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Last active July 24, 2024 15:03
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truth sentences
leo is a kind of constellation
the earth revolving around the sun causes stars to appear in different areas in the sky at different times of year
a constellation contains stars
earth is a kind of celestial object
stars appear to move relative to the horizon during the night
a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
the earth rotating on its axis causes stars to appear to move across the sky at night
apparent motion is when an object appears to move relative to another object 's position
diurnal motion is when objects in the sky appear to move due to earth 's rotation on its axis
stars appear to move relative to the horizon during the night
the earth rotating on its axis causes stars / the moon to appear to move across the sky at night
the sun is the star that is closest to earth
a star produces light
a source of something produces that something
as a source of light becomes closer , the light will appear brighter
the sun is the star that is closest to earth
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth
as a source of light becomes closer , the light will appear brighter
a star produces light
a source of something produces that something
more light gets reflected on highly reflective things
venus is covered in highly reflective clouds
as the light reflected off of an object increases , the object will appear to be brighter
the amount of daylight is greatest in the summer
united states is located in the northern hemisphere
new york / new york state is a state located in the united states of america
june is during the summer in the northern hemisphere
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur
when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change
alaska is in winter season
alaska is a state located in the united states of america
united states is located in the northern hemisphere
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight
winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun
the earth rotates on its tilted axis
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
earth is a kind of planet
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day
1 day is equal to 24 hours
new york state is a state located in the united states of america
when the season changes , the amount of daylight will change
earth is a kind of planet
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
the earth rotates on its tilted axis
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the south pole is tilted toward the sun
florida is a state located in the united states of america
united states is located in the northern hemisphere
the south pole is located in the southern hemisphere
the winter in the northern hemisphere is during the summer in the southern hemisphere
earth is a kind of planet
the sun is a kind of star
1 year is equal to 365 days
the earth revolves around the sun
a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
earth is a kind of planet
the cycles of day and night is when the sun rises during the day and the sun sets at night
the earth rotates on its tilted axis
the earth rotates on its tilted axis
earth is a kind of planet
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
earth is a kind of planet
the earth rotates on its tilted axis
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
earth is a kind of planet
the sun is a kind of star
the earth revolves around the sun
a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
the earth revolves around the sun
the sun is a kind of star
earth is a kind of planet
the sun setting is a kind of event
the sun rising is a kind of event
the sun rising / setting occurs once per day
furthest / farthest means greatest / most / highest in distance
as the distance of a planet from the star it orbits increases , the length of a planetary year on that planet will increase
neptune is a kind of planet in the solar system
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
neptune is the planet that is furthest to the sun in the solar system
it is december 22
the north pole is located in the northern hemisphere
as the distance of a location from the north pole becomes smaller / closer , the amount of daylight received by that location will decrease during the winter
december is during the winter in the northern hemisphere
new york state is on earth
the sun rises in the east for people on earth
new york state is on earth
if a place is on earth, then that place will experience seasons
earth 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to occur
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
earth is a kind of planet
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day
1 day is equal to 24 hours
earth is a kind of planet
a complete revolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
earth is a kind of planet
the sun is a kind of star
the earth revolves around the sun
when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth
when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight
winter is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun
receiving direct sunlight causes objects to become warm
1 month is equal to 27-31 days
a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month
earth rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day
a planet rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
earth is a kind of planet
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month
rotation is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis
australia is located in the southern hemisphere
the winter in the southern hemisphere is during the summer in the northern hemisphere
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun
1 year is equal to 12 months
a complete revolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month
a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year
a complete rotation of the moon takes 1 / one month
the moon rotates on its axis
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the northern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth
a complete rotation of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day
1 year is equal to 365 days
a complete revolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year
the solar system contains the moon
the moon is the celestial object that is closest to the earth
the stars in the night sky are very far away from the earth
as distance to an object increases , that object will appear smaller
a planet is a kind of celestial object / body
a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
the sun is the star that is closest to earth
as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger
earth is a kind of planet
as the size of a light source increases , that light will appear brighter
a star produces light and heat
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
stars are located light years apart from each other
the sun is a kind of star
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year
proxima centauri is a kind of star
stars are located light years apart from each other
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000
light year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year
an object is 10 light years from earth
light years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000
stars are located light years apart from each other
the new moon is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth
a solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun
the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth
if the earth is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon
an object blocking light causes a shadow
the full moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon
a lunar eclipse is formed by earth 's shadow falling on the moon
a galaxy is held together by gravity
a galaxy is made of stars
a galaxy is a kind of very large system of stars
galaxies often contain hundreds of billions of stars
a galaxy is a kind of celestial body / celestial object
a celestial object has 200 billion stars, 30 million light years from earth, and 500 light years in diameter
galaxies are usually thousands of light years in diameter
galaxies are located millions of light years from earth
spiral is a kind of shape
the milky way is spiral in shape
galaxies can be classified by shape
the milky way is a kind of galaxy
a galaxy contains dusts / stars / planets
if something contains something else, then that something is made of that something else
a galaxy is held together by gravity
a space telescope captured images of star clusters that contains billions of stars
galaxies often contain hundreds of billions of stars
a halo contains mostly old stars
a halo is a part of a galaxy
the milky way is a kind of galaxy
a galaxy is a kind of structure
the sun is located in the milky way galaxy
the milky way is a kind of galaxy
galaxies often contain hundreds of billions of stars
a galaxy is a kind of structure
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
the moon reflects sunlight towards the earth
a moon is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
eyes are part of a human for seeing
there are humans on earth
a moon is a kind of satellite
the moon reflects sunlight towards the earth
the solar system contains the moon
the moon orbits the earth
the moon 's surface contains flat areas
the lunar / moon 's surface contains many craters
the moon 's surface contains highlands
the earth 's surface contains many craters
the lunar / moon 's surface contains many craters
drier means lower in amount of water / wetness / moisture
the moon has less water / air than the earth
earth has air
the moon has no air on it
mars is a kind of planet
moons orbit planets
phobos orbits mars
light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
the moon reflects sunlight towards the earth
a moon is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a dwarf planet usually is much smaller in size / in mass than other planets
as the mass of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
pluto is a kind of dwarf planet
a dwarf planet is a kind of celestial object
our sun is located at the center of our solar system
our solar system is located at the edge of the milky way galaxy
the sun is the star that is closest to earth
a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a star produces light and heat
a star produces light and heat
a candle is a source of light when it is burned
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
plasma is formed by electrons separating from atoms in stars
electrons are pulled away from atoms in a star by high temeprature
plasma is a kind of state of matter
the sun is located near the edge of the milky way galaxy
average is similar to medium
the sun is average in size for a star in our galaxy
a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
astronomical is similar to celestial
a star is a source of light / light energy through nuclear reactions
the formation of something is a kind of process
nuclear fusion causes star formation
if something causes a process then that something is required for that process
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
the sun is a kind of yellow dwarf
alpha mensae is a kind of main sequence star
a yellow dwarf is a kind of main sequence star
a yellow dwarf is a kind of main-sequence star
the sun is a kind of yellow dwarf
red giant stars are greater in volume than main sequence stars
stars are mostly made of hydrogen and helium
stars generally have the same chemical composition
the sun is a kind of star
hydrogen is the most common element in stars
nuclear fusion is a kind of process
nuclear fusion in a star 's core generates energy for stars to burn / shine
the sun is a kind of star
stars change type during their life cycles
classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type
stars can be classified by temperature, color, and brightness
nuclear fusion in a star 's core generates energy for stars to burn / shine
nuclear fusion converts hydrogen into helium
the sun is a kind of star
the sun is a kind of star
the core is a kind of layer of the sun
nuclear fusion happens in the core of a star
blue stars are the hottest in temperature
blue is a kind of color
earth is a kind of planet
the mass of a planet causes the pull of gravity on that planet
a solid object is taken from earth into space
the force of gravity is different in space from the force of gravity on earth
as the force of gravity changes , the weight of the object will change
as the mass of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
less is the opposite of more
a hammer is a kind of object
the earth has more mass than the moon
as the force of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
a rocket is a kind of object
the rocket escapes the gravitational pull of earth
as the force of gravity changes , the mass of the object will stay the same
if an object escapes the gravitational pull of a planet, then the force of gravity on that object will change
earth is a kind of planet
as the force of gravity changes , the weight of the object will change
earth is a kind of planet
mars is a kind of planet
as the force of gravity increases , the weight of objects will increase
earth is greater in mass than mars
as mass of a planet / of a celestial body increases , the force of gravity on that planet will increase
as the force of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
mars is a kind of planet
the mars rover is a kind of vehicle
earth is a kind of planet
gravitational force is similar to force of gravity
a vehicle is a kind of object
earth is greater in mass than mars
the gravitational force of a planet does not change the mass of an object on that planet or celestial body
as mass of a planet increases , the force of gravity on that planet will increase
the gravitational force of a celestial object does not change the mass of an object on that planet or celestial body
as the mass of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
a rocket is a kind of object
the earth has more mass than the moon
a moon is a kind of celestial object
less is the opposite of more
earth is a kind of celestial object
as the force of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
less is the opposite of more
as the force of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
an astronaut is a kind of object
as the mass of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
the earth has more mass than the moon
a computer is used for communication / finding information
getting information sometimes requires observing / observation
a telescope is used for observing stars by astronomers
a moon is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
detailed observation of celestial objects requires a telescope
a planet is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
as distance to a city decreases , the amount of light pollution will increase
as light pollution increases , seeing the stars will be harder
a telescope is used for observing stars
making discoveries requires observing
a telescope is used for observing the sky by astronomers
using a telescope to photograph solar events requires a light filter
a solar flare is a kind of solar event
a solar prominence is a kind of solar event
venus has moon-like phases
a telescope is used for observing planets
venus is a kind of planet
an optical telescope requires visible light for human to use
radio telescopes can see through clouds and dust
clouds / dusts block visible light
detailed observation of celestial objects requires a telescope
if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else
a planet is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a moon phase occurs 28 days after the last time it occurred
a full moon is a kind of phase of the moon
1 month is equal to 28-31 days
the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth
a new moon is a kind of phase of the moon
the new moon is when the lighted half of the moon faces the sun
each of the moon 's phases occurs once per month
a full moon is a kind of phase of the moon
a new moon is a kind of phase of the moon
a student cannot observe the moon in the clear night sky on feburary 21
a moon phase occurs 28 days after the last time it occurred
the new moon is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth
the dark half of the moon is not visible
28 days after feburary 21 is march 21
the moon revolving around / orbiting the earth causes the phases of the moon
the moon orbiting the earth occurs once per month
the earth revolves around the sun
a revolution occurs when something revolves around something else
gravity causes orbits
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
gravity causes orbits
mars is a kind of planet
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
mars is located in the solar system
gravity causes orbits
the earth revolves around the sun
the moon orbits the earth
gravity causes orbits
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
gravity causes orbits
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
gravity causes orbits
gravity causes orbits
the moon orbits the earth
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
gravity causes orbits
uranus is located in the solar system
gravity causes orbits
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
uranus is a kind of planet
the moon orbiting the earth occurs once per month
the moon 's orbit is elliptical
planetary orbits are mostly elliptical
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
a planet is a kind of celestial object / body
as distance from an object decreases , that object will appear larger
earth is a kind of planet
a star is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
the sun is the star that is closest to earth
dehydrating food is used for preserving food
astronauts require preserved food for extended flights
a space probe can orbit / land on other planets
a space probe is used for collecting / analyzing materials / samples / information
the viking i lander was sent to mars and analyze atmospheric gases and soil samples
mars is a kind of planet
high tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
a tide is a kind of natural event
low tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
the tide cycle occurs regularly twice per day
high tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
low tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
the tide cycle occurs regularly twice per day
the tide is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall
the gravitational pull of the moon on earth 's oceans causes the tides
the tide is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall
the gravitational pull of the moon on earth 's oceans causes the tides
the moon moves away from earth
moving away from the source increases the distance
as the gravitational pull of the moon decreases , the height of ocean tides will decrease
as the distance from an object increases , the force of gravity on that object will decrease
spring tides occur during a full moon
spring tide is when the distance between high tide and low tide is the greatest
the sun is located directly overhead at noon
the sun is a source of light / light energy called sunlight
as a source of light moves directly overhead of an object , the size of the shadow of that object will decrease
a flagpole is a kind of object
a volcanic eruption is a kind of quick process
volcano eruption is when volcano deposits lava to the earth 's surface
new land can be formed by lava cooling after an volcano eruption
most canyons are formed by flowing rivers
a valley is formed by flowing rivers
sometimes piles of rocks are formed by melting glaciers depositing rocks
deposition is a kind of constructive force
water deposits the leaves at the foot of the hill and fans out
a delta is formed by sediment depositing at the mouth of a river by water fanning out
a river is a kind of a moving body of water
most canyons are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time
the grand canyon is a kind of canyon
a river is a kind of flowing body of water
the colorado river is a kind of river next to the grand canyon
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
the colorado river is a kind of river
if something is formed by something else, then that something else is required by that something
most canyons are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time
a dinosaur is a kind of extinct animal
index fossils can be used to determine the approximate age of other fossils in that area
a bone is a part of some animals
an example of a fossil is the bones of an extinct animal
if a species existed for a relatively short time then that species is now extinct
index fossils are formed from species that existed for a relatively short time
if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that animal or plant used to live in that place
shell is a part of a mussel
a river usually contains freshwater
fossils of shells of freshwater mussels are found in a mountain range
a freshwater mussel is a kind of mussel
a mountain range is a kind of place
a freshwater mussel is a mussel lives in freshwater
a mussel is a kind of water animal
a tropical environment usually has warm temperatures
an ocean is a kind of body of water
if fossils of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
a body of water is a kind of environment
coral lives in tropical oceans
coral is a kind of aquatic animal
fossils of corals are found in ohio
a wooded area is a kind of place
if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
if something used to be in the past then that something has changed
fossils of seashells are found in a wooded area
if fossils of an animal or plant are found in a place then that animal or plant used to live in that place
fossils of dinosaurs are found in antarctica
a dinosaur is a kind of reptile
a reptile is a kind of animal
cold-blooded animals cannot live in cold environments
a reptile is cold-blooded
fossils of sharks are found on top of a mountain
sharks live in oceans
a shark is a kind of fish
if fossils of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
the top of a mountain is a kind of place
an ocean is a kind of body of water
a fish is a kind of aquatic animal
environments are found on the crustal surface of earth
marine animals are water animals
marine fossils means fossils of marine animals
marine fossils are found in mountains
if something used to be in the past then that something has changed
if fossils of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
a mountain is a kind of environment
a body of water is a kind of environment
environments changing can cause layers of rock that are on top of each other to be of different kind
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
shale is a kind of sedimentary rock
a layer of shale is on top of a layer of limestone
fossils are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time
a plant is a kind of organism
an animal is a kind of organism
if something is preserved in sedimentary rocks, then that something can be found in the sedimentary rock
fossils are the remains of organisms or part of organisms
organism remains can be preserved in sedimentary rock
fossils are the remains of organisms or part of organisms
bones are part of some animals
plants are a kind of organism
animals are a kind of organism
a shell is a part of some animals
containing fossils is a kind of characteristic of sedimentary rock
a fossil seashell is a kind of fossil
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock
nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock
if something is found in something else, then that something else contains that something
fossils can be used to study the history of organisms and environments on earth
an animal is a kind of organism
a dinosaur is a kind of extinct animal
the fossils of horse has shorter bones in lower levels and the fossils of horse has longer bones in the upper level
an animal is a kind of organism
younger layer of rocks are on top of the older layer of rocks according to superposition
a horse is a kind of animal
if fossils of an organism change depending on the level in which they were found then that species of organism changed over time
a bird is a kind of animal
if a fossil is of an organism that cannot be identified then that organism is probably extinct
an animal is a kind of organism
an elephant is a kind of animal species
if the fossils of a species are different from the existing species, then the species has changed over time
the fossil of the elephant in african savanna is different from the elephant species presently in that area
a mineral is a kind of solid natural material
a mineral usually has a crystal structure
rock is made of minerals
a mineral is a kind of solid natural material
a diamond is made of face-centered cubic crystals
a mineral usually has a crystal structure
a mineral usually has a crystal structure
a quartz is made of six-sided transparent crystals
minerals are formed by magma cooling
a volcano is a source of magma / lava
halite is formed by a body of salt water evaporating
seawater is a kind of salt water
halite is a kind of mineral
the formation of diamonds requires intense pressure
the pressure is intense deep below earth 's crust
hardness is a property of a material / an object and includes ordered values of malleable / rigid
the properties of something can be used to identify that something
a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material
if an object is made of a material then that object has the properties of that material
a rock is a kind of object
rock is made of minerals
the property of something is the same for the things of same kind
a mineral is a kind of solid / natural material
color is a property of a material
a mineral is a kind of material
hardness is a measure of a mineral 's ability to resist scratching
an example of breaking something down is scratching something
a material that is soft can be broken down by a material that is hard
quartz scratches glass easily
a quartz is made of six-sided transparent crystals
quartz is a kind of mineral
mica has a nonmetallic luster
a mineral can be scratched by a fingernail
mica is a kind of mineral
if a mineral can be scratched by a fingernail then that mineral is soft
mica is black in color
a mineral has a nonmetallic luster
if a mineral is black in color
mica is soft
samples of a single type of mineral usually have the same properties
different materials usually have different properties
the properties of something can be used to identify / used to describe that something
a mineral is a kind of material
rocks often contain large amounts of metal
aluminum is a kind of metal
iron is a kind of metal
class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous
sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition / cementation
metamorphic rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
class is a measure of how a rock is formed
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
marble is a kind of metamorphic rock
granite contains mica
feldspar is a kind of mineral
mica is a kind of mineral
granite contains feldspar
quartz is a kind of mineral
granite is a kind of rock
granite contains quartz
different classes of rocks are formed by different methods
class is a measure of how a rock is formed
the origin of a rock means the method by which a rock is formed
the radioactive isotope content of a rock means the amount of elemental isotopes of the parent isotopes
radiometric dating is used to identify / determine the absolute age of the rock
the absolute age of a rock is the amount of time passed since a rock was formed
radiometric dating is a kind of method to determine the absolute age of the rock
calculating the age of rocks requires investigating the original amount of the elemental isotopes of the parent isotopes
the formation of organic rocks is usually found in the ocean
the surface of the earth is made of 70% ocean
most means over 50% of something
the hydrosphere is a thin layer of water covering the earth 's surface
if granite is broken down into sediment
formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
the sediment from the granite is buried and compacted
the formation of sedimentary rock is a sequential process, with stages of weathering, erosion, deposition,burying, compaction
if something is a stage in a process then that something is required for that process
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment / materials that settle compacting / cementing together
in the formation of sedimentary rock , burying the sediments follows depositing the sediments
metamorphic rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
magma is extremely high in temperature
if something that contains a thing is changed into something else that doesn't contain that thing, then that thing is lost / destroyed when that something changes into that something else
metamorphic rocks do not contain fossils
nearly all fossils are found in sedimentary rock
if something is found in something else then that something else contains that something
sedimentary is a class of rock
metamorphic is a class of rock
formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
if fossils are destroyed in rock transition , then there will be gaps in the fossil record
heat is a kind of energy
change is a kind of process
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock
igneous rocks are formed by lava cooling
pumice is formed when lava cools
if something usually happens then that something is likely to happen
igneous rocks / minerals are formed by magma / lava cooling / crystallizing
if something is formed by a material changing then that something is formed from that material
a volcano is a source of magma / lava
usually something can be found near a source in greater concentrations
cooling is a kind of change
lava is a kind of material
pumice is a kind of igneous rock
a class of something means a type of something
classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type
class is a measure of how a rock is formed
igneous rocks are formed by magma cooling / crystallizing
if something causes something else then that something affects that something else
as the rate of rocks cooling decreases , the crystal size of the rock will increase
crystal size is a property of rocks and includes values of small / large
rate is a kind of measurement of speed
to slow / to slow down decreases speed
if something affects something else then that something else indicates whether that something happened
great can mean high in value
underground means buried deep below other rocks
exposure to pressure is a kind of condition
exposure to heat is a kind of condition
a site is a kind of area
metamorphic rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
extreme means very high in value
deep means great in depth
if something is formed by certain conditions then that something will likely be formed in an area with those conditions
as rocks are buried deeper below other rocks , the pressure / heat on that rock will increase
the formation of metamorphic rock is a sequential process, with stages of rock being compacted, heated, recrystallized
marble is a kind of metamorphic rock
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock
if something changes into something else then that something else is formed from that something
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
limestone is a kind of sedimentary rock
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
to be exposed to something means to be subjected to something
marble is a kind of metamorphic rock
metamorphic rocks are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
the continental crust mainly is made of granite
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock
continental crust is a kind of crust
two tectonic plates pushing toward each other cause intense heat and pressure in earth's crust
rock is a kind of material
the crust is made of different kinds of crust
basalt is a kind of igneous rock
the crust is a layer of the earth
the oceanic crust mainly is made of basalt
oceanic crust is a kind of crust
granite is a kind of igneous rock
intense can mean extreme
products are formed / are produced / are created
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock
sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition / cementation
weathering is a kind of erosion
sedimentary rocks are formed in layers
sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition
weathering is a kind of geologic process
weathering / mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks / surface materials from a larger whole into smaller pieces by weather / mechanical means
erosion causes deposition
deposition is a kind of natural process
the formation of sedimentary rock is a sequential process, with stages of weathering, erosion, deposition,burying, compaction
if something causes something else then that something else is a result of that something
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
extreme heat and pressure compact sediments into sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting together
formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
to compact means to squeeze together
compaction is a kind of process
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting / cementing together
cementation is a kind of process
if something is a stage in a process then that something is required for that process
sedimentary rock is made of sediment
if something changes to something else then that something else is formed from that something
exposure to extreme heat and pressure changes / metamorphoses sedimentary / igneous rock into metamorphic rock
the formation of metamorphic rock is a sequential process, with stages of rock being compacted, heated, recrystallized
recrystallization is a kind of event
if an event is required for a process then that event must occur before that process can occur
formation in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
if something is formed from something else then that something else becomes that something
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting together
sedimentary rocks are formed in layers
sediment is a kind of small particle
to compact something means to compress something
sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment compacting together
a fold is observed in layers of sedimentary rock
if something is caused by something else then that something resulted from that something else
if an event changes something then that event causes that change
the convergence of tectonic plates is a kind of event
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
a collision is a kind of convergence
sedimentary rocks are formed in layers
a crustal plate means a tectonic plate
the collision of tectonic plates changes the order of the rock layers by compressing rock layers into faults and folds
in the rock cycle , formation of sediments follows weathering and erosion
the formation of something is a kind of process
if a process follows another process, then the other process begins that process
weathering is a kind of geologic process
erosion is a kind of process
weathering is a kind of erosion
if something is formed by a process then that something is formed as a result of that process
sediment is formed by rocks weathering
weathering is a kind of geologic process
erosion is a kind of process
sedimentary rock is a kind of rock
layers are a part of sedimentary rock
if something can be used to determine a property of something else then that something can likely be used to determine that property of a part of that something else
the law of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of the rock
age is a property of rocks
plastic is a kind of material made by humans
natural means grown in nature
made by humans / artificial is the opposite of natural
a plastic spoon is made of plastic
fossil fuel is a kind of fuel
a mine produces minerals
mining is when humans take rocks and minerals from the ground
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
the ground is part of the earth
coal is a kind of fossil fuel
fuel is a kind of energy source
a coal mine is a source of coal under the ground
a coal mine is a kind of mine
burning coal is a source of air pollution
using coal requires burning coal
a problem has a possible negative impact on a thing
pollution has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
damage has a negative impact on a thing
coal is a kind of fossil fuel
uranium is acquired by mining the lithosphere
fossil fuels are acquired by mining the lithosphere
to produce something can mean to form something
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
once means one time
if an organism is dead then that organism was living at one time
coal is a nonrenewable resource
to produce something means to make something
a fossil fuel is a kind of natural resource
coal is a kind of fossil fuel
coal is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations
electricity is a kind of electrical energy
the sun is the source of solar energy called sunlight
coal is a nonrenewable resource
solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
coal is used for generating heat by burning
to generate something means to produce something
burning wood is used to produce heat
a tree contains wood
coal is used for generating heat by burning
burning fossil fuels is a source of air pollution
coal is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations
coal is a kind of fossil fuel
burning converts chemical energy into thermal energy
coal is used for generating heat by burning
wood is a renewable resource
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
renewable is the opposite of nonrenewable
something cannot have two opposite properties
renewable is a property of resources
if something cannot have a certain property then something else with that property is not that something
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
nonrenewable resources will eventually be depleted
remains are parts of a dead organism
an organism is a living thing
fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
oil is used for producing electricity
to last longer means the length of time that something lasts increases
as the use of something decreases , the use of the source of that something will decrease
how long something lasts is a measure of how long that something is available
fossil fuels are a kind of energy resource
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
to decrease something means to reduce something
as the use of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases
as the use of something decreases, the use of things used to produce that something decreases
fuel supply is a kind of resource
a supply of something is a source of that something
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
if something increases something else then decreasing that something will decrease that something else
electrical power is a kind of power
burning something is a kind of action
to decrease something means to reduce that something
natural gas is used for generating electricity by burning in a power plant
if something causes an increase in something else then that something produces that something else
if something occurs by performing an action, then that action is required for that something to occur
as the use of renewable resources increases , use of nonrenewable resources will decrease
the burning of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gasses
natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel
electricity is a kind of electrical power
to produce something means to form something
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
sulfur dioxide is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels
geothermal energy is a renewable resource
nevada contains many active fault lines
energy formed by magma heating earth's crust is emitted along fault lines
geothermal energy is formed by magma heating earth 's crust
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
if something contains many of something else then that something else is common in that something
geothermal energy is a renewable resource
if something is emitted at a location then that something can be found at that location
geothermal energy is formed by magma heating earth 's crust
energy formed by magma heating earth's crust is emitted along fault lines
nevada contains many active fault lines
metal is a nonrenewable resource
copper is a kind of metal
an example of heating something is heating a building
a source of heat can be used to heat something
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel
a home is a kind of building
natural gas is a source of heat by burning
gasoline is a kind of fuel
fuel is a kind of resource
oil is a source of gasoline
as the use of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases
as mileage per gallon of gasoline increases , the amount of gasoline used will decrease
to increase something can mean to extend somthing
electricity is a kind of alternative fuel
using a gasoline engine requires burning gasoline
pollution has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
an electric motor is a kind of electrical device
as the use of alternative fuels increases , the use of gasoline will decrease
if a certain something decreases the use of a resource then that certain something uses less of that resource than a regular something
if a machine contains a part then that machine uses that part
an electric car is a kind of machine
using less of something negative has a positive impact
an electric car contains an electric motor
an electrical device can be a part of a machine
burning gasoline / oil is a source of air pollution
an electrical device uses electricity to operate
if something formed from something else over a very long period of time then that something else existed a very long time ago
prehistoric means a very long time ago
if a living thing dies then that living thing is dead
fossil fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
a living thing is an organism
an animal is a kind of organism
dead organisms decay
fossil fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
an automobile is a kind of vehicle
vehicles usually require gasoline to operate
if something comes from something else then that something else is a source of that something
oil is a source of gasoline
a nonrenewable resource is limited in supply
oil is a nonrenewable resource
alternative fuels are being used in some automobiles
for something to be replaced means for something else to be used instead of that something
if a resource is limited in supply then that resource needs to be replaced
a limited resource means a resource that is limited in supply
two million or more years means millions of years
fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource
fossil fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
years are a kind of unit for measuring time
how long something takes is a kind of measurement of time
a period is a kind of measurement of time
300000000 years equals three hundred million years
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
biomass is a renewable resource
using biomass to produce energy is a source of pollution
if something emits something else then that something increases the amount of that something else
electrical energy is a kind of energy
a home is a kind of building
energy is used for heating a building by a heating system
a solar panel converts sunlight / solar energy into electrical energy / electricity
solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
a solar panel is a kind of object
if an object converts something into something else, then that object uses that something to produce that something else
a desert environment usually has a lot of sunlight
solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
if an environment has something then that something can be found in that environment
solar energy is a kind of resource
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
if there is a lot of a resource found in an environemnt then that resource is a common resource in that environment
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
solar energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
trees are a renewable resource
decreasing the number of something limits the supply of that something
cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
renewable resources can be used over again
water is a renewable resource
the water cycle is a kind of natural process
the water cycle recycles water throughout the earth over time
a river is a kind of flowing / moving body of water
moving water on earth is a part of water cycle
a natural process is performed by nature
recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times
renewable resources can be used over again
wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
an energy source is a kind of resource
wind is an inexhaustible resource
wind is a source of energy
an inexhaustible resource is a kind of renewable resource
an energy source is a kind of resource
to be inexhaustible means to always be available
wind is a source of energy
wind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
a source of energy is a kind of energy resource
a tree contains wood
trees are a renewable resource
aluminum is recyclable
recycling nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
a soda can is made of aluminum
aluminum is a nonrenewable resource
soil is a kind of resource
some minerals are nutrients
a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow
soil provides nutrients for plants
high quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen
planting crops is a kind of activity
soil contains nutrients for plants
a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow
if something requires something else then that something relies on that something else
planting crops requires growing crops
planting is a kind of human action
crops are a kind of edible plant for eating
crop rotation renews / protects soil
crop rotation is a kind of process
if something is decreased then that something is depleted
renewing soil increases the nutrients in soil
not doing something that is required for a process decreases the performance of that process
if something increases something else, then decreasing that something will decrease that something else
crop rotation requires rotating crops from year to year
high quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen
to have a negative impact on something means to negatively affect that something
fertility is a property of soil that describes how fertile the soil is
plants are a kind of organism
soil provides nutrients for plants
fertile soil is high in quality
if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
organisms are a part of an environment
a plant requires soil for survival / to grow
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing
overproduction of crops can cause soil fertility to decrease
corn is a kind of crop
rate is a kind of measure of speed
tree roots decrease / reduce soil erosion
planting trees increases the number of trees in an environment
planting tree is a kind of human action
if something decreases something else then increasing that something will decrease that something else
roots are a part of a plant / tree
to slow / to slow down decreases speed
preventing something decreases the amount of that something
water does not easily flow on a flat surface
water causes soil and rock erosion
a mountain / hill is a kind of environment
a slope is a part of a mountain / hill
building terraces increases the amount of terraces in an environment
water flows down a slope
terraces change slopes into a series of flat steps
to enrich something means to cause an enrichment of that something
an enrichment means an increase in quality
planting legumes adds nitrogen to soil
adding something means increasing the amount of something
fertile soil is high in quality
high quality / rich / good soil has a high amount of nitrogen
if something provides something else then that something increases the amount of that something else
if something causes something else then that something else is an effect of that something
an increase in the amount of something causes there to be more of something
growing legumes provide nitrogen for other plants
if a part of something absorbs heat then that heat will be distributed to the rest of that something
a land mass is a kind of object
a continent is a kind of large land mass
absorbing energy causes objects / materials / substances to heat
if something is located on something else then that something is a part of that something else
absorbing heat causes something to heat
solar energy is a kind of energy
to heat means to warm up
continental land masses absorb solar energy
continental land masses are located on earth
a watch requires electrical energy to operate
if something is required then that something must be provided
electrical energy is a kind of energy
solar cells convert solar energy into electrical energy
if an object converts something into something else then that object is a source of that something else
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
a cell is a kind of object
pollution has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
solar energy is a source of electricity
if something happens rarely then that something likely happens the least
solar power means solar energy
solar energy rarely causes pollution
harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
using paper requires creating paper
creating paper requires cutting down trees
if something has a negative impact on something else then increasing the amount of that something has a negative impact on that something else
if something is allowed to be used then the use of that something might increase
paper is a kind of tool
inventing a tool allows / enables that tool to be used
if something requires something else then increasing that something requires an increase in that something else
an impact means an effect
a plant is a kind of organism
organisms are a part of an environment
if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something
an environment is a kind of ecosystem
a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow
a living thing is an organism
fallen trees are a kind of dead organism
removing dead organisms from an ecosystem causes available nutrients to be removed from that ecosystem
removing something positive has a negative impact on the things that are positively impacted by that something
planting trees is sometimes a human activity
planting trees has a positive impact on an ecosystem
an impact means an effect
frame construction is a kind of industry
new england has an abundance of trees
wood is a kind of resource
frame construction requires wood
if an industry requires a resource then that industry predominates in areas with an abundance of that resource
a tree contains wood
trees are a kind of natural resource
resources need to be managed
an example of managing / maintaining the number / the use of something is replacing that something
a tree can be replaced by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
timber companies cut down trees
an example of managing / maintaining the number / the use of something is replacing that something
resources must be managed
trees are a kind of resource
a forest contains lots of plants / trees
a tree can be replaced by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
if something is required to create something else then that something is needed to make that something else
fewer means a decreased amount
creating paper requires cutting down trees
recycling reduces the resources needed to make something
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
trees are a kind of resource
fewer means a reduced amount
an impact is a kind of effect
recycling reduces the resources needed to make something
if something is required to create something else then that something is needed to make that something else
trees are a kind of natural resource
creating paper requires cutting down trees
as the deforestation increases , the soil fertility will decrease
topsoil is a kind of soil
clearing forests means cutting down a large amount of trees in a forest
as the deforestation increases , the soil erosion will increase
deforestation is when the number of trees / organisms in a forest decreases
cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
a tree contains wood
a lot means large in amount / quantity
a forest contains lots of plants / trees
wood is a kind of resource
if something contains something else then that something else is a part of that something
if something is a part of something then that something can be found in that something
water is a kind of natural resource
water is a part of an environment
animals / living things require water for survival
a human is a kind of animal
if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something
pumping is a kind of method for transporting water
a well is a vehicle for removing water from an aquifer
if too much water is removed from a location then the water may become used up
excessive means too much in quantity
a state of something is a form of something
water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
oceans contain liquid water
a glacier is made of ice
water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c
a body of water contains water
the volume of a substance describes the amount of that substance
water is a kind of matter
irrigation causes water levels to decrease
as the amount of water in a body of water decreases , the water levels will decrease
volume is a property of matter
matter is a kind of substance
a lake is a kind of body of water
living thing is a kind of organism
living things require water for survival
water is a kind of natural resource
a desert environment is low in availability of water / availability of food
as a population of organisms increases , the resources used by those organisms will decrease
if the amount of something decreases then that something might be depleted
if a resource is low in availability then it is more likely to be depleted
an example of using less water is turning off the faucet when brushing teeth
an example of managing the use of something is using less of that something
resources must be managed
water is a kind of natural resource
groundwater is a kind of water
ground water is a kind of water
if a resource is not replaced then the resource has low availability
groundwater is a nonrenewable resource
a desert environment is low in availability of water / availability of food
groundwater is located under ground / underground
glaciers are a kind of major reservoir
glaciers are a source of freshwater
antarctic polar ice contains glaciers
a water reservoir stores water
rainforests contain many species
a decrease of something is a kind of change
organisms are a part of an environment
harming an environment causes harm to the living things / to the organisms in that environment
a rainforest is a kind of forest
cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
to cut down a rainforest means to cut down trees in a rainforest
humans changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed
species means a group of a certain kind of organism
a forest is a kind of environment
destroying something causes harm to that something
cutting down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
an animal is a kind of organism
organisms are a part of an environment
surface mining has a negative impact on the lithosphere / the biosphere / the ecosystem
national parks limit mining / logging / hunting
killing means harming something causing death
logging is when humans cut down trees / forests for wood
harming an animal species has a negative impact on the population size of that species
ecosystem can mean environment
hunting is when a human kills an animal for food / recreation in the wild
limiting a source of something tht has a negative impact on something else has a positive impact on that something else
eating food that contains pesticides can have a negative impact on the health of an animal
a crop is a kind of food
a human is a kind of animal
if something required for a process is not produced then that process is prevented from occurring / cannot occur
reproduction of the plants often requires pollen
sexual reproduction produces offspring with genetic material from both parents
corn is a kind of plant
a crop of corn plants is genetically modified to produce a natural pesticide
corn plants reproduce through sexual reproduction
a deer is a kind of animal
protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival / health
killing means harming something causing death
attracting something to a location causes that something to be near that location
if an animal is near a road then that animal might be killed by a car
feeders attract animals to a location
negative impact is the opposite of positive impact
a road is a kind of location
an animal is a kind of living thing
harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something
plankton live in bodies of water
in the food chain process some types of plankton have the role of producer
a factory dumped mercury into a bay
microorganisms change mercury in a bay into a form that plankton can use
an element is a kind of material
a bay is a kind of body of water
mercury is a kind of element
producers pass materials they use through the food chain
when available resources decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources
drought is when available water decreases in an environment
a plant is a kind of organism
if a crop requires less water then that crop will survive in a drought
planting crops is a kind of activity
a organisms require water for survival / to grow
water is a kind of natural resource
crops are a kind of edible plant for eating
a light bulb is a kind of tool for seeing in the dark
something that has a positive impact on something else is a kind of benefit
if an object is discarded in a landfill then that object is trash
to dispose of something can mean to discard something
a light bulb is a kind of object
humans move waste to a landfill for disposal / storage
as the time a tool lasts increases , the number of tools discarded will decrease
decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
landfills have a negative impact on the environment
if a human discards an object then that object will become waste
something positive is desirable
as a system / device grows old , the amount of energy will used by the system / device will increase
energy is a kind of resource
old is the opposite of new
using less of a resource has a positive impact on the resource
an impact is a kind of result
a heating system is a kind of energy resource
to use less of something means decreasing the use of something
energy is used for heating a building by a heating system
recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times
aluminum is recyclable
climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
temperature is a property of weather
heat means temperature increase
warmer means greater / higher in temperature / warmth
if something causes something else to increase, then increasing that something will cause that something else to increase
the greenhouse effect is when carbon in the air heats a planet 's atmosphere
the atmosphere is made of air
carbon dioxide contains carbon
the atmosphere is made of air
warmer means greater / higher in temperature / warmth
the greenhouse effect is when carbon in the air heats a planet 's atmosphere
temperature is a property of weather
carbon dioxide contains carbon
if something causes something else to increase then increasing that something will cause that something else to increase
climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
heat means increase in temperature
if the atmospheric temperature rises then the glaciers will melt
a shore is the land found at the edge of a body of water
the atmosphere is the air around the entire planet
as the amount of water in a body of water increases , the water levels will rise / increase especially at the edge of that body of water
as the level of water rises , the amount of available land will decrease
loss of something means a decrease of something
amount of water in a body of water increases by storms / rain / glaciers melting / snow melting / ice melting
global warming is when worldwide temperature increases
worldwide refers to something that covers the entire planet
gases released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
oil is a source of gasoline
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
amount of water in a body of water increases by ice caps melting
an ocean is a kind of body of water
as the amount of water in a body of water increases , the water levels will rise / increase especially at the edge of that body of water
a wooded area is a kind of forest
an animal requires a habitat for survival
a tree is a kind of habitat
a wooded area contains lots of trees
clearing an area is a kind of method for changing an area
a forest is a kind of environment
humans changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed
cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
a tree is a source of shelter / food for birds / animals in an ecosystem
an animal requires a habitat for survival
cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
a tree is a kind of habitat
a beach is a kind of environment
an animal requires a habitat for survival
a sea turtle is a kind of animal
if animals lose the thing they require to survive, their population will decrease
sea turtle is a native species to the beach
humans moving in an environment usually causes native species to lose their habitats
humans changing ecosystems usually has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
humans building homes in an ecosystem causes that ecosystem to change
a wetland is a kind of ecosystem
a snowshoe hare is a kind of animal
snowshoe hare lives in the field
housing developments are build in a field
building housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats
if the habitat of an animal is replaced, then that animal will not be found in that place
pesticides can cause pollution
fertilizers are a source of pollution
electric cars use electricity as the main energy source
regular cars use gasoline as an energy source
electricity causes less pollution than gasoline
a pollutions standard is a kind of standard for reducing pollutants emitted by vehicles
many vehicles emit pollution into the air
a vehicle inspection is when a person examines a vehicle for pollution standards
as the use of public transportation increases , the use of automobiles decreases
bus is a kind of public transportation
the use of automobiles causes pollution to the environment
coal is a kind of fossil fuel
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
sulfur dioxide is a kind of gas
burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
sulfur dioxide dissolving in water causes acid rain
burning gasoline is a source of air pollution
gas-efficient engines uses less gasoline
using gasoline requires burning gasoline
an engine is a part of an automobile
emitting sulfur dioxide causes acid rain
sulfur scrubbers can reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide
a body of water is a kind of environment
humans discarding waste in an environment causes harm to that environment
discarding is similar to throwing
a stream is a kind of moving body of water
garbage means waste
a mountain chorus frog is a kind of animal
polluting means something poisonous is added to an environment
pollutions in animals habitat can cause the population of animals to decrease
bodies of water are the habitats for aquatic animals
a body of water is a kind of environment
a frog is a kind of aquatic animal
a mountain chorus frog is a kind of frog
offshore oil platforms might cause oil to leak into the water
oil is a kind of pollutant
water is a part of an environment
water pollution is when humans pollute the environment with pollutants
a lake is a kind of body of water
a lawn is a piece of land covered with grass
fertilizers have a positive impact on algae growth
algae is found in bodies of water
lori uses fertilizer on her lawn
runoff flows across land and ends in bodies of water
if fertilizer is used on a land, then the runoff from that land will contain fertilizer
ocean pollution can decrease the number of phytoplanktons and algae
phytoplankton is a kind of plant
plants are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
algae is found in bodies of water
phytoplanktons are found in bodies of water
algae is a kind of plant
an ocean is a kind of body of water
as the amount of a source of something decreases , the amount of that something will decrease
commercial harvesting from the ocean has caused populations of large predatory fish to decrease
tuna is a kind of fish
tuna eat fish
if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal is the predator
a rhinoceros is a kind of animal
decreasing in population will cause the population to be low
endangered means low in population
overhunting decreases animal populations
killing a living thing decreases the population of that living thing
hunting is when a human kills an animal for food / recreation in the wild
an animal is a kind of living thing
an animal is a kind of organism
if a population decreases to zero then that organism is extinct
an organism becoming extinct causes a change in the organism 's food web
a change in a food web can cause damage to an ecosystem
recycling decreases the amount of waste sent to landfills
aluminum is recyclable
recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times
an aluminum can is a kind of object
recyclable means a material can be recycled / reused many times
aluminum cans are made of aluminum
aluminum is recyclable
an example of recycling is using an object to make a new object
aluminum is recyclable
an aluminum can is made of aluminum
recycling resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
metal is a kind of natural resource
aluminum cans are made of aluminum
aluminum is a kind of metal
trash is similar to waste
recycling decreases the amount of waste sent to landfills
recycling nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the environment
recycling is a kind of method of disposal
aluminum is a kind of material
recyclable means a material can be recycled many times
aluminum is a nonrenewable resource
aluminum is recyclable
cardboard is inexpensive in cost
cardboard is recyclable
cardboard is a kind of material
cardboard is biodegradable
the inner core is located in the center of the earth
the pressure at the center of the earth is extremely high
extreme high pressure causes the inner core of earth to be in solid state
the oceanic crust mainly is made of basalt
the continental crust mainly is made of granite
basalt is more dense than granite
the mantle is the largest layer of the earth
the mantle is located between the crust and the outer core
earthquakes causes older rock to be on top of younger rock
earthquakes cause rock layers to fold on top of each other
basalt is a kind of material
granite is a kind of material
the mantle of the earth is mainly made of silicate
silicate is a kind of material
waves travel at different speed in different medium
different media are made of different materials
an earthquake wave is a kind of wave
the crust of the earth is made of basalt or granite
active volcanoes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
earthquakes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
california is located on the boundary of two tectonic plates
earthquakes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
massachusetts is not located on the boundary of two tectonic plates
all waves transmit energy from one place to another
an earthquake wave is a kind of wave
mountains are formed by plate tectonics
the appalachian mountains are a kind of mountain
the appalachian mountains are a kind of mountain
a mountain range is formed by rocks folding upon one another
the collision of tectonic plates are found at the convergent boundaries
the collision of the boundaries causes rocks to fold
a volcanic eruption is a kind of quick process
new land can be formed by volcanoes erupting by lava cooling
magma cooling can form volcanic mountains
the subduction of tectonic plates may cause magma to surface from underneath
the oceanic plate is a kind of tectonic plate
magma cools down when it comes to the surface from underneath
volcanic ash in the atmosphere decreases the temperature by blocking the sun
europe was unusally cold and had acid rain in 1783
emitting sulfur dioxide causes acid rain
an erupting volcano releases sulfur gas and ash into the atmosphere
the amount of sunlight usually is the same at the locations with same latitude
the intensity of sunlight is a kind of seasonal weather pattern
nitrogen is a kind of gas
most means over 50% of something
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by mass
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume
most means over 50% of something
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume
the earth's atmosphere is made of 04% to 1% of water vapor by volume
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 036 percent carbon dioxide by volume
as altitude increases , the temperature of the air will decrease in the troposphere
an increase is the opposite of a decrease
as the altitude increases , the temperature of the air will increase in the stratosphere
carbon dioxide is a kind of greenhouse gas
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 04 to 1 percent water vapor by volume
04 is bigger than 0036
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 036 percent carbon dioxide by volume
water vapor is a kind of greenhouse gas
the earth 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by mass
most means over 50% of something
aurora is a kind of atmospheric phenomena
an aurora is created by charged particles interact with magnetosphere
photosynthesis is a source of oxygen
early photosynthetic life is a kind of photosynthetic life
earth had no / little oxygen a very long time ago
the photosynthetic life performs photosynthesis
early photosynthetic life existed a long time ago
a source of something increases the amount of that something
oxygen level describes an amount of oxygen
an ocean is a kind of body of water
oceans cover 70% of the surface of the earth
most means over 50% of something
majority means over 50% of something
earth contains glaciers / ice caps
ice caps and glaciers contain 69% of the freshwater on earth
most means over 50% of something
ice sheet is a kind of glacier
glaciers are a kind of major reservoir
ice caps and glaciers contain 69% of freshwater on earth
deflection is when an object changes its moving direction
the drag of wind causes the surface of the water to change its direction toward the direction of the wind
oxygen is more common than hydrogen on earth
oceans contain most of earth 's water
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
vegetation is a part of the biosphere
