctext) == str: # Ensure that cyphertext is a string
ctext = ctext.lower() # Normalize the string to all-lowercase letters
return None
for l in ctext:
if l in atbash_dict.keys():
dec += atbash_dict[l] # Match every letter of the input to its atbash counterpoint
dec += l # If the current character is not in the defined alphabet,
# just accept it as-is (useful for numbers, punctuation,...)
return dec
def priority() -> float:
return 0.05 # Not expected to show up often, but also very fast to check.
def __init__(self, config: Config):
def getTarget() -> str:
return 'atbash'
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