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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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package eu.metatools.risk;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Intersector;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
public class Borderizer {
private static <T> T in(T[] t, int i) {
return t[((i % t.length) + t.length) % t.length];
private static float standart(float f) {
return ((f % 360.0f) + 360.0f) % 360.0f;
public static void borderize(float[] vertices, float radius,
float maxAnglePerSegment, TriangleConsumer con, boolean p) {
Vector2[] vs = new Vector2[vertices.length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length / 2; i++)
vs[i] = new Vector2(vertices[i * 2 + 0], vertices[i * 2 + 1]);
borderize(vs, radius, maxAnglePerSegment, con, p);
* Lower-case is normalized
* <pre>
* F G
* ^ r ^ s ^ t
* |\ |\ |\
* o---->o---->o---->o
* A m B n C o D
* </pre>
* @param vertices
* @param radius
* @param segsPerPi
public static void borderize(Vector2[] vertices, float radius,
float maxAnglePerSegment, TriangleConsumer con, boolean cw) {
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
// Before
final Vector2 a = in(vertices, i + (cw ? 0 : 3));
final Vector2 b = in(vertices, i + (cw ? 1 : 2));
final Vector2 c = in(vertices, i + (cw ? 2 : 1));
final Vector2 d = in(vertices, i + (cw ? 3 : 0));
final Vector2 m = b.cpy().sub(a).nor();
final Vector2 n = c.cpy().sub(b).nor();
final Vector2 o = d.cpy().sub(c).nor();
final Vector2 r = m.cpy().rotate90(1);
final Vector2 s = n.cpy().rotate90(1);
final Vector2 t = o.cpy().rotate90(1);
// Calculate first extra point
final Vector2 f = new Vector2();
switch ((int) Math.signum( {
case 1:
Intersector.intersectLines(a.x + r.x * radius, a.y + r.y
* radius, b.x + r.x * radius, b.y + r.y * radius,
b.x + s.x * radius, b.y + s.y * radius, c.x + s.x * radius, c.y
+ s.y * radius, f);
case 0:
case -1:
throw new IllegalStateException();
// Calculate second extra point
final Vector2 g = new Vector2();
switch ((int) Math.signum( {
case 1:
Intersector.intersectLines(b.x + s.x * radius, b.y + s.y
* radius, c.x + s.x * radius, c.y + s.y * radius,
c.x + t.x * radius, c.y + t.y * radius, d.x + t.x * radius, d.y
+ t.y * radius, g);
case 0:
case -1:
throw new IllegalStateException();
con.triangle(b, f, g);
con.triangle(g, c, b);
// Add a circle segment, if starting with a right turn
if ((int) Math.signum( == -1) {
float span = standart(r.angle() - s.angle());
int segs = (int) Math.ceil(span / maxAnglePerSegment);
Vector2 p = f;
for (int h = 0; h < segs; h++) {
s.rotate(span / segs);
Vector2 q = s.cpy().scl(radius).add(b);
con.triangle(b, p, q);
p = q;
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