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Created November 14, 2015 15:50
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// Optional Assignment
infix operator =? { associativity right precedence 90 }
/// Given a variable and an optional value it unwraps the optional value
/// and if it is non-nil it assigns the value to the variable. If the value
/// is nil it does nothing.
public func =? <T>(inout variable: T, optionalValue: T?) {
if let value = optionalValue {
variable = value
func before() -> String {
var variable: String = "InitialValue"
let optionalValue1: String? = nil
let optionalValue2: String? = "NewValue"
if let value1 = optionalValue1 {
variable = value1 // "InitialValue"
if let value2 = optionalValue2 {
variable = value2 // "NewValue"
return variable
func after() -> String {
var variable: String = "InitialValue"
let optionalValue1: String? = nil
let optionalValue2: String? = "NewValue"
variable =? optionalValue1 // "InitialValue"
variable =? optionalValue2 // "NewValue"
return variable
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