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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Implementation of a pipe combinator system that supports carrying non-semantic info through pipeline elements.
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Created by Lukas Härtel on 14.02.14.
public class Pipes {
* Interface describing a tuple
* @param <A> The type of the first item
* @param <B> The type of the second item
public static interface Tuple<A, B> {
public A getA();
public B getB();
* Special tuple that can substitute the individual components and remain state
* @param <A> The type of the first item
* @param <B> The type of the second item
public static interface Sub<A, B> extends Tuple<A, B> {
public <C> Sub<C, B> subA(C a);
public <C> Sub<A, C> subB(C b);
public default <X, Y> Sub<X, Y> sub(X a, Y b) {
return subA(a).subB(b);
* Single is a special case implementation of a substitutable tuple. It does not carry any secondary item
* @param <A> The type of the value
public static class Single<A> implements Sub<A, Void> {
public final A a;
public Single(A a) {
this.a = a;
public <C> Sub<C, Void> subA(C a) {
return new Single<>(a);
public <C> Sub<A, C> subB(C b) {
return new Item<>(a, b);
public <X, Y> Sub<X, Y> sub(X a, Y b) {
return new Item<>(a, b);
public A getA() {
return a;
public Void getB() {
return null;
* The item is a basic implementation of the substitutable tuple
* @param <A> The type of the first item
* @param <B> The type of the second item
public static class Item<A, B> implements Sub<A, B> {
public final A a;
public final B b;
public Item(A a, B b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public <C> Sub<C, B> subA(C a) {
return new Item<>(a, b);
public <C> Sub<A, C> subB(C b) {
return new Item<>(a, b);
public <X, Y> Sub<X, Y> sub(X a, Y b) {
return new Item<>(a, b);
public A getA() {
return a;
public B getB() {
return b;
public String toString() {
return "(" + a + ", " + b + ")";
* Abstract class for pipes that take an item of type A and produce an item of type B
* @param <A> The type of the input items
* @param <B> The type of the output items
public static abstract class Pipe<A, B> implements Consumer<Sub<A, ?>> {
public Consumer<Sub<B, ?>> consumer;
public void accept(Sub<A, ?> stream) {
apply(stream.getA(), (b) -> consumer.accept(stream.subA(b)));
* Takes the item and passes a transformation to the consumer out
* @param item The source item
* @param out The output consumer
protected abstract void apply(A item, Consumer<B> out);
* Abstract class for pipes that take an element of type A with a carried element of type X and produce an element
* of type B with carried element of type X
* @param <A> The type of the input element
* @param <X> The type of the carried element
* @param <B> The type of the output element
public static abstract class XPipe<A, X, B> implements Consumer<Sub<A, ?>> {
public Consumer<Sub<B, ?>> consumer;
public final Class<X> xClass;
protected XPipe(Class<X> xClass) {
this.xClass = xClass;
public void accept(Sub<A, ?> stream) {
apply(stream.getA(), xClass.cast(stream.getB()), b -> consumer.accept(stream.subA(b)));
protected abstract void apply(A a, X x, Consumer<B> out);
* Abstract class for pipes that take an element of type A with a carried element of type X and produce an element
* of type B with carried element of type Y
* @param <A> The type of the input element
* @param <X> The type of the input carried element
* @param <B> The type of the output element
* @param <Y> The type of the output carried element
public static abstract class XYPipe<A, X, B, Y> implements Consumer<Sub<A, ?>> {
public Consumer<Sub<B, ?>> consumer;
public final Class<X> xClass;
protected XYPipe(Class<X> xClass) {
this.xClass = xClass;
public void accept(Sub<A, ?> stream) {
apply(stream.getA(), xClass.cast(stream.getB()), (b, y) -> consumer.accept(stream.sub(b, y)));
protected abstract void apply(A a, X x, BiConsumer<B, Y> out);
* Filter is a pipe element that filters based on a predicate
* @param <A> The type of the elements to filter
public static class Filter<A> extends Pipe<A, A> {
public final Predicate<A> filter;
public Filter(Predicate<A> filter) {
this.filter = filter;
protected void apply(A item, Consumer<A> out) {
if (filter.test(item)) {
* Mapping is a pipe element that transforms based on a function
* @param <A> The type of the source elements
* @param <B> The type of the target elements
public static class Mapping<A, B> extends Pipe<A, B> {
public final Function<A, B> mapping;
public Mapping(Function<A, B> mapping) {
this.mapping = mapping;
protected void apply(A item, Consumer<B> out) {
* Swap is a pipe element that swaps the carrier lane with the element lane
* @param <A> The type of the element lane
* @param <B> The type of the carrier lane
public static class Swap<A, B> extends XYPipe<A, B, B, A> {
protected Swap(Class<B> bClass) {
protected void apply(A a, B b, BiConsumer<B, A> out) {
out.accept(b, a);
* The induce pipe element combines the element and the carrier-lane
* @param <A> The type of the element lane
* @param <X> The type of the carrier lane
public static class Induce<A, X> extends XPipe<A, X, Tuple<A, X>> {
public Induce(Class<X> xClass) {
protected void apply(A a, X x, Consumer<Tuple<A, X>> out) {
out.accept(new Item<>(a, x));
public static void main(String... args) {
final Filter<String> startsWith2 = new Filter<>(x -> x.startsWith("2"));
final Mapping<String, Integer> parse = new Mapping<>(Integer::valueOf);
final Swap<Integer, String> swap = new Swap<>(String.class);
final Filter<String> startsWithH = new Filter<>(x -> x.startsWith("H"));
final Induce<String, Integer> induce = new Induce<>(Integer.class);
// Element starts with 2 -> parse element as int -> swap element and carrier -> carrier starts with H -> induce
startsWith2.consumer = parse;
parse.consumer = swap;
swap.consumer = startsWithH;
startsWithH.consumer = induce;
induce.consumer = System.out::println;
startsWith2.accept(new Item<>("21", ""));
startsWith2.accept(new Item<>("245", "Hallo"));
startsWith2.accept(new Item<>("2467", "Hallo Welt"));
startsWith2.accept(new Item<>("256", "Welt"));
startsWith2.accept(new Item<>("356", "Mairier"));
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