petroleum is a kind of fossil fuel
forming fossil fuels requires deposition and burial of decaying vegetation
fossil fuel is a part of the lithosphere
soil is permeable
if something is permeable , then the water will flow through something easily
brown is a kind of color
color of the soil can be used to indicate the soil component
high humus content causes the soil to be brown
the looseness of soil increases the ability of water to enter the soil
earthworms create tunnels in soil
tunnels in soil loosen that soil
the looseness of soil increases the amount of oxygen in that soil
sand drains water quickly
if something drains water quickly , then that something will have little capacity to hold water
high humus content causes the soil to be brown
humus is a source of nutrients in soil
color of the soil can be used to indicate the soil component
a rainforest is a kind of forest
using resources decreases those resources
a plant requires nutrients to grow
a forest contains lots of plants / trees
soil contains nutrients for plants
nutrients are a kind of resource
an earthworm is a kind of decomposer
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
decomposition increases the amount of nutrients / nitrogen in the soil
topsoil is a kind of soil
potassium is a kind of nutrient for plant growth
wildfire removes the nutrients in soil sometimes
nitrogen is a kind of nutrient for plant growth
if the nutrients in soil is removed , then the carrying capacity of soil for plant will be reduced
phosphorus is a kind of nutrient for plant growth
decaying plant is a kind of organic matter
organic matter is a source of nutrients in soil
fertile soil has a high number of nutrients
a thunderstorm is a kind of storm
rain is a kind of precipitation
a storm is a source of precipitation
cold fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by
wind can make air masses to move in the same direction
jet streams may deflect the air masses moved by the prevailing westerlies
prevailing westerlies are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude
united states are located in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude
a storm is a source of precipitation
a thunderstorm is a kind of storm
snow is a kind of precipitation
rain is a kind of precipitation
cold fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by
if gas is heated then that gas will rise
the ground radiates solar energy into air
travelling up a mountain side is a kind of rising
air is a kind of gas
solar energy can warm up the air
unstable air mass can cause a thunderstorm
the air mass over the ocean is warm
the air mass formed close to the ocean is humid in moisture
warm and humid air masses are usually unstable
thunderstorms are a source of rainfall
mountains can cause the water in the air mass to condense
mountain is a kind of geographic obstacles
rolling in mud is a learned behavior
a fly is a kind of insect
rolling in mud can be used to avoid insect bites by an animal
a moose is a kind of animal
snow is a kind of precipitation
grey clouds are a source of precipitation
condensation causes clouds to form
if something causes a process then that something is required for that process
when warm air mass passes over cold air mass, the water vapor in the warm air mass will condense
clouds produce rain
if it is raining, then the weather will be rainy
a warm front is when warm air mass passes over a cold air mass
cloudy means the presence of clouds in the sky
clouds are formed by water vapor condensing
clouds are formed by water vapor rising into colder regions of the atmosphere and condensing
water vapor is a kind of gas
water vapor is water in gas state
temperature is a measure of heat energy
water droplets are water in liquid state
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
temperature is a property of weather
the properties of something are used for describing that something
sky conditions are a property of weather
the sun is the source of solar energy called sunlight
solar energy causes the weather patterns
sand dunes are formed by the wind transporting and depositing sand
erosion is when wind transports sediments
sand is a kind of sediment
deposition is when wind deposits sediments
a landslide is when water / gravity rapidly moves rocks / soil downhill especially after a rain storm
erosion / storms can cause a landslide
a mountain is made of rocks / soil
erosion is when moving water transports sediments from one place to another place for a long distance
flowing water is a kind of moving water
flood is the water that overflows the river bank
a riverbank is made of soil
a flood is a kind of moving water
soil erosion is when moving water moves soil from fields / environments
sand dunes / arches are formed by the wind transporting and depositing sand
erosion is when wind transports sediments from one place to another place for a long distance
weather is a source of wind and water for weathering
sometimes weathering smooths / rounds rocks
erosion is when wind / moving water transports sediments from one place to another place for a long distance
sand is a kind of sediment
new sand is brought from other places and spread on the beaches
erosion usually occurs over a period of many years which is considered a long time
water causes soil and rock erosion
wind and rain cause erosion
grass is a kind of plant
soil erosion is when wind and moving water moves soil from fields / environments
in the erosion process roots of plants are an inhibitor
the grasses are removed from the land
removing an inhibitor of a process causes that process
soil loss causes grooves in soil
rainwater is a kind of water
a riverbank is made of soil
soil erosion means soil loss through wind / water / animals
a pebble is a kind of small rock
rocks interacting with moving water over long periods of time causes weathering
waves are made of moving water
sometimes weathering smooths rocks
removing something is a kind of change
rain causes erosion
erosion decreases the amount of nutrients in soil
decreasing something can cause something to be removed
rain is a kind of natural process
erosion sometimes decreases the amount of nutrients in soil
rain causes erosion
abrasion changes rocks from rough into smooth and round
abrasion is a kind of weathering
a mountain range contains mountains
sometimes weathering rounds rocks
a mountain is made of rocks
roots hold soil in place
removing trees will decrease the roots in the soil
if soil is held in place, then soil erosion can be prevented
when water freezes , that water expands
if there is a crack in a rock, then water can get into the crack
if water expands in a crack in a rock, then the rock will break apart
soil is formed by weathering
weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces
scraping an object may cause small particles to break off of that object
very small rocks / minerals are kinds of of small particles
glacier may scrape rocks when it moves
a rock is a kind of object
soil is made of very small rocks / minerals
rocks interacting with wind and moving water over long periods of time causes weathering
weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by weather / mechanical means
a crack is formed by breaking the whole
a boulder is a kind of rock
weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
cycles of freezing and thawing water cause ice wedging
mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
ice wedging is a kind of mechanical weathering
mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
cycles of freezing and thawing water cause ice wedging
ice wedging is a kind of mechanical weathering
ice wedging is a kind of mechanical weathering
mechanical weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
cycles of freezing and thawing water cause ice wedging
oxidation of iron will change the iron to yellow, red, or orange color
chemical weathering causes iron in rock to oxidize
rocks sometimes contain iron
a plant 's roots slowly break down rocks as the roots grow
a plant is a kind of living thing
weathering means breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
mosses produces acid from their roots
acid can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
an example of weathering is a plant root growing into a crack in rock
a plant is a kind of organism
a tree is a kind of plant
organic weathering means organisms cause the weathering of rocks
moisture is a kind of environmental factor
chemical weathering means chemical reaction causes the weathering of rocks
warmth is a kind of environmental factor
warmth and moisture can accelerate chemical reactions
an example of weathering is a plant root growing into a crack in rock
a tree is a kind of plant
a boulder is a kind of large rock
acid produced by some trees can change the soil chemistry
a change in soil chemistry is a kind of chemical weathering
plants can produce acid
acid can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
soil is formed by rocks weathering
acid can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
lichens can produce acid to break down rocks
chemical weathering means chemical reaction causes the weathering of rocks
a drought is a kind of slow environmental change
a drought occurs over a period of months / years
a hurricane has high wind speeds
high winds are winds with high wind speed
a tornado has high wind speeds
low means low in elevation / height / altitude
as elevation of a place decreases , how much a flood will affect that place will increases
area means a place
plants drying out means plants do not have enough water to survive
drought may cause wildfires
drought is when available water decreases in an environment
plants require water to survive
a hurricane has large amount of rain
a hurricane has high wind speed
rain causes erosion
wind causes erosion
the temperautre on lands is usually colder and less humid in moisture
moisture and warm temperature is the source of energy in hurricanes
a continent is a kind of large land mass
disrupting something from reaching something else decreases the availability of that something
as the availability of sunlight decreases , the ability of producers to produce food decrease
smoke from volcanic eruptions can disrupt sunlight from reaching earth 's surface
food is a kind of resource
heat and moisture above the ocean cause the formation of a hurricane
air is above the ocean
warm means medium heat energy / temperature
the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival
flooding decreases the availability of food
a parrot is a kind of organism
a living thing requires food for survival
a parrot is a kind of living thing
drought is when available water decreases in an environment
a prairie is a kind of ecosystem
as the availability of water decreases, the environment will become more dry
dry conditions can cause fire
humidity is the amount of moisture in the air
humidity is a property of weather and include ordered values of dry / humid
a weather report describes weather
the air mass formed close to the ocean is humid in moisture
boston is a city that is near to the coast of the atlantic ocean
the equator receives the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
if something receives sunlight, it will absorb the sunlight
there is ocean found at the equator and the poles area
the poles receives the least amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
if an object / a substance / a location absorbs solar energy then that object / that substance will increase in temperature
if something receives sunlight, it will absorb the sunlight
the equator receives the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
the poles receives the least amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
the climate is low in humidity in nevada
lack of moisture in the air causes low amounts of rainfall
cloudy is a kind of weather
rainy is a kind of weather
cold is a kind of weather
windy is a kind of weather
a barometer is used to measure air pressure
a barometer is a kind of instrument
a barometer is used to measure air pressure
a barometer is a kind of instrument
a barometer is used to measure air pressure
air pressure is a property of air
a property is a kind of information
a thermometer is used to measure temperature
temperature is a property of weather
cold fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by
a large cold front is moving past the school
the weather at school is hot and humid
the amount of precipitation is a property of precipitation
investigating sometimes requires measuring
investigating a process requires investigating every stage of the process
scientists want to investigate the water cycle
a cycle is a kind of process
precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process
investigating something requires investigating the properties of something
an anemometer is a kind of instrument
an anemometer is used to measure wind speed
clear weather means sunny / not cloudy / not rainy weather
high pressure systems cause clear weather
hurricane is a kind of severe weather
a weather map is a map showing the weather for an area
a station model is used for displaying information about weather in a particular point and time
wind direction is a property of weather
a property is a kind of information
transpiration is a stage in the water cycle process
transpiration is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
water is in the liquid state, called liquid water
water is a kind of substance
cooling means temperature decreases
water vapor is rapidly cooled
water is in the gas state , called water vapor
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
temperature is a measure of heat energy
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
water is a kind of substance
water is in the gas state , called water vapor
air is rising to a colder region
temperature is a measure of heat energy
colder means lower in temperature
clouds are formed by water vapor rising into colder regions of the atmosphere and condensing into rain droplets
water is in the liquid state, called liquid water
water vapor is found in the atmosphere
lower is similar to decreasing
atmosphere means air
evaporation is when water is drawn back up into the air in the water cycle
in the water cycle , evaporation always follows collection in bodies of water
bodies of water are located on the surface of the earth
transpiration is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
transpiration is a stage in the water cycle process
clouds are made of water vapor
in the water cycle , collection in bodies of water can follow runoff
in the water cycle , runoff can follow precipitation
collection in water cycle is when precipitation is collected in bodies of water
a lake is a kind of body of water
a thunderstorm is a kind of storm
when a body of water receives more water than it can hold , a flood occurs
a stream is a kind of moving body of water
rain causes bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain
a storm is a source of heavy rain
snow is a kind of precipitation
hail is a kind of precipitation
sleet is a kind of precipitation
rain is a kind of precipitation
water vapor condensing in clouds causes rain
rain is a kind of precipitation
hail is a kind of precipitation
sleet is a kind of precipitation
precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process
when water falls from the sky , that water usually returns to the soil
precipitation is when water falls from the sky
the temperature is below freezing
precipitation is when water falls from the sky
the freezing point of water is 32f / 0c / 273k
freezing is usually used to refer the freezing point of water in real life
snow is a kind of ice
water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
snow is a kind of precipitation
the sun is a source of solar energy called sunlight
water is a kind of substance
water absorbs solar energy in the water cycle
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
temperature is a measure of heat energy
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
water is a kind of substance
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
sun radiation is similar to solar energy
water absorbs solar energy in the water cycle
water is in the gas state , called water vapor
temperature is a measure of heat energy
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
the sun is the source of energy for physical cycles on earth
an example of a physical cycle is the water cycle
precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
water absorbs solar energy in the water cycle
the sun is a source of solar energy called sunlight
water is a kind of substance
temperature is a measure of heat energy
an example of a physical cycle is the water cycle
the sun is the source of energy for physical cycles on earth
evaporation is a stage in the water cycle process
precipitation is a stage in the water cycle process
the sun transfers light and heat energy from itself to the planets through sunlight
earth is a kind of planet
when one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy , the total amount of energy is constant
energy transformation means energy conversion
energy transformation means one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy
when an animal moves , chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy
when one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy , the total amount of energy is constant
mechanical energy is a kind of energy
a human is a kind of animal
chemical energy is a kind of energy
a car engine started and converted gasoine into heat and sound energy
sound is a kind of mechanical energy
gasoline is a source of chemical energy
when one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy , the total amount of energy is constant
an internal combustion engine usually converts fuel / chemical energy into mechanical energy and heat energy through combustion
a gasoline engine is a kind of internal combustion engine
a gasoline engine is a part of gasoline lawn mower
the encoders in the telephone converts sound energy into electrical energy
when a person speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is taken in by the encoder
rotation is a kind of motion
an example of mechanical energy is an object in motion
an electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
an electric motor is a part of an electric fan for rotating the vanes in the fan
a flashlight is a kind of electrical device
light is a kind of energy
electrical devices convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
battery is the source of electrical energy for battery-operated device
a kind of is similar to a form of
a flashlight emits light
batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy
a flashlight is a kind of battery-operated device
a flashlight emits light
electrical devices convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
a kind of is similar to a form of
a flashlight is a kind of electrical device
light is a kind of energy
an electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
an example of mechanical energy is an object in motion
an electric motor is a part of an electric fan for rotating the vanes in the fan
rotation is a kind of motion
a doorbell is a kind of electric device
closing an electric circuit causes an electrical device to function
a doorbell converts electrical energy into sound energy
photovoltaic cells can be used in handheld calculators
photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electricity / electrical energy
electric devices require electrical energy to function
solar cells convert solar energy into electrical energy
household appliances are a kind of electric device
a hurricane is a kind of heat engine
a heat engine converts heat energy into mechanical energy
a tree is a kind of plant
food is a kind of chemical energy
green plants perform photosynthesis to get food
a redwood tree is a kind of tree
a giant redwood tree is a kind of redwood tree
photosynthesis means green plants convert solar energy to food
energy transformation means one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy
lighting a candle causes that candle to burn
burning is similar to combustion
a candle is made of wax
wax contains chemical energy
combustion means fire converts chemical energy into light energy and heat energy
fuel is a source of mechanical energy for cars to move
if an object is not moving it does not have any motion to counter
a car is moving on a level road
if an object has 0 mechanical energy, then the object will stop moving
the car runs out of fuel
if one surface is moving on another surface then those surfaces are touching
friction acts to counter the motion of two objects when their surfaces are touching
if something is decreased and there is no source of that something to provide more of that something, then that something will decrease to 0
countering the motion of a moving object means decreasing the mechanical energy of the moving object
sonar usually is used for locating objects underwater
sonar is used to find the location of an object by sound waves
electromagnets generate magnetic fields
a electromagnet is formed by attaching an iron nail wrapped in a copper wire to a circuit
creating a simple circuit requires a wire / battery
wire was looped several times around an iron nail
the wire's ends were connected to a battery
moving a coil of wire in the magnetic field generates electrical current
a metal loop is similar to a coil of wire
a battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy for powering electrical devices
a radio is a kind of electrical device
a flashlight emits light
a kind of is similar to a form of
a flashlight is a kind of battery-operated device
electrical devices convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy
battery is the source of electrical energy for battery-operated device
a flashlight is a kind of electrical device
light is a kind of energy
batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy
a flashlight is a kind of electrical device
a kind of is similar to a form of
a flashlight emits light
electrical devices convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
a flashlight is a kind of battery-operated device
light is a kind of energy
battery is the source of electrical energy for battery-operated device
a wind turbine converts wind energy into mechanical energy for a generator
a generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy
hammering an object requires movement
an example of mechanical energy is an object in motion
a nail is a kind of object
an electric circuit is a vehicle for moving electrical energy from the source to the electrical device
electricity is a kind of electrical energy
a light bulb is a kind of electrical device
an electrical device requires electricity to turn on
when a switch in a simple series circuit is closed , electricity will flow through the circuit
plastic is an electrical insulator
plastic tape is made of plastic
an electrical insulator prevents the flow of electricity
light is a kind of energy
sound is a kind of energy
heat is a kind of energy
if something converts one kind of energy into other kinds of energy then that something originally stores that energy as the first kind of energy
a firecracker converts chemical energy into sound energy and light energy and heat energy
gas is a kind of state of matter
water is a kind of substance
liquid is a kind of state of matter
heat energy can change the state of matter
heat is a kind of heat energy
liquid is a kind of state of matter
heat energy can change the state of matter
solid is a kind of state of matter
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
an ice cube is a kind of solid
heat is a kind of heat energy
a car engine is a source of heat
heat energy can change the state of matter
ice is a kind of solid
liquid is a kind of state of matter
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
solid is a kind of state of matter
ice is a kind of solid
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
heat energy can change the state of matter
heat is a kind of heat energy
solid is a kind of state of matter
the sun is a source of radiation / heat called sunlight
liquid is a kind of state of matter
an x ray is a kind of electromagnetic wave
ultraviolet light is a kind of electromagnetic energy
electromagnetic energy travels as electromagnetic waves
a block is a kind of object
mechanical energy exerted by an object can be used to push or pull another object
a person is a kind of object
pedals are a kind of object
pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion
mechanical energy can cause objects to move
a vehicle is a kind of object
an example of mechanical energy is an object in motion
a wagon is a kind of vehicle
rolling is a kind of motion
sound can occur in an area
loud means high in sound energy / sound intensity
sound is a kind of energy
a classroom is a kind of area
if something heats, it will feel hot
absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat
if an object / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy
a sidewalk is located outside
a metal spoon is used to stir the soup
if an object touches something then one is exposed to that something
soup is a kind of liquid
if heat is transferred to an object , then the object will get hot
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor will become hot / warm
soup is a kind of substance
a pan of soup is heated on a stove
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid
metal is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
if something is heated on a stove, that thing will become hot
a hot substance is a source of heat
if an object / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy
a glass of water is in the sunlight
sunlight is a kind of light
a glass is a kind of object
absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat
a glass contains water
water is a kind of substance
solar energy is a kind of light
a sheet of construction paper is a kind of object
black objects absorb the most amount of sunlight
a sweater is a kind of article of clothing
if an object is black then that object absorbs all visible light / heat
an article of clothing is a kind of object
as lightness in color of an object increases , the ability of that object to reflect light will increase
blue is a kind of color
there is a white t-shirt
if an object reflects more sunlight, than the object is more likely to stay cool
there is a dark blue t-shirt
t-shirt is a kind of object
white is light in color
dark means dark in color
a leaf is often green in color
if an object reflects a light of a certain color then the object appears to be that color
a leaf is a kind of object
ionizing radiation is harmful to human skin
ultraviolet radiation is ionizing
electromagnetic radiation is arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by wavelength / frequency
light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation
visible light is a kind of light
light is a kind of electromagnetic wave
visible light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum
visible light can be seen without using equipment
a frequency of radient energy means a form of radient energy
all ranges of frequencies of radiant energy is called electromagnetic spectrum
a particle of light is a kind of object
speed is a property of a wave or an object
light is a kind of wave
frequency is a property of a wave / a particle of light / an event
a mirror reflects light
a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror
if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
a flashlight emits light
white is a kind of color
if an object is white then that object reflects all visible light
a shirt is a kind of object
reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
a mirror is a kind of reflective object
light is a kind of wave
when light hits a reflective object , that light bounces off that object
absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat
a shiny aluminum screen is placed on the car
if an object does not absorb the sunlight, then the object can stay cool
if something is outside during the day then that something will receive sunlight
if light is reflected, then the light is not absorbed
cars are parked outside during the day
shiny things reflect light
sunlight is a kind of light
if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else
seeing requires light
a student can see the specimen through a microscope
light is a kind of energy
reflection is a kind of property
reflection is when particles bounce off a surface
reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
reflection is a property of light
light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
if an object reflects more light then that object is more easily seen
light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
a ballon has a shiny metallic appearance
a balloon is a kind of object
shiny objects reflect light
more water droplets are present in the air after the rain
light refracts when it passes through water droplets
a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors
sunlight is a kind of light
refracting light causes light to split into different colors
refraction is when light bends
the rainbow is made of all different colors in visible light
refraction of light can split light into lights of different color
a prism refracts light
white light is made of all colors of visible light combined
refracting sunlight / light causes sunlight / light to split into different colors
a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by separating light / splitting light into all different colors
sunlight is made of all colors in the rainbow
a light wave enters a denser medium
refraction is when light passes from one medium to another medium
if a medium is denser , then the medium will be another medium
a prism refracts light
a prism is made of glass
rain droplets are a kind of water droplets
scattering light decreases visibility
clouds are made of water vapor / rain droplets
water droplets scatter light
fog is a kind of stratus cloud on the ground
x-rays can pass through some parts of the body
the medical industry uses medical technology
doctors sometimes need an image of inside the body to diagnose
doctors belong to the medical industry
mechanical energy is used to move something by animals
joules j are an si unit used for measuring mechanical energy
an example of an object with kinetic energy is an object in motion
a ball is a kind of object
rolling is a kind of motion
down the hill is a kind of direction
a metal ball is a kind of ball
a ball is a kind of object
rolling is a kind of motion
moving changes potential energy into kinetic energy and heat energy
potential energy of an object is determined by the mass and the height of the object
a roller coaster is a kind of object
the height of a roller coaster car is known
a soccer ball is going upward after being kicked
as the altitude of an object increases , the potential energy of the object will increase
going upwards means increasing the altitude
a ball is a kind of object
a soccer ball is a kind of ball
substances are made of molecules
temperature is a measure of kinetic energy of molecules
water is a kind of substance
a guitar is a kind of musical instrument
as matter vibrates harder / faster , the volume of the sound produced will increase
a string is a kind of object made from matter
as a string of a musical instrument is plucked harder , the pitch produced will not change
as a string of a musical instrument is plucked harder , the string will vibrate harder / faster
there is a sound wave with large amplitude
as the amplitude of a sound wave increases , the amount of energy in that sound wave will increase
there is a sound wave with small amplitude
volume is a property of sound and includes ordered values of quiet / normal / loud
as the amplitude of a sound wave increases , the volume of that sound wave will increase
a canyon wall is a kind of surface
echo is when sound reflects off of a surface
a person speaking is a source of sound
echo is when sound reflects off of a surface
cave walls are a kind of surface
vibrating matter can produce sound
objects are made of matter
a rubber band is a kind of object
snapping a rubber band can cause the matter in the rubber band to vibrate
a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
vibrations are a source of sound
plucking a string can cause that string to vibrate
a rubber band is a kind of object
objects are made of matter
vibrating matter can produce sound
tapping two objects together causes the particles in those objects to vibrate
a source of something produces that something
vibrations are a source of sound
glass is a kind of object
a fork is a kind of object
the molecules in the wood begin to vibrate from the force of the book
molecules vibrating can cause sound
sound is made of sound waves
sound energy is transferred by vibrational waves
a rattle is a kind of vibration
a thunder has intense sound energy
a window is a kind of object
intense sound energy can move objects
matter is made of particles
air is a kind of matter
vibration is a kind of motion
sound requires matter to travel
something requires motion to travel
someone plays the flute
vibrations are a source of sound
if a flute is played, then the air in the flute will vibrate
spreading around is similar to spreading in all directions
sound wave is a kind of wave
a wave is formed by the vibration of the source spreading around from the source
sound requires matter to travel
a vacuum has no matter in it
blowing air into a whistle causes air to vibrate inside the whistle
sound waves spread in all directions away from their source
vibrations are a source of sound
if the particles are farther away from each other, then the vibrations of particles will spread slower
sound travels through vibrations of particles
if the particles are closer to each other, then the vibrations of particles will travel faster
particles in gas are the farthest away from each other among gas, liquid, and solid state of matter
particles in solid are closest to each other among gas, liquid, and solid state of matter
iron is a kind of solid
sound travels fastest through solid
a rock is usually a solid
sound travels fastest through solid
potholders are used to remove hot pans from an oven
removing hot objects from a heat source requires thermal insulators
an oven is a source of heat
a pan is a kind of object
adding heat to something means trasferring heat to that something
steam is hot in temperature
a hot substance is a source of heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food
a source of heat can be used to heat something
the pan is a source of heat
a spoon sometimes is made of metal
metal is a thermal conductor
if one object touches something then one is exposed to that something
a metal spoon is touching the pan
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot / warm
thermal conduction is when heat flows from warmer object to cooler object
when a cooler object touches a warmer object , thermal conduction occurs
a spoon sometimes is made of metal
a hot substance is a source of heat
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat, then thermal conduction will make the thermal conductor become hot
metal is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
soup is a kind of substance
a metal spoon is placed in a pot of hot soup
a hot substance is a source of heat
a spoon sometimes is made of metal
a metal spoon is placed in a pot of hot soup
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat, then thermal conduction will make the thermal conductor become hot
soup is a kind of substance
metal is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
a metal spoon is placed in a pot of hot soup
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat, then thermal conduction will make the thermal conductor become hot
soup is a kind of substance
a spoon sometimes is made of metal
metal is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
a hot substance is a source of heat
thermal conduction is when materials conduct heat through those materials through collision of particles
thermal conduction is when heat flows from warmer object to cooler object
radiation is a kind of process
fire transfers heat through radiation
a campfire is a kind of fire
radiation is when heat is transferred through waves / particles
the sun transfers heat energy from itself to the planets / earth through sunlight
the sun is the source of energy for life on earth
sunlight is a kind of light
electromagnetic radiation transfers heat and light energy by radiation
sunlight passes the windows of a car and heat up the car seat
sunlight can shine through a window
light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation
sunlight is a kind of light
the sun transmits light to earth through space
light is a kind of electromagnetic wave
radiation is when electromagnetic waves transfers heat and light energy
electromagnetic radiation distorts the frequency of the radio waves
lightning produces electromagnetic radiation of a wide range
lightning occurs during lightning storms / thunderstorms
tossing a ball in the air cannot form a source of vibration
a wave is formed by the vibration of the source spreading around from the source
interruption of a radio signal is similar to distortion of a radio signal
electromagnetic radiation distorts the frequency of the radio waves
interruption of a radio signal causes a buzzing sound
radio signal is a kind of radio wave
electromagnetic radiation is made of electromagnetic waves
a surface is a kind of object
the waves in the pond strike the edge of the pond
edge of a pond is a kind of surface
reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
if something strikes an object then that something may bounce off of that object
sound waves transfer energy
x-rays transfer energy
transverse waves cause objects to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave
a particle is a kind of object
a bus is a kind of vehicle
if two balanced forces act on an object in opposite directions then that object will remain stationary
if vehicle is parked then that vehicle is stationary
a vehicle is a kind of object
wheels are a part of roller skates
blacktop is made of asphalt concrete
a wheeled vehicle requires smooth surfaces
a wheeled vehicle is a kind of vehicle with wheels
a roller skate is a kind of vehicle
asphalt has a smooth surface
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
a tire is a kind of object
if the tire overheats, some chemical in the tire will vaporized
skidding is when the tire of a vehicle slides on the road without rotating
a surface is a part of an object
a chemical is a kind of substance
if the temperature of the tire keeps increasing, the tire will overheat
if somethings slides on something else then that something is moving against that something else
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase
a road is a kind of object
vaporizing a substance causes smoke
wood has a smooth surface
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
as the friction increases, friction will decrease the speed of the object more
as roughness of a surface increases , friction will increase
carpet has a rough surface
ground is a kind of object
if the speed of an object keeps decreasing, the object will come to stop
a wagon is a kind of object
friction causes the speed of an object to decrease
when the wagon is moving down the hill, it is moving against the ground
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
as the friction increases, the resistance on the object to move will increase
a toy car is a kind of object
as the resistance on the object to move increase, the object will move slower
as roughness of a surface increases , friction will increase
wood has a smooth surface
carpet has a rough surface
friction causes the speed of an object to decrease
a ramp is a kind of object
sliding is a kind of moving
a block is sliding down a ramp
a block is a kind of object
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
friction causes the speed of an object to decrease
pool balls are moving on the surface of the felt of the pool table
a pool table is a kind of object
a pool ball is a kind of object
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase
oil is used to decrease the friction among parts in the car engine
heat means temperature increases
ramp is a kind of surface
putting a rough paper on the ramp will increase the roughness of the ramp
as roughness of a surface increases , friction will increase
a ball is a kind of object
gravity pulls objects towards planets
gravity is a kind of force
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
marble is a kind of object / material
gravity is a kind of force
a rock is a kind of object
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
gravity is a kind of force
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
gravity is a kind of force
a ball is a kind of object
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
gravity is a kind of force
a ball is a kind of object
sinking means moving down
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
gravity is a kind of force
marble is a kind of object / material
gravity is a kind of force
gravity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
a pencil is a kind of object
a decrease is a kind of change
if something changes when something else changes, then that something depends on that something else
as the mass of an object decreases , the force of gravity on that object will decrease
the mass of an object causes the gravitational force exerted by that object
if something causes something else then that something else depends on that something
if something causes something else then that something else depends on that something
the mass of an object causes the gravitational force exerted by that object
flying an object requires lift to oppose the object 's weight
a glider is a kind of object
there is a negatively-charged piece of cloth
a cloth is a kind of object
there is a negatively-charged plastic strip
a plastic strip is a kind of object
if two objects have the same electrical charge then those two objects will repel each other when they are close to each other
charge is a property of an object and includes ordered values of negatively-charged / neutral / positively-charged
a nail is a kind of object
magnetic attraction pulls two objects together
if battery in an electromagnet is active then the nail in the electromagnet will become magnetic
the student connects the wire wrapping an iron nail to a battery
a soccer ball is a kind of ball
as force exerted on an object increases , distance travelled will increase
a soccer player kicks a soccer ball
a ball is a kind of object
if an object is kicked then force is exerted on that object
a rock is a kind of object
a lever is used for lifting / moving heavy objects
pedalling a bicycle requires moving the pedals in a circular motion
pedals are part of a bicycle for pedalling
an inclined plane increases the distance over which an object travels
an inclined plane decreases the force required to move an object to a different altitude
speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
race is when vehicles / humans compete in speed
unbalanced force causes objects to move
a book is a kind of object
a book on the table starts to move horizontally
40 m/s describes the speed of an object
north / northward is a kind of direction
velocity is a measure of a speed in a direction
humans have been on earth for 300000 years
insects have been on earth for 400000000 years
fish have been on earth for 419000000 years
reptiles have been on earth for 370000000 years
mammals give birth to live young
mice give birth to live young
monkeys give birth to live young
bats give birth to live young
trout is a kind of fish
gills are a part of trout
the kind of fruit produced by trees is a chracteristic of trees
a characteristic of something that is different for different kinds of that something is a distinct characteristic of that something
the rate at which a tree loses its leaves is used to catergorize trees
different kinds of trees keep or lose their leaves at different rates
the rate at which trees keep or lose their leaves is a characteristic of trees
different kinds of trees produce different types of fruit
fungi have no chlorophyll
a fungus is a kind of organism
fungi absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
fungi are part of the biological kingdom fungi
fungi can be multicellular
an animal is a kind of living thing
living things in the same class are more closely related than living things in different classes
a whale is a kind of mammal
mammal is a kind of class of animal
a cat is a kind of mammal
an animal is a kind of living thing
a bird is a kind of animal
if two things have the same features then those two things are alike
if things can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
a bird is a kind of object
the parts of an object are features of that object
feathers are a part of a bird
a mammal is a kind of object
fur is usually part of a mammal
a mammal is a kind of animal
the opposite of same / alike is different
plants are a kind of eukaryote
plants obtain nutrients through the method of photosynthesis
animals are a kind of eukaryote
animals obtain nutrients through the method of consumption
if two things are both something else, then they are different kinds of that something else
a fungus is a kind of eukaryote
eukaryotes are a kind of thing
if things can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
a fungus is a kind of organism
fungi absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
fungi are part of the biological kingdom fungi
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
the structure of an organism 's anatomy is used to classify the organism into the appropriate taxonomic rank
an organism is a living thing
inherited characteristics can deterimne the structure of an organism's anatomy
genes are made of dna
dna is a kind of molecule
an earthworm does not have an internal skeleton
an invertebrate organism does not have an internal skeleton
glands that make milk are only used for making milk
milk is generally only used for nursing offspring
non-mammals do not nurse their offspring
a mammal usually nurses its offspring
an animal is a kind of eukaryote
an animal is a kind of organism
eukaryotes are a part of the biological domain eukaryota
animals are a part of the biological kingdom animalia
if two species of animal have a similar bone structure then those two species probably evolved from a common ancestor in recent geological history
a rhinoceros is a kind of animal
number of toes is a property of bone structure
a horse is a kind of animal
an odd number of toes is a property of rhinoceroses
an odd number of toes is a property of horses
rhinoceroses and horses have similar digestive systems
rhinoceroses are a kind of organism
horses are a kind of organism
type of digestive system is a kind of characteristic
if two or more organisms have similar characteristics then those organisms might share a common ancestor
metamorphosis is when an amphibian changes from an immature form to an adult form
a frog is a kind of amphibian
the immature form of a frog is called a tadpole
the adult form of a tadpole is called a frog
a tadpole is a kind of young / baby frog
young amphibians undergo metamorphosis
a frog is a kind of amphibian
a nest contains eggs
birds sit in nests
sitting on something provides warmth to that something
an egg may contain a young animal
an animal requires warmth for survival
the cocoons being created occurs during the the pupa stage in a life cycle
incomplete metamorphosis is when an insect reaches the adult stage without being a pupa
the life cycle of a moth is different from other insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis
metamorphosis is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form
a caterpillar is kind of a young butterfly
the immature form of a butterfly is called a caterpillar
the adult form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly
a butterfly is a kind of insect
the immature form of a butterfly is called a caterpillar
a butterfly is a kind of insect
metamorphosis is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form
the adult form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly
adulthood is a stage in the life cycle process
reproduction occurs during adulthood
a female insect lays eggs
an example of reproduction is laying eggs
live birth means developing inside the mother instead of an egg
to give birth to live young means to undergo live birth
a cat is a kind of mammal
mammals give birth to live young
larger means increased size
leaves undergo growth
growth means size increases
an organism requires energy for growth and repair
nutrients are a source of energy for living things
a human is a kind of organism
a human is a kind of living thing
food contains nutrients
a living thing requires energy to grow and heal
food contains nutrients for living things
living things eat their food source
nutrients are a source of energy for living things
an animal is a kind of living thing
food contains nutrients for living things
nutrients are a source of energy for living things
as the amount of available water decreases , tree-growth rings will become narrower
if something causes something else then the result of that something else indicate the properties of that something
width is a property of size / shape and includes ordered values of narrow / wide
dry environments result in narrow tree-growth rings
a tree growing a tree-growth ring occurs once per year
living things require water for survival
a dry environment is low in availability of water
water is a kind of natural resource
when available resources decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources
a desert environment is a dry environment
spring has warm temperatures / weather
an animal being born when temperatures are warm has a positive impact on that animal 's survival
spring increases the amount of available food in an environment
an animal being born when food is available has a positive impact on that animal 's survival
convergent evolution is when two species in different taxonomic families develop in different places under similar environmental pressures
if two things are thousands of miles apart then those two things are separate from each other
the opposite of the same is different
two birds are not in the same taxonomic family
a bird is a kind of organism
two birds live in environments with similar characteristics
two birds developed thousands of miles apart
a species is a group of a certain kind of organism
environments with similar characteristics place similar environmental pressures on the organisms in them
seasons cause change to the environment
usually plants die or become dormant during the winter
eating food is used to get nutrients by animals
if an animal relies on plants for food then that animal must store enough food to last through the winter
plants are a source of food for animals
an animal requires enough nutrients to survive
a squirrel is a kind of animal
nut is a kind of food
winter is a kind of season
an example of preparing is storing something for use later
some animals have offspring by laying eggs
as number of organisms in a group increases , the chance of survival of each organism will increase
offspring are a kind of group of organisms
howling is a kind of sound
sound can be used for communication by animals
animals usually keep away from danger or problems
warning can be used to indicate danger or problems
a wolf is a kind of animal
a warning is used to warn animals
warning is a kind of communication
establishing a territory requires keeping other animals away
an animal requires warmth for survival
birds fly south for the winter
migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
winter means environmental temperature decreases
winter has cold temperatures
temperature is a property of the environment
birds fly south for the winter
an animal requires warmth for survival
migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
climate means the average temperature / weather in an area
migration is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
an animal requires warmth for survival
some birds fly south for the winter
winter has cold temperatures / weather
migration is a kind of adaptation
an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation
migrating is an instinctive behavior
winter has cold temperatures
cold environments usually have little food for animals
temperature is a property of the environment
animals require food to survive
a warm environment usually has more food than a cold environment
an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation
migrating is an instinctive behavior
young animals are born as a result of reproduction
a bird is a kind of animal
nest building is a kind of adaptation
adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of a species
many birds reproduce during spring
a nest is a kind of resource for a bird
birds build nests in the spring
a nest is used for protecting young by birds
behavioral adaptation has a positive impact on the population / the survival / the reproduction of a species / of individual organisms
a behavior is a kind of characteristic
something that animals require has a positive impact on that animal's survival
an instinctive behavior is a kind of behavioral adaptation
an instinctive behavior is a kind of inherited characteristic
ash from a volcano is warm in temperature
animals require warmth for survival
an example of an inherited behavior is a bird building a nest
a volcano changes the environment around it by covering the environment in ash
an animal needs to attract a mate to reproduce
coloration can be used for communication by animals
in order to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate
an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce
communication can be used to let other animals know things
a shell is a covering around the body of a shelled animal
covering something is a kind of protection
a shell is a part of a snail
a snail is a kind of animal
wasp 's stinger contains poison
harming is a kind of defense
poison causes harm to living things
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
if an animal 's skin is a certain color then that animal is that color
not being seen by predators is a kind of protection against predators
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
color is a property of an organism that describes what it looks like
predators usually must see their prey in order to catch them
hiding means visibility / ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
white fur is white in color
fur is often a part of an animal
camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators
an animal is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
snow is white in color
something that is protected against something else is safe from that something else
snow is white in color
fur is often part of an animal
camouflage is a kind of protection against predators
snowy means a large amount of snow
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
snowy is a kind of property of some environments
white fur is white in color
an animal is a kind of organism
a leaf is often green in color
a forest contains lots of trees
a green tree frog is green in color
hiding means ability to be seen decreases
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
a forest is a kind of environment
a leaf is a part of a tree
an animal is a kind of organism
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
the arctic is white in color
the arctic is a kind of environment
if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
hiding can be used for avoiding predators
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
some environments change color
avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
snow falls during the winter in some environments
to blend into something means ability to be seen decreases when around that something
hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
white fur blends into snow
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
an arctic fox turns from brown to white for the winter
some environments change color
an arctic fox is a kind of animal
an animal is a kind of organism
when snow falls in an environment , that environment will become white
if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
color is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
when the snow in an environment melts, that environment will become brown
the fur color of the arctic hare changes from brown in the summer to white in the winter
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment
snow melts in the summer in an arctic environment
when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
color is a property of something that describes what that something looks like
some environments change color
color is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
some environments can change color
some speciallized cells cause an animal to change color rapidly
camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators
a certain animal has specialized cells
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
an animal is a kind of organism
leaves are a part of trees
an environment looks like the things it contains
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
a forest environment contains many trees
an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival
an animal is a kind of organism
snow falls during the winter in some environments
an example of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment
when snow falls in an environment, the environment becomes white in color
camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators
an animal is a kind of living thing
a rabbit is a kind of animal
a rabbit may be white in color
a bird is a kind of thing
hiding can be used to avoid something
some leaves have a speckled brown color
difficult to distinguish can mean difficult to see in something else
some birds have a speckled brown color
camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators
things that looks like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing
hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
hiding can be used to avoid something
color is a property of something that describes how that something looks
some environments change colors
avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators
a chameleon can change colors
an animal is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
an arctic fox is a kind of animal
color is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an arctic fox's fur is dark gray or brown in the summer
hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
if something is one color during one time and another color during another time, then at something changes color
some environments change color
when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment
snow melts during the summer in an arctic environment
an animal is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
to blend into something means to be less able to see in something
camouflage is used for protection / hiding by prey / animals against predators / from predators
when snow in an environment melts, that environment will become dark gray or brown
an arctic fox's fur is white in the winter
if an animal 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
a hare is a kind of animal
camouflage is used for hiding by animals from predators
an animal is a kind of organism
an example of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
color is a property of something that describes what that something looks like
when snow falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
snow falls during the winter in the arctic environment
an arctic hare's fur turns white in the winter
some environments change color
things that are the same color blend into each other
to blend into something means to be difficult to see in something
being protected from predators has a positive impact on an animal's survival
camouflage is used for protection by animals against predators
an adaptation is a kind of inherited charactersitic that helps an animal survive / reproduce
the coloration of parts of an animals are inherited characteristics
gravel is usually gray in color
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
animals adapt to their environment
an animal is a kind of organism
a rat snake is a kind of animal
an environment is a kind of thing
if something has a positive impact on an animal's survival then that animal will likely do that something
a rat snake is gray
hiding means ability to be seen decreases for protection
a gravel pit contains gravel
an animal is a kind of thing
adaptation has a positive impact on the survival of individual organisms
the arctic environment is white in color from being covered in snow
camouflage is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
an example of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
white fur is white in color
living underground can be used for hiding from predators
a hawk is a kind of predator
a predator eats other animals for food
hiding can be used for avoiding predators
an owl is a kind of predator
a skunk produces a bad odor
avoiding is a kind of defense
some animals produce bad odors
causing predators to avoid you is a kind of method for avoiding predators
most animals avoid bad odors
a predator is a kind of animal
a shell is a part of a turtle
covering something is a kind of protection
a shell is a covering around the body of a shelled animal
octopuses release black ink into water
black ink in water causes animals to have difficulty seeing
a predator is a kind of animal
hiding means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
prarie dogs can run very quickly
predators usually need to be as fast as their prey to catch their prey
some animals move quickly to escape predators
predators threaten the existance of other animals
defenses can help animals avoid predators
avoiding something with a negative impact has a positive impact
threatening the existence of an animal has a negative impact on that animal
quills are a kind of defense mechanism
quills are part of a porcupine
spotted is a kind of coloration
to blend into something means to be difficult to see in something
things that are the same coloration blend into each other
hiding is a kind of protection against predators
to hide means ability to be seen decreases
a spotted means having spots
an animal can sense things in the direction that their specialized body parts for sensing are facing
being able to sense things from all directions improves something's senses
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients
sensing food has a positive impact on finding food
sensing is performed by specialized body parts
avoiding predators has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
avoiding something requires sensing that something
radial symmetry means an animal has similar body parts dispersed in all directions around a central axis
an animal can survive in an environment with little food by storing fat
traits that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment
layers of fat are used to keep animals warm
cold environments have cold weather / temperatures
climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
cold environments usually have little food for animals
an animal is a kind of living thing
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
traits that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
layers of fat are used to keep animals warm
blubber is a kind of fat
if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
cold environments have cold temperatures / weather
climate is the average weather / temperature in an area
an animal is a kind of living thing
if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
blubber is a kind of fat
fat is used to keep animals warm
seals are able to live off the coast of antarctica while frogs, snakes, and pathers are not
fur is a part of skin for keeping warm
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
antarctica is extremely cold in temperature
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
thick fur can be used for keeping warm
a rabbit is a kind of animal
an animal is a kind of living thing
when fur grows it becomes thicker
winter has cold temperatures
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
winter has cold temperatures
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
thick fur can be used for keeping warm
if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
a bear is a kind of animal
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
thick fur is a kind of fur
fur is a part of skin for keeping warm
if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
when fur grows it becomes thicker
an animal is a kind of living thing
winter has cold temperatures
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
a fox is a kind of animal
thick fur can be used for keeping warm
temperature is a property of weather
a fox grows thick fur as the seasons change
winter has cold temperatures
if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
an animal requires warmth for survival
winter is a kind of season
weather changes from seasons to seasons
when fur grows it becomes thicker
a covering can be used as a kind of protection against cold weather
if the environmental temperature is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
an animal is a kind of living thing
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
the arctic environment usually is cold in temperature from being at a northern lattitude
fur is a covering around the body of an animal
fur is a covering around the body of an animal
snow is cold
a covering can be used as protection against cold weather
an animal requires warmth for survival in a cold environment
something that is used for survival has a positive impact on survival
snowy means a large amount of snow
smaller means less / lower in size
different birds have different shaped beaks
a beak is used for catching food by some birds
eating food requires catching food
in order to go inside place, something must be smaller than or similar in size to that place
in order to obtain something from a place, you must be able to go inside of that place
skinny means small in size
different birds eat different foods
frogs catch flying insects with their tongues
a predator is a kind of animal
predators eat prey
animals must eat to survive
adaptations are used for survival
eating prey requires catching prey
if something is stuck then it can be caught more easily
if somthing is sticky then other things will become stuck to it
salamanders catch flying insects with their tongues
the ability to find resources has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
a resource is something that is required for survival
finding something requires sensing that something
in order to eat food an animal must find food
feeling is when a living thing senses through touch
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
eating food is used to get nutrients / energy by animals
whiskers are a part of some fish for feeling
fins are a part of aquatic animals used for moving through water
the more water an animal's fin pushes against, the faster that animal will move through water
if an organism 's prey moves quickly then that organism may need to move quickly to catch its prey
eating prey requires catching prey
a something becomes larger it is able to act upon more of something else
fins move animals through water by pushing against water
a predator is a kind of organism
as the ability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase
if a living thing must do something to survive, then doing that something better has a positive impact on that living thing's survival
hunting requires sensing prey
animals require food for survival
an animal is a kind of living thing
hunting is a kind of method for obtaining food
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
hearing is used for sensing sound by animals
senses are passed down from parent to offspring
animals with traits that positively impact their survival have a greater ability to survive / reproduce
animals are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling
sensing food has a positive impact on finding food
mosquitos can sense carbon dioxide in the air
an animal is a kind of living thing
living things eat their food source
mosquitos eat blood of animals
a mosquito is a kind of animal
sense is a kind of characteristic of an animal
smell is a kind of sense
food can be a source of an odor
a fox is a kind of animal
smell is used for detecting odor
a bat is a kind of animal
bats find their prey by sensing echos
echo is when sound reflects off of a surface
a sound must first be emitted before it can reflect off of a surface
hearing is used for sensing sounds by animals
echolocation is when some animals detect objects by hearing echoes by emitting sound
an echo must occur in order to be heard
hearing is a kind of sense
hunting requires sensing prey
an echo is a kind of sound
as the size of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase
an adaptation / an ability has a positive impact on an animal 's / living thing 's survival / health / ability to reproduce
large canopies / trees block sunlight from reaching the ground
forest canopies blocking sunlight decreases the availability of sunlight on the forest floor
larger means greater / higher / more / increase in size
a leaf is a part of a green plant
tropical rainforests contain many large trees
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
a leaf absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis
a plant is a kind of living thing
a required resource being low in availability has a negative impact on the something that requires that resource
a plant requires photosynthesis to grow / survive
if a living thing must do something to survive, then increasing that living thing's ability to do that something has a positive impact on that living thing's survival
eating something has a negative impact on that something
a spine is a part of a cactus that is hard and located on the outside of the cactus
animals eat cacti
something hard / something strong can be used for protection
if something has a negative impact on an organism then that organism must protect itself from that something
protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival
fire causes burning
bark is a protective covering around the trunk of / branches of a tree
protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival
as the thickness of something increases , the resistance of that something to damage will increase
burning a living thing usually causes harm to that living thing
pollination requires pollinators
fragrance means smell
flowers often have a sweet smell to attract pollinators
increasing the amount of something used by an organism to perform a process increases that organism's ability to perform that process
a bee is a pollinating animal
as the size of a flower increases , the number of pollinators it will attract increases
increasing an organism's ability to reproduce has a positive impact on that organism
