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Last active April 12, 2017 10:15
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package org.softlang.ura
* Union type.
* @param T The type of the first option
* @param U The type of the second option
* @param isLeft True if the type is the first option
* @param it The value stored without explicit type information
data class Choice<out T, out U>(val isLeft: Boolean, val it: Any?) {
* True if not left.
val isRight get() = !isLeft
* The value if choice is left. Calling when [isRight] results in an [IllegalArgumentException].
val left get() = if (isLeft) it as T else throw IllegalArgumentException("Choice is not left")
* The value if choice is right. Calling when [isLeft] results in an [IllegalArgumentException].
val right get() = if (!isLeft) it as U else throw IllegalArgumentException("Choice is not right")
override fun toString() =
this onLeft {
"($it, -)"
} onRight {
"(-, $it)"
* First half of handling both options in the choice. When [onRight] is called, the appropriate mapping is invoked
* for the choice.
* @param X The input type of the mapping function, can be a supertype of the left option
* @param T The type of the left option
* @param U The type of the right option
* @param R The return type of the operation, should be the more generic type
* @param choice The original choice to handle
* @param onLeft The transformation for the left option
class OnLeft<X, out T : X, out U, R>(val choice: Choice<T, U>, val onLeft: (X) -> R) {
* Specifies the right mapping and applies the transformation.
* @param onRight The transformation for the right option
* @return Returns the result of [onLeft] if [choice] is left, otherwise the result of [onRight].
infix fun onRight(onRight: (U) -> R) =
if (choice.isLeft)
* First half of handling both options in the choice. When [onLeft] is called, the appropriate mapping is invoked
* for the choice.
* @param X The input type of the mapping function, can be a supertype of the right option
* @param T The type of the left option
* @param U The type of the right option
* @param R The return type of the operation, should be the more generic type
* @param choice The original choice to handle
* @param onRight The transformation for the right option
class OnRight<X, out T, out U : X, R>(val choice: Choice<T, U>, val onRight: (X) -> R) {
* Specifies the left mapping and applies the transformation.
* @param onLeft The transformation for the left option
* @return Returns the result of [onLeft] if [choice] is left, otherwise the result of [onRight].
infix fun onLeft(onLeft: (T) -> R) =
if (choice.isLeft)
* Starts a choice transformation with the mapping function for the left option, see [OnLeft].
infix fun <X, T : X, U, R> Choice<T, U>.onLeft(onLeft: (X) -> R) =
OnLeft(this, onLeft)
* Starts a choice transformation with the mapping function for the right option, see [OnLeft].
infix fun <X, T, U : X, R> Choice<T, U>.onRight(onRight: (X) -> R) =
OnRight(this, onRight)
* Maps the left value to either a value of a new left type or the old right type.
infix fun <T, U, V> Choice<T, U>.outerMapLeft(block: (T) -> Choice<V, U>) =
if (isLeft) block(left) else Choice<V, U>(false, right)
* Maps the right value to either a value of a new right type or the old right type.
infix fun <T, U, V> Choice<T, U>.outerMapRight(block: (U) -> Choice<T, V>) =
if (isRight) block(right) else Choice<T, V>(true, left)
* Maps the left value to a value of a new left type.
infix fun <T, U, V> Choice<T, U>.mapLeft(block: (T) -> V) =
Choice<V, U>(isLeft, if (isLeft) block(left) else it)
* Maps the right value to a value of a new right type.
infix fun <T, U, V> Choice<T, U>.mapRight(block: (U) -> V) =
Choice<T, V>(isLeft, if (isRight) block(right) else it)
* For non nullable [T] and [U], deconstructs a choice into a pair of nullable [T] and [U].
* @param T The left type
* @param U The right type
* @receiver The choice to deconstruct
* @return Returns a pair of nullable left and nullable right
val <T : Any, U : Any> Choice<T, U>.deconstructed get() = Pair(
if (isLeft) left else null,
if (isRight) right else null)
* Creates a choice that is the left option.
* @param T The left type
* @param U The right type
* @param it The value
* @return Returns a new choice
fun <T, U> left(it: T) = Choice<T, U>(true, it)
* Creates a choice that is the right option.
* @param T The left type
* @param U The right type
* @param it The value
* @return Returns a new choice
fun <T, U> right(it: U) = Choice<T, U>(false, it)
* For a non-nullable [T] and input of type [T]?, returns a choice of left [T] if not null, and right [Unit] if null.
* @param T The type of the value, cannot be nullable
* @receiver The value to convert
* @return Returns a new choice
val <T : Any> T?.orUnit get() = if (this != null) left<T, Unit>(this) else right<T, Unit>(Unit)
* Tries to apply the [block] returning it as [left], if it fails in an exception of type [U], returning it as [right].
* @param T The return type of the block
* @param U The type of the exception
* @param block The block to execute
* @return Returns a choice of either the result or the exception of the block
inline fun <T, reified U : Throwable> tryFor(block: () -> T): Choice<T, U> = try {
} catch(t: Throwable) {
if (t is U)
throw t
* Instance of [tryFor], where all exceptions are caught.
* @param T The return type of the block
* @param block The block to execute
* @return Returns a choice of either the result or the exception of the block
inline fun <T> tryForThrowable(block: () -> T): Choice<T, Throwable> = tryFor(block)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Some choices between number and string
val a: Choice<Number, String> = left(34.5f)
val b: Choice<Number, String> = left(40)
val c: Choice<Number, String> = right("Hello")
// A method handling that choice type
val f = { u: Choice<Number, String> ->
// Map either side accordingly
val d = u onLeft {
it.toDouble() / 2
} onRight {
// Invoke!
// Do some deconstruction
val (n, s) = a.deconstructed
println(tryForThrowable { 1 / 0 })
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