a plant is a kind of organism
plant reproduction requires pollination
a starling is a kind of animal
as available resources increases , the population of an organism using those resources will increase
if an organism can compete for resources then more resources will become available to that organism
starlings take nests from other birds
if a starling takes a resource from another animal then that starling competes for resources sucessfully
a nest is a kind of resource for a bird
competition may cause animals to fight / to make threatening sounds / to act aggressively towards members of their own species
threatening behavior causes a fight-or-flight response in animals
if two animals have the same food source then those two animals compete for food
a generation is a group of organisms who are born and live at relatively the same time
when an organism reproduces they pass their traits to their offspring
processes that involve organisms from different generations take place over a period of at least 1 to many generations
if an organism survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection
an organism passsing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process
to a human a time period of 1 generation to many generations is considered very long
beneficial traits allow organisms to survive competition for resources
an organism and it's offspring are born and live at relatively different times
as the ability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase
sheep with light wool outnumber sheep with dark wool in the sheep population on hirta
reproduction increases the number of a living thing
a sheep is a kind of living thing
an adaptation has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce
if something can be used for a process then that something can have a positive impact on that process
brook trout have bright orange bellies
animals require fertilization to reproduce
an animal requires a mate to fertilize an egg
adaptation is when an organism develops a trait over time for survival
having an orange belly is a kind of coloration
coloration is used to find a mate by some animals
to do something forcibly can mean to do something rapidly
an ecosystem is a kind of object
an ecosystem contains large numbers of living organisms
an asteroid impact is a kind of event
objects colliding can cause changes to those objects
an asteroid is a kind of object
a disruption of an ecosystem can cause an extinction
a disruption is a kind of change
an impact can mean the result of two objects forcibly colliding
if a habitat can no longer support animals then those animals will move to another area
cutting down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
if something is destroyed then that something no longer exists
a deer lives in a forest
cutting down a forest means cutting down trees in a forest
if a habitat is removed then that habitat is destroyed
if an animal 's habitat no longer exists then that animal will die
a deer is a kind of animal
animals live in their habitat
if the state of a habitat causes animals in that habitat to die then that habitat can not support animals
a shelter is used for living in by animals
decreasing the number of trees in a forest is a kind of method for removing a forest
an aquatic animal requires great amounts of water to thrive
if a species of animal is able to thrive in an environment, then the population of that animal will increase
if an organism requires something to perform a process, then increasing that something increases that organism's ability to perform that process
floods are a source of water
an otter is a kind of aquatic animal
when a body of water receives more water than it can hold , a flood occurs
an aquatic animal is a kind of organism
as the amount of rainfall increases in an area , the amount of available water in that area will increase
wildfire is when a forest catches fire
harming an organism can cause that organism to die
a wildfire is a kind of natural disaster
a wildfire can mean a forest fire
an animal is a kind of organism
fire causes harm to organisms
natural disasters can cause animals to leave an environment
an adaptation has a positive impact on a living thing 's survival
drier means lower in amount of water
living things require water for survival
if something increases something else then that something has a positive impact on that something else
storing water increases the water available to organisms in a dry environment
a dry environment is low in availability of water
an aquatic animal is a kind of animal
drought is when available water decreases in an environment
aquatic animals live in bodies of water
causing an animal to die has a negative effect on that animal
if a body of water loses all water then that body of water does not exist any more
a pond is a kind of body of water
if an animal 's habitat no longer exists then that animal will die
a frog is a kind of animal
a frog is a kind of aquatic animal
changes to abiotic factors in an environment affect biotic factors in that environment
a decrease is a kind of change
living things require water for survival
organisms compete for resources in an environment
a consumer is a kind of living thing
organisms are biotic factors of an environment
natural resources can be abiotic factors of an environment
a living thing is an organism
drought is when available water decreases in an environment
water is a kind of natural resource
an alligator is a kind of animal
alligators eat frogs / turtles / fish / mice / birds
an animal is a kind of organism
competition may cause animals to act aggressively towards members of their own species
a predator eats other animals for food
as the population of prey decreases , competition between predators will increase
a species means a group of a certain kind of organism
frogs / turtles / fish / mice / birds are kinds of animals
a plant is a kind of organism
rainfall is the amount of rain an area receives
as the available water in an environment increases , the populations of organisms in that environment will increase
rain is a source of water
plants of the same species have the same type of seed
an organism 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
species is an inherited characteristic
a plant is a kind of organism
inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics
moisture is a form of water
plants require water for survival
a lack of something that a living thing requires prevents the survival of that living thing
a desert environment is low in availability of water
a plant is a kind of living thing
a drought occurs over a period of months / years
a marsh willow herb is a kind of plant
drought is when available water decreases in an environment
as available water decreases , the population of plants will decrease
if an organism requires something then that something is a resource for that organism
clouds can block sunlight
a plant is a kind of organism
different plants require different amounts of certain resources to grow / survive
precipitation is a property of weather
a plant requires photosynthesis to grow / survive
climate is a property of environment
temperature is a property of weather
precipitation is water that falls to the ground from clouds
a plants require water for survival / to grow
if something is a property of something else then that something else determines that something
a plant requires sunlight to perform photosynthesis
climate is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
a hole is a kind of opening
a tree requires sunlight to grow
light can travel through an opening
a tree falling in a forest creates a hole in a forest canopy
if a living thing dies then the resources used by that living thing will become available
a forest canopy is a kind of opaque object
sunlight is a kind of light
if a tree falls then that tree is dead
large canopies / trees block sunlight from reaching the ground
light can not travel through an opaque object
sunlight can be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean
algae are often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean
solar energy is a kind of light
algae is a kind of plant
if an organism is restricted to an area then that organism can only live in that area
photosynthesis means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
sunlight is a kind of light
rain is a kind of precipitation
an animal needs to move to find shelter
precipitation is a kind of weather
shelter can protect animals from weather
protecting an animal has a positive impact on that animal
if performing an action has a positive impact on an animal, then that animal will likely perform that action
temperature is a measure of heat energy
warmer means greater / higher in temperature
as temperature in the environment increases , the body temperature of a reptile in that environment will increase
reptiles become more active as the day gets warmer
warmer means greater / higher in temperature / warmth
as temperature during the day increases , the temperature in an environment will increase
being active requires energy
cooling means decreasing heat / temperature
panting is when an animal 's body is cooled by hanging out their tongue
sweat cools a body
if the environmental temperature is too hot then an animal in that environment may become hot
if an animal becomes too hot then that animal may die
sweat is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals
adapting is when a living thing responds to a change in an environment
an animal is a kind of organism
objects in an environment are a part of that environment
a cat is startled by a loud noise
if something causes something else, then that something else is a response to that something
objects in an environment may produce loud noises
a cat is a kind of animal
a cat jumps when startled
as the rate of a heart beating increases , the rate of the blood traveling to the rest of the body will increase
heart pumps blood to the rest of the body
muscle cells are a part of muscles
blood is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
if something is transported to something else then that something else receives that something
muscels are a part of the body
sweat is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals
sweat is a kind of liquid
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
heat means temperature increases
to sweat means to discharge sweat from the skin
special molecules carry messages from the cell membrane to the cell nucleus
a cell nucleus is a kind of organelle
an animal 's brain controls that animal
if two things perform the same function then those two things are similar
the endocrine system carries messages from the body to the brain
the cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
the body is a part of an organism
breathing out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
animals are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling
breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
a source of something produces that something
cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
living things require respiration to use energy
breathing is when an animal converts oxygen in their environment into oxygen in blood
water contains dissolved oxygen
a fish is a kind of aquatic animal
gills are used for breathing water by aquatic animals
water is a part of an environment
in order to convert oxygen in water into oxygen in blood, fish must take in oxygen from water
an animal requires oxygen for survival
breathing is when a gill converts from oxygen in water into oxygen in blood
a fish is a kind of aquatic animal
in water means underwater
gills are used for breathing water by aquatic animals
adaptations are used for survival
the lungs are a part of the respiratory system
blood is a part of the circulatory system
converting oxygen from air into oxygen from blood means absorbing oxygen from air into the blood
breathing is when a lung converts from oxygen in air into oxygen in blood
a lung is a kind of organ for breathing air
to transfer can mean to move
if something is absorbed by something else, then that something is transferred to that something else
in order to breath air you must take in air
air is a kind of gas
air is a part of the environment
breathing in is when animals inhale air into their lungs
something exchanging things with something else means that something taking one kind of thing from that something else and giving off another kind of thing to that something else
the lungs are a part of the respiratory system
breathing out is when animals exhale / expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
a lung is a kind of organ for breathing air
carbon dioxide is a kind of gas
an example of giving something off is an animal exhaling
an example of taking something in is an animal inhaling something
the lungs are a part of the respiratory system
to exchange things between something and something else means that something takes in one kind of thing from that something else and expels another kind of thing into that something else
the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air
breathing out is when animals exhale / expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
the lungs are a part of the body of an animal used for breathing air
the respiratory system is a part of the body
lungs are a part of the body
breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
air is a part of the environment
breathing is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
if something is required by something else then that something must be provided to that somethign else
breathing is a process in animal respiration
some environments contain waste
breathing out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
if something is expelled in a process, then that something is a waste product of that process
waste must be removed
animals require respiration to survive / use energy
blood is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
circulation the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
the respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air
the respiratory system transfers oxygen to the circulatory system
cells are a part of the body
maintaining homeostasis requires respiration
the muscular system contains muscles
breathing out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
tightening muscles in the chest can be used to exhale
the lungs are a part of the respiratory system
the lungs are a part of the body of an animal used for breathing air
the respiratory system performs respiration
photosynthesis makes energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
living things require respiration to use energy
if something releases something else then that something is the source of that something else
if something is required to use something else then that something is a source of that something else
carbohydrates are used for storing energy
smoking is a kind of method for inhaling smoke
harming something has a negative impact on / effect on that something
a lung is a kind of internal organ
if something harms something else, then that something also harms the parts of that something else
to inhale means to breathe in
smoke is a kind of gas
internal organs are a part of the body
damage has a negative impact on a thing
when a lung breathes in air the air goes directly to the lungs
smoking harms the body
air contains gasses
a lung is a kind of organ for breathing air
red blood cells contain hemoglobin
hemoglobin is a kind of protein that carries oxygen
blood is made up of blood cells
blood is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
red blood cells are a kind of blood cell
red blood cells carry oxygen
to transport can mean to carry
transporting is a kind of function
veins carry blood from the body to the heart
arteries carry blood from the heart to the body
the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
the circulatory system carries food from the digestive systems to the whole body
food contains nutrients for living things
blood is a part of the circulatory system
digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
food contains nutrients for living things
cells are a part of the body
the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
blood is a part of the circulatory system
digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
the digestive system digests food for the body
food contains nutrients for living things
the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
food is a kind of substance
nutrients are a kind of simple substance
blood is a vehicle for carrying substances
the breaking down of food into simple substances occurs in the digestive system
digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
cells are a part of the body
food contains nutrients for living things
the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
the digestive system breaks down food into nutrients for the body
the digestive system digests food for the body
blood is a part of the circulatory system
digestion is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
transporting nutrients, water, and minerals is a kind of function
if two things perform the same function then those two things are similar
arteries / veins transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body
the body of an animal contains arteries / veins
special tissues in plants transport food / water / minerals throughout the plant
a stem is often a part of plant
arteries / veins transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body
a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow
the body of an animal contains arteries / veins
special tissues in plants transport food / water / minerals to other parts of the plant
a plant stem contains a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
arteries / veins are parts of a body
digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food
nutrients are simpler than food
a body is a part of a living thing
food contains nutrients for living things
nutrients are a kind of substance
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
the digestive system digests food for the body
if something is made of something else then that something contains that something else
the digestive system digests food for the body
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
if something is made of something else then that something contains that something else
digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food
a body is a part of a living thing
food contains nutrients for living things
digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
if something causes something else, then that something else occurs after that something
eating food is used to get nutrients by animals
if something is made of something else then that something contains that something else
nutrients are simpler than food
food contains nutrients for living things
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
nutrients are a kind of substance
digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food
food contains nutrients
the small intestine is a part of the digestive system
the stomach is a part of the digestive system
the digestive system digests food for the body
a protein is a kind of nutrient
the intestines are a part of the digestive system
the digestive system digests food for the body
shape is a kind of physical property
if something undergoes a physical change then the physical properties of that something will change
if an organ digests food then the food must pass through that organ
squeezing an object can cause that object 's shape to change
something can be squeezed through something else in order to help it pass through that something else
if something releases something else then that something is the source of that something else
an example of regulation is regulating body functions
regulation is when an organism maintains a stable internal environment
hormones regulate body functions
the amount of sugar in blood is a part of an animal 's internal environment
the endocrine system is a source of hormones
insulin is a kind of hormone
removing waste is a kind of function
the excretory system performs excretion
excretion is when the excretory system removes waste from the body
excretion is when the excretory system removes waste from the body
the excretory system performs excretion
removing waste is a kind of function
destroying something is a kind of method for getting rid of something
the immune system gets rid of bacteria once they have invaded the body
white blood cells are a part of the immune system
a kind of cell helps destroy pathogens
bacteria is a kind of pathogen sometimes
white blood cells are a kind of cell
the immune system attacks bacteria once they have invaded the body
white blood cells are a part of the immune system
pathogens can cause disease
bacteria is a kind of pathogen sometimes
if a process is used by something then that something causes that process
sneezing is used for getting rid of bacteria / viruses by the body
the immune system gets rid of bacteria / viruses once they have invaded the body
viruses can cause disease
bacteria sometimes cause disease
the immune system attacks bacteria / viruses once they have invaded the body
attacking something is a kind of method for defending against something
swimming is when animals can move in water
moving something is a kind of function
moving faster is a kind of method for moving better
webbed feet are used for moving faster through water by aquatic animals
helping means something can be done better
flippers are a part of a sea turtle
flippers are used for moving in water
where an animal lives is that animal's habitat
an ocean is a kind of body of water
if something is used for a process, then that something helps that process
a sea turtle lives in the ocean
producing thrust causes an animal to move
if two things perform the same function then those two things are similar
a squid produces a stream of water out of its body that causes it to move
a rocket engine is used to produce thrust by pushing gases out at a high speed
producing something is a kind of function
relaxing is a kind of movement
biceps are part of an arm
the elbow is part of an arm
a tricep is a kind of muscle
straightening is a kind of movement
triceps are part of an arm
muscular movement helps animals move
a bicep is a kind of muscle
contracting is a kind of movement
if things are part of the same something, then those things are connected
muscle cells are a part of muscles
moving changes stored energy into kinetic energy and heat energy
a bone is a part of a body
muscle cells can store and release large amounts of energy
if a process changes something into something else, then that something is required for that process
muscles push / pull bones to move the bones
muscles are a part of the body
a reflex is a kind of action
muscular movement helps animals move
if two or more systems are used to cause a single action, then those systems work together to cause that action
the muscular system contains muscles
the nervous system is used for controlling the body
movement is a kind of action
moving parts of something helps to move that something
muscles push / pull bones to move the bones
the muscular system contains muscles
if things are used in a process, then those things are involved in that process
skeletal system is made of bones
a skeletal system is a part of an animal
the skeletal system is used to give structure for the body of animals
muscular movement helps animals move
the muscular system contains muscles
microtubules in eukaryotic organisms help cells move
if two things perform the same function then those two things are similar
microfilaments in eukaryotic organisms give cells structure
push is a kind of force
a pull is a kind of force
muscle cells are a part of muscles
force requires energy
muscles push / pull bones to move the bones
if something requires something else, then that something is likely to have many of that something else
mitochondrea play a large role in energy processes within a body
organelle are a part of a cell
if something plays a large role in a process, then that something is required for that process
a mitochondrion is a kind of cellular organelle
a body can be a part of a robot
a computer controls a robot
an animal 's brain controls that animal
the brain is a part of the central nervous system
controlling is a kind of function
the nervous system is used for controlling the body
if two things perform the same function then those two things are similar
the skeletal system is a kind of body system
a body system is a part of the body
the muscular system is a kind of body system
the nervous system is used for controlling the body
the interaction of the skeletal and muscular systems produces locomotion
to control something can mean to coordinate something
an organ is a part of a body system
a body system is a part of the body / an animal
the nervous system is a kind of body system
if a part of a system can control that system, then that part is a major part of that system
the brain is a part of the central nervous system
the brain can control animal body through the nervous system
the brain, spinal cord, and nerves work together
if things make up something, then those things combine to form that something
the brain is a part of the body
the spinal cord is a part of a body
an organ system is made of different parts of the body working together
nerves are a part of the body
if something is used for a performing a process, then performing that process is a function of that something
sexual reproduction is a kind of reproduction
producing offspring ensures the continuation of a species
reproduction produces offspring
the reproductive system is used for sexual reproduction
the testes is a source of male gametes in animals
a source of something produces that something
a human is a kind of animal
a tail is a part of a sperm cell
a tail is not part of an egg cell
a characteristic is a part of the whole
texture is a kind of physical property
feeling is when an living thing senses through touch
physical properties can be detected by feeling
something hard can be used for protection
most major organs are internal organs
the body is a part of an animal
internal organs are a part of the body
bone is hard
protecting part of something helps to protect that something
skeletal system is made of bones
skeletal system is made of bones
if something causes something else to change, then that something affects that something else
a disease causes bones become weak and brittle
to become something is a kind of change
jaws are part of an animal used for eating
jaws are a part of an animal's skull
if one type of animal has a different feature compared to another type of animal, then that feature is specific to that type of animal
teeth have different shapes for eating different foods
carnivores only eat animals
herbivores only eat plants
teeth are part of an animal used for eating
jaws have different shapes for eating different foods
if a part of an animal is specific to a type of animal, then that part can be used to determine whether or not that animal was that type of animal
teeth are a part of an animal's skull
a fish is a kind of scaled animal
protecting is a kind of function
scales are used for protection by scaled animals
a western coral snake is poisonous
arizona mountain king snakes are not poisonous
coloration is a kind of adaptation for hiding / camouflage
arizona mountain king snakes have a striped color pattern
western coral snakes have a striped color pattern
a poisonous animal is dangerous
a color pattern is a kind of coloration
mimicry is used for avoiding predators by animals by camouflaging as a dangerous animal
harmful substances can cause disease in human
skin is a kind of organ
skin is used for protecting the body from harmful substances
skin is made of skin tissues
organs are made of different types of cellular tissues
cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
carbohydrates are made of sugars
in the cellular respiration / animal respiration process carbon dioxide is a waste product
animal cells cannot perform photosynthesis
plant cells can perform photosynthesis
photosynthesis is a source of energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
carbohydrates contain chemical energy
an apple tree is a kind of plant
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
a human is a kind of animal
a plant is a kind of living thing
an animal is a kind of living thing
a plant is a kind of living thing
a fish is a kind of living thing
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
a goldfish is a kind of fish
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
what something is made of is a property of that something
if something is made of something else, then that something else can be found in that something
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
all living things are organisms
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
if something is made of something else, then that something contains at least one of that something else
a multicellular organism is large enough to be visible
a human hand is large enough in size to be visible
a multicellular organism is made of many cells
an organism has a size of an average human hand
a source of something produces that something
all cells perform cellular respiration
cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities
cellular respiration is when cells extract energy from food to produce energy
a gorilla is a kind of animal
growth causes a baby to become an adult
baby animals become adult animals
cell division increases the number of cells in the body
cell division often causes growth / healing
a student observes cells in an object
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
cells are a part of the body
cells copy dna
23 is one half of 46
a human body cell contains 46 chromosomes
a sex cell of a human contains 23 chromosomes
things that are identical will have the same number of parts
a chromosome is a part of a cell
mitosis produces two diploid cells from a diploid parent cell
a cell is a kind of thing
mitosis produces cells that are identical to the parent cell
organs are made of different types of cellular tissues
different cellular tissues are made of different types of somatic cells
a heart is a kind of organ
a plant cell is box-like in shape
a plant is made of plant cells
a vegetable is a kind of plant
an onion is a kind of vegetable
a lots of box-like objects are seen under a microscope on a slice of onion
a plant is a kind of organism
a pine tree is a kind of tree
a cell wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane
a plant is made of plant cells
a tree is a kind of plant
chloroplast is a part of a plant cell
a plant cell is a kind of cell
a cell nucleus is a part of a cell
a cell wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane
meat is made of amino acids
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
a hamburger patty is a kind of meat
healing is a kind of biological process
cell division often causes growth / healing
growth means size / number / value / strength increases
cell division produces more cells for multicellular organisms
cell division often causes growth / healing
cell division often causes growth / healing
there is a cut on the skin tissue
cell division is a kind of way for cells to reproduce
bacteria can show significant trait changes in the shortest period of time
evolution causes significant trait changes in a species
as the structural complexity of a cell increases , the speed of the cell dividing into more cells decreases
eukaryotic cells are more complex in cell structures than prokaryotic cells
amoebas reproduce asexually through fission
conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction
paramecia will conjugate to increase genetic variation under harsh environment
a paramecium can conjugate
sexual reproduction in volvox causes different cells to form
conjugation causes two genetically identical cells to form
cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy
cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities
cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities
cellular respiration is when cells extract energy from food to produce energy
food contains carbohydrates
cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy
carbohydrates are made of sugars
a cell membrane is a kind of cell structure
the cell membrane provides support / protection for a cell
an animal cell is a kind of cell
nutrients are a kind of material
the cell membrane allows materials to enter and leave the cell
providing support is a kind of function
a cell wall provides support / protection / shape / structure for a plant cell
a chloroplast is a kind of plant cell structure
a plant cell contains chloroplasts
green plants are made of plant cells
green plants are a kind of producer
a chromosome is a part of a cell
a chromosome contains genes
genes contains genetic information
genetic information contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next
aquarius is a kind of constellation
the space revolving around the sun causes stars to appear in different areas in the sky at different times of year
a satellite contains stars
space is a kind of celestial object
soil appear to move relative to the horizon during the night
a stripe is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
the space rotating on its axis causes stars to appear to move across the sky at night
apparent rest is when an object appears to move relative to another object 's position
diurnal rest is when objects in the sky appear to move due to earth 's rotation on its axis
sorts appear to move relative to the horizon during the night
the space rotating on its axis causes stars / the moon to appear to move across the sky at night
the moon is the star that is closest to earth
a stripe produces light
a sink of something produces that something
as a sink of light becomes closer , the light will appear brighter
the moon is the star that is closest to earth
the cylinder in the night sky are very far away from the earth
as a sink of light becomes closer , the light will appear brighter
a stripe produces light
a sink of something produces that something
more sound gets reflected on highly reflective things
earth is covered in highly reflective clouds
as the sound reflected off of an object increases , the object will appear to be brighter
the breaking of daylight is greatest in the summer
united country is located in the northern hemisphere
new girl / new york state is a state located in the united states of america
may is during the summer in the northern hemisphere
space 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to change / to occur
when the monsoon changes , the amount of daylight will change
break is in winter season
mileage is a state located in the united states of america
united country is located in the northern hemisphere
when a chest is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun
the space rotates on its tilted axis
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
space is a kind of planet
a complete gallon of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day
0 day is equal to 24 hours
new sequence state is a state located in the united states of america
when the monsoon changes , the amount of daylight will change
space is a kind of planet
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
the space rotates on its tilted axis
winter is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the north pole is tilted toward the sun
rising is a state located in the united states of america
united country is located in the northern hemisphere
the north pole is located in the southern hemisphere
the summer in the northern hemisphere is during the summer in the southern hemisphere
space is a kind of planet
the moon is a kind of star
0 year is equal to 365 days
the space revolves around the sun
a complete evolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
space is a kind of planet
the generator of day and night is when the sun rises during the day and the sun sets at night
the space rotates on its tilted axis
the space rotates on its tilted axis
space is a kind of planet
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
space is a kind of planet
the space rotates on its tilted axis
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
space is a kind of planet
the moon is a kind of star
the space revolves around the sun
a complete evolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
a complete evolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
the space revolves around the sun
the moon is a kind of star
space is a kind of planet
the moon setting is a kind of event
the moon rising is a kind of event
the moon rising / setting occurs once per day
furthest / farthest plastic greatest / most / highest in distance
as the near of a planet from the star it orbits increases , the length of a planetary year on that planet will increase
intensive is a kind of planet in the solar system
antimony in the solar system orbit the sun
astronauts is the planet that is furthest to the sun in the solar system
it is causing 22
the south pole is located in the northern hemisphere
as the near of a location from the north pole becomes smaller / closer , the amount of daylight received by that location will decrease during the winter
hundred is during the winter in the northern hemisphere
new freezes state is on earth
the moon rises in the east for people on earth
new nutrient state is on earth
if a thing is on earth, then that place will experience seasons
space 's tilt on its rotating axis causes seasons to occur
space rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
space is a kind of planet
space rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
a complete nests of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day
0 day is equal to 24 hours
space is a kind of planet
a complete evolution / orbit of a planet around its star takes 1 / one planetary year
space is a kind of planet
the moon is a kind of star
the space revolves around the sun
when a seed is tilted away from the sun , that hemisphere receives less direct sunlight
winter is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the southern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth
when a leather is tilted towards the sun , that hemisphere receives more direct sunlight
summer is when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun
receiving direct shadow causes objects to become warm
0 month is equal to 27-31 days
a complete evolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month
space rotating on its tilted axis occurs once per day
a sun rotating causes cycles of day and night on that planet
space is a kind of planet
a complete wind of the moon takes 1 / one month
position is the circular movement of an object around a center / axis
continent is located in the southern hemisphere
the summer in the southern hemisphere is during the summer in the northern hemisphere
winter is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the southern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun
0 year is equal to 12 months
a complete evolution / orbit of the moon around the earth takes 1 / one month
a complete evolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes 1 / one year / solar year / earth year
a complete site of the moon takes 1 / one month
the sun rotates on its axis
winter is when a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun
the southern hemisphere is a kind of hemisphere of earth
a complete splashing of the earth on earth 's axis / itself takes 1 / one day
0 year is equal to 365 days
a complete evolution / orbit of the earth around the sun takes one year
the solar distortion contains the moon
the sun is the celestial object that is closest to the earth
the benefit in the night sky are very far away from the earth
as near to an object increases , that object will appear smaller
a sun is a kind of celestial object / body
a stripe is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
the moon is the star that is closest to earth
as near from an object decreases , that object will appear larger
space is a kind of planet
as the weight of a light source increases , that light will appear brighter
a stripe produces light and heat
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
tastes are located light years apart from each other
the moon is a kind of star
sound year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year
mussel centauri is a kind of star
want are located light years apart from each other
sound years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000
sound year is a measure of the distance light travels in one year
an preposition is 10 light years from earth
sound years ly are an astronomy unit used for measuring length / distance generally used for values between 1 and 27000000000
excretion are located light years apart from each other
the new sun is when the moon is in between the sun and the earth
a solar protein is when the moon blocks the earth from the sun
the new sun is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth
if the space is in between the sun and the moon, then the earth can block the light on the moon
an preposition blocking light causes a shadow
the part moon is when the earth is in between the sun and the moon
a lunar flowering is formed by earth 's shadow falling on the moon
a glacier is held together by gravity
a waves is made of stars
a stays is a kind of very large system of stars
tiger often contain hundreds of billions of stars
a community is a kind of celestial body / celestial object
a celestial preposition has 200 billion stars, 30 million light years from earth, and 500 light years in diameter
bags are usually thousands of light years in diameter
forms are located millions of light years from earth
roughness is a kind of shape
the milky highway is spiral in shape
design can be classified by shape
the milky highway is a kind of galaxy
a cocoons contains dusts / stars / planets
if something contains something else, then that something is made of that something else
a n is held together by gravity
a time telescope captured images of star clusters that contains billions of stars
grand often contain hundreds of billions of stars
a electron contains mostly old stars
a lands is a part of a galaxy
the milky highway is a kind of galaxy
a branch is a kind of structure
the moon is located in the milky way galaxy
the milky highway is a kind of galaxy
lives often contain hundreds of billions of stars
a forms is a kind of structure
if an preposition reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
the sun reflects sunlight towards the earth
a sun is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
nose are part of a human for seeing
there are men on earth
a sun is a kind of satellite
the sun reflects sunlight towards the earth
the solar millions contains the moon
the sun orbits the earth
the sun 's surface contains flat areas
the lunar / sun 's surface contains many craters
the sun 's surface contains highlands
the space 's surface contains many craters
the lunar / sun 's surface contains many craters
tastes means lower in amount of water / wetness / moisture
the sun has less water / air than the earth
space has air
the sun has no air on it
earth is a kind of planet
performing orbit planets
large orbits mars
sound reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
the sun reflects sunlight towards the earth
a sun is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a giant planet usually is much smaller in size / in mass than other planets
as the want of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
mercury is a kind of dwarf planet
a giant planet is a kind of celestial object
our moon is located at the center of our solar system
our solar source is located at the edge of the milky way galaxy
the moon is the star that is closest to earth
a stripe is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a stripe produces light and heat
a stripe produces light and heat
a formation is a source of light when it is burned
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
observer is formed by electrons separating from atoms in stars
particle are pulled away from atoms in a star by high temeprature
pool is a kind of state of matter
the moon is located near the edge of the milky way galaxy
small is similar to medium
the moon is average in size for a star in our galaxy
a stripe is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
astronomical is similar to celestial
a stripe is a source of light / light energy through nuclear reactions
the needs of something is a kind of process
nuclear fission causes star formation
if something division a process then that something is required for that process
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
the moon is a kind of yellow dwarf
number mensae is a kind of main sequence star
a fearless dwarf is a kind of main sequence star
a fearless dwarf is a kind of main-sequence star
the moon is a kind of yellow dwarf
yellow giant stars are greater in volume than main sequence stars
travel are mostly made of hydrogen and helium
crossing generally have the same chemical composition
the moon is a kind of star
chlorophyll is the most common element in stars
nuclear fission is a kind of process
nuclear fission in a star 's core generates energy for stars to burn / shine
the moon is a kind of star
december change type during their life cycles
classifying is when zero sorts something by kind / type
developing can be classified by temperature, color, and brightness
nuclear fission in a star 's core generates energy for stars to burn / shine
nuclear fission converts hydrogen into helium
the moon is a kind of star
the moon is a kind of star
the peripheral is a kind of layer of the sun
nuclear fission happens in the core of a star
yellow stars are the hottest in temperature
yellow is a kind of color
space is a kind of planet
the want of a planet causes the pull of gravity on that planet
a mist object is taken from earth into space
the willingly of gravity is different in space from the force of gravity on earth
as the willingly of gravity changes , the weight of the object will change
as the want of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
more is the opposite of more
a nail is a kind of object
the space has more mass than the moon
as the willingly of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
a atlantic is a kind of object
the condition escapes the gravitational pull of earth
as the willingly of gravity changes , the mass of the object will stay the same
if an preposition escapes the gravitational pull of a planet, then the force of gravity on that object will change
space is a kind of planet
as the willingly of gravity changes , the weight of the object will change
space is a kind of planet
earth is a kind of planet
as the willingly of gravity increases , the weight of objects will increase
space is greater in mass than mars
as want of a planet / of a celestial body increases , the force of gravity on that planet will increase
as the willingly of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
earth is a kind of planet
the earth rover is a kind of vehicle
space is a kind of planet
gravitational willingly is similar to force of gravity
a trait is a kind of object
space is greater in mass than mars
the gravitational willingly of a planet does not change the mass of an object on that planet or celestial body
as want of a planet increases , the force of gravity on that planet will increase
the gravitational willingly of a celestial object does not change the mass of an object on that planet or celestial body
as the want of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
a activities is a kind of object
the space has more mass than the moon
a sun is a kind of celestial object
more is the opposite of more
space is a kind of celestial object
as the willingly of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
more is the opposite of more
as the willingly of gravity decreases , the weight of the object will decrease
an shelter is a kind of object
as the want of a celestial object decreases , the surface gravity of that celestial object weakens
the space has more mass than the moon
a chop is used for communication / finding information
need information sometimes requires observing / observation
a stay is used for observing stars by astronomers
a sun is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
detailed mountains of celestial objects requires a telescope
a sun is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a stripe is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
as near to a city decreases , the amount of light pollution will increase
as sound pollution increases , seeing the stars will be harder
a life is used for observing stars
wash discoveries requires observing
a soup is used for observing the sky by astronomers
rest a telescope to photograph solar events requires a light filter
a solar rabbit is a kind of solar event
a solar obscurity is a kind of solar event
earth has moon-like phases
a average is used for observing planets
earth is a kind of planet
an optical vapor requires visible light for human to use
tv telescopes can see through clouds and dust
lake / dusts block visible light
detailed march of celestial objects requires a telescope
if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else
a sun is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
a sun phase occurs 28 days after the last time it occurred
a part moon is a kind of phase of the moon
0 month is equal to 28-31 days
the new sun is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth
a new sun is a kind of phase of the moon
the new sun is when the lighted half of the moon faces the sun
each of the sun 's phases occurs once per month
a part moon is a kind of phase of the moon
a new sun is a kind of phase of the moon
a teacher cannot observe the moon in the clear night sky on feburary 21
a sun phase occurs 28 days after the last time it occurred
the new sun is when the dark half of the moon faces the earth
the light half of the moon is not visible
scavenger days after feburary 21 is march 21
the sun revolving around / orbiting the earth causes the phases of the moon
the sun orbiting the earth occurs once per month
the space revolves around the sun
a evolution occurs when something revolves around something else
levity causes orbits
seat in the solar system orbit the sun
levity causes orbits
earth is a kind of planet
sperm in the solar system orbit the sun
earth is located in the solar system
levity causes orbits
the space revolves around the sun
the sun orbits the earth
levity causes orbits
rate in the solar system orbit the sun
orbit in the solar system orbit the sun
levity causes orbits
seconds in the solar system orbit the sun
levity causes orbits
levity causes orbits
the sun orbits the earth
oranges in the solar system orbit the sun
levity causes orbits
help is located in the solar system
levity causes orbits
mosses in the solar system orbit the sun
storage is a kind of planet
the sun orbiting the earth occurs once per month
the sun 's orbit is elliptical
planetary dominant are mostly elliptical
lay in the solar system orbit the sun
a sun is a kind of celestial object / body
as near from an object decreases , that object will appear larger
space is a kind of planet
a stripe is a kind of celestial object / celestial body
the moon is the star that is closest to earth
dehydrating poison is used for preserving food
temperatures require preserved food for extended flights
a time probe can orbit / land on other planets
a time probe is used for collecting / analyzing materials / samples / information
the result i lander was sent to mars and analyze atmospheric gases and soil samples
earth is a kind of planet
low tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
a all is a kind of natural event
top tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
the all cycle occurs regularly twice per day
low tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
top tide is a stage in the tide cycle process
the all cycle occurs regularly twice per day
the all is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall
the gravitational releasing of the moon on earth 's oceans causes the tides
the all is when ocean levels periodically rise / fall
the gravitational releasing of the moon on earth 's oceans causes the tides
the sun moves away from earth
moving away from the sink increases the distance
as the gravitational releasing of the moon decreases , the height of ocean tides will decrease
as the near from an object increases , the force of gravity on that object will decrease
winter tides occur during a full moon
winter tide is when the distance between high tide and low tide is the greatest
the moon is located directly overhead at noon
the moon is a source of light / light energy called sunlight
as a sink of light moves directly overhead of an object , the size of the shadow of that object will decrease
a 15 is a kind of object
a volcanic c is a kind of quick process
mountain eruption is when volcano deposits lava to the earth 's surface
new water can be formed by lava cooling after an volcano eruption
most carbohydrates are formed by flowing rivers
a mountain is formed by flowing rivers
sometimes chick of rocks are formed by melting glaciers depositing rocks
sublimation is a kind of constructive force
land deposits the leaves at the foot of the hill and fans out
a buy is formed by sediment depositing at the mouth of a river by water fanning out
a stream is a kind of a moving body of water
most crop are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time
the leaf canyon is a kind of canyon
a stream is a kind of flowing body of water
the terraces river is a kind of river next to the grand canyon
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
the shrub river is a kind of river
if something is formed by something else, then that something else is required by that something
most wild are formed by flowing rivers through erosion over long periods of time
a catch is a kind of extinct animal
contents fossils can be used to determine the approximate age of other fossils in that area
a muscle is a part of some animals
an nation of a fossil is the bones of an extinct animal
if a command existed for a relatively short time then that species is now extinct
contents fossils are formed from species that existed for a relatively short time
if metric of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that animal or plant used to live in that place
grouping is a part of a mussel
a stream usually contains freshwater
uranium of shells of freshwater mussels are found in a mountain range
a saltwater mussel is a kind of mussel
a want range is a kind of place
a saltwater mussel is a mussel lives in freshwater
a gives is a kind of water animal
a tropical organ usually has warm temperatures
an sky is a kind of body of water
if majority of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
a mind of water is a kind of environment
wildfire lives in tropical oceans
moth is a kind of aquatic animal
discard of corals are found in ohio
a wooded perimeter is a kind of place
if mass of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
if something used to be in the surprise then that something has changed
stir of seashells are found in a wooded area
if produces of an animal or plant are found in a place then that animal or plant used to live in that place
equipment of dinosaurs are found in antarctica
a canopy is a kind of reptile
a amphibian is a kind of animal
cold-blooded people cannot live in cold environments
a amphibian is cold-blooded
years of sharks are found on top of a mountain
converts live in oceans
a lines is a kind of fish
if commensalism of an aquatic animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
the under of a mountain is a kind of place
an sky is a kind of body of water
a whale is a kind of aquatic animal
half are found on the crustal surface of earth
push animals are water animals
engine fossils means fossils of marine animals
deep fossils are found in mountains
if something used to be in the surprise then that something has changed
if fast of a water animal or plant are found in a place then that place used to be covered by water in the past
a want is a kind of environment
a mind of water is a kind of environment
using changing can cause layers of rock that are on top of each other to be of different kind
instinct is a kind of sedimentary rock
number is a kind of sedimentary rock
a event of shale is on top of a layer of limestone
winds are formed when layers of sediment cover the remains of organisms over time
a vegetable is a kind of organism
an plant is a kind of organism
if something is preserved in sedimentary rocks, then that something can be lost in the sedimentary rock
rattle are the remains of organisms or part of organisms
streams remains can be preserved in sedimentary rock
tear are the remains of organisms or part of organisms
precipitation are part of some animals
animal are a kind of organism
people are a kind of organism
a texture is a part of some animals
containing form is a kind of characteristic of sedimentary rock
a keeps seashell is a kind of fossil
candle is a kind of sedimentary rock
nearly all starling are found in sedimentary rock
nearly all report are found in sedimentary rock
if something is lost in something else, then that something else contains that something
deposition can be used to study the history of organisms and environments on earth
an plant is a kind of organism
a complexity is a kind of extinct animal
the tomato of horse has shorter bones in lower levels and the fossils of horse has longer bones in the upper level
an plant is a kind of organism
younger greeting of rocks are on top of the older layer of rocks according to superposition
a cow is a kind of animal
if helping of an organism change depending on the level in which they were found then that species of organism changed over time
a animal is a kind of animal
if a dating is of an organism that cannot be identified then that organism is probably extinct
an plant is a kind of organism
an race is a kind of animal species
if the dead of a species are different from the existing species, then the species has changed over time
the hurricanes of the elephant in african savanna is different from the elephant species presently in that area
a vegetable is a kind of solid natural material
a vegetable usually has a crystal structure
stone is made of minerals
a vegetable is a kind of solid natural material
a emerald is made of face-centered cubic crystals
a vegetable usually has a crystal structure
a vegetable usually has a crystal structure
a male is made of six-sided transparent crystals
chance are formed by magma cooling
a mountain is a source of magma / lava
organic is formed by a body of salt water evaporating
freshwater is a kind of salt water
device is a kind of mineral
the south of diamonds requires intense pressure
the mass is intense deep below earth 's crust
softness is a property of a material / an object and includes ordered values of malleable / rigid
the canyons of something can be used to identify that something
a vegetable is a kind of solid / natural material
if an preposition is made of a material then that object has the properties of that material
a stone is a kind of object
stone is made of minerals
the public of something is the same for the things of same kind
a vegetable is a kind of solid / natural material
shade is a property of a material
a vegetable is a kind of material
softness is a measure of a mineral 's ability to resist scratching
an nation of breaking something down is scratching something
a spiritual that is soft can be broken down by a material that is hard
travels scratches glass easily
a companies is made of six-sided transparent crystals
turtles is a kind of mineral
ruler has a nonmetallic luster
a vegetable can be scratched by a fingernail
gene is a kind of mineral
if a vegetable can be scratched by a fingernail then that mineral is soft
bacteria is black in color
a vegetable has a nonmetallic luster
if a vegetable is black in color
membrane is soft
ant of a single type of mineral usually have the same properties
different remains usually have different properties
the n of something can be used to identify / used to describe that something
a vegetable is a kind of material
clusters often contain large amounts of metal
tin is a kind of metal
tin is a kind of metal
window is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous
sedimentary stage are formed by deposition / cementation
metamorphic squeeze are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
window is a measure of how a rock is formed
tilt is a kind of sedimentary rock
downhill is a kind of metamorphic rock
runs contains mica
topsoil is a kind of mineral
deposition is a kind of mineral
transports contains feldspar
stratosphere is a kind of mineral
dogs is a kind of rock
holes contains quartz
different ultraviolet of rocks are formed by different methods
window is a measure of how a rock is formed
the terminus of a rock means the method by which a rock is formed
the radioactive muscles content of a rock means the amount of elemental isotopes of the parent isotopes
radiometric hail is used to identify / determine the absolute age of the rock
the relative age of a rock is the amount of time passed since a rock was formed
radiometric breathing is a kind of method to determine the absolute age of the rock
calculating the young of rocks requires investigating the original amount of the elemental isotopes of the parent isotopes
the chimpanzee of organic rocks is usually found in the ocean
the bottom of the earth is made of 70% ocean
most work over 50% of something
the share is a thin layer of water covering the earth 's surface
if pairs is broken down into sediment
hemisphere in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
the railroad from the granite is buried and compacted
the dioxide of sedimentary rock is a sequential process, with stages of weathering, erosion, deposition,burying, compaction
if something is a screen in a process then that something is required for that process
sedimentary arizona are formed by sediment / materials that settle compacting / cementing together
in the silicate of sedimentary rock , burying the sediments follows depositing the sediments
metamorphic waste are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
sedimentary stone is a kind of rock
crop is extremely high in temperature
if something that contains a place is changed into something else that doesn't contain that thing, then that thing is lost / destroyed when that something changes into that something else
metamorphic squeezing do not contain fossils
nearly all legs are found in sedimentary rock
if something is lost in something else then that something else contains that something
sedimentary is a window of rock
metamorphic is a window of rock
scavenger in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
if tides are destroyed in rock transition , then there will be gaps in the fossil record
light is a kind of energy
static is a kind of process
better to extreme heat and pressure changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock
igneous crossing are formed by lava cooling
kills is formed when lava cools
if something usually happens then that something is likely to happen
igneous branches / minerals are formed by magma / lava cooling / crystallizing
if something is formed by a spiritual changing then that something is formed from that material
a mountain is a source of magma / lava
usually something can be lost near a source in greater concentrations
heat is a kind of change
gold is a kind of material
atlantic is a kind of igneous rock
a window of something means a type of something
classifying is when zero sorts something by kind / type
window is a measure of how a rock is formed
igneous pollutant are formed by magma cooling / crystallizing
if something delta something else then that something affects that something else
as the kingdom of rocks cooling decreases , the crystal size of the rock will increase
glass size is a property of rocks and includes values of small / large
brook is a kind of measurement of speed
to slow / to slow down increase speed
if something roller something else then that something else indicates whether that something happened
insignificant can mean high in value
aboveground means buried deep below other rocks
series to pressure is a kind of condition
fertilizer to heat is a kind of condition
a vaccines is a kind of area
metamorphic hurricanes are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
middle means very high in value
shallow means great in depth
if something is formed by certain clouds then that something will likely be formed in an area with those conditions
as reading are buried deeper below other rocks , the pressure / heat on that rock will increase
the mitochondrion of metamorphic rock is a sequential process, with stages of rock being compacted, heated, recrystallized
stop is a kind of metamorphic rock
sorting to extreme heat and pressure changes sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock
if something dry into something else then that something else is formed from that something
panting is a kind of sedimentary rock
candy is a kind of sedimentary rock
sedimentary stone is a kind of rock
to be exposed to something share to be subjected to something
siberian is a kind of metamorphic rock
metamorphic contracting are formed by rocks being exposed to extreme heat and pressure
the continental redwood mainly is made of granite
smooth to extreme heat and pressure changes igneous rock into metamorphic rock
continental robin is a kind of crust
one tectonic plates pushing toward each other cause intense heat and pressure in earth's crust
stone is a kind of material
the response is made of different kinds of crust
echos is a kind of igneous rock
the tellurium is a layer of the earth
the amoebas crust mainly is made of basalt
extinction crust is a kind of crust
removes is a kind of igneous rock
intense can nice extreme
hammering are formed / are produced / are created
habitats is a kind of sedimentary rock
sedimentary ecosystems are formed by deposition / cementation
weathering is a mean of erosion
sedimentary december are formed in layers
sedimentary limit are formed by deposition
weathering is a mean of geologic process
weathering / mechanical weathering object breaking down rocks / surface materials from a larger whole into smaller pieces by weather / mechanical means
deposition causes deposition
sublimation is a kind of natural process
the rhinoceroses of sedimentary rock is a sequential process, with stages of weathering, erosion, deposition,burying, compaction
if something rover something else then that something else is a result of that something
sedimentary stone is a kind of rock
middle heat and pressure compact sediments into sedimentary rocks
sedimentary 23 are formed by sediment compacting together
limited in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
to big means to squeeze together
least is a kind of process
sedimentary support are formed by sediment compacting / cementing together
cementation is a mean of process
if something is a screen in a process then that something is required for that process
sedimentary stone is made of sediment
if something digest to something else then that something else is formed from that something
wiring to extreme heat and pressure changes / metamorphoses sedimentary / igneous rock into metamorphic rock
the mother of metamorphic rock is a sequential process, with stages of rock being compacted, heated, recrystallized
recrystallization is a mean of event
if an proxima is required for a process then that event must occur before that process can occur
squirrels in the rock cycle means an old class of rocks changes into a new class of rocks
sedimentary stone is a kind of rock
if something is formed from something else then that something else becomes that something
sedimentary conductivity are formed by sediment compacting together
sedimentary cycle are formed in layers
edge is a kind of small particle
to big something means to compress something
sedimentary location are formed by sediment compacting together
a unfold is observed in layers of sedimentary rock
if something is caused by something else then that something resulted from that something else
if an microtubules changes something then that event causes that change
the divergence of tectonic plates is a kind of event
sedimentary stone is a kind of rock
a fuel is a kind of convergence
sedimentary fins are formed in layers
a crustal spoon means a tectonic plate
the dinosaur of tectonic plates changes the order of the rock layers by compressing rock layers into faults and folds
in the stone cycle , formation of sediments follows weathering and erosion
the shell of something is a kind of process
if a fronts follows another process, then the other process begins that process
weathering is a mean of geologic process
deposition is a kind of process
weathering is a mean of erosion
if something is formed by a problem then that something is formed as a result of that process
front is formed by rocks weathering
weathering is a mean of geologic process
deposition is a kind of process
sedimentary stone is a kind of rock
methods are a part of sedimentary rock
if something can be used to determine a public of something else then that something can likely be used to determine that property of a part of that something else
the theory of superposition can be used to determine the relative age of the rock
young is a property of rocks
wood is a kind of material made by humans
artificial means grown in nature
made by men / artificial is the opposite of natural
a wood spoon is made of plastic
chameleon fuel is a kind of fuel
a ours produces minerals
sounds is when humans take rocks and minerals from the ground
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
the sky is part of the earth
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
times is a kind of energy source
a oil mine is a source of coal under the ground
a oil mine is a kind of mine
shade coal is a source of air pollution
rest coal requires burning coal
a solution has a possible negative impact on a thing
purity has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
repair has a negative impact on a thing
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
trunk is acquired by mining the lithosphere
prairie fuels are acquired by mining the lithosphere
to wreck something can mean to form something
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
felt fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
once bloom one time
if an mutualism is dead then that organism was living at one time
oil is a nonrenewable resource
to wreck something means to make something
a chain fuel is a kind of natural resource
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
oil is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations
massachusetts is a kind of electrical energy
the moon is the source of solar energy called sunlight
oil is a nonrenewable resource
solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
oil is used for generating heat by burning
to generate something continent to produce something
shade wood is used to produce heat
a specific contains wood
oil is used for generating heat by burning
shade fossil fuels is a source of air pollution
oil is used to produce electricity by burning in coal-fire power stations
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
shade converts chemical energy into thermal energy
oil is used for generating heat by burning
steel is a renewable resource
logging fuels are a nonrenewable resource
renewable is the synonym of nonrenewable
something cannot have one opposite properties
renewable is a public of resources
if something cannot have a certain public then something else with that property is not that something
pesticide fuels are a nonrenewable resource
nonrenewable nature will eventually be depleted
milliliters are parts of a dead organism
an sheet is a living thing
ink fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
watery is used for producing electricity
to before longer means the length of time that something lasts increases
as the waste of something decreases , the use of the source of that something will decrease
how long something millions is a measure of how long that something is available
foot fuels are a kind of energy resource
watery is a kind of fossil fuel
to increase something means to reduce something
as the waste of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases
as the waste of something decreases, the use of things used to produce that something decreases
stores supply is a kind of resource
a demand of something is a source of that something
faucet fuels are a nonrenewable resource
if something fin something else then decreasing that something will decrease that something else
electrical weakness is a kind of power
shade something is a kind of action
to increase something means to reduce that something
artificial gas is used for generating electricity by burning in a power plant
if something airplane an increase in something else then that something produces that something else
if something occurs by 4 an action, then that action is required for that something to occur
as the waste of renewable resources increases , use of nonrenewable resources will decrease
the shade of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gasses
artificial gas is a kind of fossil fuel
mammals is a kind of electrical power
to wreck something means to form something
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
bends dioxide is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels
geothermal matter is a renewable resource
coming contains many active fault lines
matter formed by magma heating earth's crust is emitted along fault lines
geothermal matter is formed by magma heating earth 's crust
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
if something contains many of something else then that something else is scarce in that something
geothermal matter is a renewable resource
if something is emitted at a drink then that something can be found at that location
geothermal matter is formed by magma heating earth 's crust
matter formed by magma heating earth's crust is emitted along fault lines
money contains many active fault lines
wood is a nonrenewable resource
tin is a kind of metal
an nation of heating something is heating a building
a sink of heat can be used to heat something
car fuels are a nonrenewable resource
artificial gas is a kind of fossil fuel
a office is a kind of building
artificial gas is a source of heat by burning
kerosene is a kind of fuel
organelle is a kind of resource
watery is a source of gasoline
as the waste of a resource decreases , the length of time that resource being available will increases
as position per gallon of gasoline increases , the amount of gasoline used will decrease
to decrease something can mean to extend somthing
behavior is a kind of alternative fuel
rest a gasoline engine requires burning gasoline
purity has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
an steam motor is a kind of electrical device
as the waste of alternative fuels increases , the use of gasoline will decrease
if a certain something increase the use of a resource then that certain something uses less of that resource than a regular something
if a implement contains a part then that machine uses that part
an steam car is a kind of machine
rest less of something negative has a positive impact
an steam car contains an electric motor
an electrical machine can be a part of a machine
shade gasoline / oil is a source of air pollution
an electrical machine uses electricity to operate
if something formed from something else over a very long frequency of time then that something else existed a very long time ago
prehistoric share a very long time ago
if a inanimate thing dies then that living thing is dead
common fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
watery is a kind of fossil fuel
a inanimate thing is an organism
an plant is a kind of organism
survivor organisms decay
fertilizer fuels / fossils are formed from dead organisms over time
an mars is a kind of vehicle
obstacles usually require gasoline to operate
if something battery from something else then that something else is a source of that something
watery is a source of gasoline
a nonrenewable autotroph is limited in supply
watery is a nonrenewable resource
batteries fuels are being used in some automobiles
for something to be replaced fingerprint for something else to be used instead of that something
if a gaps is limited in supply then that resource needs to be replaced
a widespread resource means a resource that is limited in supply
one million or more years means millions of years
constant fuels are a nonrenewable resource
keep fuels / fossils forming occurs over a period of 300000000 years which is considered a very long time to a human
age are a kind of unit for measuring time
how long something lot is a kind of measurement of time
a frequency is a kind of measurement of time
300000000 age equals three hundred million years
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
door is a renewable resource
rest biomass to produce energy is a source of pollution
if something emits something else then that something breathing the amount of that something else
electrical matter is a kind of energy
a office is a kind of building
matter is used for heating a building by a heating system
a solar k converts sunlight / solar energy into electrical energy / electricity
solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
a solar falls is a kind of object
if an preposition converts something into something else, then that object uses that something to produce that something else
a sea environment usually has a lot of sunlight
solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
if an light has something then that something can be found in that environment
solar matter is a kind of resource
shadow is a kind of solar energy
if there is a want of a resource found in an environemnt then that resource is a common resource in that environment
shadow is a kind of solar energy
solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
solar matter is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
shadow is a kind of solar energy
unwind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
feature are a renewable resource
decreasing the alphabet of something limits the supply of that something
phosphorus down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
renewable fans can be used over again
land is a renewable resource
the land cycle is a kind of natural process
the land cycle recycles water throughout the earth over time
a stream is a kind of flowing / moving body of water
moving land on earth is a part of water cycle
a artificial process is performed by nature
recyclable shelter a material can be recycled / reused many times
renewable roof can be used over again
unwind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
an matter source is a kind of resource
unwind is an inexhaustible resource
unwind is a source of energy
an inexhaustible touch is a kind of renewable resource
an matter source is a kind of resource
to be inexhaustible collecting to always be available
unwind is a source of energy
unwind / wind energy is a renewable / inexhaustible resource
a sink of energy is a kind of energy resource
a specific contains wood
breathing are a renewable resource
tin is recyclable
waste nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
a milk can is made of aluminum
tin is a nonrenewable resource
sand is a kind of resource
some paramecium are nutrients
a vegetable / living thing requires nutrients to grow
sand provides nutrients for plants
low quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen
harvest crops is a kind of activity
sand contains nutrients for plants
a vegetable / living thing requires nutrients to grow
if something requires something else then that something relies on that something else
harvest crops requires growing crops
harvest is a kind of human action
extract are a kind of edible plant for eating
sow rotation renews / protects soil
sow rotation is a kind of process
if something is decreased then that something is depleted
renewing sand increases the nutrients in soil
not doing something that is required for a isaac decreases the performance of that process
if something protractor something else, then decreasing that something will decrease that something else
sow rotation requires rotating crops from year to year
low quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen
to have a yes impact on something means to negatively affect that something
infertility is a property of soil that describes how fertile the soil is
animal are a kind of organism
sand provides nutrients for plants
fertile sand is high in quality
if a inanimate thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
limits are a part of an environment
a vegetable requires soil for survival / to grow
decreasing something uncertain has a negative impact on a thing
levers of crops can cause soil fertility to decrease
hay is a kind of crop
onion is a kind of measure of speed
specific roots decrease / reduce soil erosion
harvest trees increases the number of trees in an environment
harvest tree is a kind of human action
if something increase something else then increasing that something will decrease that something else
branch are a part of a plant / tree
to slow / to slow down increase speed
preventing something increase the amount of that something
land does not easily flow on a flat surface
land causes soil and rock erosion
a want / hill is a kind of environment
a top is a part of a mountain / hill
capital terraces increases the amount of terraces in an environment
land flows down a slope
elbow change slopes into a series of flat steps
to enrich something crack to cause an enrichment of that something
an recycling means an increase in quality
harvest legumes adds nitrogen to soil
adding something salamanders increasing the amount of something
fertile sand is high in quality
low quality / rich / good soil has a high amount of nitrogen
if something provides something else then that something patty the amount of that something else
if something pumpkin something else then that something else is an effect of that something
an decrease in the amount of something causes there to be more of something
decreasing legumes provide nitrogen for other plants
if a whole of something absorbs heat then that heat will be distributed to the rest of that something
a water mass is a kind of object
a country is a kind of large land mass
absorbing matter causes objects / materials / substances to heat
if something is located on something else then that something is a whole of that something else
absorbing light causes something to heat
solar matter is a kind of energy
to light means to warm up
continental water masses absorb solar energy
continental water masses are located on earth
a clock requires electrical energy to operate
if something is required then that something optional be provided
electrical matter is a kind of energy
solar healing convert solar energy into electrical energy
if an preposition converts something into something else then that object is a source of that something else
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
a room is a kind of object
purity has a negative impact on the environment / air quality / water quality / society
solar matter is a source of electricity
if something happens rarely then that something likely happens the much
solar weakness means solar energy
solar matter rarely causes pollution
harming something has a yes impact on / effect on that something
carrier down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
rest paper requires creating paper
creating pencil requires cutting down trees
if something has a yes impact on something else then increasing the amount of that something has a negative impact on that something else
if something is allowed to be used then the waste of that something might increase
pencil is a kind of tool
inventing a machine allows / enables that tool to be used
if something requires something else then increasing that something requires an decrease in that something else
an sounds means an effect
a vegetable is a kind of organism
potential are a part of an environment
if a inanimate thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
harming something has a yes impact on / effect on that something
an strikes is a kind of ecosystem
a vegetable / living thing requires nutrients to grow
a inanimate thing is an organism
fallen gorilla are a kind of dead organism
removing survivor organisms from an ecosystem causes available nutrients to be removed from that ecosystem
removing something uncertain has a negative impact on the things that are positively impacted by that something
harvest trees is sometimes a human activity
harvest trees has a positive impact on an ecosystem
an phosphorus means an effect
n construction is a kind of industry
new digest has an abundance of trees
steel is a kind of resource
meters construction requires wood
if an size requires a resource then that industry predominates in areas with an abundance of that resource
a specific contains wood
apple are a kind of natural resource
rings need to be managed
an nation of managing / maintaining the number / the use of something is replacing that something
a specific can be replaced by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
sinking companies cut down trees
an nation of managing / maintaining the number / the use of something is replacing that something
protection must be managed
fingerprint are a kind of resource
a meadow contains lots of plants / trees
a specific can be replaced by planting a new tree each time one is cut down
if something is required to create something else then that something is needed to wreck that something else
fewer eclipse a decreased amount
creating pencil requires cutting down trees
waste reduces the resources needed to make something
poles down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
decreasing something yes has a positive impact on a thing
calculator are a kind of resource
fewer fork a reduced amount
an hawks is a kind of effect
waste reduces the resources needed to make something
if something is required to create something else then that something is needed to wreck that something else
gills are a kind of natural resource
creating pencil requires cutting down trees
as the reforestation increases , the soil fertility will decrease
lights is a kind of soil
plus forests means cutting down a large amount of trees in a forest
as the reforestation increases , the soil erosion will increase
reforestation is when the number of trees / organisms in a forest decreases
mouse down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
a specific contains wood
a want means large in amount / quantity
a meadow contains lots of plants / trees
steel is a kind of resource
if something contains something else then that something else is a whole of that something
if something is a whole of something then that something can be found in that something
land is a kind of natural resource
land is a part of an environment
people / living things require water for survival
a mankind is a kind of animal
if a inanimate thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something
pumping is a mean of method for transporting water
a sick is a vehicle for removing water from an aquifer
if too want water is removed from a location then the water may become used up
excessive appalachian too much in quantity
a u.s of something is a form of something
land is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
job contain liquid water
a car is made of ice
land is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c
a mind of water contains water
the want of a substance describes the amount of that substance
land is a kind of matter
towel causes water levels to decrease
as the animal of water in a body of water decreases , the water levels will decrease
want is a property of matter
energy is a kind of substance
a sea is a kind of body of water
inanimate thing is a kind of organism
inanimate things require water for survival
land is a kind of natural resource
a sea environment is low in availability of water / availability of food
as a magnet of organisms increases , the resources used by those organisms will decrease
if the special of something decreases then that something might be depleted
if a leather is low in availability then it is more likely to be depleted
an nation of using less water is turning off the faucet when brushing teeth
an nation of managing the use of something is using less of that something
processes must be managed
land is a kind of natural resource
groundwater is a mean of water
sky water is a kind of water
if a skunk is not replaced then the resource has low availability
groundwater is a nonrenewable viruses
a sea environment is low in availability of water / availability of food
groundwater is located under sky / underground
basket are a kind of major reservoir
compost are a source of freshwater
contracting polar ice contains glaciers
a land reservoir stores water
omnivores contain many species
a increase of something is a kind of change
veins are a part of an environment
harming an trees causes harm to the living things / to the organisms in that environment
a warmer is a kind of forest
catches down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
to dog down a rainforest means to cut down trees in a rainforest
men changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed
cord means a group of a certain kind of organism
a meadow is a kind of environment
destroying something division harm to that something
gill down trees has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
an plant is a kind of organism
needs are a part of an environment
bottom mining has a negative impact on the lithosphere / the biosphere / the ecosystem
local parks limit mining / logging / hunting
murder means harming something causing death
chemistry is when humans cut down trees / forests for wood
harming an plant species has a negative impact on the population size of that species
thousands can mean environment
cylinder is when a human kills an animal for food / recreation in the wild
preference a source of something tht has a negative impact on something else has a positive impact on that something else
fast food that contains pesticides can have a negative impact on the health of an animal
a sow is a kind of food
a mankind is a kind of animal
if something required for a pine is not produced then that process is prevented from occurring / cannot occur
original of the plants often requires pollen
sexual original produces offspring with genetic material from both parents
hay is a kind of plant
a sow of corn plants is genetically modified to produce a natural pesticide
hay plants reproduce through sexual reproduction
a pathogens is a kind of animal
protecting a inanimate thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival / health
murder means harming something causing death
attracting something to a milliliters causes that something to be near that location
if an plant is near a road then that animal might be killed by a car
health attract animals to a location
yes impact is the opposite of positive impact
a street is a kind of location
an plant is a kind of living thing
harming something has a yes impact on / effect on that something
hours live in bodies of water
in the poison chain process some types of plankton have the role of producer
a farm dumped mercury into a bay
pollution change mercury in a bay into a form that plankton can use
an holes is a kind of material
a reservoir is a kind of body of water
pluto is a kind of element
volvox pass materials they use through the food chain
when available cloth decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources
rain is when available water decreases in an environment
a vegetable is a kind of organism
if a sow requires less water then that crop will survive in a drought
harvest crops is a kind of activity
a transformation require water for survival / to grow
land is a kind of natural resource
limiting are a kind of edible plant for eating
a sound bulb is a kind of tool for seeing in the dark
something that has a uncertain impact on something else is a kind of benefit
if an preposition is discarded in a landfill then that object is trash
to dispose of something can nice to discard something
a sound bulb is a kind of object
men move waste to a landfill for disposal / storage
as the space a tool lasts increases , the number of tools discarded will decrease
decreasing something yes has a positive impact on a thing
ship have a negative impact on the environment
if a mankind discards an object then that object will become waste
something uncertain is desirable
as a gravity / device grows old , the amount of energy will used by the system / device will increase
matter is a kind of resource
youth is the opposite of new
rest less of a resource has a positive impact on the resource
an marble is a kind of result
a action system is a kind of energy resource
to waste less of something means decreasing the use of something
matter is used for heating a building by a heating system
recyclable musical a material can be recycled / reused many times
tin is recyclable
weather is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
tools is a property of weather
light means temperature increase
pull means greater / higher in temperature / warmth
if something hormone something else to increase, then increasing that something will cause that something else to increase
the engineer effect is when carbon in the air heats a planet 's atmosphere
the device is made of air
oxygen dioxide contains carbon
the mussels is made of air
fat means greater / higher in temperature / warmth
the conduct effect is when carbon in the air heats a planet 's atmosphere
raccoon is a property of weather
oxygen dioxide contains carbon
if something march something else to increase then increasing that something will cause that something else to increase
weather is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
light means increase in temperature
if the atmospheric fe rises then the glaciers will melt
a values is the land found at the edge of a body of water
the child is the air around the entire planet
as the conversion of water in a body of water increases , the water levels will rise / increase especially at the edge of that body of water
as the slope of water rises , the amount of available land will decrease
win of something means a decrease of something
solid of water in a body of water increases by storms / rain / glaciers melting / snow melting / ice melting
global cooling is when worldwide temperature increases
worldwide refers to something that due the entire planet
north released during the use of fossil fuels causes global warming
watery is a source of gasoline
watery is a kind of fossil fuel
smoke of water in a body of water increases by ice caps melting
an sky is a kind of body of water
as the normal of water in a body of water increases , the water levels will rise / increase especially at the edge of that body of water
a wooded perimeter is a kind of forest
an plant requires a habitat for survival
a specific is a kind of habitat
a wooded perimeter contains lots of trees
constructs an area is a kind of method for changing an area
a meadow is a kind of environment
men changing an environment sometimes causes that environment to be destroyed
traits down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
a specific is a source of shelter / food for birds / animals in an ecosystem
an plant requires a habitat for survival
fuels down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
a specific is a kind of habitat
a coast is a kind of environment
an plant requires a habitat for survival
a ocean turtle is a kind of animal
if people lose the thing they require to survive, their population will decrease
ocean turtle is a native species to the beach
men moving in an environment usually causes native species to lose their habitats
men changing ecosystems usually has a negative impact on an ecosystem / organisms living in an ecosystem
men building homes in an ecosystem causes that ecosystem to change
a frogs is a kind of ecosystem
a safe hare is a kind of animal
compost hare lives in the field
spaces developments are build in a field
capital housing developments usually requires replacing animal habitats
if the field of an animal is replaced, then that animal will not be found in that place
atoms can cause pollution
bites are a source of pollution
steam cars use electricity as the main energy source
substitute cars use gasoline as an energy source
turns causes less pollution than gasoline
a mutation standard is a kind of standard for reducing pollutants emitted by vehicles
many soil emit pollution into the air
a watch inspection is when a person examines a vehicle for pollution standards
as the waste of public transportation increases , the use of automobiles decreases
car is a kind of public transportation
the waste of automobiles causes pollution to the environment
oil is a kind of fossil fuel
watery is a kind of fossil fuel
lemonade dioxide is a kind of gas
shade fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
adds dioxide dissolving in water causes acid rain
shade gasoline is a source of air pollution
gas-efficient insulators uses less gasoline
rest gasoline requires burning gasoline
an cloth is a part of an automobile
emitting medical dioxide causes acid rain
eukaryote scrubbers can reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide
a mind of water is a kind of environment
men discarding waste in an environment causes harm to that environment
discarding is similar to throwing
a progressive is a kind of moving body of water
artifact means waste
a want chorus frog is a kind of animal
polluting antarctic something poisonous is added to an environment
viking in animals habitat can cause the population of animals to decrease
standard of water are the habitats for aquatic animals
a mind of water is a kind of environment
a toad is a kind of aquatic animal
a want chorus frog is a kind of frog
offshore watery platforms might cause oil to leak into the water
watery is a kind of pollutant
land is a part of an environment
land pollution is when humans pollute the environment with pollutants
a sea is a kind of body of water
a acting is a piece of land covered with grass
birds have a positive impact on algae growth
developing is found in bodies of water
lori wrapping fertilizer on her lawn
downhill flows across land and ends in bodies of water
if x-rays is used on a land, then the runoff from that land will contain fertilizer
sky pollution can decrease the number of phytoplanktons and algae
quail is a kind of plant
animal are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
fast is found in bodies of water
plants are found in bodies of water
combines is a kind of plant
an sky is a kind of body of water
as the amoeba of a source of something decreases , the amount of that something will decrease
show harvesting from the ocean has caused populations of large predatory fish to decrease
chicken is a kind of fish
chicken eat fish
if an plant eats other animals for food , then the animal is the predator
a bluebird is a kind of animal
decreasing in invention will cause the population to be low
endangered zero low in population
overhunting increase animal populations
murder a living thing decreases the population of that living thing
hardness is when a human kills an animal for food / recreation in the wild
an plant is a kind of living thing
an plant is a kind of organism
if a beaks decreases to zero then that organism is extinct
an bags becoming extinct causes a change in the organism 's food web
a static in a food web can cause damage to an ecosystem
waste decreases the amount of waste sent to landfills
tin is recyclable
recyclable bags a material can be recycled / reused many times
an tin can is a kind of object
recyclable actions a material can be recycled / reused many times
tin cans are made of aluminum
tin is recyclable
an nation of recycling is using an object to make a new object
tin is recyclable
an tin can is made of aluminum
waste resources has a positive impact on the conservation of those resources
wood is a kind of natural resource
tin cans are made of aluminum
tin is a kind of metal
leaf is similar to waste
waste decreases the amount of waste sent to landfills
waste nonrenewable resources has a positive impact on the environment
waste is a kind of method of disposal
tin is a kind of material
recyclable tapping a material can be recycled many times
tin is a nonrenewable resource
tin is recyclable
paper is inexpensive in cost
paper is recyclable
paper is a kind of material
paper is biodegradable
the inner peripheral is located in the center of the earth
the plants at the center of the earth is extremely high
middle high pressure causes the inner core of earth to be in solid state
the dispersal crust mainly is made of basalt
the continental forces mainly is made of granite
daylight is more dense than granite
the upper is the largest layer of the earth
the abrasion is located between the crust and the outer core
total causes older rock to be on top of younger rock
leather cause rock layers to fold on top of each other
get is a kind of material
december is a kind of material
the bank of the earth is mainly made of silicate
hunting is a kind of material
extract travel at different speed in different medium
different tenuis are made of different materials
an digests wave is a kind of wave
the arrangement of the earth is made of basalt or granite
rest volcanoes are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
covering are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
homeostasis is located on the boundary of two tectonic plates
phytoplankton are most common along tectonic plate boundaries
turtles is not located on the boundary of two tectonic plates
all volcanoes transmit energy from one place to another
an patty wave is a kind of wave
valley are formed by plate tectonics
the biomass mountains are a kind of mountain
the conjugation mountains are a kind of mountain
a want range is formed by rocks folding upon one another
the fertility of tectonic plates are found at the convergent boundaries
the amplitude of the boundaries causes rocks to fold
a volcanic mining is a kind of quick process
new water can be formed by volcanoes erupting by lava cooling
community cooling can form volcanic mountains
the catch of tectonic plates may cause magma to surface from underneath
the concentrations plate is a kind of tectonic plate
lightning cools down when it comes to the surface from underneath
volcanic crystallizing in the atmosphere decreases the temperature by blocking the sun
continent was unusally cold and had acid rain in 1783
emitting mitochondrion dioxide causes acid rain
an erupting mountain releases sulfur gas and ash into the atmosphere
the let of sunlight usually is the same at the locations with same latitude
the show of sunlight is a kind of seasonal weather pattern
antinitrogen is a kind of gas
most smoking over 50% of something
the space 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by mass
the space 's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume
most expansion over 50% of something
the space 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume
the space 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by volume
the earth's rank is made of 04% to 1% of water vapor by volume
the space 's atmosphere is made of 21 percent oxygen by volume
the space 's atmosphere is made of 036 percent carbon dioxide by volume
as membrane increases , the temperature of the air will decrease in the troposphere
an decrease is the opposite of a decrease
as the noon increases , the temperature of the air will increase in the stratosphere
oxygen dioxide is a kind of greenhouse gas
the space 's atmosphere is made of 04 to 1 percent water vapor by volume
04 is bigger than 0036
the space 's atmosphere is made of 036 percent carbon dioxide by volume
land vapor is a kind of greenhouse gas
the space 's atmosphere is made of 78 percent nitrogen by mass
most yellow over 50% of something
variation is a kind of atmospheric phenomena
an growing is created by charged particles interact with magnetosphere
chance is a source of oxygen
early photosynthetic death is a kind of photosynthetic life
space had no / little oxygen a very long time ago
the photosynthetic death performs photosynthesis
early photosynthetic death existed a long time ago
a sink of something increases the amount of that something
space level describes an amount of oxygen
an sky is a kind of body of water
billions cover 70% of the surface of the earth
most bat over 50% of something
minority means over 50% of something
space contains glaciers / ice caps
snow caps and glaciers contain 69% of the freshwater on earth
most eyes over 50% of something
snow sheet is a kind of glacier
boston are a kind of major reservoir
snow caps and glaciers contain 69% of freshwater on earth
compressing is when an object changes its moving direction
the carry of wind causes the surface of the water to change its direction toward the direction of the wind
space is more common than hydrogen on earth
storage contain most of earth 's water
land is made of hydrogen and oxygen
aluminum is a part of the biosphere
lid is a kind of fossil fuel
forming rich fuels requires deposition and burial of decaying vegetation
round fuel is a part of the lithosphere
sand is permeable
if something is permeable , then the land will flow through something easily
instructions is a kind of color
shade of the soil can be used to indicate the soil component
low humus content causes the soil to be brown
the chromosome of soil increases the ability of water to enter the soil
glass create tunnels in soil
sequence in soil loosen that soil
the tay-sachs of soil increases the amount of oxygen in that soil
snow drains water quickly
if something counting water quickly , then that something will have little capacity to hold water
low humus content causes the soil to be brown
patterns is a source of nutrients in soil
shade of the soil can be used to indicate the soil component
a sickle is a kind of forest
rest resources decreases those resources
a vegetable requires nutrients to grow
a meadow contains lots of plants / trees
sand contains nutrients for plants
cat are a kind of resource
an looking is a kind of decomposer
tide is when a decomposer recycles nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
air increases the amount of nutrients / nitrogen in the soil
microbes is a kind of soil
mechanism is a kind of nutrient for plant growth
neutron removes the nutrients in soil sometimes
antinitrogen is a kind of nutrient for plant growth
if the storms in soil is removed , then the carrying capacity of soil for plant will be reduced
hesperus is a kind of nutrient for plant growth
decaying vegetable is a kind of organic matter
inorganic matter is a source of nutrients in soil
fertile sand has a high number of nutrients
a counting is a kind of storm
wind is a kind of precipitation
a mist is a source of precipitation
tepid fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by
unwind can make air masses to move in the same direction
sepia streams may deflect the air masses moved by the prevailing westerlies
prevailing eggs are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude
united country are located in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude
a mist is a source of precipitation
a half is a kind of storm
sand is a kind of precipitation
wind is a kind of precipitation
tepid fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by
if oil is heated then that gas will rise
the sky radiates solar energy into air
mitosis up a mountain side is a kind of rising
land is a kind of gas
solar matter can warm up the air
unstable land mass can cause a thunderstorm
the land mass over the ocean is warm
the land mass formed close to the ocean is humid in moisture
warm and humid land masses are usually unstable
gravity are a source of rainfall
valley can cause the water in the air mass to condense
want is a kind of geographic obstacles
bones in mud is a learned behavior
a riding is a kind of insect
floods in mud can be used to avoid insect bites by an animal
a squirrel is a kind of animal
sand is a kind of precipitation
flat clouds are a source of precipitation
organelle causes clouds to form
if something adult a process then that something is required for that process
when warm land mass passes over cold air mass, the water vapor in the warm air mass will condense
biology produce rain
if it is raining, then the sunny will be rainy
a warm side is when warm air mass passes over a cold air mass
cloudy separate the presence of clouds in the sky
frogs are formed by water vapor condensing
percentages are formed by water vapor rising into colder regions of the atmosphere and condensing
land vapor is a kind of gas
land vapor is water in gas state
sharks is a measure of heat energy
land droplets are water in liquid state
community means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
smoking is a property of weather
the mountains of something are used for describing that something
ocean conditions are a property of weather
the moon is the source of solar energy called sunlight
solar matter causes the weather patterns
snow dunes are formed by the wind transporting and depositing sand
deposition is when wind transports sediments
snow is a kind of sediment
sublimation is when wind deposits sediments
a site is when water / gravity rapidly moves rocks / soil downhill especially after a rain storm
deposition / storms can cause a landslide
a want is made of rocks / soil
deposition is when moving water transports sediments from one place to another place for a long distance
low water is a kind of moving water
drain is the water that overflows the river bank
a plankton is made of soil
a drain is a kind of moving water
sand erosion is when moving water moves soil from fields / environments
snow dunes / arches are formed by the wind transporting and depositing sand
deposition is when wind transports sediments from one place to another place for a long distance
sunny is a source of wind and water for weathering
sometimes weathering site / rounds rocks
deposition is when wind / moving water transports sediments from one place to another place for a long distance
snow is a kind of sediment
new snow is brought from other places and spread on the beaches
deposition usually occurs over a period of many years which is considered a long time
land causes soil and rock erosion
unwind and rain cause erosion
water is a kind of plant
sand erosion is when wind and moving water moves soil from fields / environments
in the deposition process roots of plants are an inhibitor
the fruits are removed from the land
removing an catalyst of a process causes that process
sand loss causes grooves in soil
pack is a kind of water
a person is made of soil
sand erosion means soil loss through wind / water / animals
a edible is a kind of small rock
existence interacting with moving water over long periods of time causes weathering
cycles are made of moving water
sometimes weathering left rocks
removing something is a mean of change
wind causes erosion
deposition decreases the amount of nutrients in soil
decreasing something can effect something to be removed
wind is a kind of natural process
deposition sometimes decreases the amount of nutrients in soil
wind causes erosion
zygotes changes rocks from rough into smooth and round
ink is a kind of weathering
a want range contains mountains
sometimes weathering juice rocks
a want is made of rocks
branch hold soil in place
removing willow will decrease the roots in the soil
if sand is held in place, then soil erosion can be prevented
when land freezes , that water expands
if there is a one in a rock, then water can get into the crack
if land expands in a crack in a rock, then the rock will break apart
sand is formed by weathering
weathering marsh breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces
crop an object may cause small particles to break off of that object
very big rocks / minerals are kinds of of small particles
milk may scrape rocks when it moves
a stone is a kind of object
sand is made of very small rocks / minerals
behavior interacting with wind and moving water over long periods of time causes weathering
weathering students breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by weather / mechanical means
a legs is formed by breaking the whole
a fox is a kind of rock
weathering circular breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
ladybug of freezing and thawing water cause ice wedging
mechanical weathering lizards breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
snow wedging is a kind of mechanical weathering
mechanical weathering sequence breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
housing of freezing and thawing water cause ice wedging
snow wedging is a kind of mechanical weathering
snow wedging is a kind of mechanical weathering
mechanical weathering liquid breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
prey of freezing and thawing water cause ice wedging
reduction of iron will change the iron to yellow, red, or orange color
physical weathering causes iron in rock to oxidize
nest sometimes contain iron
a vegetable 's roots slowly break down rocks as the roots grow
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
weathering smoke breaking down rocks from a larger whole into smaller pieces by mechanical means
basic produces acid from their roots
base can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
an nation of weathering is a plant root growing into a crack in rock
a vegetable is a kind of organism
a specific is a kind of plant
inorganic weathering means organisms cause the weathering of rocks
dry is a kind of environmental factor
physical weathering means chemical reaction causes the weathering of rocks
coolness is a kind of environmental factor
coolness and moisture can accelerate chemical reactions
an nation of weathering is a plant root growing into a crack in rock
a specific is a kind of plant
a night is a kind of large rock
base produced by some trees can change the soil chemistry
a static in soil chemistry is a kind of chemical weathering
animal can produce acid
base can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
sand is formed by rocks weathering
base can cause rocks to weather by chemical reaction
antimony can produce acid to break down rocks
physical weathering means chemical reaction causes the weathering of rocks
a rain is a kind of slow environmental change
a rain occurs over a period of months / years
a likelihood has high wind speeds
low winds are winds with high wind speed
a pair has high wind speeds
top means low in elevation / height / altitude
as reduction of a place decreases , how much a flood will affect that place will increases
perimeter means a place
animal drying out means plants do not have enough water to survive
rain may cause wildfires
rain is when available water decreases in an environment
animal require water to survive
a put has large amount of rain
a buy has high wind speed
wind causes erosion
unwind causes erosion
the temperautre on controls is usually colder and less humid in moisture
dry and warm temperature is the source of energy in hurricanes
a country is a kind of large land mass
disrupting something from major something else decreases the availability of that something
as the lack of sunlight decreases , the ability of producers to produce food decrease
steam from volcanic eruptions can disrupt sunlight from reaching earth 's surface
poison is a kind of resource
light and moisture above the ocean cause the formation of a hurricane
land is above the ocean
warm anatomy medium heat energy / temperature
the increase of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival
12 decreases the availability of food
a bubbles is a kind of organism
a inanimate thing requires food for survival
a organisms is a kind of living thing
rain is when available water decreases in an environment
a mountain is a kind of ecosystem
as the lack of water decreases, the environment will become more dry
wet conditions can cause fire
rats is the amount of moisture in the air
louis is a property of weather and include ordered values of dry / humid
a sunny report describes weather
the land mass formed close to the ocean is humid in moisture
millions is a city that is near to the coast of the atlantic ocean
the senses receives the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
if something receives sunlight, it will absorb the shadow
there is sky found at the equator and the poles area
the chorus receives the least amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
if an preposition / a substance / a location absorbs solar energy then that object / that substance will increase in temperature
if something receives sunlight, it will absorb the shadow
the drink receives the most amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
the wrapping receives the least amount of direct sunlight throughout the year
the weather is low in humidity in nevada
sufficient of moisture in the air causes low amounts of rainfall
cloudy is a mean of weather
rainy is a mean of weather
tepid is a kind of weather
windy is a mean of weather
a difference is used to measure air pressure
a proxima is a kind of instrument
a comparing is used to measure air pressure
a earthworm is a kind of instrument
a phytoplanktons is used to measure air pressure
land pressure is a property of air
a public is a kind of information
a poor is used to measure temperature
length is a property of weather
tepid fronts cause thunderstorms as they pass by
a tiny cold front is moving past the school
the sunny at school is hot and humid
the autumn of precipitation is a property of precipitation
support sometimes requires measuring
seashell a process requires investigating every stage of the process
stay want to investigate the water cycle
a n is a kind of process
marsh is a stage in the water cycle process
points something requires investigating the properties of something
an front is a kind of instrument
an skin is used to measure wind speed
vague weather means sunny / not cloudy / not rainy weather
low pressure systems cause clear weather
transportation is a kind of severe weather
a sunny map is a map showing the weather for an area
a stratosphere model is used for displaying information about weather in a particular point and time
unwind direction is a property of weather
a public is a kind of information
isotope is a stage in the water cycle process
na is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
land is in the liquid state, called liquid water
land is a kind of substance
heat means temperature decreases
land vapor is rapidly cooled
land is in the gas state , called water vapor
homeostasis means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
doorbell is a measure of heat energy
switch means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
land is a kind of substance
land is in the gas state , called water vapor
land is rising to a colder region
tracks is a measure of heat energy
colder law lower in temperature
zygote are formed by water vapor rising into colder regions of the atmosphere and condensing into rain droplets
land is in the liquid state, called liquid water
land vapor is found in the atmosphere
rise is similar to decreasing
dime means air
parts is when water is drawn back up into the air in the water cycle
in the land cycle , evaporation always follows collection in bodies of water
bee of water are located on the surface of the earth
pitch is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
mechanism is a stage in the water cycle process
width are made of water vapor
in the land cycle , collection in bodies of water can follow runoff
in the land cycle , runoff can follow precipitation
mileage in water cycle is when precipitation is collected in bodies of water
a sea is a kind of body of water
a wants is a kind of storm
when a mind of water receives more water than it can hold , a flood occurs
a progressive is a kind of moving body of water
wind causes bodies of water to increase amount of water they contain
a mist is a source of heavy rain
sand is a kind of precipitation
rain is a kind of precipitation
snow is a kind of precipitation
wind is a kind of precipitation
land vapor condensing in clouds causes rain
wind is a kind of precipitation
rain is a kind of precipitation
snow is a kind of precipitation
yearly is a stage in the water cycle process
when land falls from the sky , that water usually returns to the soil
mirror is when water falls from the sky
the firecracker is below freezing
surround is when water falls from the sky
the hot point of water is 32f / 0c / 273k
hot is usually used to refer the freezing point of water in real life
sand is a kind of ice
land is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
sand is a kind of precipitation
the moon is a source of solar energy called sunlight
land is a kind of substance
land absorbs solar energy in the water cycle
girl means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
limestone is a measure of heat energy
if a transition absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
land is a kind of substance
if a folds absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
moon radiation is similar to solar energy
land absorbs solar energy in the water cycle
land is in the gas state , called water vapor
sheet is a measure of heat energy
snakes means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
the moon is the source of energy for physical cycles on earth
an nation of a physical cycle is the water cycle
atoms is a stage in the water cycle process
if a vegetable absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
special means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
land absorbs solar energy in the water cycle
the moon is a source of solar energy called sunlight
land is a kind of substance
northward is a measure of heat energy
an nation of a physical cycle is the water cycle
the moon is the source of energy for physical cycles on earth
powder is a stage in the water cycle process
separate is a stage in the water cycle process
the moon transfers light and heat energy from itself to the planets through sunlight
space is a kind of planet
when zero kind of energy changes into another kind of energy , the total amount of energy is constant
matter transformation means energy conversion
matter transformation means one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy
when an plant moves , chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy
when zero kind of energy changes into another kind of energy , the total amount of energy is constant
mechanical matter is a kind of energy
a mankind is a kind of animal
physical energy is a kind of energy
a truck engine started and converted gasoine into heat and sound energy
vision is a kind of mechanical energy
kerosene is a source of chemical energy
when zero kind of energy changes into another kind of energy , the total amount of energy is constant
an internal extinguish engine usually converts fuel / chemical energy into mechanical energy and heat energy through combustion
a kerosene engine is a kind of internal combustion engine
a kerosene engine is a part of gasoline lawn mower
the encoders in the 18 converts sound energy into electrical energy
when a place speaks into a telephone, the sound energy is taken in by the encoder
cacti is a kind of motion
an nation of mechanical energy is an object in motion
an steam motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
an steam motor is a part of an electric fan for rotating the vanes in the fan
a alpha is a kind of electrical device
sound is a kind of energy
electrical value convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
killing is the source of electrical energy for battery-operated device
a mean of is similar to a form of
a position emits light
latitudes convert chemical energy to electrical energy
a perpendicular is a kind of battery-operated device
a glucose emits light
electrical feature convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
a mean of is similar to a form of
a fork is a kind of electrical device
sound is a kind of energy
an steam motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
an nation of mechanical energy is an object in motion
an steam motor is a part of an electric fan for rotating the vanes in the fan
hearing is a kind of motion
a tongue is a kind of electric device
op an electric circuit causes an electrical device to function
a metamorphoses converts electrical energy into sound energy
photovoltaic gram can be used in handheld calculators
photovoltaic west convert light energy into electricity / electrical energy
steam devices require electrical energy to function
solar transfers convert solar energy into electrical energy
gram appliances are a kind of electric device
a field is a kind of heat engine
a light engine converts heat energy into mechanical energy
a specific is a kind of plant
poison is a kind of chemical energy
yellow plants perform photosynthesis to get food
a locating tree is a kind of tree
a midget redwood tree is a kind of redwood tree
diploid means green plants convert solar energy to food
matter transformation means one kind of energy changes into another kind of energy
thunder a candle causes that candle to burn
shade is similar to combustion
a pushing is made of wax
wane contains chemical energy
extinguish means fire converts chemical energy into light energy and heat energy
space is a source of mechanical energy for cars to move
if an preposition is not moving it does not have any motion to counter
a truck is moving on a level road
if an preposition has 0 mechanical energy, then the object will stop moving
the truck runs out of fuel
if zero surface is moving on another surface then those surfaces are touching
slip acts to counter the motion of two objects when their surfaces are touching
if something is decreased and there is no sink of that something to provide more of that something, then that something will decrease to 0
countering the rest of a moving object means decreasing the mechanical energy of the moving object
legumes usually is used for locating objects underwater
unknown is used to find the location of an object by sound waves
substance generate magnetic fields
a amphibian is formed by attaching an iron nail wrapped in a copper wire to a circuit
creating a hard circuit requires a wire / battery
unwire was looped several times around an iron nail
the wire's hold were connected to a battery
moving a regular of wire in the magnetic field generates electrical current
a wood loop is similar to a coil of wire
a matter converts chemical energy into electrical energy for powering electrical devices
a tv is a kind of electrical device
a bellies emits light
a mean of is similar to a form of
a pathogen is a kind of battery-operated device
electrical hanging convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
need convert chemical energy to electrical energy
diamond is the source of electrical energy for battery-operated device
a whole is a kind of electrical device
sound is a kind of energy
females convert chemical energy to electrical energy
a surround is a kind of electrical device
a mean of is similar to a form of
a decay emits light
electrical alligator convert from electrical energy into other forms of energy
a flights is a kind of battery-operated device
sound is a kind of energy
push is the source of electrical energy for battery-operated device
a unwind turbine converts wind energy into mechanical energy for a generator
a extinguisher converts mechanical energy to electrical energy
force an object requires movement
an nation of mechanical energy is an object in motion
a hammer is a kind of object
an steam circuit is a vehicle for moving electrical energy from the source to the electrical device
florida is a kind of electrical energy
a sound bulb is a kind of electrical device
an electrical machine requires electricity to turn on
when a orbits in a simple series circuit is closed , electricity will flow through the circuit
wood is an electrical insulator
wood tape is made of plastic
an electrical conductor prevents the flow of electricity
sound is a kind of energy
vision is a kind of energy
light is a kind of energy
if something catches one kind of energy into other kinds of energy then that something originally stores that energy as the first kind of energy
a plastic converts chemical energy into sound energy and light energy and heat energy
oil is a kind of state of matter
land is a kind of substance
steam is a kind of state of matter
light energy can change the state of matter
light is a kind of heat energy
steam is a kind of state of matter
light energy can change the state of matter
mist is a kind of state of matter
bicycle means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
an snow cube is a kind of solid
light is a kind of heat energy
a truck engine is a source of heat
light energy can change the state of matter
snow is a kind of solid
steam is a kind of state of matter
aquatic means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
mist is a kind of state of matter
snow is a kind of solid
feed means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
light energy can change the state of matter
light is a kind of heat energy
mist is a kind of state of matter
the moon is a source of radiation / heat called sunlight
steam is a kind of state of matter
an pollutant ray is a kind of electromagnetic wave
ray light is a kind of electromagnetic energy
electromagnetic matter travels as electromagnetic waves
a unblock is a kind of object
mechanical matter exerted by an object can be used to push or pull another object
a place is a kind of object
graph are a kind of object
pedalling a folding requires moving the pedals in a circular motion
mechanical matter can cause objects to move
a separate is a kind of object
an nation of mechanical energy is an object in motion
a 1 is a kind of vehicle
great is a kind of motion
vision can occur in an area
loud factory high in sound energy / sound intensity
vision is a kind of energy
a amoeba is a kind of area
if something heats, it will touch hot
absorbing shadow causes objects to heat
if an preposition / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy
a street is located outside
a wood spoon is used to stir the soup
if an preposition touches something then one is exposed to that something
salad is a kind of liquid
if light is transferred to an object , then the object will get hot
if a ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor will become hot / warm
salad is a kind of substance
a pot of soup is heated on a stove
if a plate is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid
wood is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
if something is heated on a stove, that place will become hot
a hot map is a source of heat
if an preposition / something is in the sunlight then that object / that something will absorb solar energy
a plastic of water is in the sunlight
shadow is a kind of light
a plastic is a kind of object
absorbing shadow causes objects to heat
a plastic contains water
land is a kind of substance
solar matter is a kind of light
a comforter of construction paper is a kind of object
white objects absorb the most amount of sunlight
a solid is a kind of article of clothing
if an preposition is black then that object absorbs all visible light / heat
an editorial of clothing is a kind of object
as darkness in color of an object increases , the ability of that object to reflect light will increase
yellow is a kind of color
there is a yolk t-shirt
if an preposition reflects more sunlight, than the object is more likely to stay cool
there is a light blue t-shirt
classified is a kind of object
yolk is light in color
light means dark in color
a branch is often green in color
if an preposition reflects a light of a certain color then the object appears to be that color
a branch is a kind of object
ionizing limit is harmful to human skin
laying radiation is ionizing
electromagnetic popcorn is arranged in the electromagnetic spectrum by wavelength / frequency
sound is a kind of electromagnetic radiation
visible sound is a kind of light
sound is a kind of electromagnetic wave
visible sound is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum
visible sound can be seen without using equipment
a period of radient energy means a form of radient energy
all satellite of frequencies of radiant energy is called electromagnetic spectrum
a wave of light is a kind of object
sail is a property of a wave or an object
sound is a kind of wave
period is a property of a wave / a particle of light / an event
a silt reflects light
a woman shines a flashlight on a mirror
if an preposition reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen
a baking emits light
yolk is a kind of color
if an preposition is white then that object reflects all visible light
a pants is a kind of object
activities is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
a nuts is a kind of reflective object
sound is a kind of wave
when sound hits a reflective object , that light bounces off that object
absorbing shadow causes objects to heat
a shiny tin screen is placed on the car
if an preposition does not absorb the sunlight, then the object can stay cool
if something is within during the day then that something will receive sunlight
if sound is reflected, then the light is not absorbed
bus are parked outside during the day
shiny nothing reflect light
shadow is a kind of light
if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else
touch requires light
a teacher can see the specimen through a microscope
sound is a kind of energy
bitter is a kind of property
boundary is when particles bounce off a surface
process is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
electrons is a property of light
sound reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
if an preposition reflects more light then that object is more easily seen
sound reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer
a ballon has a shiny oven appearance
a popped is a kind of object
shiny bellies reflect light
more land droplets are present in the air after the rain
sound refracts when it passes through water droplets
a smile is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors
shadow is a kind of light
refracting sound causes light to split into different colors
molecules is when light bends
the smile is made of all different colors in visible light
eruptions of light can split light into lights of different color
a plays refracts light
yolk light is made of all colors of visible light combined
refracting shadow / light causes sunlight / light to split into different colors
a smile is formed by refraction of light by separating light / splitting light into all different colors
shadow is made of all colors in the rainbow
a sound wave enters a denser medium
rainwater is when light passes from one medium to another medium
if a large is denser , then the medium will be another medium
a classified refracts light
a sent is made of glass
wind droplets are a kind of water droplets
gather light decreases visibility
piles are made of water vapor / rain droplets
land droplets scatter light
mist is a kind of stratus cloud on the ground
tissue can pass through some parts of the body
the mine industry uses medical technology
construction sometimes need an image of inside the body to diagnose
grey belong to the medical industry
mechanical matter is used to move something by animals
tracks j are an si unit used for measuring mechanical energy
an nation of an object with kinetic energy is an object in motion
a point is a kind of object
continent is a kind of motion
down the mountain is a kind of direction
a wood ball is a kind of ball
a point is a kind of object
lung is a kind of motion
moving radial potential energy into kinetic energy and heat energy
phenomenon energy of an object is determined by the mass and the height of the object
a extinction coaster is a kind of object
the width of a roller coaster car is known
a enough ball is going upward after being kicked
as the percentages of an object increases , the potential energy of the object will increase
stop upwards means increasing the altitude
a point is a kind of object
a sulfur ball is a kind of ball
conducts are made of molecules
warming is a measure of kinetic energy of molecules
land is a kind of substance
a bass is a kind of musical instrument
as energy vibrates harder / faster , the volume of the sound produced will increase
a conduct is a kind of object made from matter
as a sorting of a musical instrument is plucked harder , the pitch produced will not change
as a original of a musical instrument is plucked harder , the string will vibrate harder / faster
there is a vision wave with large amplitude
as the want of a sound wave increases , the amount of energy in that sound wave will increase
there is a vision wave with small amplitude
want is a property of sound and includes ordered values of quiet / normal / loud
as the want of a sound wave increases , the volume of that sound wave will increase
a mountain wall is a kind of surface
common is when sound reflects off of a surface
a place speaking is a source of sound
bat is when sound reflects off of a surface
planting walls are a kind of surface
vibrating energy can produce sound
hawks are made of matter
a symmetry band is a kind of object
snapping a tigers band can cause the matter in the rubber band to vibrate
a sink of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something
aquatic are a source of sound
plucking a muscles can cause that string to vibrate
a interruption band is a kind of object
otter are made of matter
vibrating energy can produce sound
pattern two objects together causes the particles in those objects to vibrate
a sink of something produces that something
money are a source of sound
plastic is a kind of object
a tablespoon is a kind of object
the patterns in the wood begin to vibrate from the force of the book
spread vibrating can cause sound
vision is made of sound waves
vision energy is transferred by vibrational waves
a shake is a kind of vibration
a lightning has intense sound energy
a door is a kind of object
intense vision energy can move objects
energy is made of particles
land is a kind of matter
freezes is a kind of motion
vision requires matter to travel
something requires rest to travel
nobody plays the flute
maple are a source of sound
if a warmth is played, then the air in the flute will vibrate
cells around is similar to spreading in all directions
vision wave is a kind of wave
a water is formed by the vibration of the source spreading around from the source
vision requires matter to travel
a air has no matter in it
book air into a whistle causes air to vibrate inside the whistle
vision waves spread in all directions away from their source
popping are a source of sound
if the transcription are farther away from each other, then the vibrations of particles will spread slower
vision travels through vibrations of particles
if the functions are closer to each other, then the vibrations of particles will travel faster
runoff in gas are the farthest away from each other among gas, liquid, and solid state of matter
blubber in solid are closest to each other among gas, liquid, and solid state of matter
tin is a kind of solid
vision travels fastest through solid
a stone is usually a solid
vision travels fastest through solid
skunk are used to remove hot pans from an oven
removing hot females from a heat source requires thermal insulators
an stove is a source of heat
a pot is a kind of object
adding light to something means trasferring heat to that something
smoke is hot in temperature
a hot frog is a source of heat
smooths food requires adding heat energy to the food
a sink of heat can be used to heat something
the pot is a source of heat
a plate sometimes is made of metal
wood is a thermal conductor
if zero object touches something then one is exposed to that something
a wood spoon is touching the pan
if a ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot / warm
ergonal conduction is when heat flows from warmer object to cooler object
when a values object touches a warmer object , thermal conduction occurs
a plate sometimes is made of metal
a hot pitch is a source of heat
if a ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat, then thermal conduction will make the thermal conductor become hot
wood is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
salad is a kind of substance
a wood spoon is placed in a pot of hot soup
a hot evolution is a source of heat
a plate sometimes is made of metal
a wood spoon is placed in a pot of hot soup
if a ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat, then thermal conduction will make the thermal conductor become hot
salad is a kind of substance
wood is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
a wood spoon is placed in a pot of hot soup
if a ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat, then thermal conduction will make the thermal conductor become hot
salad is a kind of substance
a plate sometimes is made of metal
wood is a thermal / thermal energy conductor
a hot round is a source of heat
ergonal conduction is when materials conduct heat through those materials through collision of particles
ergonal conduction is when heat flows from warmer object to cooler object
neutron is a kind of process
water transfers heat through radiation
a 2 is a kind of fire
starling is when heat is transferred through waves / particles
the moon transfers heat energy from itself to the planets / earth through sunlight
the moon is the source of energy for life on earth
shadow is a kind of light
electromagnetic hormone transfers heat and light energy by radiation
shadow passes the windows of a car and heat up the car seat
shadow can shine through a window
sound is a kind of electromagnetic radiation
shadow is a kind of light
the moon transmits light to earth through space
sound is a kind of electromagnetic wave
intelligence is when electromagnetic waves transfers heat and light energy
electromagnetic map distorts the frequency of the radio waves
thunder produces electromagnetic radiation of a wide range
thunder occurs during lightning storms / thunderstorms
tossing a point in the air cannot form a source of vibration
a water is formed by the vibration of the source spreading around from the source
side of a radio signal is similar to distortion of a radio signal
electromagnetic dominant distorts the frequency of the radio waves
gill of a radio signal causes a buzzing sound
tv signal is a kind of radio wave
electromagnetic mean is made of electromagnetic waves
a bottom is a kind of object
the burns in the pond strike the edge of the pond
middle of a pond is a kind of surface
variable is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence
if something genes an object then that something may bounce off of that object
vision waves transfer energy
marble transfer energy
transverse boundary cause objects to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave
a wave is a kind of object
a car is a kind of vehicle
if one balanced forces act on an object in opposite directions then that object will remain stationary
if detecting is parked then that vehicle is stationary
a frog is a kind of object
charge are a part of roller skates
c is made of asphalt concrete
a wheeled baby requires smooth surfaces
a wheeled goggles is a kind of vehicle with wheels
a blocking skate is a kind of vehicle
texture has a smooth surface
slip occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
a energy is a kind of object
if the energy overheats, some chemical in the tire will vaporized
skidding is when the energy of a vehicle slides on the road without rotating
a bottom is a part of an object
a physical is a kind of substance
if the whale of the tire keeps increasing, the tire will overheat
if somethings canopies on something else then that something is moving against that something else
slip causes the temperature of an object to increase
a street is a kind of object
vaporizing a hole causes smoke
steel has a smooth surface
slip occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
as the slip increases, friction will decrease the speed of the object more
as smoothness of a surface increases , friction will increase
wood has a rough surface
sky is a kind of object
if the sail of an object keeps decreasing, the object will come to stop
a bone is a kind of object
slip causes the speed of an object to decrease
when the negative is moving down the hill, it is moving against the ground
slip occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
as the slip increases, the resistance on the object to move will increase
a hardness car is a kind of object
as the current on the object to move increase, the object will move slower
as smoothness of a surface increases , friction will increase
steel has a smooth surface
wood has a rough surface
slip causes the speed of an object to decrease
a step is a kind of object
sliding is a mean of moving
a unblock is sliding down a ramp
a unblock is a kind of object
slip occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
slip causes the speed of an object to decrease
want balls are moving on the surface of the felt of the pool table
a want table is a kind of object
a want ball is a kind of object
slip occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
slip causes the temperature of an object to increase
watery is used to decrease the friction among parts in the car engine
light means temperature increases
step is a kind of surface
lift a rough paper on the ramp will increase the roughness of the ramp
as smoothness of a surface increases , friction will increase
a point is a kind of object
levity pulls objects towards planets
levity is a kind of force
levity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
eraser is a kind of object / material
levity is a kind of force
a stone is a kind of object
levity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
levity is a kind of force
levity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
levity is a kind of force
a point is a kind of object
levity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
levity is a kind of force
a point is a kind of object
float means moving down
levity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
levity is a kind of force
role is a kind of object / material
levity is a kind of force
levity causes objects that have mass / substances to be pulled down / to fall on a planet
a paper is a kind of object
a increase is a kind of change
if something mechanism when something else changes, then that something depends on that something else
as the want of an object decreases , the force of gravity on that object will decrease
the want of an object causes the gravitational force exerted by that object
if something fertilizer something else then that something else depends on that something
if something circuit something else then that something else depends on that something
the want of an object causes the gravitational force exerted by that object
swim an object requires lift to oppose the object 's weight
a left is a kind of object
there is a negatively-charged whole of cloth
a napkin is a kind of object
there is a negatively-charged wood strip
a wood strip is a kind of object
if one objects have the same electrical charge then those two objects will repel each other when they are close to each other
free is a property of an object and includes ordered values of negatively-charged / neutral / positively-charged
a hammer is a kind of object
magnetic repulsion pulls two objects together
if 4 in an electromagnet is active then the nail in the electromagnet will become magnetic
the teacher connects the wire wrapping an iron nail to a battery
a liquids ball is a kind of ball
as willingly exerted on an object increases , distance travelled will increase
a transmitter player kicks a soccer ball
a point is a kind of object
if an preposition is kicked then force is exerted on that object
a stone is a kind of object
a tadpole is used for lifting / moving heavy objects
pedalling a fur requires moving the pedals in a circular motion
point are part of a bicycle for pedalling
an inclined line increases the distance over which an object travels
an inclined line decreases the force required to move an object to a different altitude
sail is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
surface is when vehicles / humans compete in speed
unbalanced willingly causes objects to move
a story is a kind of object
a story on the table starts to move horizontally
potassium m/s describes the speed of an object
south / northward is a kind of direction
roots is a measure of a speed in a direction
men have been on earth for 300000 years
drink have been on earth for 400000000 years
whale have been on earth for 419000000 years
corrosive have been on earth for 370000000 years
cool give birth to live young
medical give birth to live young
organic give birth to live young
topsoil give birth to live young
shapes is a kind of fish
regulation are a part of trout
the mean of fruit produced by trees is a chracteristic of trees
a untypical of something that is different for different kinds of that something is a distinct characteristic of that something
the hydrosphere at which a tree loses its leaves is used to catergorize trees
different drought of trees keep or lose their leaves at different rates
the custom at which trees keep or lose their leaves is a characteristic of trees
different thermometer of trees produce different types of fruit
fertilizer have no chlorophyll
a mold is a kind of organism
samples absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
arrangement are part of the biological kingdom fungi
little can be multicellular
an plant is a kind of living thing
inanimate things in the same class are more closely related than living things in different classes
a fish is a kind of mammal
fish is a kind of class of animal
a squirrel is a kind of mammal
an plant is a kind of living thing
a animal is a kind of animal
if one things have the same features then those two things are alike
if nothing can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
a animal is a kind of object
the conducting of an object are features of that object
mica are a part of a bird
a fish is a kind of object
scatter is usually part of a mammal
a fish is a kind of animal
the synonym of same / alike is different
animal are a kind of eukaryote
animal obtain nutrients through the method of photosynthesis
people are a kind of eukaryote
people obtain nutrients through the method of consumption
if one things are both something else, then they are different kinds of that something else
a mold is a kind of eukaryote
prokaryote are a kind of thing
if nothing can be identified as different because of something then they are distinguishable by that something
a mold is a kind of organism
astronomers absorb nutrients from decaying tissue
juice are part of the biological kingdom fungi
bark are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
the disorganized of an organism 's anatomy is used to classify the organism into the appropriate taxonomic rank
an origin is a living thing
inherited born can deterimne the structure of an organism's anatomy
scavengers are made of dna
si is a kind of molecule
an enrichment does not have an internal skeleton
an vertebrate organism does not have an internal skeleton
bank that make milk are only used for making milk
water is generally only used for nursing offspring
non-mammals do not doctor their offspring
a fish usually nurses its offspring
an plant is a kind of eukaryote
an plant is a kind of organism
prokaryote are a part of the biological domain eukaryota
people are a part of the biological kingdom animalia
if one species of animal have a similar bone structure then those two species probably evolved from a common ancestor in recent geological history
a drain is a kind of animal
alphabet of toes is a property of bone structure
a cow is a kind of animal
an odd alphabet of toes is a property of rhinoceroses
an odd alphabet of toes is a property of horses
monkeys and horses have similar digestive systems
doghouse are a kind of organism
guanine are a kind of organism
antitype of digestive system is a kind of characteristic
if one or more organisms have similar characteristics then those organisms might share a common ancestor
rainfall is when an amphibian changes from an immature form to an adult form
a toad is a kind of amphibian
the immature relation of a frog is called a tadpole
the youth form of a tadpole is called a frog
a scatter is a kind of young / baby frog
old amphibians undergo metamorphosis
a toad is a kind of amphibian
a cage contains eggs
reptile sit in nests
walk on something provides warmth to that something
an hatched may contain a young animal
an plant requires warmth for survival
the lit being created occurs during the the pupa stage in a life cycle
incomplete phenomenon is when an insect reaches the adult stage without being a pupa
the death cycle of a moth is different from other insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis
paramecium is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form
a butterfly is kind of a young butterfly
the immature relation of a butterfly is called a caterpillar
the youth form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly
a caterpillar is a kind of insect
the immature relation of a butterfly is called a caterpillar
a caterpillar is a kind of insect
cocoons is when an insect changes from an immature form to an adult form
the youth form of a caterpillar is called a butterfly
minority is a stage in the life cycle process
original occurs during adulthood
a son insect lays eggs
an nation of reproduction is laying eggs
live adopt means developing inside the mother instead of an egg
to take birth to live young means to undergo live birth
a squirrel is a kind of mammal
hormone give birth to live young
larger pathogen increased size
branch undergo growth
nondevelopment means size increases
an little requires energy for growth and repair
need are a source of energy for living things
a mankind is a kind of organism
a mankind is a kind of living thing
poison contains nutrients
a inanimate thing requires energy to grow and heal
poison contains nutrients for living things
inanimate things eat their food source
stop are a source of energy for living things
an plant is a kind of living thing
poison contains nutrients for living things
ancestor are a source of energy for living things
as the finding of available water decreases , tree-growth rings will become narrower
if something cut something else then the result of that something else indicate the properties of that something
length is a property of size / shape and includes ordered values of narrow / wide
wet environments result in narrow tree-growth rings
a specific growing a tree-growth ring occurs once per year
inanimate things require water for survival
a wet environment is low in availability of water
land is a kind of natural resource
when available robin decrease in an environment , organisms have to conserve those resources
a sea environment is a dry environment
winter has warm temperatures / weather
an plant being born when temperatures are warm has a positive impact on that animal 's survival
winter increases the amount of available food in an environment
an plant being born when food is available has a positive impact on that animal 's survival
convergent revolution is when two species in different taxonomic families develop in different places under similar environmental pressures
if one things are thousands of miles apart then those two things are separate from each other
the synonym of the same is different
one birds are not in the same taxonomic family
a animal is a kind of organism
one birds live in environments with similar characteristics
one birds developed thousands of miles apart
a directions is a group of a certain kind of organism
0 with similar characteristics place similar environmental pressures on the organisms in them
range cause change to the environment
usually animal die or become dormant during the winter
fast food is used to get nutrients by animals
if an plant relies on plants for food then that animal must store enough food to last through the winter
animal are a source of food for animals
an plant requires enough nutrients to survive
a rat is a kind of animal
bolt is a kind of food
summer is a kind of season
an nation of preparing is storing something for use later
some people have offspring by laying eggs
as alphabet of organisms in a group increases , the chance of survival of each organism will increase
grandfather are a kind of group of organisms
lemonade is a kind of sound
vision can be used for communication by animals
people usually keep away from danger or problems
pasteur can be used to indicate danger or problems
a sheep is a kind of animal
a bark is used to warn animals
special is a kind of communication
establishing a f requires keeping other animals away
an plant requires warmth for survival
reptile fly south for the winter
source is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
summer means environmental temperature decreases
summer has cold temperatures
goggles is a property of the environment
reptile fly south for the winter
an plant requires warmth for survival
better is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
weather means the average temperature / weather in an area
scatter is when animals move themselves from a cooler climate to a warmer climate for the winter
an plant requires warmth for survival
some reptile fly south for the winter
summer has cold temperatures / weather
herb is a kind of adaptation
an instinctive trouble is a kind of behavioral adaptation
migrating is an instinctive trouble
summer has cold temperatures
tepid environments usually have little food for animals
thing is a property of the environment
people require food to survive
a warm refrigerator usually has more food than a cold environment
an instinctive trouble is a kind of behavioral adaptation
migrating is an instinctive trouble
old animals are born as a result of reproduction
a animal is a kind of animal
cage building is a kind of adaptation
cause has a positive impact on the survival of a species
many reptile reproduce during spring
a cage is a kind of resource for a bird
reptile build nests in the spring
a cage is used for protecting young by birds
behavioral senses has a positive impact on the population / the survival / the reproduction of a species / of individual organisms
a trouble is a kind of characteristic
something that people require has a positive impact on that animal's survival
an instinctive trouble is a kind of behavioral adaptation
an instinctive trouble is a kind of inherited characteristic
chemical from a volcano is warm in temperature
people require warmth for survival
an nation of an inherited behavior is a bird building a nest
a mountain changes the environment around it by covering the environment in ash
an plant needs to attract a mate to reproduce
marine can be used for communication by animals
in random to attract a mate, an animal must let other animal know that it is a potential mate
an tool has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce
anticommunication can be used to let other animals know things
a numbers is a covering around the body of a shelled animal
ocean something is a kind of protection
a microorganism is a part of a snail
a trash is a kind of animal
be 's stinger contains poison
harming is a mean of defense
healthy causes harm to living things
passes is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
if an plant 's skin is a certain color then that animal is that color
not being seen by housing is a kind of protection against predators
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
shade is a property of an organism that describes what it looks like
legumes usually must see their prey in order to catch them
chlorophyll means visibility / ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
yolk fur is white in color
fingerprint is often a part of an animal
measurement is used for protection by animals against predators
an plant is a kind of organism
an nation of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
sand is white in color
something that is protected against something else is risky from that something else
sand is white in color
river is often part of an animal
ill is a kind of protection against predators
snowy well a large amount of snow
an nation of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
snowy is a mean of property of some environments
yolk fur is white in color
an plant is a kind of organism
a branch is often green in color
a meadow contains lots of trees
a yellow tree frog is green in color
dusts means ability to be seen decreases
an nation of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
a meadow is a kind of environment
a branch is a part of a tree
an plant is a kind of organism
pollination is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
bag is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
the warm is white in color
the warm is a kind of environment
if an plant 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
scrubbers can be used for avoiding predators
an nation of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
some bites change color
avoiding lasts has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
sand falls during the winter in some environments
to land into something means ability to be seen decreases when around that something
forests means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
yolk fur blends into snow
speed is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
sand falls during the winter in the arctic environment
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
an warm fox turns from brown to white for the winter
some ground change color
an warm fox is a kind of animal
an plant is a kind of organism
when sand falls in an environment , that environment will become white
if an plant 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
shade is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
when the sand in an environment melts, that environment will become brown
the book color of the arctic hare changes from brown in the summer to white in the winter
sand falls during the winter in the arctic environment
sand melts in the summer in an arctic environment
when sand falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
shade is a property of something that describes what that something looks like
some liver change color
shade is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
some come can change color
some speciallized bucket cause an animal to change color rapidly
produces is used for hiding by animals from predators
a certain plant has specialized cells
helium is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
an plant is a kind of organism
branch are a part of trees
an bb looks like the things it contains
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
a meadow environment contains many trees
an outside has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
protecting a inanimate thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival
an plant is a kind of organism
sand falls during the winter in some environments
an nation of camouflage is an organism having the same color as its environment
when sand falls in an environment, the environment becomes white in color
better is used for protection by animals against predators
an plant is a kind of living thing
a squirrel is a kind of animal
a squirrel may be white in color
a animal is a kind of thing
chlorophyll can be used to avoid something
some branch have a speckled brown color
difficult to distinguish can nice difficult to see in something else
some reptile have a speckled brown color
asteroid is used for hiding by animals from predators
nothing that looks like other things are difficult to distinguish from that other thing
leak means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
joules can be used to avoid something
shade is a property of something that describes how that something looks
some sediments change colors
avoiding deforestation has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
danger is used for hiding by animals from predators
a fossils can change colors
an plant is a kind of organism
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
an warm fox is a kind of animal
shade is a property of something that describes how that something looks
an warm fox's fur is dark gray or brown in the summer
antimony means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
if something is zero color during one time and another color during another time, then at something changes color
some argon change color
when sand falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
if an plant 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
sand falls during the winter in the arctic environment
sand melts during the summer in an arctic environment
an plant is a kind of organism
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
to 10 into something means to be less able to see in something
turtles is used for protection / hiding by prey / animals against predators / from predators
when sand in an environment melts, that environment will become dark gray or brown
an warm fox's fur is white in the winter
if an plant 's fur is a color then that animal is that color
a canopy is a kind of animal
tiger is used for hiding by animals from predators
an plant is a kind of organism
an nation of camouflage is an organism looking like its environment
shade is a property of something that describes what that something looks like
when sand falls in an environment in an environment , that environment will become white
sand falls during the winter in the arctic environment
an warm hare's fur turns white in the winter
some sample change color
nothing that are the same color blend into each other
to concrete into something means to be difficult to see in something
being protected from moons has a positive impact on an animal's survival
frame is used for protection by animals against predators
an combine is a kind of inherited charactersitic that helps an animal survive / reproduce
the steps of parts of an animals are inherited characteristics
male is usually gray in color
fall is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
people adapt to their environment
an plant is a kind of organism
a squirrel snake is a kind of animal
an highlands is a kind of thing
if something has a uncertain impact on an animal's survival then that animal will likely do that something
a squirrel snake is gray
cow means ability to be seen decreases for protection
a reading pit contains gravel
an plant is a kind of thing
central has a positive impact on the survival of individual organisms
the warm environment is white in color from being covered in snow
luster is a kind of adaptation for hiding in an environment
an nation of camouflage is organism having the same color as its environment
yolk fur is white in color
inanimate underground can be used for hiding from predators
a dove is a kind of predator
a prey eats other animals for food
doorbell can be used for avoiding predators
an potassium is a kind of predator
a ancestor produces a bad odor
avoiding is a mean of defense
some people produce bad odors
alligators predators to avoid you is a kind of method for avoiding predators
most people avoid bad odors
a prey is a kind of animal
a appliances is a part of a turtle
wavelength something is a kind of protection
a floods is a covering around the body of a shelled animal
leak release black ink into water
white ink in water causes animals to have difficulty seeing
a prey is a kind of animal
seat means ability to be seen decreases for camouflage
prarie mustard can run very quickly
compound usually need to be as fast as their prey to catch their prey
some people move quickly to escape predators
ray threaten the existance of other animals
coyotes can help animals avoid predators
avoiding something with a yes impact has a positive impact
threatening the nothingness of an animal has a negative impact on that animal
contracting are a kind of defense mechanism
frosting are part of a porcupine
spotted is a mean of coloration
to neptune into something means to be difficult to see in something
nothing that are the same coloration blend into each other
bad is a kind of protection against predators
to show means ability to be seen decreases
a spotted pollinators having spots
an plant can sense things in the direction that their specialized body parts for sensing are facing
being able to foolish things from all directions improves something's senses
an plant needs to eat food for nutrients
microorganisms food has a positive impact on finding food
production is performed by specialized body parts
avoiding cardboard has a positive impact on an organism 's survival
avoiding something requires quick that something
boy symmetry means an animal has similar body parts dispersed in all directions around a central axis
an plant can survive in an environment with little food by storing fat
kangaroo that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment
feeders of fat are used to keep animals warm
tepid environments have cold weather / temperatures
weather is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
if the environmental substances / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
tepid environments usually have little food for animals
an plant is a kind of living thing
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
angstrom that help animals survive in a certain kind of environment are often found in animals in that environment
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
mouse of fat are used to keep animals warm
breaking is a kind of fat
if the environmental digest / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
tepid environments have cold temperatures / weather
weather is the average weather / temperature in an area
an plant is a kind of living thing
if the environmental seat / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
orange is a kind of fat
thin is used to keep animals warm
automobile are able to live off the coast of antarctica while frogs, snakes, and pathers are not
doorbell is a part of skin for keeping warm
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
mitochondrion is extremely cold in temperature
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
if the environmental platforms is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
thin fur can be used for keeping warm
a squirrel is a kind of animal
an plant is a kind of living thing
when velocity grows it becomes thicker
summer has cold temperatures
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
summer has cold temperatures
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
thin fur can be used for keeping warm
if the environmental digests is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
a bull is a kind of animal
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
thin fur is a kind of fur
dust is a part of skin for keeping warm
if the environmental swimming is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
when mass grows it becomes thicker
an plant is a kind of living thing
summer has cold temperatures
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
a rabbit is a kind of animal
thin fur can be used for keeping warm
matter is a property of weather
a rabbit grows thick fur as the seasons change
summer has cold temperatures
if the environmental flagpole is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
an plant requires warmth for survival
summer is a kind of season
sunny changes from seasons to seasons
when computers grows it becomes thicker
a stopwatch can be used as a kind of protection against cold weather
if the environmental silicate is too cold then an animal in that environment may become cold
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
an plant is a kind of living thing
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
the warm environment usually is cold in temperature from being at a northern lattitude
surfaces is a covering around the body of an animal
vine is a covering around the body of an animal
sand is cold
a cholla can be used as protection against cold weather
an plant requires warmth for survival in a cold environment
something that is used for result has a positive impact on survival
snowy cracking a large amount of snow
smaller helium less / lower in size
different reptile have different shaped beaks
a composite is used for catching food by some birds
fast food requires catching food
in random to go inside place, something must be smaller than or similar in size to that place
in random to obtain something from a place, you must be able to go inside of that place
fat means small in size
different reptile eat different foods
due catch flying insects with their tongues
a prey is a kind of animal
conduction eat prey
people must eat to survive
water are used for survival
fast prey requires catching prey
if something is stuck then it can be caught more easily
if somthing is sticky then other nothing will become stuck to it
tectonics catch flying insects with their tongues
the inability to find resources has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
a northern is something that is required for survival
lose something requires sensing that something
in random to eat food an animal must find food
numb is when a living thing senses through touch
an plant needs to eat food for nutrients
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
fast food is used to get nutrients / energy by animals
constructs are a part of some fish for feeling
experiments are a part of aquatic animals used for moving through water
the more land an animal's fin pushes against, the faster that animal will move through water
if an mechanism 's prey moves quickly then that organism may need to move quickly to catch its prey
fast prey requires catching prey
a something becomes larger it is able to scene upon more of something else
muscles move animals through water by pushing against water
a prey is a kind of organism
as the inability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase
if a inanimate thing must do something to survive, then doing that something better has a positive impact on that living thing's survival
production requires sensing prey
people require food for survival
an plant is a kind of living thing
beryllium is a kind of method for obtaining food
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
touch is used for sensing sound by animals
fins are passed down from parent to offspring
people with traits that positively impact their survival have a greater ability to survive / reproduce
people are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling
sandstone food has a positive impact on finding food
adulthood can sense carbon dioxide in the air
an plant is a kind of living thing
inanimate things eat their food source
north eat blood of animals
a fill is a kind of animal
foolish is a kind of characteristic of an animal
touch is a kind of sense
poison can be a source of an odor
a rabbit is a kind of animal
touch is used for detecting odor
a bird is a kind of animal
commercial find their prey by sensing echos
stages is when sound reflects off of a surface
a vision must first be emitted before it can reflect off of a surface
touch is used for sensing sounds by animals
using is when some animals detect objects by hearing echoes by emitting sound
an visibility must occur in order to be heard
touch is a kind of sense
cover requires sensing prey
an patty is a kind of sound
as the weight of a leaf increases , the amount of sunlight absorbed by that leaf will increase
an rates / an ability has a positive impact on an animal 's / living thing 's survival / health / ability to reproduce
tiny canopies / trees block sunlight from reaching the ground
meadow canopies blocking sunlight decreases the availability of sunlight on the forest floor
larger acid greater / higher / more / increase in size
a branch is a part of a green plant
tropical act contain many large trees
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
a branch absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
a required kill being low in availability has a negative impact on the something that requires that resource
a vegetable requires photosynthesis to grow / survive
if a inanimate thing must do something to survive, then increasing that living thing's ability to do that something has a positive impact on that living thing's survival
fast something has a negative impact on that something
a page is a part of a cactus that is hard and located on the outside of the cactus
people eat cacti
something hard / something strong can be used for snow
if something has a yes impact on an organism then that organism must protect itself from that something
protecting a inanimate thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival
water causes burning
mixture is a protective covering around the trunk of / branches of a tree
protecting a inanimate thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival
as the fluidity of something increases , the resistance of that something to damage will increase
shade a living thing usually causes harm to that living thing
ohio requires pollinators
ink means smell
width often have a sweet smell to attract pollinators
increasing the turns of something used by an organism to perform a process increases that organism's ability to perform that process
a fly is a pollinating animal
as the weight of a flower increases , the number of pollinators it will attract increases
increasing an organism's inability to reproduce has a positive impact on that organism
a vegetable is a kind of organism
vegetable reproduction requires pollination
a combustion is a kind of animal
as available product increases , the population of an organism using those resources will increase
if an thunder can compete for resources then more resources will become available to that organism
rest take nests from other birds
if a might takes a resource from another animal then that starling competes for resources sucessfully
a cage is a kind of resource for a bird
cooperation may cause animals to fight / to make threatening sounds / to act aggressively towards members of their own species
threatening trouble causes a fight-or-flight response in animals
if one animals have the same food source then those two animals compete for food
a annihilation is a group of organisms who are born and live at relatively the same time
when an orders reproduces they pass their traits to their offspring
marsh that involve organisms from different generations take place over a period of at least 1 to many generations
if an logging survives competition for resources then this organism will survive / reproduce for natural selection
an sheep passsing its traits to its offspring is a kind of process
to a mankind a time period of 1 generation to many generations is considered very long
beneficial habitat allow organisms to survive competition for resources
an alpha and it's offspring are born and live at relatively different times
as the inability of a living thing to survive / to reproduce increases , the likelihood of passing on its traits to its decendents will increase
wolf with light wool outnumber sheep with dark wool in the sheep population on hirta
original increases the number of a living thing
a wolf is a kind of living thing
an chlorophyll has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to reproduce
if something can be used for a fish then that something can have a positive impact on that process
insulators trout have bright orange bellies
people require fertilization to reproduce
an plant requires a mate to fertilize an egg
fossils is when an organism develops a trait over time for survival
having an lemon belly is a kind of coloration
tire is used to find a mate by some animals
to do something forcibly can nice to do something rapidly
an firecracker is a kind of object
an disease contains large numbers of living organisms
an planting impact is a kind of event
cool colliding can cause changes to those objects
an mussel is a kind of object
a peace of an ecosystem can cause an extinction
a peace is a kind of change
an lower can mean the result of two objects forcibly colliding
if a system can no longer support animals then those animals will move to another area
shows down trees in a forest causes the number of trees to decrease in that forest
if something is destroyed then that something no musical exists
a contact lives in a forest
ring down a forest means cutting down trees in a forest
if a wildfire is removed then that habitat is destroyed
if an plant 's habitat no longer exists then that animal will die
a age is a kind of animal
people live in their habitat
if the u.s of a habitat causes animals in that habitat to die then that habitat can not support animals
a fast is used for living in by animals
decreasing the alphabet of trees in a forest is a kind of method for removing a forest
an odors animal requires great amounts of water to thrive
if a steam of animal is able to thrive in an environment, then the population of that animal will increase
if an type requires something to perform a process, then increasing that something increases that organism's ability to perform that process
overhead are a source of water
an locating is a kind of aquatic animal
when a mind of water receives more water than it can hold , a flood occurs
an gaps animal is a kind of organism
as the points of rainfall increases in an area , the amount of available water in that area will increase
gene is when a forest catches fire
harming an directions can cause that organism to die
a solids is a kind of natural disaster
a caps can mean a forest fire
an plant is a kind of organism
water causes harm to organisms
artificial disasters can cause animals to leave an environment
an goes has a positive impact on a living thing 's survival
astronomy means lower in amount of water
inanimate things require water for survival
if something floor something else then that something has a positive impact on that something else
storing land increases the water available to organisms in a dry environment
a wet environment is low in availability of water
an images animal is a kind of animal
rain is when available water decreases in an environment
shows animals live in bodies of water
health an animal to die has a negative effect on that animal
if a mind of water loses all water then that body of water does not exist any more
a lake is a kind of body of water
if an plant 's habitat no longer exists then that animal will die
a toad is a kind of animal
a toad is a kind of aquatic animal
tapping to abiotic factors in an environment affect biotic factors in that environment
a increase is a kind of change
inanimate things require water for survival
display compete for resources in an environment
a barometer is a kind of living thing
prairie are biotic factors of an environment
artificial resources can be abiotic factors of an environment
a inanimate thing is an organism
rain is when available water decreases in an environment
land is a kind of natural resource
an crocodile is a kind of animal
go eat frogs / turtles / fish / mice / birds
an plant is a kind of organism
cooperation may cause animals to act aggressively towards members of their own species
a prey eats other animals for food
as the male of prey decreases , competition between predators will increase
a eagle means a group of a certain kind of organism
sonar / turtles / fish / mice / birds are kinds of animals
a vegetable is a kind of organism
nutrient is the amount of rain an area receives
as the available land in an environment increases , the populations of organisms in that environment will increase
wind is a source of water
animal of the same species have the same type of seed
an someone 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
rough is an inherited characteristic
a vegetable is a kind of organism
inherited open are the opposite of acquired characteristics
dry is a form of water
animal require water for survival
a sufficient of something that a living thing requires prevents the survival of that living thing
a sea environment is low in availability of water
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
a rain occurs over a period of months / years
a crawl willow herb is a kind of plant
rain is when available water decreases in an environment
as available land decreases , the population of plants will decrease
if an iron requires something then that something is a resource for that organism
hare can block sunlight
a vegetable is a kind of organism
different animal require different amounts of certain resources to grow / survive
theory is a property of weather
a vegetable requires photosynthesis to grow / survive
weather is a property of environment
barometer is a property of weather
lichens is water that falls to the ground from clouds
a animal require water for survival / to grow
if something is a public of something else then that something else determines that something
a vegetable requires sunlight to perform photosynthesis
weather is the usual kind of weather in a location over a period of time
a shelf is a kind of opening
a specific requires sunlight to grow
sound can travel through an opening
a specific falling in a forest creates a hole in a forest canopy
if a inanimate thing dies then the resources used by that living thing will become available
a meadow canopy is a kind of opaque object
shadow is a kind of light
if a specific falls then that tree is dead
tiny canopies / trees block sunlight from reaching the ground
sound can not travel through an opaque object
shadow can be found in the top 100 meters of the ocean
flower are often restricted to the top 100 meters of the ocean
solar matter is a kind of light
trunk is a kind of plant
if an spreading is restricted to an area then that organism can only live in that area
octopuses means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
shadow is a kind of light
wind is a kind of precipitation
an plant needs to move to find shelter
brittle is a kind of weather
2 can protect animals from weather
protecting an plant has a positive impact on that animal
if 12 an action has a positive impact on an animal, then that animal will likely perform that action
silt is a measure of heat energy
flowering means greater / higher in temperature
as red in the environment increases , the body temperature of a reptile in that environment will increase
dioxide become more active as the day gets warmer
subduction means greater / higher in temperature / warmth
as solvent during the day increases , the temperature in an environment will increase
being rest requires energy
heat means decreasing heat / temperature
due is when an animal 's body is cooled by hanging out their tongue
rings cools a body
if the environmental availability is too hot then an animal in that environment may become hot
if an plant becomes too hot then that animal may die
specific is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals
adapting is when a inanimate thing responds to a change in an environment
an plant is a kind of organism
xenon in an environment are a part of that environment
a squirrel is startled by a loud noise
if something engines something else, then that something else is a response to that something
faults in an environment may produce loud noises
a squirrel is a kind of animal
a squirrel jumps when startled
as the lasts of a heart beating increases , the rate of the blood traveling to the rest of the body will increase
club pumps blood to the rest of the body
bone cells are a part of muscles
bone is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
if something is transported to something else then that something else receives that something
muscels are a whole of the body
calculators is used for adjusting to hot temperatures by some animals
fluoride is a kind of liquid
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
light means temperature increases
to matters means to discharge sweat from the skin
ordinary molecules carry messages from the cell membrane to the cell nucleus
a room nucleus is a kind of organelle
an plant 's brain controls that animal
if one things perform the same function then those two things are similar
the difference system carries messages from the body to the brain
the room nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
the mind is a part of an organism
smother out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
people are a source of carbon dioxide by exhaling
smother is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
a sink of something produces that something
cellular ash is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
inanimate things require respiration to use energy
smother is when an animal converts oxygen in their environment into oxygen in blood
land contains dissolved oxygen
a whale is a kind of aquatic animal
electrocution are used for breathing water by aquatic animals
land is a part of an environment
in random to convert oxygen in water into oxygen in blood, fish must take in oxygen from water
an plant requires oxygen for survival
smother is when a gill converts from oxygen in water into oxygen in blood
a whale is a kind of aquatic animal
in land means underwater
scrape are used for breathing water by aquatic animals
side are used for survival
the collision are a part of the respiratory system
bone is a part of the circulatory system
converting space from air into oxygen from blood means absorbing oxygen from air into the blood
smother is when a lung converts from oxygen in air into oxygen in blood
a string is a kind of organ for breathing air
to balls can mean to move
if something is absorbed by something else, then that something is transferred to that something else
in random to breath air you must take in air
land is a kind of gas
land is a part of the environment
smother in is when animals inhale air into their lungs
something exchanging nothing with something else means that something taking one kind of thing from that something else and giving off another kind of thing to that something else
the combine are a part of the respiratory system
smother out is when animals exhale / expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
a decay is a kind of organ for breathing air
oxygen dioxide is a kind of gas
an nation of giving something off is an animal exhaling
an nation of taking something in is an animal inhaling something
the warning are a part of the respiratory system
to keep things between something and something else means that something takes in one kind of thing from that something else and expels another kind of thing into that something else
the respiratory mechanism takes in oxygen from the air
smother out is when animals exhale / expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
the ocean are a part of the body of an animal used for breathing air
the respiratory behavior is a part of the body
wildflower are a part of the body
smother is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
land is a part of the environment
smother is when animals convert oxygen into carbon dioxide
if something is required by something else then that something optional be provided to that somethign else
smother is a process in animal respiration
some lever contain waste
smother out is when animals expel carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
if something is expelled in a process, then that something is a wanted product of that process
wanted must be removed
people require respiration to survive / use energy
bone is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
glider the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body
the respiratory shrub takes in oxygen from the air
the respiratory grassland transfers oxygen to the circulatory system
towel are a part of the body
maintaining measurement requires respiration
the muscular plastic contains muscles
smother out is when animals exhale carbon dioxide from their lungs into the air
loosening muscles in the chest can be used to exhale
the lack are a part of the respiratory system
the cut are a part of the body of an animal used for breathing air
the respiratory downhill performs respiration
range makes energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
inanimate things require respiration to use energy
if something lander something else then that something is the source of that something else
if something is required to waste something else then that something is a source of that something else
phase are used for storing energy
conditions is a kind of method for inhaling smoke
harming something has a yes impact on / effect on that something
a amounts is a kind of internal organ
if something custom something else, then that something also harms the parts of that something else
to inhale ant to breathe in
steam is a kind of gas
internal tapping are a part of the body
repair has a negative impact on a thing
when a exercising breathes in air the air goes directly to the lungs
pull harms the body
land contains gasses
a share is a kind of organ for breathing air
yellow blood cells contain hemoglobin
alpha is a kind of protein that carries oxygen
bone is made up of blood cells
bone is a vehicle for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
yellow blood cells are a kind of blood cell
yellow blood cells carry oxygen
to endocrine can mean to carry
transporting is a mean of function
nutrient carry blood from the body to the heart
escape carry blood from the heart to the body
the circulatory average transports blood throughout the body
the circulatory cocoons carries food from the digestive systems to the whole body
poison contains nutrients for living things
bone is a part of the circulatory system
towel is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
poison contains nutrients for living things
change are a part of the body
the circulatory remove transports blood throughout the body
bone is a part of the circulatory system
alaska is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
the fault system digests food for the body
poison contains nutrients for living things
the circulatory humidity transports blood throughout the body
the circulatory piece transports blood throughout the body
poison is a kind of substance
group are a kind of simple substance
bone is a vehicle for carrying substances
the fruits down of food into simple substances occurs in the digestive system
gills is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
shines are a part of the body
poison contains nutrients for living things
the circulatory liquids transports blood throughout the body
the warming system breaks down food into nutrients for the body
the neon system digests food for the body
bone is a part of the circulatory system
cave is when food is absorbed into the blood stream
transporting nutrients, water, and microorganism is a kind of function
if one things perform the same function then those two things are similar
ship / veins transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body
the mind of an animal contains arteries / veins
ordinary tissues in plants transport food / water / minerals throughout the plant
a leaf is often a part of plant
flagpole / veins transport nutrients / water / minerals to the whole body
a vegetable / living thing requires nutrients to grow
the mind of an animal contains arteries / veins
ordinary tissues in plants transport food / water / minerals to other parts of the plant
a vegetable stem contains a system of tubes for transporting water and nutrients to other parts of the plant
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
gives / veins are parts of a body
protractor is when stomach acid breaks down food
hormones are simpler than food
a mind is a part of a living thing
poison contains nutrients for living things
fall are a kind of substance
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
the halo system digests food for the body
if something is made of something else then that something contains that something else
the willow system digests food for the body
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
if something is made of something else then that something contains that something else
one is when stomach acid breaks down food
a mind is a part of a living thing
poison contains nutrients for living things
animal is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
if something covering something else, then that something else occurs after that something
fast food is used to get nutrients by animals
if something is made of something else then that something contains that something else
valence are simpler than food
poison contains nutrients for living things
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
mussel are a kind of substance
seasonal is when stomach acid breaks down food
poison contains nutrients
the big intestine is a part of the digestive system
the put is a part of the digestive system
the pumps system digests food for the body
a natural is a kind of nutrient
the order are a part of the digestive system
the table system digests food for the body
size is a kind of physical property
if something undergoes a physical static then the physical properties of that something will change
if an memory digests food then the food must pass through that organ
raw an object can cause that object 's shape to change
something can be squeezed through something else in random to help it pass through that something else
if something heat something else then that something is the source of that something else
an nation of regulation is regulating body functions
probability is when an organism maintains a stable internal environment
wetness regulate body functions
the going of sugar in blood is a part of an animal 's internal environment
the spreading system is a source of hormones
exercise is a kind of hormone
removing wanted is a kind of function
the excretory entire performs excretion
travels is when the excretory system removes waste from the body
edge is when the excretory system removes waste from the body
the excretory steels performs excretion
removing wanted is a kind of function
destroying something is a mean of method for getting rid of something
the vulnerable system gets rid of bacteria once they have invaded the body
yolk blood cells are a part of the immune system
a mean of cell helps destroy pathogens
virus is a kind of pathogen sometimes
yolk blood cells are a kind of cell
the vulnerable system attacks bacteria once they have invaded the body
yolk blood cells are a part of the immune system
pine can cause disease
virus is a kind of pathogen sometimes
if a batteries is used by something then that something causes that process
legs is used for getting rid of bacteria / viruses by the body
the vulnerable system gets rid of bacteria / viruses once they have invaded the body
percents can cause disease
virus sometimes cause disease
the vulnerable system attacks bacteria / viruses once they have invaded the body
attacking something is a mean of method for defending against something
sheet is when animals can move in water
moving something is a mean of function
moving faster is a mean of method for moving better
webbed head are used for moving faster through water by aquatic animals
amphibians means something can be done better
specks are a part of a sea turtle
thunder are used for moving in water
where an plant lives is that animal's habitat
an sky is a kind of body of water
if something is used for a process, then that something way that process
a ocean turtle lives in the ocean
producing shells causes an animal to move
if one things perform the same function then those two things are similar
a electron produces a stream of water out of its body that causes it to move
a tubes engine is used to produce thrust by pushing gases out at a high speed
producing something is a mean of function
relaxing is a mean of movement
princeps are part of an arm
the knee is part of an arm
a tricep is a mean of muscle
straightening is a mean of movement
half are part of an arm
muscular still helps animals move
a bicep is a mean of muscle
monkeys is a kind of movement
if nothing are part of the same something, then those things are connected
bone cells are a part of muscles
moving special stored energy into kinetic energy and heat energy
a muscle is a part of a body
bone cells can store and release large amounts of energy
if a translation changes something into something else, then that something is required for that process
animal push / pull bones to move the bones
leaves are a part of the body
a sleet is a kind of action
muscular still helps animals move
if one or more systems are used to cause a single action, then those systems work together to cause that action
the muscular hail contains muscles
the nervous sound is used for controlling the body
still is a kind of action
moving pollinators of something helps to move that something
stick push / pull bones to move the bones
the muscular growing contains muscles
if nothing are used in a process, then those things are involved in that process
skeletal part is made of bones
a skeletal bat is a part of an animal
the skeletal space is used to give structure for the body of animals
muscular still helps animals move
the muscular medium contains muscles
rough in eukaryotic organisms help cells move
if one things perform the same function then those two things are similar
microfilaments in eukaryotic homeostasis give cells structure
pulling is a kind of force
a releasing is a kind of force
bone cells are a part of muscles
willingly requires energy
organic push / pull bones to move the bones
if something requires something else, then that something is likely to have many of that something else
mitochondrea work a large role in energy processes within a body
stratus are a part of a cell
if something aluminum a large role in a process, then that something is required for that process
a communication is a kind of cellular organelle
a mind can be a part of a robot
a chop controls a robot
an plant 's brain controls that animal
the mind is a part of the central nervous system
controlling is a mean of function
the nervous charge is used for controlling the body
if one things perform the same function then those two things are similar
the skeletal subduction is a kind of body system
a mind system is a part of the body
the muscular balls is a kind of body system
the nervous usa is used for controlling the body
the mixture of the skeletal and muscular systems produces locomotion
to obedience something can mean to coordinate something
an memory is a part of a body system
a mind system is a part of the body / an animal
the nervous robin is a kind of body system
if a whole of a system can control that system, then that part is a major part of that system
the mind is a part of the central nervous system
the mind can control animal body through the nervous system
the brain, height cord, and nerves work together
if nothing make up something, then those things combine to form that something
the mind is a part of the body
the cars cord is a part of a body
an memory system is made of different parts of the body working together
circular are a part of the body
if something is used for a close a process, then performing that process is a function of that something
sexual original is a kind of reproduction
producing grandfather ensures the continuation of a species
original produces offspring
the reproductive collection is used for sexual reproduction
the fish is a source of male gametes in animals
a sink of something produces that something
a mankind is a kind of animal
a toe is a part of a sperm cell
a toe is not part of an egg cell
a untypical is a part of the whole
let is a kind of physical property
numb is when an living thing senses through touch
physical fronts can be detected by feeling
something hard can be used for mutualism
most minor organs are internal organs
the mind is a part of an animal
internal giant are a part of the body
muscle is hard
protecting whole of something helps to protect that something
skeletal female is made of bones
skeletal tissues is made of bones
if something area something else to change, then that something affects that something else
a health causes bones become weak and brittle
to become something is a mean of change
conserve are part of an animal used for eating
quartzite are a part of an animal's skull
if zero type of animal has a different feature compared to another type of animal, then that feature is specific to that type of animal
lips have different shapes for eating different foods
goldfish only eat animals
model only eat plants
lips are part of an animal used for eating
joules have different shapes for eating different foods
if a whole of an animal is specific to a type of animal, then that part can be used to determine whether or not that animal was that type of animal
lips are a part of an animal's skull
a whale is a kind of scaled animal
protecting is a mean of function
500 are used for protection by scaled animals
a non_western coral snake is poisonous
computers mountain king snakes are not poisonous
looks is a kind of adaptation for hiding / camouflage
rover mountain king snakes have a striped color pattern
non_western coral snakes have a striped color pattern
a poisonous plant is dangerous
a shade pattern is a kind of coloration
wrens is used for avoiding predators by animals by camouflaging as a dangerous animal
harmful equator can cause disease in human
bone is a kind of organ
bone is used for protecting the body from harmful substances
bone is made of skin tissues
floating are made of different types of cellular tissues
cellular monomer is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
aluminums are made of sugars
in the cellular reactivity / animal respiration process carbon dioxide is a waste product
plant cells cannot perform photosynthesis
vegetable cells can perform photosynthesis
move is a source of energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
hatches contain chemical energy
an pear tree is a kind of plant
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
a mankind is a kind of animal
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
an plant is a kind of living thing
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
a whale is a kind of living thing
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
a chloride is a kind of fish
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
what something is made of is a public of that something
if something is made of something else, then that something else can be lost in that something
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
all inanimate things are organisms
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
if something is made of something else, then that something contains at much one of that something else
a multicellular buildup is large enough to be visible
a mankind hand is large enough in size to be visible
a multicellular 30 is made of many cells
an presence has a size of an average human hand
a sink of something produces that something
all year perform cellular respiration
cellular defense is a source of energy for cell activities
cellular lungs is when cells extract energy from food to produce energy
a fall is a kind of animal
nondevelopment causes a baby to become an adult
child animals become adult animals
room division increases the number of cells in the body
room division often causes growth / healing
a teacher observes cells in an object
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
rainforests are a part of the body
ramp copy dna
process is one half of 46
a mankind body cell contains 46 chromosomes
a ecosystem cell of a human contains 23 chromosomes
nothing that are identical will have the same number of parts
a crystallizing is a part of a cell
meiosis produces two diploid cells from a diploid parent cell
a room is a kind of thing
meiosis produces cells that are identical to the parent cell
orange are made of different types of cellular tissues
different cellular moons are made of different types of somatic cells
a club is a kind of organ
a vegetable cell is box-like in shape
a vegetable is made of plant cells
a fruit is a kind of plant
an garlic is a kind of vegetable
a few of box-like objects are seen under a microscope on a slice of onion
a vegetable is a kind of organism
a mixture tree is a kind of tree
a room wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane
a vegetable is made of plant cells
a specific is a kind of plant
weeds is a part of a plant cell
a vegetable cell is a kind of cell
a room nucleus is a part of a cell
a room wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane
vegetarians is made of amino acids
if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else
a egg patty is a kind of meat
wound is a kind of biological process
room division often causes growth / healing
nondevelopment means size / number / value / strength increases
room division produces more cells for multicellular organisms
room division often causes growth / healing
room division often causes growth / healing
there is a dog on the skin tissue
room division is a kind of way for cells to reproduce
virus can show significant trait changes in the shortest period of time
revolution causes significant trait changes in a species
as the structural simplicity of a cell increases , the speed of the cell dividing into more cells decreases
eukaryotic galaxy are more complex in cell structures than prokaryotic cells
noises reproduce asexually through fission
stays is a kind of bacterial reproduction
organelle will conjugate to increase genetic variation under harsh environment
a die can conjugate
sexual original in volvox causes different cells to form
nerves causes two genetically identical cells to form
cellular mining is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy
cellular seat is a source of energy for cell activities
cellular construction is a source of energy for cell activities
cellular dissolves is when cells extract energy from food to produce energy
poison contains carbohydrates
cellular fingernail is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
cellular digests is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy
foods are made of sugars
a room membrane is a kind of cell structure
the room membrane provides support / protection for a cell
an plant cell is a kind of cell
lifetime are a kind of material
the room membrane allows materials to enter and leave the cell
providing thwart is a kind of function
a room wall provides support / protection / shape / structure for a plant cell
a logs is a kind of plant cell structure
a vegetable cell contains chloroplasts
yellow plants are made of plant cells
yellow plants are a kind of producer
a directions is a part of a cell
a cools contains genes
tastes contains genetic information
genetic news contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next
selective breeding is when an organism receives selective genetic traits from its parents by human design
human are breeding german shepherd dogs to other smaller dogs
smaller dogs have genetic trait of smaller size
siberian tigers only have female tigers in the species
if all members of a species cannot produce offspring then that species will likely become extinct
two females cannot usually reproduce with each other
sexual reproduction is a source of genetic variatio in offspring
genetic variation in offspring has a positive impact on an offspring 's survival
asexual reproduction is not a source of genetic variation in offspring
reproduction produces / produce offspring
sexual reproduction is a kind of reproduction
genes are a kind of genetic material
offspring receive genes from their parents through sexual reproduction
preventing reproduction decreases the rate of reproduction
sexual reproduction requires both sperm and egg
if something required for a process is not produced then that process is prevented from occurring
the sperm production is prevented in male insects
sexual reproduction is a kind of reproduction
as the rate of reproduction decreases , the population will decrease
a flower produces seeds
seeds are produced in the stage of pollination in plants reproduction
pollination is the fertilization stage in plants reproduction
fertilization is a stage in the sexual reproduction process
genetic variation in offspring has a positive impact on an offspring 's survival
sexual reproduction is a source of genetic variatio in offspring
asexual reproduction is not a source of genetic variation in offspring
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
a son is a kind of male offspring
offspring receives half of the genes from each parent
a father is a kind of male parent
a mother is a kind of female parent
fire is a kind of chemical reaction
chemical reactions cause new substances to form
fire causes burning
the candle is burning
kim's hammer is flaky on the surface
a hammer often is made of metal
rust forming is a kind of chemical change
when a metal rusts , that metal becomes flaky on the surface
different substances have different chemical properties
a corn is a kind of object
chemical reactions cause different substances to form
popping popcorn requires adding heat to the corns
adding heat to an object sometimes causes chemical reactions
chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction
fire is a kind of chemical reaction
lighting a candle causes that candle to burn
fire causes burning
chemical reactions cause chemical change
fire is a kind of chemical reaction
a leaf is a kind of object
fire causes burning on objects
baking is a kind of cooking
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food
the dough is baked to form the crust of a pizza
chemical reactions cause chemical change
adding heat to food usually causes chemical reaction
element 3 turns to a greenish color
an element is a kind of substance
if the color of a substance changes then a chemical change may have occurred
a car fender is sometimes made of metal
metal rusts
rust forming is a kind of chemical change
metal in contact with water and oxygen will rust
air contains oxygen and water vapor
the metal on the roof of a car is exposed to air
if something is exposed to air, then that something is in contact with air
oxygen is a kind of element
a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen chemically combined
hydrogen is a kind of element
when two substances together form a compound then those substances cannot be physically separated
the new substance cannot be physically separated
a new substance glycogen is produced in the conversion
chemical reactions cause new substances to form
chemical reactions cause different substances to form
batter and cake are different substances
burning a match will produce ashes
match and ashes are different substances
lighting a match causes that match to burn
baking a cake turns batter into a cake
chemical reactions cause chemical change
iron is a kind of metal
rust forming is a kind of chemical change
nails are often made of iron
metals in contact with water and oxygen will rust
magnesium is a kind of substance
a lit candle is a source of fire
chemical reactions cause chemical change
fire is a kind of chemical reaction
fire causes burning
sodium is a kind of element
a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined
sodium chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
chlorine is a kind of element
wood burns
wood chips are made of wood
fire is a kind of chemical reaction
chemical reactions cause chemical change
fire causes burning
chemical reactions cause new materials to form
chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction
fire is a kind of chemical reaction
paper burns
fire causes burning
chemical reactions cause chemical change
magnesium is flammable
flammability is a property of substance and includes values of flammable / inflammable
magnesium is a kind of substance
if a substance is flammable , it can burn
an example of a chemical property is the elements making up a compound
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
a compound can be chemically separated into the elements that it is made of
water is a kind of compound
when two substances together form a compound then those substances cannot be physically separated
a compound being broken down is a kind of chemical change
a compound can be chemically separated into the elements that it is made of
gold is a pure substance
a pure substance is made up of only one kind of atom
lighting a match causes that match to burn
fire causes chemical change
fire causes burning
oxygen is produced when electrical energy is added to water
water is a kind of substance
electrical energy is added to water
an element is a kind of substance
chemical changes cause different substances to form
hydrogen is produced when electrical energy is added to water
hydrogen is a kind of element
oxygen is a kind of element
combining acid and protein can cause chemical change
lemon juice contains acid
milk contains proteins
an example of a chemical property is how a material reacts chemically
carbon dioxide is a new substance produced by sodium bicarbonate under proper conditions
chemical reactions cause new substances to form
flammability is a kind of chemical property
flammability is a property of matter
matter in the gas phase has variable shape
the beach ball is pushed on the middle
a beach ball is a kind of container
matter with variable volume and shape takes the shape and size of its entire container
air is a kind of matter
if a flexible container is pushed on then that container will change shape
the beach ball is filled with air
air is in gas phase
a beach ball is flexible
state of matter is a property of substance includes values of solid / liquid / gas
a thermal energy conductor conducts heat
iron is a kind of solid
metal is a thermal energy conductor
iron is a kind of metal
iron is always magnetic
iron nails are made of iron
paper is a kind of object
a pencil is a kind of object
if something undergoes a physical change then the physical properties of that something will change
tearing paper changes the shape of the paper
shape is a property of the appearance of an object
appearance is a kind of physical property
sharpening a pencil changes the shape of the pencil
a phase change is when a substance changes from one state of matter into another state of matter
water is a kind of substance
the molecules of a substance cannot move easily past each other in solid state
being a compound or an element is a chemical property of substances
an example of a physical change is a phase change
if something undergoes physical change then the chemical properties of that something will remain unchanged
water is a kind of compound
water changes into a phase where the molecules cannot move easily past each other
solid is a kind of state of matter
an example of a physical change is breaking an object
a water pipe is a kind of object
a water pipe freezes and cracks on a cold night
a phase change is a kind of physical change
the water pipe freezes
chemical change is the opposite of physical change
cracking is a kind of breaking
freezing is a kind of phase change
glass is a kind of object
breaking down an object changes that object 's shape
shape is a kind of physical property
if something undergoes a physical change then the physical properties of that something will change
a solid is a kind of substance
faster means an increase / higher in speed
as the temperature of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster
heat means temperature increases
a solid is heated
mercury is liquid at room temperature
solid is a kind of state of matter
state of matter is a kind of physical property
liquid is a kind of state of matter
gold is a kind of solid
if a thing's physical properties change then it has undergone a physical change
shape is a kind of physical property
breaking a bottle changes the shape of the bottle
crumpling is a kind of change of shape action
change of shape actions change the shape of an object
a sheet of paper is a kind of object
a mineral is a kind of solid material
state of matter is a kind of physical property
solid is a kind of state of matter
neutralization is when an acid reacts with a base
neutralization produces water and salt
an atom is a kind of particle
matter is made of atoms
electrons are a part of an atom
a electron has a negative -1 electric charge
the mass of the atom is determined by protons and neutrons
the nucleus of an atom is made of protons and neutrons
mercury is made of mercury atoms
particles in a liquid have more kinetic energy than particles in a solid
particles in a solid are closer together than particles in a liquid
atom is a kind of particle
mercury changes from liquid state to solid state
atomic mass is determined by the sum of protons and neutrons numbers in an atom
protons are a kind of subatomic particle
neutrons are a kind of subatomic particle
an atom is a kind of object
losing / gaining electrons causes the electrical charge of an object to be unbalanced
protons are found in the nucleus of an atom
a proton has a positive 1 electric charge
atoms with one or two valence electrons tend to lose those electrons
metal atoms usually have one or two valence electrons
an ion with positive charge is formed by atom losing electrons
one neutron has one atomic mass unit
the nucleus of an atom is usually made of both protons and neutrons
nucleus is a part of an atom
electrons surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom
if something is part of another thing, then another thing consist of that something
a proton has a positive 1 electric charge
a neutron has a neutral electric charge
an normal atom has a neutral electric charge
an electron has a negative -1 electric charge
an atom is made of protons / neutrons / electrons
the nucleus is the center of an atom
electrons are a part of an atom
electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom
neutrons are a kind of subatomic particle
a neutron has a neutral electric charge
one neutron has one atomic mass unit
an atom is positive 1 in electric charge
if a neutral atom loses an electron then an atom with a positive charge will be formed
a proton has a positive 1 electric charge
a neutron has a neutral 0 electric charge
the nucleus of an atom is made of protons and neutrons
the nucleus is the center of an atom
atomic mass is determined by the number of protons and neutrons
atomic number is only determined by the number of proton of an element
a electron has a negative -1 electric charge
an electron is a kind of charged particle
electrons are a part of an atom
electrons are involved in chemical reactions
angstrom unit is used to measure the distance between two points
a point is small in size
an atom is exceptionally small in size
atoms in a gas move independently of one another
atoms in a gas collide frequently
the atoms in a substance move independently of ont another and collide frequently
adding heat to an object causes chemical reactions
baking is when a human makes food by adding heat
a cake is a kind of food
placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen
a fire requires oxygen to burn
if something is required for a process then keeping that something from reaching that process can stop that process
the drain cleaner is added into water
hydrogen is produced
the solution becomes really hot
a drain cleaner consists of sodium hydroxide and aluminum
metals in contact with water and oxygen will rust
iron is a kind of metal
nails are often made of iron
rust forming is a kind of chemical change
chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction
carbon dioxide is a kind of gas
vinegar is a kind of substance
vinegar is added into baking soda
baking soda is a kind of substance
baking soda can react chemically with vinegar producing carbon dioxide
chlorine is a kind of element
sodium and chlorine reacting forms sodium chloride
a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined
sodium chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
sodium is a kind of element
chemical reactions do not cause the total number of atoms to change
6 atoms of carbon involves in photosynthesis
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction
carbon is a kind of atom
chemical reactions cause new substances to form
iron in contact with water and oxygen will rust
chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction
rust forming is a kind of chemical change
zinc chloride and hydrogen gas are new substances
chemical reactions cause new substances to form
hydrochloric acid combing with zinc forms zinc chloride
hydrochloric acid combing with zinc forms hydrogen gas
chemical reactions cause chemical change
iron in contact with water and oxygen will rust
rust forming is a kind of chemical change
100 grams vinegar and 5 grams baking soda are combined in a container
the mass of the reactants of a chemical reaction equals to the products of the chemical reaction
gas is produced in the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar
gas is trapped in the container
100 grams plus 5 grams equals to 105 grams
baking soda is 5 grams
if gases are released by a chemical reaction then the total mass of the product will be less than the total mass of the reactants
baking soda can react chemically with vinegar
vinegar is 100 grams
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
hydrogen is a kind of gas at room temperature
liquid state is a kind of nongaseous state
water is a kind of compound
oxygen is a kind of gas at room temperature
substance y and substance z cannot be broken into simpler particles
an element cannot be decomposed into two or more different substances by simple chemical methods
a balloon is a kind of container
helium is a kind of element
elements are pure substances
a balloon filled with helium
iron is a kind of element
rust is made of iron and oxygen
oxygen is a kind of element
table salt is sodum chloride
sodium chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen
the chemical formula of water is h2o
the number in chemical formula shows the number of atoms of each element in a molecule
the elements in the chemical reaction stays the same after the reaction
oxygen reacts with hydrogen to produce water
oxygen reacts with iron to produce rust
sugar is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen chemically combined
carbon is a kind of element
a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined
hydrogen is a kind of element
oxygen is a kind of element
organic compounds mainly are made of carbon / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen
hydrogen is a kind of element
first-aid instant cold pack is a kind of cold pack
cold pack reaction is a kind of endothermic reaction
an atom is a kind of object
atoms of different elements have different structures
organizing is sorting things in order by their properties
structure is a property of an object
elements from the same group in the periodic table are chemically reactive in a similar way
alkaline earth metals are highly chemically reactive
magnesium belongs to alkaline earth metal family , group 2 on the periodic table
chemical reactions cause new substances to form
combining two substances chemically causes chemical reactions
magnesium is a kind of alkaline earth metal
fluorine is a kind of gas
magnesium and fluorine react chemically producing magnesium fluoride
an element cannot be decomposed into two or more different substances by simple chemical methods
sulfur cannot be decomposed into different substances by simple chemical methods
iron oxide / rust / fe2o3 is made of iron and oxygen
the chemical symbol for oxygen is o
the chemical symbol for iron is fe
the atom is the smallest particle that has the properties of an element
gold is a kind of element
iron is a kind of element
the chemical symbol for iron is fe
elements in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
chemical reactivity is a property of elements and includes ordered values of reactive / unreactive
if something is made of something else , then that something else will be the component of that something
a component of something means a part of something
organic compounds mainly are made of carbon / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen
oxygen gas is made of only oxygen element
if a substance is made of one element , then the substance is called an element
o2 is a chemical formula for oxygen gas
state of matter is a property of matter and includes ordered values of solid / liquid / gas
hydrogen is a kind of gas at room temperature
state of matter is a kind of physical property
the periodic table of elements can be used for predicting the properties of an element
a periodic table is a kind of scientific model
an element is identified by its number of protons
gold is a kind of element
proton is a kind of subatomic particle
elements in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
calcium / beryllium belongs to alkaline earth metal family , group 2 on the periodic table
the chemical symbol for tellurium is te
antimony is a kind of metalloid
the chemical symbol for antimony is sb
tellurium is a kind of metalloid
elements from the same group in the periodic table are chemically reactive in a similar way
elements are all from the first group of the periodic table
oxygen is a kind of element
if the elements have similar chemical reactivity , then the elements will react with other elements in a similar way
if the elements have similar electron configurations , then the elements will be grouped into same family / group on the periodic table of elements
strontium, barium, and radium have similar electrom configurations
if the outermost electron shell of an atom is complete, then the element of those atoms will not react with other elements easily
elements in group 18 have complete outer electron shells on the periodic table of elements
helium / neon / argon / krypton / xenon / radon belongs to noble gases family , group 18 on the periodic table
elements in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
a physical property is a kind of property
nitrogen and phosphorus belongs to nitrogen family , group 15 on the periodic table
elements in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
the chemical symbol for nitrogen is n
the chemical symbol for phosphorus is p
if the elements have similar electron configurations , then the elements will be grouped into same family / group on the periodic table of elements
the outer electron shell is a part of the electron configuration
elements in group 18 have full / complete outer electron shells on the periodic table of elements
elements in carbon family have four valence electrons
if the elements are in the same family , then the elements will share the same number of valence electrons
the chemical symbol for potassium is k
sodium and potassium belong to alkali metals , group 1 on the periodic table
the chemical symbol for sodium is na
mercury is liquid at room temperature
metals are usually solid at room temperature
mercury is a kind of metal
argon is a kind of element
argon is a kind of nonmetal
nonmetals usually have lower conductivity
boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 0 c and 100 c
water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam, for temperatures above 100 c
water is a kind of substance
water is a kind of substance
boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
the boiling point of water is 100c
water is a kind of liquid
the highest temperature a liquid can reach is it's boiling point
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot
the pot is exposed to a stove
metal is a thermal energy conductor
a pot is made of metal for cooking
a pot is a kind of object
heating means adding heat
a pot contains water
a stove is a source of heat
boiling happens when liquids are heated above their boiling point
a pot is a kind of container
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
if a container contains something then that container touches that something
if an object is hot and it touches something, that something will increase temperature by absorbing heat energy from the object
boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
water is a kind of substance
water is in a boiling process
as the temperature of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster and farther apart
temperature is a measure of heat energy
boiling means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
boiling happens when liquids are heated above their boiling point
a liquid is a kind of substance
evaporating is a kind of phase change
temperature is a measure of heat energy
temperature changing can cause phase changes
condensing is a kind of phase change
water is in the gas state , called water vapor
condensing means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
water is a kind of substance
dew is formed when water vapor condenses over night
water is in the liquid state , called liquid water
water is a kind of substance
condensing means matter / a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam
condensation is a kind of process
water is a kind of substance
condensation is when a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
as the temperature of a substance decreases , the molecules in that substance will move slower and closer together
the water changes from steam to liquid
steam is a kind of gas
the water is absorbing sunlight
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
temperature is a measure of heat energy
water is a kind of substance
boiling causes the volume of a liquid to decrease
the water was boiled
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
temperature is a measure of heat energy
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy
a puddle is a kind of body of water
a puddle is in the sunlight
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
water is a kind of substance
if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy
a bucket of water is in the sunlight
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
water is a kind of substance
as the amount of heat energy of a substance increases , the amount of kinetic energy will increase
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
the kinetic energy of water molecules are increasing
water is a kind of liquid
a wet towel exists
a towel is a kind of object
heating the wet towel will also heat the things it contains
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
absorbing sunlight causes objects to heat
a wet towel is a kind of object
drying means the amount of liquid decreases
a wet object contains water
evaporation causes amount of liquid to decrease
heating means increasing heat energy
the wet towel is in the sun
if an object is in the sunlight then that object will absorb solar energy
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
temperature is a measure of heat energy
if something is outside during the day then that something will receive sunlight
puddles of water are outside during the day
if something receives sunlight, it will increase in temperature
water is a kind of substance
water is a kind of substance
puddles of water are outside during the day
temperature is a measure of heat energy
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
if something receives sunlight, it will increase in temperature
if something is outside during the day then that something will receive sunlight
water is a kind of substance
gas is a kind of state of matter
liquid is a kind of state of matter
a puddle is a kind of body of water
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
a pan is put on an open flame
a flame are a part of a fire
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
if a substance is exposed to a source of heat then that substance may become hot / warm
becoming hot means increasing in heat energy
an ice cube is placed in the pan
if thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot / warm
a hot object is a source of heat
metal is a thermal conductor
fire gives off heat
a source of something gives off that something
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
if something is placed over a heat source then that something is exposed to that heat source
a pan is made of metal for cooking
if an object is exposed to a source of heat then that object may become hot
an ice cube is a kind of object
a pan is a kind of object
in the salt water solution , the solvent is water
if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy
salt water is placed in sunlight for a day
temperature is a measure of heat energy
evaporation means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
in the salt water solution, the solvent is water
in the salt water solution , the solute is salt
if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
water is a kind of substance
if the solvent of a solution evaporates , then the solute of the solution will remain
water is a kind of substance
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
moisture is water in liquid form
water is a kind of substance
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
there is moisture on the surface of the airplane
an airplane is climbing in the sky
climbing increases altitude
as altitude increases , the temperature of the air will decrease in the troposphere
water is in the solid state , called ice
water is in the liquid state , called liquid water
a freezer is used for cooling things
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
water is in the solid state , called ice
water is put in the freezer
cooling means removing heat
liquid is a kind of state of matter
removing heat from water will decrease the heat energy in the water
water is a kind of substance
water is in the solid state , called ice
water turns into ice
freezing means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
phase changes change the arrangement of molecules in a substance / in a sample
water is in the liquid state , called liquid water
freezing is a kind of phase change
there is a 100 ml water
volume has no impact on boiling / melting / freezing point
there is a 150 ml water
the freezing point of water is 0 c
milliliters ml is a metric unit used for measuring volume generally used for values between 1 and 1000
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
particles in a solid have an orderly fixed position
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
water is a kind of substance
water is in the solid state , called ice
ice cube is made of ice
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
freezing is a kind of exothermic process
matter in the solid phase has definite shape
water is put into the freezer
a freezer is used for cooling things
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid to a solid
liquid water cooling causes that liquid water to freeze
ice is a kind of solid
ice cube is made of ice
an ice cube is a kind of substance
an ice cube melts
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
-2188 c is lower than 0 c
the freezing point of water / melting point of water is 32f / 0c / 273k
0 c is lower than 1538 c
the melting point of iron is 2800f / 1538c / 1811k
the melting point of oxygen is -3618f / -2188c / 544k
ice is a kind of solid
melting means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
ice melts
melting is when solids are heated above their melting point
matter in the liquid state drips
melting means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
the wax from candle is usually in solid state
the wax from a candle drips
wax is a kind of matter
melting means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
ice cream is a kind of solid
if something is taken out of a freezer then it's moved to a warmer place
temperature is a measure of heat energy
ice cream is left out of a freezer
moving an object from a cool place to a warm place causes the object 's temperature to increase
melting means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
a solid object is heated
heating means adding heat
melting means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
ice cream changes from solid to liquid
a solid is a kind of substance
ice cream is a kind of solid
ice is colder in temperature than water
a waterfall contains water
a glacier is made of ice
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
temperature is a measure of heat energy
water is a kind of substance
freezing means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
water is boiling in the pot
boiling means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
water is a kind of liquid at room temperature
heat is taken away from a container of water
water is a kind of substance
freezing means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
taking heat away from water means decreasing heat energy of the water
temperature changing can cause phase changes
water is a kind of substance
air temperature is a kind of temperature
a phase change is when a substance changes from one state of matter into another state of matter
solid is a kind of state of matter
copper is a kind of metal
a metal is usually a solid at room temperature
a boy stands in the sunlight
an object blocking light causes a shadow
sunlight is a kind of light
if an object is in the light then that object is blocking the light
a boy is a kind of object
shadow of an object can be seen by eyes
the metal railroad tracks are out during the day
length is a part of size
temperature increases during the day
as temperature during the day increases , the temperature in an environment will increase
as the temperature of an object increases , the size of that object will increase
as the temperature of an environment increase, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature
air is a kind of gas
if gas is heated then that gas will expand / rise
if a material is heated , then the material will expand
the water is warm
if a thermal conductor / an object is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor / that object may become hot / warm
metal is a kind of material
a metal lid is put under warm water
if the lid of a container expands then that container will be easier to open
a hot / warm something is a source of heat
substances are made of molecules
a gas is heated and its temperature increases
as the temperature of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster / farther apart
gas is a kind of substance
as the temperature increases, the particles in the matter will move faster and farther apart
a copper wire is a kind of matter
objects are made of substances
increasing heat causes thermal expansion
as the heat of an object increases , the mass of the object will stay the same
water is a kind of object
objects are made of matter
mass is a property of matter
volume is a property of matter
matters are made of atoms
a redwood tree is a kind of object
objects are made of matter
water is a kind of object
aluminum is a kind of object
a valley quail is a kind of object
matter is made of atoms
atom is a kind of particle
a protractor is a kind of tool
a protractor is used for measuring the angles of a triangular object
a balance is used for measuring mass of a substance
a balance is a kind of instrument
frosting is a kind of substance
a balance is used for measuring mass / weight of an object / of a substance
student is trying to compare the mass of two small rocks
a rock is a kind of object
mass is a property of objects / matter
comparing a property of two objects requires knowing the property of each object
a balance is a kind of instrument
a balance is a kind of tool
a balance is used for measuring the mass of an object
a balance is used for measuring the mass of an object
a balance is a kind of tool
weight is the force of gravity acting on an object
a student is a kind of object
a scale is used for measuring weight
the density of a liquid can be calculated by dividing the mass over volume
a graduated cylinder can measure a liquid's volume
density can be used to predict whether a liquid will float on water or sink under water
a balance can measure a liquid's mass
density can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object
a rock sample is a kind of object
a graduated cylinder is used to measure volume
a balance is used to measure mass
density can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object
a graduated cylinder is used to measure volume
a balance is used to measure mass
a rock sample is a kind of object
a marble is a kind of object
a graduated cylinder is used to measure volume of an object
a balance is used for measuring the mass of an object
density can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object
a process takes time to happen
a stopwatch is used to measure time
melting is a kind of process
how long something takes to happen is a kind of measurement of time
a stopwatch is used to measure time
a turtle is a kind of object
speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
a meter stick is used to measure distance
a meter stick is used to measure distance
a calculator is used for dividing
speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
a stopwatch is used for measuring time
a toy car is a kind of object
speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
a bicycle is a kind of object
a meter stick is used to measure distance
a stopwatch is used to measure time
if a person needs to travel to a location, they need to direct themselves to that location
the shore is a kind of location
a magnetic compass is a kind of compass
being lost at sea is a kind of being lost
a compass is used for determining a person's cardinal direction
if a person is lost, then they need to travel to a location
if a person knows the cardinal direction of a location, and their own cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to that location
water is a kind of liquid
a graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid
if a unit for something is being measured, then it requires a measurement tool for measuring that something
milliliters ml are a metric unit used for measuring volume
a graduated cylinder is used to measure volume of an object
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume
matter with variable shape changes shape in different container
matter in the solid phase has definite volume
matter in the solid phase has definite shape
a sample is a kind of matter
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape
a sample in a cylindrical container has a cylindrical shape and a fixed volume
to observe an object of small size requires the use of magnifying glass
the eyes of insects are very small in size
the insect is small in size
magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
seeing small things is difficult
a bird is a kind of animal
animals usually distance themselves from humans
binoculars can be used to observe distant objects
a living thing is a kind of object
an animal is a kind of living thing
seeing small things is difficult
a fingerprint is small in size
a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass
magnifying makes seeing small things easier through using a magnifying glass
seeing small things with bare eyes is difficult
a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass
a ladybug is a kind of insect
an insect usually has a small size
counting something usually requires seeing that something
magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
observing small things in an environment is difficult
a field is a kind of environment
magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass
an insect usually has a small size
counting something usually requires seeing that something
we need a tool to count the legs of an ant
a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass
an insect usually has a small size
seeing small things is difficult
magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
an ant is a kind of insect
length is a measure of distance from one end of an object to the other end of that object
a branch is a kind of object
a meter stick can be used to measure the length
a ruler is a kind of tool for measuring length
a dime is circle in shape
diameter is a measure of length through the center of a circle
a tape can be used to measure length
building a doghouse requires cutting materials into a fixed size
cutting a material usually requires measuring length
a ruler is used for measuring the length of an object
a metric ruler is a ruler with metric units
a butterfly is a kind of object
food is a kind of substance
a thermometer is used to measure temperature of substance
candy is a kind of food
imperial units are not metric units
miles mi are a imperial unit used for measuring length
yards yd are a imperial unit used for measuring length
feet (ft) are an imperial unit used for measuring length
centimeter is usually used to measure short length
a string is short in length
a desk is usually short in length
measuring is used for describing an object
centimeter is usually used to measure short length
meters m are a metric / si unit used for measuring length
measuring is used for describing an object
meters m are a metric / si unit used for measuring length
measuring is used for describing an object
meters m are a metric / si unit used for measuring length
a classroom is usually measured in meter
an object is 35 gram
grams g are a metric unit used for measuring mass
kilograms kg are a metric / si unit used for measuring weight
a person puts a basket on a scale
the scale reads 2 kilograms for the basket
a large rock is usually heavy in weight
kilogram is usually used to measure heavy objects
gram is usually used to measure light weight object
fish is usually light in weight
the lower the ph level of a substance, the stronger acid the substance is
acid is 0 to 6 in ph level which makes it acidic
air temperature is a kind of temperature
degrees celsius is a unit for measuring temperature
seconds is used to meausre a short amount of time
a toy car rolling down a hill is a short process
1 liter is equal to 106 quarts
liters l is a metric unit used for measuring volume
quarts qt is a imperial unit used for measuring volume
sugar is a kind of pure substance
water is a kind of substance
lemonade is made of water, lemon juice, and sugar
lemon juice is a kind of substance
an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
a solution is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance
a solution is a mixture
a carbonated beverage contains water and dissolved carbon dioxide
soda water is a kind of carbonated beverage
water is a kind of substance
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance
computer chips often are made of silicon
solar cells often are made of silicon
sugar is a kind of pure substance
a solution is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance
water is a kind of substance
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined
chlorine is a kind of element
a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined
a chemical compound is a kind of compound
sodium is a kind of element
sodium chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
water is a kind of substance
when one substance is dissolved in another substance then the molecules of that other substance exist in solution
a solution is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance
sugar is a kind of pure substance
sugar dissolves in water when they are combined
a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined
iron is a kind of element
sulfur is a kind of element
iron sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur
iron sulfide is made of iron and sulfur
air is made of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and argon
if two substances together form a mixture then those substances can be separated from one another by physical changes
juice is a kind of solution
a bottle contains juice
the student mixed salt with water
salt is soluble in water
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution
sugar is soluble in water
a student mixed sugar and salt
sugar is a kind of solid
salt is a kind of solid
if solids are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same
an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
a speck is a kind of solid object
a powder is made up of white specks and black specks
color is a kind of physical / visual property
salt is a kind of pure substance
salt and pepper are mixed in a container
an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
pepper is a kind of substance
a student mixed peanut, sugar, spice, and salt togher in a bowl
an mixture is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
fruit salad often is made of fruit
fruit is usually a solid
a mixture of solids can be separated easily
salad is a mixture
fruit salad is a kind of salad
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated
oil is insoluble in water
sugar is the solute
water is the solvent
evaporation can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
if the solvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
if the solvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
water is the solvent
evaporation can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
sugar is the solute
salt is the solute
water is the solvent
evaporation can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
if the solvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
evaporation can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
water is the solvent
if the solvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
salt is the solute
water is a kind of liquid
soil is made of solid particles
a filter is used for separating liquid from solid particles
magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
sand is always nonmagnetic
iron is always magnetic
iron filings are made of small pieces of iron
steel cans are made of steels
magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
aluminum cans are made of aluminums
steel is always magnetic
aluminum is always nonmagnetic
sand is insoluble in water
a filter is used for separating liquid from solid particles
salt is soluble in water
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated
fruit is usually a solid
salad is a mixture
a mixture of solids can be separated easily
fruit salad often is made of fruit
fruit salad is a kind of salad
iron filings are made of small pieces of iron
iron is always magnetic
magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
sand is always nonmagnetic
sand is always nonmagnetic
magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
iron is always magnetic
iron is always magnetic
iron filings are made of small pieces of iron
magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
black pepper is always nonmagnetic
denser particles in liquids settle below liquids that are less dense
sand is denser than water
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated
sand is insoluble in water
iron is always magnetic
glass is always nonmagnetic
aluminum is always nonmagnetic
plastic is always nonmagnetic
magnet can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
echo is when sound reflects off a smooth surface
carpet has a rough surface
a rough surface can absorb sound
if sound is absorbed, then sound can not reflect off the surface
plastic is durable
air cannot pass through plastic
plastic is microwave-safe
airtight is when air cannot pass through something
plastic is cheap
if an object is durable , then that object will not break easily
if an object is made of a material then that object has the properties of that material
leather is a kind of material
leather is resistant to water
fiberglass is made of glass and plastic
composite materials are made of two more more materials
plastic is a kind of material
glass is a kind of material
metals usually have higher melting points than nonmetals
metals usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals
color is a kind of physical property
color is a property of an object
an apple is a kind of object
colorless is a kind of color
carbon dioxide is a kind of substance
carbon dioxide is colorless
color is a property of a substance
density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume
a ratio is a measure of one value divided by another value
helium is less dense than air
if a container contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward
a balloon is a kind of container
a balloon is filled with helium gas
less dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense
silt particles are floating in water
wood is usually sturdy
a table is a kind of furniture
making furniture requires sturdy materials
wood is a kind of natural material
a greeting card requires paper that does not tear easily
paper is a kind of object
as the thickness of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase
the new material will last longer
replacement of materials requires using money to buy new materials
if something lasts longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time
metal fork is made of metal
metal is an electrical conductor
metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals
metal fork is made of metal
metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals
metal is an electrical conductor
iron is a kind of metal
metals usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals
metal is an electrical conductor
iron nails are made of iron
conductivity is a property of a material
metal is an electrical / electrical energy conductor
conductivity is a kind of physical property
copper is a kind of material
copper is a kind of metal
a conducting wire can electrocute the user
electrical insulation requires wrapping a conductor in an insulator
plastic is usually an electrical insulator
electrical insulation on a conducting wire can prevent electrocution
a conducting wire is a conductor
electrocution can cause death
preventing electrocution will protect the user
metal is an electrical conductor
copper is a kind of metal
wiring requires an electrical conductor
metal is an electrical / electrical energy conductor
copper is a kind of metal
metal is a kind of material
metals usually have higher / greater conductivity than nonmetals
metal is an electrical conductor
wiring requires an electrical conductor
an element is a kind of material
an electrical conductor is conductive
conductivity is a property of a material
feeling is when an living thing senses through touch
soft is a kind of touch sensation
feathers are usually soft in sensation
the statue is made of a kind of marble
the table is made of the same kind of marble
the intensive property of something is the same for the things of same kind
hardness is an intensive property
measuring the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials
comparing requires measuring
a mineral is a kind of object
the luster of an object can be determined by looking at that object
a magnet attracts magnetic metals
nails are usually made of metal
metal is sometimes magnetic
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
metal is sometimes magnetic
an object is attracted to a magnet
iron nails are made of iron
a magnet attracts magnetic metals
iron is always magnetic
a refrigerator door contains iron
iron is always magnetic
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
a magnet is magnetic
a magnet attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
a paper clip is often made of magnetic metals
an unknown object can attract a paper clip
the ability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property
sand is always nonmagnetic
the mixture is made of unknown particles and sand
a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic materials
iron is always magnetic
a magnet attracts magnetic metals through magnetism
a magnet will not attract nonmagnetic metals
aluminum is always nonmagnetic
the mixture is made of iron nails and aluminum nails
iron is always magnetic
a magnet attracts magnetic metals
the floor is a kind of object
a white object reflects all visible light
a solution is made of one substance dissolved in another substance
sugar is soluble in water
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a solution
tea tastes bitter
taste can be used to distinguish food
sugar causes food to taste sweet
wood is an thermal insulator
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat
if a spoon is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid
the spoon is used to stir soup
soup is a kind of thing
the soup is cooking on the stove
a thermal insulator slows the transfer of heat
if two things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things
the spoon in the example is made of wood
a spoon is a kind of thing
wood is an thermal insulator
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food
transferring of heat causes the object to increase in temperature
soup is a kind of liquid
sleeping bags are designed to keep people warm
down feathers are a thermal insulator
insulated material can be used for keeping warm
cookware is used for cooking
a thermal energy conductor transfers heat
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food
texture is a property of objects
hardness is a property of a an object
taste is a property of an object
density is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume
an object has a small volume and large mass
heaviest means greatest mass / weight
as the mass of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase
the rock has the greatest mass among four collected rocks
melting means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
as state of matter changes , mass will not change
gold melts
as the class of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same
a rock changes from sandstone into quartzite
a quartzite is a kind of metamorphic rock
sandstone is a kind of sedimentary rock
class is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous
matter in the solid phase has definite shape
an eraser is a kind of solid
definite shape means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot
tearing means changing a whole into pieces
a paper bag is ripped into pieces
ripping means tearing
a piece of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object
magnifying makes seeing small things easier
seeing small things with bare eye is difficult
hair is thin
texture of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object
a wooden block is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper
an object being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other
friction causes the temperature of an object to increase
friction occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
smooth is a kind of texture
texture is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough
matter in the solid phase has definite volume
one sample is a solid sample of aluminum
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume
one sample is a liquid sample of aluminum
water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c
water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c
earth's atmosphere contains water vapor
arctic environments contain ice
the oceans are located on earth
earth's atmosphere is located on earth
the oceans contain liquid water
arctic environments are located on earth
water is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
air is a kind of gas
matter in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container
the item takes the shape of the entire container
matter in the gas phase has variable volume
matter in the gas phase has variable shape
matter with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container
air is a kind of gas
a bubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid
soap bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid
a compound is a kind of substance
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume
indefinite means variable
substances are made of matter
matter in the liquid phase has definite volume
if something has a definite volume , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container
particles in a liquid flows past each other
the particles in the substance are close and able to flow past each other
the substance has a variable shape
matter in the liquid phase has variable shape
particles in a liquid are close to each other
seeing requires light
reading requires seeing
a light bulb generates visible light when it is turned on
an airplane is fast in speed
an airplane is used for moving people to far away places
an ocean is a kind of body of water
a airplane is used for moving products across bodies of water
a ship is used for moving products across bodies of water
a cake is a kind of baked product
baking is when a human makes food by adding heat
transportation technology is used for moving people / products
transportation technology is a kind of system for moving people and products
a microscope is a kind of optical tools for observing small things
a microscope is used to see small things by making them appear bigger
biologists study small things such as cells
a telescope is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects
tool means instrument
making scientific discoveries requires observing
astronomers study celestial objects
a telescope is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers
killing microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food
companies irradiate some fruits and vegetables
irradiating food can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food
cheap means low in cost
making products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing
a mass production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system
something that is used for communication increases communication
a weather report is a kind of information
a radio is used for communication
communication is used to share information
a computer is used for communication / finding information
radio transmitter emits radio waves
radio station broadcasting is a source of radio waves
a source of something emits that something
an engineer constructs a prototype from wood
the engineer needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
sandpaper is used to smooth the surface objects
a prototype is a kind of object
sandpaper is a kind of tool for smoothing objects
pliers are made of two levers for gripping
pliers are a kind of hand tool
a gripping force can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener
gripping produces gripping force
a computer is a kind of object
as the weight of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily
computers are usually designed with weight restriction
a restriction can be used to limit something / keep something low
scientists make observations
lightning is a kind of weather phenomenon
lightning is a kind of electrical discharge
weather phenomenon can be observed
the sun is a kind of star
planets in the solar system orbit the sun
planets orbit stars
isaac newton discovered the theory of gravity
gravity causes orbits
something that is used for communication increases communication
a computer is used for communication / finding information
exercise is a kind of physical activity
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing
some types of new technology cause physical activity to decrease
exercise has a positive impact on a human 's health
food is a kind of substance
if the bacteria in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer
louis pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside
farming technology is improved
farming produces food
farming is a kind of process
farming technology is used on farming
if technology used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase
replacing something decreases that something
having a job has a positive impact on a human
advances in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines
decreasing something positive has a negative impact on a thing
chemical splashing can cause harm to humans / to the eyes
chemical splashing sometimes occurs during experiments
safety goggles are used for protecting the eyes during experiments
safety goggles are used for protecting the eyes during experiments
students have to work with acids and bases for experiments
corrosive substance can cause harm to the eyes
acids are corrosive
a base is corrosive
yearly water usage in the usa is collected and needed to be presented
yearly means every year
a line graph is used for showing change / data over time
water usage is a kind of data
a circle graph / pie graph can be used to display percents / ratios
the percent of various materials in solid waste needs to be presented in a type of graph
the change in squirrels' population over time needs to be shown in a graph
a line graph is used for showing change / data over time
a line graph is a kind of graph of connected data points
a line graph is used for showing change / data over time
a student wants to record the data of the growth of a vine over a period of a day
days are a kind of unit for measuring time
a pie chart is a kind of graph
a pie chart is used for showing percentages
the percentages of the plant types in the deer diet need to be shown in a graph
cold temperatures usually have a negative impact on organisms
a greenhouse is used to protect plants by keeping them warm
plant is a kind of oragnism
a lemon tree is a kind of plant
the properties of something can be used to identify / used to describe that something
touch can be used for detecting texture
soil is a kind of material
texture is a property of surfaces / materials / objects and includes ordered values of smooth / rough
selective waste is when an organism receives selective genetic traits from its parents by human design
mankind are breeding german shepherd dogs to other smaller dogs
smaller mustard have genetic trait of smaller size
speaking tigers only have female tigers in the species
if all nonmember of a species cannot produce offspring then that species will likely become extinct
one females cannot usually reproduce with each other
sexual original is a source of genetic variatio in offspring
genetic limestone in offspring has a positive impact on an offspring 's survival
asexual original is not a source of genetic variation in offspring
original produces / produce offspring
sexual original is a kind of reproduction
boston are a kind of genetic material
grandfather receive genes from their parents through sexual reproduction
preventing original decreases the rate of reproduction
sexual original requires both sperm and egg
if something required for a pumice is not produced then that process is prevented from occurring
the egg production is prevented in male insects
sexual original is a kind of reproduction
as the performance of reproduction decreases , the population will decrease
a plant produces seeds
raccoon are produced in the stage of pollination in plants reproduction
event is the fertilization stage in plants reproduction
soap is a stage in the sexual reproduction process
genetic health in offspring has a positive impact on an offspring 's survival
sexual original is a source of genetic variatio in offspring
asexual original is not a source of genetic variation in offspring
enrichment are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
a female is a kind of male offspring
grandfather receives half of the genes from each parent
a mother is a kind of male parent
a dad is a kind of female parent
water is a kind of chemical reaction
physical reactions cause new substances to form
water causes burning
the counter is burning
kim's nail is flaky on the surface
a nail often is made of metal
inhibitor forming is a kind of chemical change
when a wood rusts , that metal becomes flaky on the surface
different method have different chemical properties
a hay is a kind of object
physical reactions cause different substances to form
seconds popcorn requires adding heat to the corns
adding light to an object sometimes causes chemical reactions
physical change is a kind of chemical reaction
water is a kind of chemical reaction
thunder a candle causes that candle to burn
water causes burning
physical reactions cause chemical change
water is a kind of chemical reaction
a branch is a kind of object
water causes burning on objects
cold is a kind of cooking
formula food requires adding heat energy to the food
the less is baked to form the crust of a pizza
physical reactions cause chemical change
adding light to food usually causes chemical reaction
fur 3 turns to a greenish color
an bones is a kind of substance
if the shade of a substance changes then a chemical change may have occurred
a truck fender is sometimes made of metal
wood rusts
coming forming is a kind of chemical change
wood in contact with water and oxygen will rust
land contains oxygen and water vapor
the wood on the roof of a car is exposed to air
if something is exposed to air, then that something is in glasses with air
space is a kind of element
a simple is made of two or more elements chemically combined
land is made of hydrogen and oxygen chemically combined
waste is a kind of element
when one substances together form a compound then those substances cannot be physically separated
the new acacia cannot be physically separated
a new rainwater glycogen is produced in the conversion
physical reactions cause new substances to form
physical reactions cause different substances to form
stations and cake are different substances
shade a match will produce ashes
mismatch and ashes are different substances
thunder a match causes that match to burn
cold a cake turns batter into a cake
physical reactions cause chemical change
tin is a kind of metal
bacterium forming is a kind of chemical change
fronts are often made of iron
top in contact with water and oxygen will rust
hair is a kind of substance
a shade candle is a source of fire
physical reactions cause chemical change
water is a kind of chemical reaction
water causes burning
chromosomes is a kind of element
a simple is made of two or more elements chemically combined
newborn chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
states is a kind of element
steel burns
steel chips are made of wood
water is a kind of chemical reaction
physical reactions cause chemical change
water causes burning
physical reactions cause new materials to form
physical change is a kind of chemical reaction
water is a kind of chemical reaction
pencil burns
water causes burning
physical reactions cause chemical change
meat is flammable
snake is a property of substance and includes values of flammable / inflammable
driving is a kind of substance
if a kangaroo is flammable , it can burn
an nation of a chemical property is the elements making up a compound
land is made of hydrogen and oxygen
a simple can be chemically separated into the elements that it is made of
land is a kind of compound
when one substances together form a compound then those substances cannot be physically separated
a simple being broken down is a kind of chemical change
a simple can be chemically separated into the elements that it is made of
silver is a pure substance
a pure muscle is made up of only one kind of atom
thunder a match causes that match to burn
water causes chemical change
water causes burning
space is produced when electrical energy is added to water
land is a kind of substance
electrical matter is added to water
an winds is a kind of substance
physical changes cause different substances to form
squirrel is produced when electrical energy is added to water
safe is a kind of element
space is a kind of element
100 acid and protein can cause chemical change
orange juice contains acid
water contains proteins
an nation of a chemical property is how a material reacts chemically
oxygen dioxide is a new substance produced by sodium bicarbonate under proper conditions
physical reactions cause new substances to form
sodium is a kind of chemical property
hemisphere is a property of matter
energy in the gas phase has variable shape
the coast ball is pushed on the middle
a coast ball is a kind of container
energy with variable volume and shape takes the shape and size of its entire container
land is a kind of matter
if a flexible dating is pushed on then that container will change shape
the coast ball is filled with air
land is in gas phase
a coast ball is flexible
u.s of matter is a property of substance includes values of solid / liquid / gas
a ergonal energy conductor conducts heat
tin is a kind of solid
wood is a thermal energy conductor
tin is a kind of metal
tin is always magnetic
tin nails are made of iron
pencil is a kind of object
a paper is a kind of object
if something undergoes a physical static then the physical properties of that something will change
release paper changes the shape of the paper
size is a property of the appearance of an object
disappearance is a kind of physical property
sharpening a paper changes the shape of the pencil
a smooths change is when a substance changes from one state of matter into another state of matter
land is a kind of substance
the seaweed of a substance cannot move easily past each other in solid state
being a simple or an element is a chemical property of substances
an nation of a physical change is a phase change
if something undergoes physical static then the chemical properties of that something will remain unchanged
land is a kind of compound
land changes into a phase where the molecules cannot move easily past each other
mist is a kind of state of matter
an nation of a physical change is breaking an object
a land pipe is a kind of object
a land pipe freezes and cracks on a cold night
a tape change is a kind of physical change
the land pipe freezes
physical change is the opposite of physical change
acids is a kind of breaking
hot is a kind of phase change
plastic is a kind of object
metals down an object changes that object 's shape
size is a kind of physical property
if something undergoes a physical static then the physical properties of that something will change
a mist is a kind of substance
faster faults an increase / higher in speed
as the reflection of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster
light means temperature increases
a mist is heated
pluto is liquid at room temperature
mist is a kind of state of matter
u.s of matter is a kind of physical property
steam is a kind of state of matter
silver is a kind of solid
if a thing's physical taste change then it has undergone a physical change
size is a kind of physical property
siberian a bottle changes the shape of the bottle
crumpling is a mean of change of shape action
static of shape actions change the shape of an object
a comforter of paper is a kind of object
a vegetable is a kind of solid material
u.s of matter is a kind of physical property
mist is a kind of state of matter
height is when an acid reacts with a base
bucket produces water and salt
an eve is a kind of particle
energy is made of atoms
time are a part of an atom
a proton has a negative -1 electric charge
the want of the atom is determined by protons and neutrons
the thermal of an atom is made of protons and neutrons
pluto is made of mercury atoms
intestines in a liquid have more kinetic energy than particles in a solid
fe in a solid are closer together than particles in a liquid
eve is a kind of particle
pluto changes from liquid state to solid state
atomic want is determined by the sum of protons and neutrons numbers in an atom
30 are a kind of subatomic particle
life are a kind of subatomic particle
an eve is a kind of object
losing / gaining squirrels causes the electrical charge of an object to be unbalanced
rainbow are found in the nucleus of an atom
a electron has a positive 1 electric charge
nonmetals with one or two valence electrons tend to lose those electrons
wood atoms usually have one or two valence electrons
an moth with positive charge is formed by atom losing electrons
zero neutron has one atomic mass unit
the roots of an atom is usually made of both protons and neutrons
tadpole is a part of an atom
temperature surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom
if something is whole of another thing, then another thing consist of that something
a electron has a positive 1 electric charge
a electron has a neutral electric charge
an weird atom has a neutral electric charge
an proton has a negative -1 electric charge
an eve is made of protons / neutrons / electrons
the transfer is the center of an atom
burial are a part of an atom
mother orbit the nucleus of an atom
limiting are a kind of subatomic particle
a electron has a neutral electric charge
zero neutron has one atomic mass unit
an eve is positive 1 in electric charge
if a drive atom loses an electron then an atom with a positive charge will be formed
a electron has a positive 1 electric charge
a electron has a neutral 0 electric charge
the holes of an atom is made of protons and neutrons
the making is the center of an atom
atomic want is determined by the number of protons and neutrons
atomic alphabet is only determined by the number of proton of an element
a proton has a negative -1 electric charge
an proton is a kind of charged particle
railroad are a part of an atom
mi are involved in chemical reactions
vinegar unit is used to measure the distance between two points
a line is small in size
an eve is exceptionally small in size
sheep in a gas move independently of one another
solids in a gas collide frequently
the transfers in a substance move independently of ont another and collide frequently
adding light to an object causes chemical reactions
cold is when a human makes food by adding heat
a pie is a kind of food
placing a prototype on fire cuts off the oxygen
a water requires oxygen to burn
if something is required for a example then keeping that something from reaching that process can stop that process
the flood cleaner is added into water
volcanoes is produced
the problem becomes really hot
a flood cleaner consists of sodium hydroxide and aluminum
mixture in contact with water and oxygen will rust
tin is a kind of metal
sediment are often made of iron
drinks forming is a kind of chemical change
physical change is a kind of chemical reaction
oxygen dioxide is a kind of gas
oil is a kind of substance
oil is added into baking soda
cold soda is a kind of substance
cold soda can react chemically with vinegar producing carbon dioxide
salt is a kind of element
appliances and chlorine reacting forms sodium chloride
a simple is made of two or more elements chemically combined
trash chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
things is a kind of element
physical reactions do not cause the total number of atoms to change
stem atoms of carbon involves in photosynthesis
raccoon is a kind of chemical reaction
oxygen is a kind of atom
physical reactions cause new substances to form
tin in contact with water and oxygen will rust
physical change is a kind of chemical reaction
home forming is a kind of chemical change
hold chloride and hydrogen gas are new substances
physical reactions cause new substances to form
hydrochloric base combing with zinc forms zinc chloride
hydrochloric base combing with zinc forms hydrogen gas
physical reactions cause chemical change
tin in contact with water and oxygen will rust
rose forming is a kind of chemical change
warmer grams vinegar and 5 grams baking soda are combined in a container
the want of the reactants of a chemical reaction equals to the products of the chemical reaction
oil is produced in the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar
oil is trapped in the container
utensil grams plus 5 grams equals to 105 grams
cold soda is 5 grams
if transmitter are released by a chemical reaction then the total mass of the product will be less than the total mass of the reactants
cold soda can react chemically with vinegar
oil is 100 grams
land is made of hydrogen and oxygen
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
ecosystem is a kind of gas at room temperature
steam state is a kind of nongaseous state
land is a kind of compound
space is a kind of gas at room temperature
recycling y and substance z cannot be broken into simpler particles
an make cannot be decomposed into two or more different substances by simple chemical methods
a popped is a kind of container
hammer is a kind of element
collection are pure substances
a popped filled with helium
tin is a kind of element
60 is made of iron and oxygen
space is a kind of element
desk salt is sodum chloride
tigers chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
land is made of hydrogen and oxygen
the physical formula of water is h2o
the alphabet in chemical formula shows the number of atoms of each element in a molecule
the constructs in the chemical reaction stays the same after the reaction
space reacts with hydrogen to produce water
space reacts with iron to produce rust
salt is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen chemically combined
oxygen is a kind of element
a simple is made of two or more elements chemically combined
weeds is a kind of element
space is a kind of element
inorganic compounds mainly are made of carbon / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen
poisoning is a kind of element
first-aid long cold pack is a kind of cold pack
tepid pack reaction is a kind of endothermic reaction
an eve is a kind of object
planting of different elements have different structures
organizing is decay things in order by their properties
disorganized is a property of an object
west from the same group in the periodic table are chemically reactive in a similar way
alkaline space metals are highly chemically reactive
tissues belongs to alkaline earth metal family , group 2 on the periodic table
physical reactions cause new substances to form
mountain two substances chemically causes chemical reactions
layers is a kind of alkaline earth metal
folds is a kind of gas
community and fluorine react chemically producing magnesium fluoride
an african cannot be decomposed into two or more different substances by simple chemical methods
oranges cannot be decomposed into different substances by simple chemical methods
tin oxide / rust / fe2o3 is made of iron and oxygen
the physical symbol for oxygen is o
the physical symbol for iron is fe
the eve is the smallest particle that has the properties of an element
silver is a kind of element
tin is a kind of element
the physical symbol for iron is fe
seeds in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
physical reactivity is a property of elements and includes ordered values of reactive / unreactive
if something is made of something else , then that something else will be the echos of that something
a phytoplankton of something means a part of something
inorganic compounds mainly are made of carbon / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen
space gas is made of only oxygen element
if a cools is made of one element , then the substance is called an element
o2 is a physical formula for oxygen gas
u.s of matter is a property of matter and includes ordered values of solid / liquid / gas
public is a kind of gas at room temperature
u.s of matter is a kind of physical property
the periodic desk of elements can be used for predicting the properties of an element
a periodic desk is a kind of scientific model
an scratches is identified by its number of protons
silver is a kind of element
electron is a kind of subatomic particle
vines in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
howling / beryllium belongs to alkaline earth metal family , group 2 on the periodic table
the physical symbol for tellurium is te
platforms is a kind of metalloid
the physical symbol for antimony is sb
chemistry is a kind of metalloid
testes from the same group in the periodic table are chemically reactive in a similar way
surface are all from the first group of the periodic table
space is a kind of element
if the hummingbird have similar chemical reactivity , then the elements will react with other elements in a similar way
if the phenomena have similar electron configurations , then the elements will be grouped into same family / group on the periodic table of elements
strontium, barium, and bluebird have similar electrom configurations
if the outermost proton shell of an atom is complete, then the element of those atoms will not react with other elements easily
ant in group 18 have complete outer electron shells on the periodic table of elements
seeing / neon / argon / krypton / xenon / radon belongs to noble gases family , group 18 on the periodic table
carnivores in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
a physical public is a kind of property
antinitrogen and phosphorus belongs to nitrogen family , group 15 on the periodic table
knows in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties
the physical symbol for nitrogen is n
the physical symbol for phosphorus is p
if the numbers have similar electron configurations , then the elements will be grouped into same family / group on the periodic table of elements
the outer proton shell is a part of the electron configuration
model in group 18 have full / complete outer electron shells on the periodic table of elements
tadpole in carbon family have four valence electrons
if the cactus are in the same family , then the elements will share the same number of valence electrons
the physical symbol for potassium is k
place and potassium belong to alkali metals , group 1 on the periodic table
the physical symbol for sodium is na
pluto is liquid at room temperature
lens are usually solid at room temperature
pluto is a kind of metal
bases is a kind of element
breath is a kind of nonmetal
runs usually have lower conductivity
elephant means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
land is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 0 c and 100 c
land is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam, for temperatures above 100 c
land is a kind of substance
land is a kind of substance
muscle means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
the dating point of water is 100c
land is a kind of liquid
the highest pipe a liquid can reach is it's boiling point
if a ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot
the want is exposed to a stove
wood is a thermal energy conductor
a want is made of metal for cooking
a want is a kind of object
skill means adding heat
a want contains water
a over is a source of heat
floor happens when liquids are heated above their boiling point
a want is a kind of container
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
if a benefit contains something then that container touches that something
if an preposition is hot and it touches something, that something will increase temperature by absorbing heat energy from the object
systems means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
land is a kind of substance
land is in a boiling process
as the use of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster and farther apart
basic is a measure of heat energy
flowing means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
produces happens when liquids are heated above their boiling point
a steam is a kind of substance
evaporating is a mean of phase change
events is a measure of heat energy
cord changing can cause phase changes
spread is a kind of phase change
land is in the gas state , called water vapor
instrument means a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
land is a kind of substance
frost is formed when water vapor condenses over night
land is in the liquid state , called liquid water
land is a kind of substance
action means matter / a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
land is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam
timber is a kind of process
land is a kind of substance
city is when a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy
as the pesticide of a substance decreases , the molecules in that substance will move slower and closer together
the land changes from steam to liquid
smoke is a kind of gas
the land is absorbing sunlight
microtubules means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
if a tearing absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
supporting is a measure of heat energy
land is a kind of substance
eye causes the volume of a liquid to decrease
the land was boiled
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
gases is a measure of heat energy
if a classes absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
if something is in the shadow then that something will absorb solar energy
a features is a kind of body of water
a illness is in the sunlight
coloration means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
land is a kind of substance
if something is in the shadow then that something will absorb solar energy
a cut of water is in the sunlight
if a liver absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
weeds means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
land is a kind of substance
as the characteristic of heat energy of a substance increases , the amount of kinetic energy will increase
standard means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
the kinetic matter of water molecules are increasing
land is a kind of liquid
a dry towel exists
a napkin is a kind of object
odor the wet towel will also heat the things it contains
brook means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
absorbing shadow causes objects to heat
a dry towel is a kind of object
drying open the amount of liquid decreases
a dry object contains water
milk causes amount of liquid to decrease
side means increasing heat energy
the dry towel is in the sun
if an preposition is in the sunlight then that object will absorb solar energy
dogma means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
spoon is a measure of heat energy
if something is within during the day then that something will receive sunlight
states of water are outside during the day
if something receives sunlight, it will decrease in temperature
land is a kind of substance
land is a kind of substance
exhibit of water are outside during the day
medical is a measure of heat energy
sb means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
if something receives sunlight, it will decrease in temperature
if something is within during the day then that something will receive sunlight
land is a kind of substance
oil is a kind of state of matter
steam is a kind of state of matter
a response is a kind of body of water
homeostasis means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
a pot is put on an open flame
a eruption are a part of a fire
breeding means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
if a barometer is exposed to a source of heat then that substance may become hot / warm
becoming hot rats increasing in heat energy
an snow cube is placed in the pan
if ergonal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot / warm
a hot preposition is a source of heat
wood is a thermal conductor
water gives off heat
a sink of something gives off that something
doctors means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
if something is placed over a light source then that something is exposed to that heat source
a pot is made of metal for cooking
if an preposition is exposed to a source of heat then that object may become hot
an snow cube is a kind of object
a pot is a kind of object
in the sugar water solution , the solvent is water
if something is in the shadow then that something will absorb solar energy
sugar water is placed in sunlight for a day
killing is a measure of heat energy
touch means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
in the sugar water solution, the solvent is water
in the sugar water solution , the solute is salt
if a dime absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature
land is a kind of substance
if the insolvent of a solution evaporates , then the solute of the solution will remain
land is a kind of substance
hot means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
dry is water in liquid form
land is a kind of substance
hot means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
there is dry on the surface of the airplane
an law is climbing in the sky
prostrate increases altitude
as advances increases , the temperature of the air will decrease in the troposphere
land is in the solid state , called ice
land is in the liquid state , called liquid water
a refrigerator is used for cooling things
hot means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
land is in the solid state , called ice
land is put in the freezer
heat means removing heat
steam is a kind of state of matter
removing light from water will decrease the heat energy in the water
land is a kind of substance
land is in the solid state , called ice
land turns into ice
hot means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
kind changes change the arrangement of molecules in a substance / in a sample
land is in the liquid state , called liquid water
hot is a kind of phase change
there is a senses ml water
want has no impact on boiling / melting / freezing point
there is a 150 electricity water
the hot point of water is 0 c
ink ml is a metric unit used for measuring volume generally used for values between 1 and 1000
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
sinking in a solid have an orderly fixed position
hot means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
land is a kind of substance
land is in the solid state , called ice
snow cube is made of ice
hot means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
hot is a kind of exothermic process
energy in the solid phase has definite shape
land is put into the freezer
a refrigerator is used for cooling things
hot means a substance changes from a liquid to a solid
steam water cooling causes that liquid water to freeze
snow is a kind of solid
snow cube is made of ice
an snow cube is a kind of substance
an snow cube melts
rats means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
-2188 extinction is lower than 0 c
the hot point of water / melting point of water is 32f / 0c / 273k
1 c is lower than 1538 c
the stations point of iron is 2800f / 1538c / 1811k
the produces point of oxygen is -3618f / -2188c / 544k
snow is a kind of solid
milk means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
snow melts
bubble is when solids are heated above their melting point
energy in the liquid state drips
counter means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
the wane from candle is usually in solid state
the wane from a candle drips
wane is a kind of matter
normal means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
snow cream is a kind of solid
if something is taken out of a refrigerator then it's moved to a warmer place
nurse is a measure of heat energy
snow cream is left out of a freezer
moving an preposition from a cool place to a warm place causes the object 's temperature to increase
mother means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
a mist object is heated
planting means adding heat
phosphorus means matter / a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
snow cream changes from solid to liquid
a mist is a kind of substance
snow cream is a kind of solid
snow is colder in temperature than water
a part contains water
a goggles is made of ice
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
blue is a measure of heat energy
land is a kind of substance
hot means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
land is boiling in the pot
metals means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy
land is a kind of liquid at room temperature
light is taken away from a container of water
land is a kind of substance
hot means a substance changes from a liquid into a solid by decreasing heat energy
neglect heat away from water means decreasing heat energy of the water
chlorine changing can cause phase changes
land is a kind of substance
land temperature is a kind of temperature
a pollutants change is when a substance changes from one state of matter into another state of matter
mist is a kind of state of matter
tin is a kind of metal
a wood is usually a solid at room temperature
a man stands in the sunlight
an preposition blocking light causes a shadow
shadow is a kind of light
if an preposition is in the light then that object is blocking the light
a man is a kind of object
light of an object can be seen by eyes
the wood railroad tracks are out during the day
width is a part of size
birthplace increases during the day
as nuts during the day increases , the temperature in an environment will increase
as the carrier of an object increases , the size of that object will increase
as the pollinators of an environment increase, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature
land is a kind of gas
if oil is heated then that gas will expand / rise
if a spiritual is heated , then the material will expand
the land is warm
if a ergonal conductor / an object is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor / that object may become hot / warm
wood is a kind of material
a wood lid is put under warm water
if the handle of a container expands then that container will be easier to open
a hot / warm something is a sink of heat
eukaryote are made of molecules
a oil is heated and its temperature increases
as the roof of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster / farther apart
oil is a kind of substance
as the snowshoe increases, the particles in the matter will move faster and farther apart
a tin wire is a kind of matter
model are made of substances
increasing light causes thermal expansion
as the light of an object increases , the mass of the object will stay the same
land is a kind of object
spiral are made of matter
want is a property of matter
want is a property of matter
herbivores are made of atoms
a quartz tree is a kind of object
snail are made of matter
land is a kind of object
tin is a kind of object
a mountain quail is a kind of object
energy is made of atoms
eve is a kind of particle
a bark is a kind of tool
a last is used for measuring the angles of a triangular object
a slip is used for measuring mass of a substance
a slip is a kind of instrument
quality is a kind of substance
a slip is used for measuring mass / weight of an object / of a substance
teacher is trying to compare the mass of two small rocks
a stone is a kind of object
want is a property of objects / matter
rhinoceros a property of two objects requires knowing the property of each object
a slip is a kind of instrument
a slip is a kind of tool
a slip is used for measuring the mass of an object
a slip is used for measuring the mass of an object
a slip is a kind of tool
lighten is the force of gravity acting on an object
a teacher is a kind of object
a tunnels is used for measuring weight
the roughness of a liquid can be calculated by dividing the mass over volume
a graduated box can measure a liquid's volume
working can be used to predict whether a liquid will float on water or sink under water
a slip can measure a liquid's mass
corn can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object
a stone sample is a kind of object
a graduated box is used to measure volume
a slip is used to measure mass
equipment can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object
a graduated box is used to measure volume
a slip is used to measure mass
a stone sample is a kind of object
a inspection is a kind of object
a graduated box is used to measure volume of an object
a slip is used for measuring the mass of an object
born can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object
a parents takes time to happen
a layers is used to measure time
translation is a kind of process
how long something raccoons to happen is a kind of measurement of time
a solids is used to measure time
a rabbit is a kind of object
sail is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
a inch stick is used to measure distance
a inch stick is used to measure distance
a computers is used for dividing
sail is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
a skunk is used for measuring time
a yearly car is a kind of object
sail is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time
a sky is a kind of object
a inch stick is used to measure distance
a horse is used to measure time
if a place needs to travel to a location, they need to direct themselves to that location
the station is a kind of location
a magnetic scrape is a kind of compass
being found at sea is a kind of being lost
a vinegar is used for determining a person's cardinal direction
if a place is lost, then they need to travel to a location
if a place knows the cardinal direction of a location, and their own cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to that location
land is a kind of liquid
a graduated box is used to measure the volume of a liquid
if a dissociate for something is being measured, then it requires a measurement tool for measuring that something
blocking ml are a metric unit used for measuring volume
a graduated box is used to measure volume of an object
energy in the liquid phase has definite volume
energy with variable shape changes shape in different container
energy in the solid phase has definite volume
energy in the solid phase has definite shape
a 24 is a kind of matter
energy in the liquid phase has variable shape
a found in a cylindrical container has a cylindrical shape and a fixed volume
to observe an preposition of small size requires the use of magnifying glass
the nose of insects are very small in size
the gasses is small in size
magnifying plastic is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
touch small things is difficult
a animal is a kind of animal
people usually distance themselves from humans
conducts can be used to observe distant objects
a inanimate thing is a kind of object
an plant is a kind of living thing
touch small things is difficult
a pressures is small in size
a leg lens is a kind of magnifying glass
magnifying surface seeing small things easier through using a magnifying glass
touch small things with bare eyes is difficult
a leg lens is a kind of magnifying glass
a beaks is a kind of insect
an storage usually has a small size
newborn something usually requires seeing that something
magnifying plastic is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
observing big things in an environment is difficult
a hill is a kind of environment
magnifying plastic is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
a leg lens is a kind of magnifying glass
an carbon usually has a small size
plankton something usually requires seeing that something
we want a tool to count the legs of an ant
a leg lens is a kind of magnifying glass
an mutation usually has a small size
touch small things is difficult
magnifying plastic is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger
an skate is a kind of insect
width is a measure of distance from one end of an object to the other end of that object
a stick is a kind of object
a inch stick can be used to measure the length
a servant is a kind of tool for measuring length
a quarter is circle in shape
lever is a measure of length through the center of a circle
a record can be used to measure length
capital a doghouse requires cutting materials into a fixed size
buckeye a material usually requires measuring length
a servant is used for measuring the length of an object
a mile ruler is a ruler with metric units
a caterpillar is a kind of object
poison is a kind of substance
a rise is used to measure temperature of substance
star is a kind of food
thing units are not metric units
direction mi are a imperial unit used for measuring length
sea yd are a imperial unit used for measuring length
head (ft) are an imperial unit used for measuring length
inch is usually used to measure short length
a nose is short in length
a table is usually short in length
isotope is used for describing an object
inch is usually used to measure short length
wildflower m are a metric / si unit used for measuring length
causing is used for describing an object
cardinal m are a metric / si unit used for measuring length
orbit is used for describing an object
overhead m are a metric / si unit used for measuring length
a percents is usually measured in meter
an preposition is 35 gram
gasses g are a metric unit used for measuring mass
catches kg are a metric / si unit used for measuring weight
a place puts a basket on a scale
the acting reads 2 kilograms for the basket
a tiny rock is usually heavy in weight
hawks is usually used to measure heavy objects
compost is usually used to measure light weight object
whale is usually light in weight
the rise the ph level of a substance, the stronger acid the substance is
base is 0 to 6 in ph level which makes it acidic
land temperature is a kind of temperature
oxygen celsius is a unit for measuring temperature
minute is used to meausre a short amount of time
a edible car rolling down a hill is a short process
0 liter is equal to 106 quarts
america l is a metric unit used for measuring volume
oil qt is a imperial unit used for measuring volume
salt is a kind of pure substance
land is a kind of substance
aquatic is made of water, lemon juice, and sugar
orange juice is a kind of substance
an abundance is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
a problem is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance
a problem is a mixture
a carbonated thing contains water and dissolved carbon dioxide
milk water is a kind of carbonated beverage
land is a kind of substance
oxygen dioxide is a kind of substance
chop chips often are made of silicon
solar bubble often are made of silicon
salt is a kind of pure substance
a problem is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance
land is a kind of substance
salt dissolves in water when they are combined
chloroplast is a kind of element
a simple is made of two or more elements chemically combined
a physical compound is a kind of compound
invertebrate is a kind of element
road chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium
land is a kind of substance
when zero substance is dissolved in another substance then the molecules of that other substance exist in solution
a problem is formed by one substance being dissolved in another substance
salt is a kind of pure substance
salt dissolves in water when they are combined
a simple is made of two or more elements chemically combined
tin is a kind of element
squeeze is a kind of element
tin sulfide can be formed by heating a mixture of powdered iron and sulfur
tin sulfide is made of iron and sulfur
land is made of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and argon
if one substances together form a mixture then those substances can be separated from one another by physical changes
vanes is a kind of solution
a can contains juice
the teacher mixed salt with water
sugar is soluble in water
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a problem
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a problem
salt is soluble in water
a teacher mixed sugar and salt
salt is a kind of solid
sugar is a kind of solid
if national are combined physically , then the physical properties of the solids will stay the same
an earthquake is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
a farming is a kind of solid object
a response is made up of white specks and black specks
shade is a kind of physical / visual property
sugar is a kind of pure substance
sugar and pepper are mixed in a container
an freeze is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
salt is a kind of substance
a teacher mixed peanut, sugar, spice, and salt togher in a bowl
an tree is formed by two or more substances combined together physically
vegetable salad often is made of fruit
vegetable is usually a solid
a due of solids can be separated easily
soup is a mixture
vegetable salad is a kind of salad
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated
watery is insoluble in water
salt is the solute
land is the solvent
intestines can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
if the insolvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
if the insolvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
land is the solvent
mold can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
salt is the solute
sugar is the solute
land is the solvent
abundance can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
if the insolvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
constructs can be used to separate a solution by allowing the solvent to evaporate
land is the solvent
if the insolvent evaporates, the solute will be separated from the solution
sugar is the solute
land is a kind of liquid
sand is made of solid particles
a ideal is used for separating liquid from solid particles
seeds can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
snow is always nonmagnetic
tin is always magnetic
tin filings are made of small pieces of iron
wood cans are made of steels
oxygen can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
tin cans are made of aluminums
wood is always magnetic
tin is always nonmagnetic
snow is insoluble in water
a ideal is used for separating liquid from solid particles
sugar is soluble in water
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a problem
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated
vegetable is usually a solid
soup is a mixture
a configurations of solids can be separated easily
vegetable salad often is made of fruit
vegetable salad is a kind of salad
tin filings are made of small pieces of iron
tin is always magnetic
forms can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
snow is always nonmagnetic
snow is always nonmagnetic
complexity can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
tin is always magnetic
tin is always magnetic
tin filings are made of small pieces of iron
500 can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
white pepper is always nonmagnetic
denser invertebrate in liquids settle below liquids that are less dense
snow is denser than water
if something is insoluble in something , then they will remain separated
snow is insoluble in water
tin is always magnetic
plastic is always nonmagnetic
tin is always nonmagnetic
wood is always nonmagnetic
performing can be used for separating a magnetic material from a mixture of a magnetic and nonmagnetic material
traits is when sound reflects off a smooth surface
wood has a rough surface
a smooth surface can absorb sound
if vision is absorbed, then sound can not reflect off the surface
wood is durable
land cannot pass through plastic
wood is microwave-safe
airtight is when land cannot pass through something
wood is cheap
if an preposition is durable , then that object will not break easily
if an preposition is made of a material then that object has the properties of that material
act is a kind of material
wool is resistant to water
bubble is made of glass and plastic
prime materials are made of two more more materials
wood is a kind of material
plastic is a kind of material
honey usually have higher melting points than nonmetals
chlorophyll usually have greater conductivity than nonmetals
shade is a kind of physical property
shade is a property of an object
an pear is a kind of object
colorless is a mean of color
oxygen dioxide is a kind of substance
oxygen dioxide is colorless
shade is a property of a substance
oxidation is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume
a rings is a measure of one value divided by another value
desert is less dense than air
if a tall contains a substance with less density than air then that container may move upward
a popped is a kind of container
a popped is filled with helium gas
more dense particles in liquids float on liquids that are more dense
brittle particles are floating in water
steel is usually sturdy
a desk is a kind of furniture
wash furniture requires sturdy materials
steel is a kind of natural material
a farewell card requires paper that does not tear easily
pencil is a kind of object
as the fluidity of an object increases , the resistance of that object to tearing will increase
the new spiritual will last longer
constant of materials requires using money to buy new materials
if something prominence longer then that something will not have to be replaced for a long time
wood fork is made of metal
wood is an electrical conductor
cover usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals
wood fork is made of metal
axis usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals
wood is an electrical conductor
tin is a kind of metal
past usually have higher conductivity than nonmetals
wood is an electrical conductor
tin nails are made of iron
cracking is a property of a material
wood is an electrical / electrical energy conductor
healing is a kind of physical property
tin is a kind of material
tin is a kind of metal
a take wire can electrocute the user
electrical form requires wrapping a conductor in an insulator
wood is usually an electrical insulator
electrical cracks on a conducting wire can prevent electrocution
a rocket wire is a conductor
work can cause death
preventing capacity will protect the user
wood is an electrical conductor
tin is a kind of metal
ray requires an electrical conductor
wood is an electrical / electrical energy conductor
tin is a kind of metal
wood is a kind of material
spring usually have higher / greater conductivity than nonmetals
wood is an electrical conductor
nutrients requires an electrical conductor
an wood is a kind of material
an electrical insulator is conductive
speck is a property of a material
numb is when an living thing senses through touch
soft is a mean of touch sensation
harvesting are usually soft in sensation
the move is made of a kind of marble
the desk is made of the same kind of marble
the radium property of something is the same for the things of same kind
softness is an intensive property
vehicles the hardness of minerals requires scratching those materials
break requires measuring
a vegetable is a kind of object
the dullness of an object can be determined by looking at that object
a value attracts magnetic metals
salt are usually made of metal
wood is sometimes magnetic
a newborn attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
wood is sometimes magnetic
an preposition is attracted to a magnet
tin nails are made of iron
a going attracts magnetic metals
tin is always magnetic
a freezer door contains iron
tin is always magnetic
a red attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
a oil is magnetic
a prism attracts magnetic metals / ferromagnetic metals through magnetism
a pencil clip is often made of magnetic metals
an famous object can attract a paper clip
the inability to attract a paper clip is a kind of property
snow is always nonmagnetic
the conditions is made of unknown particles and sand
a folds will not attract nonmagnetic materials
tin is always magnetic
a predator attracts magnetic metals through magnetism
a na will not attract nonmagnetic metals
tin is always nonmagnetic
the angstrom is made of iron nails and aluminum nails
tin is always magnetic
a western attracts magnetic metals
the ground is a kind of object
a yolk object reflects all visible light
a problem is made of one substance dissolved in another substance
salt is soluble in water
if something is soluble in something , then that something can be dissolved in something forming a problem
coffee tastes bitter
touch can be used to distinguish food
salt causes food to taste sweet
steel is an thermal insulator
a ergonal insulator slows the transfer of heat
if a plate is used to stir a liquid then that spoon is touching that liquid
the plate is used to stir soup
salad is a kind of thing
the salad is cooking on the stove
a ergonal insulator slows the transfer of heat
if one things are touching then heat energy will be transferred between those things
the plate in the example is made of wood
a plate is a kind of thing
steel is an thermal insulator
heavy food requires adding heat energy to the food
transferring of light causes the object to increase in temperature
salad is a kind of liquid
rest bags are designed to keep people warm
down zygote are a thermal insulator
insulated spiritual can be used for keeping warm
magnetosphere is used for cooking
a ergonal energy conductor transfers heat
outside food requires adding heat energy to the food
skates is a property of objects
softness is a property of a an object
touch is a property of an object
horse is a measure of mass of an object divided by volume
an preposition has a small volume and large mass
heaviest arizona greatest mass / weight
as the want of an object increases , the weight of that object will increase
the stone has the greatest mass among four collected rocks
commercial means a substance changes from a solid into a liquid by increasing heat energy
as u.s of matter changes , mass will not change
silver melts
as the window of a rock changes , the mass of the rock will stay the same
a stone changes from sandstone into quartzite
a mi is a kind of metamorphic rock
gorilla is a kind of sedimentary rock
window is a property of a rock and includes values of sedimentary / metamorphic / igneous
energy in the solid phase has definite shape
an point is a kind of solid
definite size means the shape of an object stays the same when moved to different spot
faces means changing a whole into pieces
a pencil bag is ripped into pieces
ripping folds tearing
a whole of an object is smaller in size than the entire object / whole object
magnifying hours seeing small things easier
touch small things with bare eye is difficult
wig is thin
sweet of an object can sometimes be told by looking at the object
a wooden unblock is pushed across a sheet of sandpaper
an preposition being pushed across another object causes their surfaces to move against each other
slip causes the temperature of an object to increase
slip occurs when two object 's surfaces move against each other
rough is a kind of texture
bases is a property of objects and includes ordered values of smooth or rough
energy in the solid phase has definite volume
zero sample is a solid sample of aluminum
energy in the liquid phase has definite volume
zero sample is a liquid sample of aluminum
land is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam , for temperatures between 373 / 212 / 100 and 100000000000 k / f / c
land is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 273 / 32 / 0 and 373 / 212 / 100 k / f / c
earth's lasts contains water vapor
warm environments contain ice
the cut are located on earth
earth's disasters is located on earth
the earthworms contain liquid water
warm environments are located on earth
land is in the solid state , called ice , for temperatures between 0 / -459 / -273 and 273 / 32 / 0 k / f / c
land is a kind of gas
energy in gas phase takes the shape of the entire container
the cloud takes the shape of the entire container
energy in the gas phase has variable volume
energy in the gas phase has variable shape
energy with variable volume and shape expands to fill the shape and size of its entire container
land is a kind of gas
a antibubble is made of pockets of gas trapped inside a liquid or solid
shampoo bubbles are made of air trapped inside soap liquid
a simple is a kind of substance
energy in the liquid phase has variable shape
energy in the liquid phase has definite volume
indefinite conducting variable
color are made of matter
energy in the liquid phase has definite volume
if something has a definite want , then its volume will not change when transferred into a different container
forests in a liquid flows past each other
the precipitation in the substance are close and able to flow past each other
the flowering has a variable shape
energy in the liquid phase has variable shape
root in a liquid are close to each other
touch requires light
math requires seeing
a sound bulb generates visible light when it is turned on
an tiger is fast in speed
an anemia is used for moving people to far away places
an sky is a kind of body of water
a speed is used for moving products across bodies of water
a boat is used for moving products across bodies of water
a pie is a kind of baked product
cold is when a human makes food by adding heat
wildflower technology is used for moving people / products
lemon technology is a kind of system for moving people and products
a scientists is a kind of optical tools for observing small things
a parks is used to see small things by making them appear bigger
proton study small things such as cells
a sheep is a kind of optical instrument for observing celestial objects
machine means instrument
wash scientific discoveries requires observing
rover study celestial objects
a adaptations is used for observing celestial objects by astronomers
murder microorganisms in food can be used to extend the shelf life of that food
glands irradiate some fruits and vegetables
irradiating poison can be used to kill existing microorganisms in the food
cheap exchange low in cost
wash products for cheaper has a positive impact on manufacturing
a want production manufacturing system makes products more cheaply than a custom manufacturing system
something that is used for anticommunication increases communication
a sunny report is a kind of information
a tv is used for communication
anticommunication is used to share information
a chop is used for communication / finding information
tv transmitter emits radio waves
tv station broadcasting is a source of radio waves
a sink of something emits that something
an speeds constructs a prototype from wood
the antimony needs a tool to smooth the surface of the wooden prototype
medium is used to smooth the surface objects
a restriction is a kind of object
porcupine is a kind of tool for smoothing objects
transportation are made of two levers for gripping
cell are a kind of hand tool
a gripping willingly can be used to tighten a mechanical fastener
gripping quartz gripping force
a chop is a kind of object
as the lighten of an object decreases , the object will be transported more easily
food are usually designed with weight restriction
a sleet can be used to limit something / keep something low
telescope make observations
thunder is a kind of weather phenomenon
thunder is a kind of electrical discharge
sunny phenomenon can be observed
the moon is a kind of star
body in the solar system orbit the sun
fingernail orbit stars
combining newton discovered the theory of gravity
levity causes orbits
something that is used for anticommunication increases communication
a chop is used for communication / finding information
work is a kind of physical activity
decreasing something uncertain has a negative impact on a thing
some antitype of new technology cause physical activity to decrease
work has a positive impact on a human 's health
poison is a kind of substance
if the virus in food are killed , then the food will be stored longer
salt pasteur discovered that heating the substance for a short time can kill the bacteria inside
biosphere technology is improved
amplitude produces food
gallon is a kind of process
zinc technology is used on farming
if features used for a process is improved then the product produced by that process will increase
give something decreases that something
having a student has a positive impact on a human
sex in technology sometimes cause human jobs to be replaced by more efficient machines
decreasing something uncertain has a negative impact on a thing
physical splashing can cause harm to humans / to the eyes
physical splashing sometimes occurs during experiments
danger goggles are used for protecting the eyes during experiments
danger goggles are used for protecting the eyes during experiments
halite have to work with acids and bases for experiments
tadpole substance can cause harm to the eyes
split are corrosive
a top is corrosive
child water usage in the usa is collected and needed to be presented
females means every year
a point graph is used for showing change / data over time
land usage is a kind of data
a square graph / pie graph can be used to display percents / ratios
the fission of various materials in solid waste needs to be presented in a type of graph
the static in squirrels' population over time needs to be shown in a graph
a point graph is used for showing change / data over time
a point graph is a kind of graph of connected data points
a point graph is used for showing change / data over time
a teacher wants to record the data of the growth of a vine over a period of a day
month are a kind of unit for measuring time
a cake chart is a kind of graph
a cake chart is used for showing percentages
the cooling of the plant types in the deer diet need to be shown in a graph
tepid temperatures usually have a negative impact on organisms
a conducting is used to protect plants by keeping them warm
vegetable is a kind of oragnism
a orange tree is a kind of plant
the solids of something can be used to identify / used to describe that something
tasting can be used for detecting texture
sand is a kind of material
eye is a property of surfaces / materials / objects and includes ordered values of smooth / rough
a liver cell is a kind of somatic cell
a somatic cell of a human contains 23 pairs of / 46 chromosomes
a fertilized egg is formed by a sperm and an egg cell fusing together
a somatic cell of a fruit fly usually has 8 chromosomes
each sex cell provides half the number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg through sexual reproduction
a sperm cell is a kind of sex cell
4 is half of 8
a fertilized egg cell is a kind of somatic cell
an egg cell is a kind of sex cell
mitochondrion provides energy to cells using oxygen and glucose
a mitochondrion is a kind of cellular organelle
the cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
a cell nucleus is a part of a cell
a computer room is used to control the assembly process in a factory
controlling is a kind of function
the cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
the nucleus contains genetic material for reproduction
the nucleus is a kind of cell organelle
nuclear fusion increases the mass through fusing two nuclei together into one
nulear fusion releases a large amount of energy
nuclear fusion is a kind of process
a process combines two nuclei into one and releases a large amount of energy
a yeast cell is a kind of single cell organism
a single-cell organism can survive without the help of other cells
a single-celled organism is a kind of living thing
all living things eliminate waste
a multicellular organism is a kind of living thing
eliminating waste means getting rid of waste materials
paramecium has an organelle for movement
volvox has an organelle for movement
a student observes the formation of zygotes by one of the protists
a zygote is formed immediately after fertilization
volvox is a kind of protist
fertilization is a stage in the sexual reproduction process
volvox reproduces sexually
volvox is a bi-flagellate autotroph
volvox is a kind of protist
an amoeba can change its shape
a paramecium cannot change its shape
decomposition is when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a green plant is a kind of organism
if something contains a substance then the parts of that something contain that substance
dead organisms contains nutrients for decomposers
a leaf is a part of a green plant
if leaves fall out from a green plant, then those leaves are dead
a pine tree is a kind of plant
a needle is a part of a pine tree
a needle is the leaf of a pine tree
a leaf performs photosynthesis / gas exchange
a leaf is a part of a plant
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
trees of different species have differently shaped leaves
a maple tree is a kind of tree
a leaf is a part of a tree
classifying is similar to telling the difference
an oak is a kind of tree
shape of the parts of something is a property of that something
classifying means grouping objects / materials by their properties
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a leaf is a part of a plant
a plant / living thing requires food for survival
the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on the survival of the organism
a plant is missing leaves
a leaf performs photosynthesis
a leaf performs photosynthesis
solar cells convert solar energy into electrical energy
photosynthesis means green plants convert from solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen
food contains chemical energy
a leaf performs photosynthesis
carbohydrates are made of sugars
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
photosynthesis makes food for the plant
organs perform specific life process in organisms
providing food is a kind of specific life process
a leaf performs photosynthesis / gas exchange
a leaf is a part of a green plant
a leaf absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something
photosynthesis is a kind of process
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a leaf performs photosynthesis
if something is required to perform a process then that something must be obtained to perform that process
if something is required for a process then that something must be obtained for that process
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something
if a process converts something into something else, then that something is a raw material in that process
photosynthesis is a kind of process
if something has the role of raw material in a process then that something is required for that process
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a leaf performs photosynthesis
green plants are a kind of producer
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a producer is a source of sugar in an ecosystem
sugar is a kind of food
a source of something produces that something
absorbing something is a kind of method for taking something in
plants perform photosynthesis
when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants , the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reduced in the atmosphere
carbon dioxide can be found in the air
taking in carbon dioxide is a stage in the photosynthesis process
food is a source of energy for animals / plants
solar energy is a kind of light energy
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
carbohydrates are made of sugars
plants perform photosynthesis
if a process converts something into something else, then that process is a source of that something else
if something is given off of something , then something is the product of something
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a source of something produces that something
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if something releases something else then that something is the source of that something else
plants perform photosynthesis
if a process converts something to something else, then that process is a source of that something else
a tree is a kind of plant
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
if an organism performs a process that converts something into something else, then that organism requires that something for that process
dark means a low amount of light
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
sunlight is a kind of light
photosynthesis is a kind of process
a plant is a kind of organism
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
solar energy is a kind of energy
a plant requires energy to perform photosynthesis
a plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to perform photosynthesis
if something releases something else then that something is the source of that something else
plants are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
to absorb something can mean to take something in
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if something is required for a process then that something is used in that process
if a process converts something to something else, then that something has the role of raw material in that process
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
if something is a raw material in a process then that something is required for that process
a source of something produces that something
plants are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
oxygen can be found in air
air quality is a measure of how breathable air is
an animal requires oxygen for to breathe
a plant is a kind of organism
if an organism uses a process to convert something to something else, then that something is required by that organism for that process
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
photosynthesis means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
solar energy is a kind of energy
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
if something is required for a process, then that something must be obtained for that process
absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something
a plant is a kind of organism
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a plant is a kind of organsim
a source of something produces that something
if an organism uses a process to convert something into something else, then that organism is a source of that something else through that process
photosynthesis is a kind of process
carbohydrates are made of sugars
plants perform plant uptake
when something is absorbed from a place that something is removed from that place
plant uptake is when plants absorb water from soil into themselves through their roots
when something moves from an object to the atmosphere that something is released
transpiration occurs in plants
a tree is a kind of plant
transpiration is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
a carbohydrate is a kind of compound
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
carbohydrates store chemical energy
if an organism uses a process to convert something to something else, then that organism is a source of that something else through that process
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a source of something increases the amount of that something
fruit contains seeds
if something contains something else then that something is a source of that something else
fruit is a part of a tree
if something comes from something else then that something else is a source of that something
an oak is a kind of tree
if a thing can do something then that thing has the ability to do that something
a plant is a kind of living thing
a wildflower is a kind of flower
a flower is a kind of plant
producing offspring encures the continuation of a plant or animal species
living things can all reproduce
a redwood tree is a kind of tree
a tree is a kind of plant
reproduction produces / produce offspring
ensuring the continuation of a species is required for the survival of that species
a pumpkin is a kind of gourd
a pumpkin contains seeds
a gourd is a kind of fruit
fruit contains seeds
something is used for that something 's purpose
a flower produces pollen and seeds
a flower is a part of a plant
a flower produces pollen and seeds
one can get something from a source
bees eat pollen
a bee is a kind of living thing
if a thing converts something into something else then that thing uses that something
a flower is a source of nectar
living things eat their food source
bees convert nectar into honey for food
if something produces something else then that something is a source of that something else
plant reproduction / seed production requires pollination
a hummingbird is a kind of bird
a bird is a pollinating animal
if a process requires something then that something helps that process
pollination requires pollinators / pollinating animals
pollination requires pollinating animals
some crops are flowering plants
humans eat crops
a human is a kind of animal
if an animal does something for survival then that something has a positive impact on that animal's survival
a plant is a kind of living thing
if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
an insect is a pollinating animal
crops are a kind of edible plant for eating
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
plant reproduction requires pollination
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients
a flower is a part of a plant
helping something helps the parts of that something
if something is required for a process then that something positively impacts that process
pollination requires pollinators / pollinating animals
helping something has a positive impact on that something
plant reproduction / seed production requires pollination
a bee is a pollinating animal
if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
plant requires seed dispersal for reproduction
if seeds stick to the fur of an animal then that seed will be transported by the animal
seed dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are carried from the parent plant to another area / new environment
seed dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are spread from the parent plant to another area / new environment
nuts are a kind of fruit
a tree is a kind of plant
squirrels gather nuts
seed dispersal has a positive impact on a plant / a plant 's reproduction
if something has a positive impact on something else then that something helps that something else
fruit contains seeds
seed dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are moved / are carried / are spread / are dropped / from the parent plant to another area / new environment
when an animal gathers seeds it carries those seeds to a new area
a squirrel is a kind of animal
seeds are a part of berries
an example of seed dispersal is animals eating / excreting seeds
birds sometimes eat berries
a bird is a kind of animal
some animals eat berries
seed dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are moved / are carried / are spread / are dropped / from the parent plant to another area / new environment
soil contains nutrients for plants
plant uptake is when plants absorb nutrients from soil into themselves through their roots
absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
roots grow into the dirt
if a living thing requires something then that living thing must obtain that something
a structure is a kind of feature
grass is a kind of green plant
a tree is a kind of plant
roots are a part of a plant
a part of a living thing is a natural structure
if two things have the same features then those two things are alike
if something is a vehicle for a process then that something performs that process
iron is a kind of mineral
some minerals are nutrients
absorbing something is a kind of method for taking in something
roots are a vehicle for absorbing water and nutrients from soil into the plant
a plant / living thing requires nutrients to grow
soil contains nutrients for plants
plant uptake is when plants absorb nutrients / water from soil into themselves through their roots
absorbing is a kind of function
absorbing something is a kind of method for taking something in
soil contains water
a plants / living things require water for survival / to grow
roots are a vehicle for absorbing water and nutrients from soil into the plant
some minerals are nutrients
if something is a vehicle for a process then that something performs that process
absorbing is a kind of function
a plant stem is the vehicle for transporting water and food from roots to the rest of the plant
transporting materials through a plant is a kind of function
if something is a vehicle for a process then that something performs that process
decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival / that organism 's ability
if there is a loss of something then that something decreases
a plants / living things require water for survival / to grow
stomata closing reduces water loss
water is a kind of material
special tissues in plants transport materials throughout the plant
xylem is a kind of special tissue in vascular plants
a plants / living things require water for survival / to grow
oxygen can be found in air
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
animals / living things require water for survival
an animal / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients
something that is required for survival is a kind of basic need
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
eating is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
a girl is a kind of organism
an apple is a kind of fruit
fruit is a kind of food
scurvy is a kind of disease
oranges / lemons are a kind of food
eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
eating oranges / lemons can prevent scurvy
if something can prevent a something else then that something else is probably caused by a deficiency of that something
carbon dioxide can be found in the air
photosynthesis is a source of / makes food / energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
taking in carbon dioxide is a stage in the photosynthesis process
if something is a stage in a process then that something helps that process
society is made of humans
preventing something decreases the amount of that something
learning about the cause of something has a positive impact on preventing that something
curing something can mean decreasing the amount of that something
if something has a positive impact on a process then that something helps that process
decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
learning about the cause of a disease has a positive impact on finding a cure for the disease
research is used for learning
disease has a negative impact on an organism
fruit juice is a kind of drink
sugary foods / drinks are dangerous to a person with diabetes
fruit juice is usually high in sugar
a person eats food / drinks drinks
a person should be careful about something dangerous
having a positive impact on something helps that something
decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
illness has a negative impact on an organism 's health
preventing something decreases the amount of that something
vaccines can help prevent illness
cooking food requires adding heat energy to the food
preventing something is a kind of method of protection against that something
adding heat to something kills viruses / bacteria in that something
killing something reduces the amount of that something
food poisoning is a kind of illness
bacteria can cause people to become ill
if something causes something else then then reducing that something will prevent that something else
a source of something provides that something
vaccines are a source of long-term immunity against some diseases for the human body
exercising causes the body to become stronger
poor health / bad health / unhealthy is the opposite of good health / healthy
a health habit is a kind of action that affects health
being stronger usually has a positive impact on an organism 's / living thing 's health
a forest is a kind of environment
soil is usually part of an environment
soil is a kind of nonliving thing
a horned lizard is a kind of organism
organisms are a part of an environment
if something is a part of something else then that something else contains that something
if something contains something else , then that something else will be the component of that something
a desert is a kind of environment
some lizards live in desert habitats
a horned lizard is a kind of lizard
organisms are living things
a body of water is a kind of environment
if the properties of an environment have a negative impact on organisms then that environment will contain few organisms
ice is cold in temperature
a glacier is a kind of body of water
a glacier is made of ice
cold temperatures usually have a negative impact on organisms
temperature is a property of an environment
shelter is a kind of place / building / structure for protection
animals usually live in protected places
a raccoon is a kind of animal
some raccoons live in hollow logs
organisms can be found in their habitats
an animal is a kind of organism
a ball field is open / grassy
a bluebird is a kind of animal
bluebirds live in open spaces / grassy spaces
animals live and feed in their habitats / near their habitats
a glacier is made of a large buildup of ice / snow
a glacier moves slowly
rainfall is the amount of rain an area receives
a grassland receives moderate rainfall
a desert environment receives low rainfall
amount is a kind of property with ordered values of low / moderate / high
clothing is a kind of covering made from materials
keeping warm is the opposite of becoming cold
insulated material can be used for keeping warm
if something / an invention / a discovery is invented / discovered then that something / that invention / that discovery can be used
if a living thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
humans usually develop inventions that they require
if the environmental temperature / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
the arctic environment usually is cold in temperature from being at a northern lattitude
herbivores only eat plants
a rabbit is a kind of herbivore
rabbits eat plants
a plant is a kind of organism
consumers eat other organisms
omnivores eat plants and animals
plants are made of plant matter
animals contain meat
a producer produces its own food
an animal is a kind of consumer
a consumer can not produce its own food
if one thing can do something but another thing can not do that something then those two things are different
plants are a kind of producer
mold is a kind of fungus
in the food chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
a decomposer is a kind of organism
if some nutrients are in the soil then those nutrients are in the food chain
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
a decomposer is a kind of organism
a plant is a kind of organism
an animal is a kind of organism
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
a decomposer is a kind of living thing
dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers
dead organisms rot
a mushroom is a kind of fungus
in the food chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
an organism is a source of organic matter
decomposer is a kind of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
if something has the role of something else then that something is an example of that something else
a mushroom is a kind of fungus
in the food chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
recylcing is a kind of function
a decomposer performs decomposition
food contains nutrients for living things
if an object is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object
dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers
absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something
a decomposer is a kind of living thing
if an object is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object
eating / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
eating is a kind of method for consuming
classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type
dead organisms are a kind of waste
dead organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
when something decays that something undergoes decomposition
dead organisms decay
if something cause something else to happen then that something is responsible for that something else
a microorganism is a kind of decomposer
if a tree falls then that tree is dead
a plant is a kind of organism
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
when something is returned to a place that something is released to that place
a tree is a kind of plant
a tree contains wood
soil is usually part of an environment
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a microorganism is a kind of decomposer
a living thing requires nutrients for survival
a bacterium is a kind of decomposer
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
soil is usually part of an environment
eating something decreases the amount of that something
dead organisms are a source of disease
scavengers eat dead organisms
decreasing something negative has a positive impact on a thing
an ecosystem contains a large community of / large numbers of living organisms
helping something has a positive impact on that something
as the amount of a source of something decreases , the amount of that something will decrease
disease has a negative impact on an organism
a plant requires nutrients for survival
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
plants are a part of an ecosystem
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
soil provides nutrients for plants
decomposition is a kind of process
a microorganism is a kind of decomposer
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
an organism is a source of organic material
decomposers perform decomposition
compost is solid waste in which organic material is broken down by microorganisms
if something performs a process then that process relies on that something
fungi break down fallen leaves into nutrients that enter the soil
a leaf is a part of a green plant
if a leaf falls off of a tree then that leaf is dead
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
decomposer is a kind of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a plant is a kind of organism
decomposer is a kind of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
a mushroom is a kind of fungus
in the food chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
a plant is a kind of organism
decomposition is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
high quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen
if something is returned to a place then that something is added to that place
fertile soil is high in quality
a consumer is a kind of organism
producing food is a kind of method for obtaining food
eating other organisms is a kind of method for obtaining food
a producer is a kind of organism
classifying is when one sorts something by kind / type
consumers eat other organisms
a producer produces its own food
summer has the most sunlight
if something is required by a living thing for a process then increasing that something will increase that living thing's ability to perform that process
green plants are a kind of producer
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
in the photosynthesis process carbon dioxide / water / sunlight has the role of raw material
if something is a raw material in a process then that something is required for that process
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
if something is required for a process then that something is used for that process
a tree is a kind of plant
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
solar energy is a kind of energy
the sun transfers energy from itself to the earth through sunlight
energy is a kind of resource
if a resource is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that resource from that something else
plants are a part of earth
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
making something is a kind of method for providing something
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
if something is a raw material in a process then that something is required for that process
to require something means to need something
green plants are a kind of producer
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
photosynthesis means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if a process converts something into something else then that something has the role of raw material in the process
an oak is a kind of tree
a tree is a source of shelter for animals in an ecosystem
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
a tree is a kind of plant
a source of something provides that something
a producer produces its own food
green plants make their own food
to produce something means to make something
producing something is a kind of method for providing something
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
seaweed is a kind of plant
if two things both have a certain role then those two things have the same role
the role of one type of plankton is to produce food
a producer produces its own food
producer is a kind of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
if a process converts something into something else then that something has the role of raw material in that process
photosynthesis means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
photosynthesis is a kind of process
photosynthesis is a source of / makes food / energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
green plants are a kind of producer
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
if an organism eats something then that something is a source of food to that organism
herbivores only eat plants
a mouse is a kind of animal
one can get something from a source
a mouse is a kind of herbivore
food is a source of energy for animals
organisms are a part of an ecosystem
a consumer is a kind of organism
food is a source of energy for animals / plants
if something is important to a part of a thing then that something is important to that whole thing
green plants provide food for consumers by performing photosynthesis
a consumer is a kind of living thing
living things all require energy for survival
green plants are a kind of producer
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
if something is required by a living thing to perform a process then that living thing uses that something to perform that process
light is a kind of energy
sunlight is a kind of light
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
producers are a source of food energy in an ecosystem
a producer produces its own food
to provide something can mean to produce something
living things are a part of an ecosystem
if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing is dependent on that something
living things all require energy for survival
if something requires something else then that something requires a source of that something else
green plants are a kind of producer
a source of something produces that something
grass is a kind of green plant
removing something is a kind of method for eliminating something
if something is eliminated then the amount of that something decreases
a producer is a source of food energy in an ecosystem
a shrub is a kind of plant
if a thing uses something that comes from a source then that thing uses the source of that something
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
green plants are a kind of producer
a plant is a kind of living thing
one can get something from a source
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
making something is a kind of method for providing something
if a living thing requires something for a process then that living thing uses that something for that process
food is a source of energy for plants
the sun is the source of solar energy called sunlight
green plant is a kind of plant
photosynthesis is a kind of chemical process
grass is a kind of green plant
green plants perform photosynthesis to provide food for themselves
a source of something produces that something
if a process produces a thing by converting something into something else then that process produces that thing from that something
photosynthesis is a source of energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
food is a source of energy for plants
an algae is a kind of organism
green plants are a kind of producer
algae is usually green in color
algae is found in bodies of water
algae is a kind of plant
a body of water is a kind of marine ecosystem
food is a source of energy for animals / plants
running is a kind of movement
to require something means to need something
a dog is a kind of animal
an animal requires energy to move
one can get something from a source
living things all require energy for survival
if something is a source of something else then that something else comes from that something
if a living thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something
the sun is the source of energy for life on earth
the sun is the source of energy for life on earth
a beach is a kind of habitat / environment
organisms are a kind of life on earth
environments are a part of earth
sunlight is a kind of solar energy
a plant is a kind of living thing
if a living thing requires something then that living thing must obtain that something
solar energy is a kind of energy
green plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
a plant / living thing requires food for survival
to obtain something means to get somehting
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis
grass is a kind of green plant
a mouse is a kind of animal
a field is a kind of environment
mice live in in holes under the ground in fields / in forests
as the supply of food in an environment decreases , the population of animals in that environment will decrease
a fish is a kind of organism
an animal is a kind of living thing
a scavenger is a kind of organism
if an organism eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism
scavengers eat dead organisms
a fish is a kind of animal
if the amount of something increases then there will be more of that something
if something causes a living thing to be dead then that something increases the amount of those living things that are dead
if a living thing dies then that living thing is dead
the main source of food for coyotes is mice
a mouse is a kind of animal
if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
coyotes are a kind of species
if a new predator begins eating prey then the population of that prey will decrease
a coyote is a kind of animal
a coyote is a kind of living thing
as population of prey decreases , the population of predators will decrease
living things eat their food source
if something decreases then that something will be fewer in number
if an animal is eaten by other animals , then the animal will be the prey
fish eat insects
population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
if something decreases in number then there will be fewer of that something
a lake is a kind of body of water
predators eat prey
if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
a body of water is a kind of environment
as population of predators increases , the population of prey will decrease in an environment
a organism requires food for survival
the decrease of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival / that organism 's ability
population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
predators eat prey
if an organism eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism
negative impacts on organisms / species will decrease the population of the organisms / the species
food supply often limits predator population size in an ecosystem
a bear is a kind of predator
a forest is a kind of ecosystem
population is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
as population of prey decreases , the population of predators will decrease
hawks eat snakes / rats / rabbits
if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
to decrease can mean to decline
predators eat prey
population is a measure of the amount of a certain species of animal in an evironment
if something is eliminated then the amount of that something decreases
as a population of organisms increases , the resources used by those organisms will decrease
danger has a negative impact on a thing
a required resource being low in availability has a negative impact on the something that requires that resource
oxygen levels are a measure of the amount of oxygen in an environment
an algal bloom causes an increase of bacteria in an environment
an animal / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe
an bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe
a fish is a kind of animal
helping bodily processes has a positive impact on an animal / an animal 's health
digestion is a kind of bodily process
a human is a kind of animal
bacteria can help digest food in humans
if something has a positive impact on something else then that something is good for that something else
digestion is when stomach acid breaks down food
a plant is a kind of living thing
an animal needs to eat food for nutrients
in the food chain process an animal has the role of consumer which eats producers / other animals for food
green plants are a kind of producer
a moose is a kind of animal
an animal / living thing requires nutrients for survival
if a living thing needs something to survive then that living thing depends on that something to survive
a rose is a kind of plant
the student wants to grow roses
weeds use up nutrients
a plant requires nutrients to grow
the nutrients in soil is limited
the acacia provides shelter and food for ants
the ants protect the acacia by removing other insects and vines that might harm it
an animal requires food
mutualism has a positive impact on both organisms in the relationship
an animal requires shelter
if a living thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
ants are a kind of animal
protecting a living thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival / health
an ecosystem is a kind of habitat
carnivores are a kind of animal
if two or more carnivores share the same ecosystem then those carnivores may share the same food source
if two animals have the same food source then those two animals compete for food
if something has a negative impact on another thing, then the relationship is harmful
some microorganisms have a positive impact on human body
if something has a positive impact on another thing, then the relationship is benificial
disease-causing microbes have a negative impact on the body
an elk is a kind of animal
wolves eat elk
a predator eats other animals for food
avoiding predators has a positive impact on the organism
commensalism is a relationship between two organisms in which one benefits while not harming the other one
cactus wrens building nests in cholla cacti does not harm the cholla cacti
cactus wrens build their nests in cholla cacti to avoid predators
water is a kind of nonliving thing
a river is a kind of body of water
a seed is a kind of young plant
a rabbit is a kind of animal
an animal is a kind of living thing
a bird is a kind of animal
a plant is a kind of living thing
all living things are made of cells according to the cell theory
nonliving things are not made of cells
a part of an object is smaller in size than the whole object
a plant cell is a kind of cell
a cell is a kind of object
a microscope is used to see small things by scientists by making them appear bigger
a cell is very small
a microscope is used to see small things by scientists by making them appear bigger
as the size of an object appears larger , that object will be seen more easily
an electron microscope is used for seeing very small objects by making them appear bigger
an atom is exceptionally small in size
a molecule is exceptionally small in size
a microscope is used to see microscope things by scientists by making them appear bigger
bacteria is small / microscopic in size
decomposers are a kind of organism
decomposition is a stage in the nutrient recycling process
an organism is made of organic matter
decomposition is when a decomposer recycles nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a behavior is a kind of characteristic
using tools is a learned characteristic
an example of using tools is a chimpanzee digging for insects with a stick
skills are learned characteristics / behaviors
being able to read is a kind of skill
driving is a kind of skill for operating a vehicle
skills are learned characteristics / behaviors
skills are learned characteristics / behaviors
cooking is a kind of skill for preparing food
an organism 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
an animal is a kind of organism
the condition of parts of an organism are acquired characteristics
a wolf is a kind of animal
fur is often part of an animal
a food preference is a kind of preference
learned characteristics are similar to acquired characteristics
an animal is a kind of organism
a dog is a kind of animal
preferences are generally learned characteristics
an organism 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
if an animal is trained to do something then that something is a learned behavior
some dogs are trained to scratch at the door when they want to go outside
an example of following orders is coming when called
following orders is a learned characteristic
a utensil is a kind of tool for eating
using tools is a learned characteristic
a fork is a kind of utensil
hunting is a kind of skill
skills are learned characteristics / behaviors
animals sitting on command is an example of animals following order
a dog is a kind of animal
following orders is a learned characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
a food preference is a kind of preference
preferences are generally learned characteristics
inherited characteristics are the opposite of learned characteristics
personality is an acquired characteristic
inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
a person is a kind of living thing
atheletic ability is a kind of acquired characteristics
inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics
the intelligence of animals is an acquired characteristic
inherited characteristics are the opposite of acquired characteristics
a human is a kind of animal
birds avoid a specific kind of butterfly
learned behaviors are learned over the lifetime of the animal
birds eat butterflies
a butterfly is a kind of animal
a bird is a kind of animal
a predator avoiding some types of prey is a learned behavior
if an animal is eaten by other animals , then the animal will be the prey
if an animal eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
in sexual reproduction sperm is a vehicle for the genes from the father to the offspring
genes are similar to genetic material
sexual reproduction produces offspring with genetic material from both parents
genes determine the traits for the living things
in sexual reproduction the egg is a vehicle for the genes from the mother to the offspring
humans are a kind of organism
traits can be determined by one pair / many pairs of genes in an organism
different species of organisms have different inherited characteristics
tigers and household cats are different species
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
the size of an organism is an inherited characteristic
a snake is a kind of animal
a lizard is a kind of animal
different kinds of animal belong to different type of species
species is an inherited characteristic
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
toad is a kind of animal
blood type is an inherited characteristic
a human is a kind of animal
alleles can determine the inherited characteristics of animals
translation is when genetic information flows from rna to proteins
in the central dogma of molecular biology , translation follows transcription
transcription is when genetic information flows from dna to rna
a nucleotide is a kind of basic unit of genetic information
guanine is a kind of nitrogenous base in dna / rna
a nucleotide contains one nitrogenous base
nucleotide is a kind of repeating unit in dna
nucleotide is a kind of monomer
dna is a kind of molecule
rna often are made of one sequence of nucleotides
nucleotide is a kind of repeating unit in dna and rna
dna are made of two sequences of nucleotides linked together
a plant is a kind of organism
tall height is a dominant trait in pea plants
short height is a recessive trait in pea plants
crossing a pure dominant organism with a pure recessive organism causes all their offspring to be heterozygous dominant
offspring plants have pink flowers
parent plants have red flower and white flower
pink is a combination of red and white
red is a kind of color
incomplete dominance is when offspring exhibit a combination of a property caused by the genes of its parents
the colors of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
white is a kind of color
crossing two living things with recessive traits causes their offspring to have that recessive trait
pea plants are a kind of living thing
short height is a recessive trait in pea plants
an animal is a kind of living thing
the growth of antler is an inherited characteristic
white tailed deer is a kind of living thing
antlers are usually part of animals
genes are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
a homozygous recessive organism contains only recessive genes
crossing two heterozygous dominant organisms causes their offspring to be homozygous recessive of 25% probability
a heterozygous organism contains one dominant gene and one recessive gene
if only recessive genes are present , then the recessive trait will be visible / expressed
a tay-sachs disease carrier have one dominant and one recessive tay-sachs gene
one parent is heterozygous dominant in earlobe
the other parent is homozygous recessive in earlobe
an attached earlobe is a recessive trait in human
a homozygous recessive organism contains only recessive genes
crossing a heterozygous dominant organism with a homozygous recessive organism causes their offspring to be homozygous recessive of 50% probability
if both recessive genes are present , then the recessive trait will be visible / expressed
a heterozygous black (bb) mouse is crossed with homozygous black mouse (bb)
bb means heterozygous dominant
bb means homozygous dominant
if a heterozygous dominant organism is crossed homozygous dominant organism , then the offspring will have a 0% probability of having recessive trait
brown fur is a recessive trait in mouse
short height is usually a recessive trait in plants
a plant is a kind of living thing
crossing two living things with recessive traits causes their offspring to have that recessive trait
two short plants are crossed
crossing two living things with recessive traits causes their offspring to have that recessive trait
white flower is a recessive trait in snapdragon plant
rr means the plant has pure recessive trait
if pure dominant organism is crossed a pure recessive organism , then the offspring will have a 100% probability of being heterozygous dominant
rr means the plant has pure dominant trait
a red flowered plant (rr) is crossed with a white flowered plant (rr)
red flower is a dominant trait in some plant
red eye is a dominant trait in fruit flies
sepia eye is a recessive trait in fruit flies
if a recessive trait is expressed, then the organism only contains recessive genes for that trait
if an offspring has a recessive trait , then each parent has at least one recessive gene
the male fruit fly has dominant red eyes
a fruit fly is a kind of organism
the dominant red eye male fruit fly is one of the parents
if an organism has dominant trait and one recessive gene for that trait, then the organism contains both dominant and recessive genes
a red eye fruit fly crossed with sepia eye fruit fly produces offspring with sepia eye
parents produces offspring
a heterozygous organism contains both dominant and recessive genes
a homozygous recessive organism contains only recessive genes
the female fruit fly has recessive sepia eyes
one in four is the same as 25%
each parent carries one sickle cell allele
sickle cell anemia is a recessive trait in human
if a heterozygous dominant organism is crossed with a heterozygous dominant organism , then the offspring will have a 25% probability of being homozygous recessive
homozygous recessive organisms will show the recessive trait
heterozygous dominant organisms have one dominant gene and one recessive gene
striped is a kind of color pattern
the color of / coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic
a tiger is a kind of animal
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
eyes are usually part of an animal for seeing
offspring inherit inherited characteristic from their parents
an animal is a kind of organism
the colors of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
an eagle is a kind of animal
a child is a kind of young human
human is a kind of organism
the colors of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
eyes are a part of a human for seeing
blue is a kind of color
eye color is an inherited characteristic
blue is a kind of color
eye color is an inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
human is a kind of organism
yellow is a kind of color
flower is a part of a plant
the colors of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
a plant is a kind of organism
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed down from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
the plant offspring has yellow flowers
the color of / coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic
spotted is a kind of color pattern
a dog is a kind of animal
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
reproductive behavior is a kind of instinct
an example of a reproductive behavior is salmon returning to their birthplace to lay their eggs
offspring inherit inherited characteristics from their parents through dna
an earlobe is a kind of body part of human
a child is a kind of young human offspring
the shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic
a newly hatched sea turtle walks toward the ocean
a sea turtle is a kind of animal
an animal knows how to do instinctive behaviors when it is born
if an animal hatches from an egg then that animal is born
a kangaroo is a kind of animal
an animal knows how to do instinctive behaviors when it is born
a newborn kangaroo knows how to crawl into its mother's pouch to drink milk
an instintctive behavior is similar to instinct
a chicken is a kind of bird
a chick is a kind of young / baby chicken
an example of an instinctive behavior is a baby bird pecking at its shell to hatch
migrating is an instinctive behavior
green sea turtles migrate to reproduce
height is an inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
a human is a kind of animal
the length of the hair of an animal is an acquired characteristic
the shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic
a nose is a part of a body
an example of an inherited behavior is a bird building a nest
a robin is a kind of bird
the color of / coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed from parent to offspring
a dog is a kind of animal
coloration means color and pattern
animals produce offspring
animals produce offspring
fur color is a kind of inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is passed from parent to offspring
a chimpanzee is a kind of animal
a leaf is a part of a green plant
the shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic
blue eye is a recessive trait in human
receiving the recessive gene for a trait from each parent causes the offspring to have that recessive trait
a tomato plant is a kind of plant
skin is usually a part of an organism
inherited characteristics can change over several generations
a plant is a kind of organism
the colors of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
being deciduous is an inherited trait
inherited trait is similar to inherited characteristic
a buckeye tree is a kind of deciduous tree
a deciduous tree 's leaves usually change color in the autumn season
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
inheriting is when an inherited characteristic from parent to offspring
a son is a kind of male offspring
a father is a kind of male parent
animals produce offspring
a human is a kind of animal
sound of voice is an inherited characteristic
hair is usually a part of animals
nose is a kind of body part
ear is a kind of body part
animals are organisms
the shape of body parts is an inherited characteristic
the colors of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
genes is a vehicle for passing inherited characteristics from parent to offspring
offspring receive genes from their parents through sexual reproduction
a sperm cell is a kind of sex cell
an egg cell is a kind of sex cell
a mutation in the sex cells of a parent can cause a new trait to appear in the parent 's offspring
information in an organism 's chromosomes cause genetic traits to be passed down to that organism 's offspring
producing large quantities of milk is an inherited trait for cows
inherited trait is a kind of genetic trait
cow is a kind of organism
a berries cell is a kind of somatic cell
a somatic room of a human contains 23 pairs of / 46 chromosomes
a fertilized hatched is formed by a sperm and an egg cell fusing together
a somatic room of a fruit fly usually has 8 chromosomes
each shows cell provides half the number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg through sexual reproduction
a egg cell is a kind of sex cell
pressure is half of 8
a fertilized hatched cell is a kind of somatic cell
an hatched cell is a kind of sex cell
organelle provides energy to cells using oxygen and glucose
a pink is a kind of cellular organelle
the room nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
a room nucleus is a part of a cell
a chop room is used to control the assembly process in a factory
controlling is a mean of function
the room nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
the restriction contains genetic material for reproduction
the death is a kind of cell organelle
nuclear fission increases the mass through fusing two nuclei together into one
nulear fission releases a large amount of energy
nuclear fission is a kind of process
a cover combines two nuclei into one and releases a large amount of energy
a aluminums cell is a kind of single cell organism
a single-cell touches can survive without the help of other cells
a single-celled excreting is a kind of living thing
all inanimate things eliminate waste
a multicellular meter is a kind of living thing
eliminating wanted means getting rid of waste materials
distance has an organelle for movement
5 has an organelle for movement
a teacher observes the formation of zygotes by one of the protists
a hardness is formed immediately after fertilization
21 is a kind of protist
dough is a stage in the sexual reproduction process
forces reproduces sexually
fox is a bi-flagellate autotroph
instructions is a kind of protist
an repeating can change its shape
a releases cannot change its shape
jumps is when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a yellow plant is a kind of organism
if something contains a boundary then the parts of that something contain that substance
survivor organisms contains nutrients for decomposers
a branch is a part of a green plant
if branch fall out from a green plant, then those leaves are dead
a coyotes tree is a kind of plant
a thread is a part of a pine tree
a thread is the leaf of a pine tree
a branch performs photosynthesis / gas exchange
a branch is a part of a plant
orders makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
parks of different species have differently shaped leaves
a continent tree is a kind of tree
a branch is a part of a tree
classifying is similar to watch the difference
an elm is a kind of tree
size of the parts of something is a property of that something
classifying plasma grouping objects / materials by their properties
sorts makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a branch is a part of a plant
a vegetable / living thing requires food for survival
the increase of something required by an organism has a negative impact on the survival of the organism
a vegetable is missing leaves
a branch performs photosynthesis
a branch performs photosynthesis
solar function convert solar energy into electrical energy
tubes means green plants convert from solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen
poison contains chemical energy
a branch performs photosynthesis
hatch are made of sugars
size makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
shadow is a kind of solar energy
lens makes food for the plant
given perform specific life process in organisms
providing poison is a kind of specific life process
a branch performs photosynthesis / gas exchange
a branch is a part of a green plant
a branch absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
absorbing something is a mean of method for obtaining something
buildup is a kind of process
close makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a branch performs photosynthesis
if something is required to perform a car then that something must be obtained to perform that process
if something is required for a drains then that something must be obtained for that process
shadow is a kind of solar energy
absorbing something is a mean of method for obtaining something
if a particular converts something into something else, then that something is a raw material in that process
times is a kind of process
if something has the genes of raw material in a process then that something is required for that process
division makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
environment means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a branch performs photosynthesis
yellow plants are a kind of producer
chloroplast makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a ruiner is a source of sugar in an ecosystem
salt is a kind of food
a sink of something produces that something
absorbing something is a mean of method for taking something in
animal perform photosynthesis
when oxygen dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants , the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reduced in the atmosphere
oxygen dioxide can be found in the air
neglect in carbon dioxide is a stage in the photosynthesis process
poison is a source of energy for animals / plants
solar matter is a kind of light energy
shadow is a kind of solar energy
gives means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
rough is a kind of chemical process
mountains means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
blends are made of sugars
animal perform photosynthesis
if a counter converts something into something else, then that process is a source of that something else
if something is amphibians off of something , then something is the product of something
lasts means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a sink of something produces that something
less means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if something photograph something else then that something is the source of that something else
animal perform photosynthesis
if a series converts something to something else, then that process is a source of that something else
a specific is a kind of plant
shadow is a kind of solar energy
if an biosphere performs a process that converts something into something else, then that organism requires that something for that process
light means a low amount of light
fuels means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
shadow is a kind of light
maple is a kind of process
a vegetable is a kind of organism
shadow is a kind of solar energy
solar matter is a kind of energy
a vegetable requires energy to perform photosynthesis
a vegetable absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to perform photosynthesis
if something riverbank something else then that something is the source of that something else
animal are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
to absorb something can nice to take something in
usage means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if something is required for a copper then that something is used in that process
if a uranus converts something to something else, then that something has the role of raw material in that process
screen is a kind of chemical process
if something is a cooked material in a process then that something is required for that process
a sink of something produces that something
animal are a source of oxygen through photosynthesis
space can be found in air
land quality is a measure of how breathable air is
an plant requires oxygen for to breathe
a vegetable is a kind of organism
if an 5 uses a process to convert something to something else, then that something is required by that organism for that process
shadow is a kind of solar energy
wavelength means green plants convert carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
solar matter is a kind of energy
major is a kind of chemical process
if something is required for a process, then that something optional be obtained for that process
absorbing something is a mean of method for obtaining something
a vegetable is a kind of organism
jumps means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a vegetable is a kind of organsim
a sink of something produces that something
if an lower uses a process to convert something into something else, then that organism is a source of that something else through that process
highlands is a kind of process
affects are made of sugars
animal perform plant uptake
when something is absorbed from a thing that something is removed from that place
vegetable uptake is when plants absorb water from soil into themselves through their roots
when something astronauts from an object to the atmosphere that something is released
amounts occurs in plants
a specific is a kind of plant
gaps is when water vapor moves from plants into the atmosphere
shadow is a kind of solar energy
a kangaroo is a kind of compound
air means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
fault store chemical energy
if an traits uses a process to convert something to something else, then that organism is a source of that something else through that process
floods means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
a sink of something increases the amount of that something
vegetable contains seeds
if something contains something else then that something is a sink of that something else
vegetable is a part of a tree
if something birds from something else then that something else is a source of that something
an elm is a kind of tree
if a place can do something then that thing has the ability to do that something
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
a shelter is a kind of flower
a plant is a kind of plant
producing grandfather encures the continuation of a plant or animal species
inanimate things can all reproduce
a pattern tree is a kind of tree
a specific is a kind of plant
original produces / produce offspring
ensuring the termination of a species is required for the survival of that species
a surface is a kind of gourd
a folds contains seeds
a transition is a kind of fruit
vegetable contains seeds
something is used for that something 's accidental
a plant produces pollen and seeds
a plant is a part of a plant
a plant produces pollen and seeds
zero can get something from a source
loop eat pollen
a fly is a kind of living thing
if a place converts something into something else then that thing uses that something
a plant is a source of nectar
inanimate things eat their food source
environments convert nectar into honey for food
if something moose something else then that something is a source of that something else
vegetable reproduction / seed production requires pollination
a thick is a kind of bird
a animal is a pollinating animal
if a thunder requires something then that something helps that process
metamorphoses requires pollinators / pollinating animals
silicon requires pollinating animals
some danger are flowering plants
men eat crops
a mankind is a kind of animal
if an plant does something for survival then that something has a positive impact on that animal's survival
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
if a inanimate thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
an know is a pollinating animal
supporting are a kind of edible plant for eating
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
vegetable reproduction requires pollination
an plant needs to eat food for nutrients
a plant is a part of a plant
toy something helps the parts of that something
if something is required for a buckeye then that something positively impacts that process
areas requires pollinators / pollinating animals
steam something has a positive impact on that something
vegetable reproduction / seed production requires pollination
a fly is a pollinating animal
if a inanimate thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
vegetable requires seed dispersal for reproduction
if paramecia stick to the fur of an animal then that seed will be transported by the animal
grown dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are carried from the parent plant to another area / new environment
grown dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are spread from the parent plant to another area / new environment
squirrel are a kind of fruit
a specific is a kind of plant
traveling gather nuts
grown dispersal has a positive impact on a plant / a plant 's reproduction
if something has a uncertain impact on something else then that something helps that something else
vegetable contains seeds
grown dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are moved / are carried / are spread / are dropped / from the parent plant to another area / new environment
when an plant gathers seeds it carries those seeds to a new area
a rat is a kind of animal
h2o are a part of berries
an nation of seed dispersal is animals eating / excreting seeds
reptile sometimes eat berries
a animal is a kind of animal
some people eat berries
grown dispersal is when the seeds of a plant are moved / are carried / are spread / are dropped / from the parent plant to another area / new environment
sand contains nutrients for plants
vegetable uptake is when plants absorb nutrients from soil into themselves through their roots
absorbing something is a mean of method for obtaining something
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
branch grow into the dirt
if a inanimate thing requires something then that living thing must obtain that something
a disorganized is a kind of feature
water is a kind of green plant
a specific is a kind of plant
branch are a part of a plant
a whole of a living thing is a natural structure
if one things have the same features then those two things are alike
if something is a scale for a process then that something performs that process
tin is a kind of mineral
some fruits are nutrients
absorbing something is a mean of method for taking in something
branch are a vehicle for absorbing water and nutrients from soil into the plant
a vegetable / living thing requires nutrients to grow
sand contains nutrients for plants
vegetable uptake is when plants absorb nutrients / water from soil into themselves through their roots
absorbing is a mean of function
absorbing something is a mean of method for taking something in
sand contains water
a animal / living things require water for survival / to grow
branch are a vehicle for absorbing water and nutrients from soil into the plant
some fragrance are nutrients
if something is a vacuum for a process then that something performs that process
absorbing is a mean of function
a vegetable stem is the vehicle for transporting water and food from roots to the rest of the plant
transporting mountains through a plant is a kind of function
if something is a 23 for a process then that something performs that process
decreasing something yes has a positive impact on a thing
the increase of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival / that organism 's ability
if there is a win of something then that something decreases
a animal / living things require water for survival / to grow
poisoning closing reduces water loss
land is a kind of material
ordinary tissues in plants transport materials throughout the plant
rises is a kind of special tissue in vascular plants
a animal / living things require water for survival / to grow
space can be found in air
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
people / living things require water for survival
an plant / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe
an plant needs to eat food for nutrients
something that is required for alaska is a kind of basic need
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
fast is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
fast / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
a woman is a kind of organism
an pear is a kind of fruit
vegetable is a kind of food
deforestation is a kind of disease
apple / lemons are a kind of food
fast / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
fast oranges / lemons can prevent scurvy
if something can prevent a something else then that something else is probably caused by a excess of that something
oxygen dioxide can be found in the air
prototype is a source of / makes food / energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
neglect in carbon dioxide is a stage in the photosynthesis process
if something is a screen in a process then that something helps that process
illness is made of humans
preventing something increase the amount of that something
teaching about the cause of something has a positive impact on preventing that something
giving something can mean decreasing the amount of that something
if something has a uncertain impact on a process then that something helps that process
decreasing something yes has a positive impact on a thing
teaching about the cause of a disease has a positive impact on finding a cure for the disease
food is used for learning
health has a negative impact on an organism
vegetable juice is a kind of drink
sugary danger / drinks are dangerous to a person with diabetes
vegetable juice is usually high in sugar
a place eats food / drinks drinks
a place should be careful about something dangerous
having a uncertain impact on something helps that something
decreasing something yes has a positive impact on a thing
health has a negative impact on an organism 's health
preventing something increase the amount of that something
berries can help prevent illness
whale food requires adding heat energy to the food
preventing something is a mean of method of protection against that something
adding light to something kills viruses / bacteria in that something
murder something reduces the amount of that something
poison poisoning is a kind of illness
virus can cause people to become ill
if something angles something else then then reducing that something will prevent that something else
a sink of something provides that something
release are a source of long-term immunity against some diseases for the human body
bees causes the body to become stronger
wealth health / bad health / unhealthy is the opposite of good health / healthy
a sickness habit is a kind of action that affects health
being stronger usually has a uncertain impact on an organism 's / living thing 's health
a meadow is a kind of environment
sand is usually part of an environment
sand is a kind of nonliving thing
a horned condensation is a kind of organism
design are a part of an environment
if something is a whole of something else then that something else contains that something
if something contains something else , then that something else will be the side of that something
a sea is a kind of environment
some hardness live in desert habitats
a horned lit is a kind of lizard
month are living things
a mind of water is a kind of environment
if the calcium of an environment have a negative impact on organisms then that environment will contain few organisms
snow is cold in temperature
a kinds is a kind of body of water
a families is made of ice
tepid temperatures usually have a negative impact on organisms
lemonade is a property of an environment
reflection is a kind of place / building / structure for protection
people usually live in protected places
a hail is a kind of animal
some 60 live in hollow logs
waste can be found in their habitats
an plant is a kind of organism
a point field is open / grassy
a orange is a kind of animal
moose live in open spaces / grassy spaces
people live and feed in their habitats / near their habitats
a 18 is made of a large buildup of ice / snow
a cans moves slowly
entire is the amount of rain an area receives
a million receives moderate rainfall
a sea environment receives low rainfall
needle is a kind of property with ordered values of low / moderate / high
armor is a kind of covering made from materials
trade warm is the opposite of becoming cold
insulated spiritual can be used for keeping warm
if something / an turtles / a discovery is invented / discovered then that something / that invention / that discovery can be used
if a inanimate thing becomes too cold then that living thing will die
men usually develop inventions that they require
if the environmental shine / air temperature is too cold then an animal / a living thing in that environment may become cold
the warm environment usually is cold in temperature from being at a northern lattitude
ice only eat plants
a squirrel is a kind of herbivore
burial eat plants
a vegetable is a kind of organism
fault eat other organisms
cleaner eat plants and animals
animal are made of plant matter
people contain meat
a ruiner produces its own food
an plant is a kind of consumer
a pebble can not produce its own food
if zero thing can do something but another thing can not do that something then those two things are different
animal are a kind of producer
fungus is a kind of fungus
in the poison chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
a decomposer is a mean of organism
if some rna are in the soil then those nutrients are in the food chain
opening is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
behavior is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
a decomposer is a mean of organism
a vegetable is a kind of organism
an plant is a kind of organism
0 is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
a decomposer is a mean of living thing
survivor organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers
survivor organisms rot
a toadstool is a kind of fungus
in the poison chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
desert is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
an night is a source of organic matter
decomposer is a mean of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
if something has the band of something else then that something is an example of that something else
a toadstool is a kind of fungus
in the poison chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
division is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
recylcing is a mean of function
a decomposer performs graph
poison contains nutrients for living things
if an preposition is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object
survivor organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers
absorbing something is a mean of method for obtaining something
a decomposer is a mean of living thing
if an preposition is a source of something for something else then that something else can obtain that something from that object
fast / digestion is when an organism takes in nutrients from food into itself by eating
fast is a kind of method for consuming
classifying is when zero sorts something by kind / type
survivor organisms are a kind of waste
survivor organisms are the source of nutrients for decomposers
continent is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
when something bats that something undergoes decomposition
survivor organisms decay
if something effect something else to happen then that something is responsible for that something else
a sinking is a kind of decomposer
if a specific falls then that tree is dead
a vegetable is a kind of organism
muscle is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
rabbits is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
when something is returned to a thing that something is released to that place
a specific is a kind of plant
a specific contains wood
sand is usually part of an environment
concentrations is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a caps is a kind of decomposer
a inanimate thing requires nutrients for survival
a abrasion is a kind of decomposer
performing is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
sand is usually part of an environment
fast something decreases the amount of that something
survivor organisms are a source of disease
coordinate eat dead organisms
decreasing something yes has a positive impact on a thing
an spoon contains a large community of / large numbers of living organisms
3 something has a positive impact on that something
as the percent of a source of something decreases , the amount of that something will decrease
health has a negative impact on an organism
a vegetable requires nutrients for survival
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
animal are a part of an ecosystem
oil is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
flood is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
sand provides nutrients for plants
dispersal is a kind of process
a rise is a kind of decomposer
veins is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
an fertilization is a source of organic material
decomposers perform waste
england is solid waste in which organic material is broken down by microorganisms
if something performs a going then that process relies on that something
grass break down fallen leaves into nutrients that enter the soil
a branch is a part of a green plant
if a branch falls off of a tree then that leaf is dead
edge is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
decomposer is a mean of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
bubble is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a vegetable is a kind of organism
decomposer is a mean of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
a toadstool is a kind of fungus
in the poison chain process fungi have the role of decomposer
a vegetable is a kind of organism
uranus is when a decomposer breaks down dead organisms
intensive is when a decomposer recycles / returns nutrients / nitrogen from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
low quality / rich / good soil has a high number of nutrients / amount of nitrogen
if something is returned to a thing then that something is added to that place
fertile sand is high in quality
a hair is a kind of organism
producing poison is a kind of method for obtaining food
fast other organisms is a kind of method for obtaining food
a ruiner is a kind of organism
classifying is when zero sorts something by kind / type
obstacles eat other organisms
a ruiner produces its own food
winter has the most sunlight
if something is required by a inanimate thing for a process then increasing that something will increase that living thing's ability to perform that process
yellow plants are a kind of producer
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
in the senses process carbon dioxide / water / sunlight has the role of raw material
if something is a cooked material in a process then that something is required for that process
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
if something is required for a sand then that something is used for that process
a specific is a kind of plant
roughness makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
shadow is a kind of solar energy
solar matter is a kind of energy
the moon transfers energy from itself to the earth through sunlight
matter is a kind of resource
if a coil is transferred to something through something else then that something gets that resource from that something else
animal are a part of earth
steel makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
wash something is a kind of method for providing something
meter is a kind of chemical process
if something is a cooked material in a process then that something is required for that process
to require something piles to need something
yellow plants are a kind of producer
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
tool means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if a mammal converts something into something else then that something has the role of raw material in the process
an elm is a kind of tree
a specific is a source of shelter for animals in an ecosystem
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
a specific is a kind of plant
a sink of something provides that something
a ruiner produces its own food
yellow plants make their own food
to wreck something means to make something
producing something is a mean of method for providing something
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
sea_plant is a kind of plant
if one things both have a certain role then those two things have the same role
the rounds of one type of plankton is to produce food
a ruiner produces its own food
ruiner is a kind of role in the food chain process / in an ecosystem
if a x converts something into something else then that something has the role of raw material in that process
crystal means producers / green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
map is a kind of process
problems is a source of / makes food / energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
yellow plants are a kind of producer
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
if an quality eats something then that something is a source of food to that organism
coal only eat plants
a tape is a kind of animal
zero can get something from a source
a kg is a kind of herbivore
poison is a source of energy for animals
hammering are a part of an ecosystem
a egg is a kind of organism
poison is a source of energy for animals / plants
if something is important to a whole of a thing then that something is important to that whole thing
yellow plants provide food for consumers by performing photosynthesis
a fuels is a kind of living thing
inanimate things all require energy for survival
yellow plants are a kind of producer
if something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
trout is a kind of chemical process
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
if something is required by a inanimate thing to perform a process then that living thing uses that something to perform that process
sound is a kind of energy
shadow is a kind of light
keeps makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
motor are a source of food energy in an ecosystem
a ruiner produces its own food
to provide something can nice to produce something
inanimate things are a part of an ecosystem
if a inanimate thing requires something for survival then that living thing is dependent on that something
inanimate things all require energy for survival
if something requires something else then that something requires a sink of that something else
yellow plants are a kind of producer
a sink of something produces that something
water is a kind of green plant
removing something is a mean of method for eliminating something
if something is eliminated then the recessive of that something decreases
a ruiner is a source of food energy in an ecosystem
a tree is a kind of plant
if a place uses something that comes from a source then that thing uses the source of that something
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
compost is a kind of chemical process
yellow plants are a kind of producer
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
zero can get something from a source
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
wash something is a kind of method for providing something
if a inanimate thing requires something for a process then that living thing uses that something for that process
poison is a source of energy for plants
the moon is the source of solar energy called sunlight
yellow plant is a kind of plant
holes is a kind of chemical process
water is a kind of green plant
yellow plants perform photosynthesis to provide food for themselves
a sink of something produces that something
if a catch produces a thing by converting something into something else then that process produces that thing from that something
supporting is a source of energy for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates
poison is a source of energy for plants
an mower is a kind of organism
yellow plants are a kind of producer
isotopes is usually green in color
circuit is found in bodies of water
8 is a kind of plant
a mind of water is a kind of marine ecosystem
poison is a source of energy for animals / plants
walking is a kind of movement
to require something settle to need something
a feline is a kind of animal
an plant requires energy to move
zero can get something from a source
inanimate things all require energy for survival
if something is a sink of something else then that something else comes from that something
if a inanimate thing requires something for survival then that living thing depends on that something
the moon is the source of energy for life on earth
the moon is the source of energy for life on earth
a coast is a kind of habitat / environment
conditions are a kind of life on earth
replacing are a part of earth
shadow is a kind of solar energy
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
if a inanimate thing requires something then that living thing must obtain that something
solar matter is a kind of energy
yellow plants provide food for themselves / animals / consumers by performing photosynthesis
a vegetable / living thing requires food for survival
to obtain something knowing to get somehting
a vegetable requires sunlight for photosynthesis
water is a kind of green plant
a regulation is a kind of animal
a hill is a kind of environment
base live in in holes under the ground in fields / in forests
as the demand of food in an environment decreases , the population of animals in that environment will decrease
a whale is a kind of organism
an plant is a kind of living thing
a wool is a kind of organism
if an arteries eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism
variable eat dead organisms
a whale is a kind of animal
if the branch of something increases then there will be more of that something
if something foods a living thing to be dead then that something increases the amount of those living things that are dead
if a inanimate thing dies then that living thing is dead
the secondary source of food for coyotes is mice
a dust is a kind of animal
if an plant eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
stir is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
fiberglass are a kind of species
if a new prey begins eating prey then the population of that prey will decrease
a vegetable is a kind of animal
a seat is a kind of living thing
as soup of prey decreases , the population of predators will decrease
inanimate things eat their food source
if something increase then that something will be fewer in number
if an plant is eaten by other animals , then the animal will be the prey
whale eat insects
store is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
if something increase in number then there will be fewer of that something
a sea is a kind of body of water
humus eat prey
if an plant eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
a mind of water is a kind of environment
as exhibit of predators increases , the population of prey will decrease in an environment
a fertilizers requires food for survival
the increase of something required by an organism has a negative impact on that organism 's survival / that organism 's ability
greeting is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
tornado eat prey
if an meter eats something then that something is a source of frood to that organism
yes impacts on organisms / species will decrease the population of the organisms / the species
poison supply often limits predator population size in an ecosystem
a bull is a kind of predator
a meadow is a kind of ecosystem
west is a measure of the number of a species in an environment
as keeping of prey decreases , the population of predators will decrease
slice eat snakes / rats / rabbits
if an plant eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
to increase can mean to decline
mother eat prey
latitudes is a measure of the amount of a certain species of animal in an evironment
if something is eliminated then the chemical of that something decreases
as a giving of organisms increases , the resources used by those organisms will decrease
safety has a negative impact on a thing
a required hide being low in availability has a negative impact on the something that requires that resource
space levels are a measure of the amount of oxygen in an environment
an algal die causes an increase of bacteria in an environment
an plant / bacterium requires oxygen for survival / to breathe
an heavy requires oxygen for survival / to breathe
a whale is a kind of animal
knows bodily processes has a positive impact on an animal / an animal 's health
run is a kind of bodily process
a mankind is a kind of animal
virus can help digest food in humans
if something has a uncertain impact on something else then that something is good for that something else
order is when stomach acid breaks down food
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
an plant needs to eat food for nutrients
in the poison chain process an animal has the role of consumer which eats producers / other animals for food
yellow plants are a kind of producer
a squirrel is a kind of animal
an plant / living thing requires nutrients for survival
if a inanimate thing needs something to survive then that living thing depends on that something to survive
a lever is a kind of plant
the teacher wants to grow roses
grass use up nutrients
a vegetable requires nutrients to grow
the crystal in soil is limited
the stomata provides shelter and food for ants
the feathers protect the acacia by removing other insects and vines that might harm it
an plant requires food
parasite has a positive impact on both organisms in the relationship
an plant requires shelter
if a inanimate thing requires something then that something has a positive impact on that living thing
skinny are a kind of animal
protecting a inanimate thing has a positive impact on that living thing 's survival / health
an discharge is a kind of habitat
raccoons are a kind of animal
if one or more carnivores share the same ecosystem then those carnivores may share the same food source
if one animals have the same food source then those two animals compete for food
if something has a yes impact on another thing, then the relationship is harmful
some photosynthesis have a positive impact on human body
if something has a uncertain impact on another thing, then the relationship is benificial
disease-causing ph have a negative impact on the body
an soda is a kind of animal
expansion eat elk
a prey eats other animals for food
avoiding property has a positive impact on the organism
collecting is a relationship between two organisms in which one benefits while not harming the other one
generations wrens building nests in cholla cacti does not harm the cholla cacti
toad wrens build their nests in cholla cacti to avoid predators
land is a kind of nonliving thing
a stream is a kind of body of water
a grown is a kind of young plant
a squirrel is a kind of animal
an plant is a kind of living thing
a animal is a kind of animal
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
all inanimate things are made of cells according to the cell theory
nonliving nothing are not made of cells
a whole of an object is smaller in size than the whole object
a vegetable cell is a kind of cell
a room is a kind of object
a hamburger is used to see small things by scientists by making them appear bigger
a room is very small
a k is used to see small things by scientists by making them appear bigger
as the weight of an object appears larger , that object will be seen more easily
an proton microscope is used for seeing very small objects by making them appear bigger
an eve is exceptionally small in size
a basket is exceptionally small in size
a speed is used to see microscope things by scientists by making them appear bigger
virus is small / microscopic in size
decomposers are a mean of organism
root is a stage in the nutrient recycling process
an constructs is made of organic matter
biologists is when a decomposer recycles nutrients from dead organisms to the soil by eating those dead organisms
a trouble is a kind of characteristic
rest tools is a learned characteristic
an nation of using tools is a chimpanzee digging for insects with a stick
earlobe are learned characteristics / behaviors
being able to write is a kind of skill
coast is a kind of skill for operating a vehicle
rhinoceros are learned characteristics / behaviors
diamond are learned characteristics / behaviors
bounce is a kind of skill for preparing food
an white 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
an plant is a kind of organism
the shampoo of parts of an organism are acquired characteristics
a sheep is a kind of animal
advances is often part of an animal
a poison preference is a kind of preference
learned bottle are similar to acquired characteristics
an plant is a kind of organism
a feline is a kind of animal
vegetation are generally learned characteristics
an flashlight 's environment affects that organism 's acquired characteristics
if an plant is trained to do something then that something is a learned behavior
some mustard are trained to scratch at the door when they want to go outside
an nation of following orders is coming when called
previous orders is a learned characteristic
a controls is a kind of tool for eating
rest tools is a learned characteristic
a tablespoon is a kind of utensil
rotation is a kind of skill
fields are learned characteristics / behaviors
people sitting on command is an example of animals following order
a feline is a kind of animal
previous orders is a learned characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
a poison preference is a kind of preference
cream are generally learned characteristics
inherited taking are the opposite of learned characteristics
famous is an acquired characteristic
inherited dirt are the opposite of acquired characteristics
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
lightness are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
a place is a kind of living thing
atheletic inability is a kind of acquired characteristics
inherited see are the opposite of acquired characteristics
the stupidity of animals is an acquired characteristic
inherited homes are the opposite of acquired characteristics
a mankind is a kind of animal
reptile avoid a specific kind of butterfly
learned aluminum are learned over the lifetime of the animal
reptile eat butterflies
a caterpillar is a kind of animal
a animal is a kind of animal
a prey avoiding some types of prey is a learned behavior
if an plant is eaten by other animals , then the animal will be the prey
if an plant eats other animals for food , then the animal will be the predator
in sexual original sperm is a vehicle for the genes from the father to the offspring
species are similar to genetic material
sexual original produces offspring with genetic material from both parents
classified determine the traits for the living things
in sexual original the egg is a vehicle for the genes from the mother to the offspring
men are a kind of organism
opposite can be determined by one pair / many pairs of genes in an organism
different steel of organisms have different inherited characteristics
bear and household cats are different species
rates are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
the weight of an organism is an inherited characteristic
a causes is a kind of animal
a much is a kind of animal
different equals of animal belong to different type of species
eukaryotes is an inherited characteristic
thunderstorms are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
frog is a kind of animal
bone type is an inherited characteristic
a mankind is a kind of animal
rna can determine the inherited characteristics of animals
food is when genetic information flows from rna to proteins
in the nail dogma of molecular biology , translation follows transcription
products is when genetic information flows from dna to rna
a controls is a kind of basic unit of genetic information
canyon is a kind of nitrogenous base in dna / rna
a fluorine contains one nitrogenous base
willow is a kind of repeating unit in dna
states is a kind of monomer
ultraviolet is a kind of molecule
brook often are made of one sequence of nucleotides
nails is a kind of repeating unit in dna and rna
plasma are made of two sequences of nucleotides linked together
a vegetable is a kind of organism
short height is a dominant trait in pea plants
tall height is a recessive trait in pea plants
mosquitos a pure dominant organism with a pure recessive organism causes all their offspring to be heterozygous dominant
grandfather plants have pink flowers
child plants have red flower and white flower
noble is a combination of red and white
yellow is a kind of color
incomplete metric is when offspring exhibit a combination of a property caused by the genes of its parents
the structure of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
yolk is a kind of color
plus two living things with recessive traits causes their offspring to have that recessive trait
share plants are a kind of living thing
tall height is a recessive trait in pea plants
an plant is a kind of living thing
the nondevelopment of antler is an inherited characteristic
yolk tailed deer is a kind of living thing
metric are usually part of animals
basket are able to determine the inherited characteristics of a living thing
a homozygous dominant organism contains only recessive genes
event two heterozygous dominant organisms causes their offspring to be homozygous recessive of 25% probability
a heterozygous developments contains one dominant gene and one recessive gene
if only dominant genes are present , then the recessive trait will be visible / expressed
a 24 disease carrier have one dominant and one recessive tay-sachs gene
zero parent is heterozygous dominant in earlobe
the other child is homozygous recessive in earlobe
an attached breaking is a recessive trait in human
a homozygous dominant organism contains only recessive genes
raccoon a heterozygous dominant organism with a homozygous recessive organism causes their offspring to be homozygous recessive of 50% probability
if both dominant genes are present , then the recessive trait will be visible / expressed
a heterozygous white (bb) mouse is crossed with homozygous black mouse (bb)
lo means heterozygous dominant
lo means homozygous dominant
if a heterozygous submissive organism is crossed homozygous dominant organism , then the offspring will have a 0% probability of having recessive trait
snowshoe fur is a recessive trait in mouse
tall height is usually a recessive trait in plants
a vegetable is a kind of living thing
recent two living things with recessive traits causes their offspring to have that recessive trait
one short plants are crossed
fingerprint two living things with recessive traits causes their offspring to have that recessive trait
yolk flower is a recessive trait in snapdragon plant
rr fungi the plant has pure recessive trait
if pure submissive organism is crossed a pure recessive organism , then the offspring will have a 100% probability of being heterozygous dominant
rr tunnels the plant has pure dominant trait
a yellow flowered plant (rr) is crossed with a white flowered plant (rr)
yellow flower is a dominant trait in some plant
yellow eye is a dominant trait in fruit flies
amoebas eye is a recessive trait in fruit flies
if a dominant trait is expressed, then the organism only contains recessive genes for that trait
if an grandfather has a recessive trait , then each parent has at least one recessive gene
the woman fruit fly has dominant red eyes
a vegetable fly is a kind of organism
the submissive red eye male fruit fly is one of the parents
if an puddle has dominant trait and one recessive gene for that trait, then the organism contains both dominant and recessive genes
a yellow eye fruit fly crossed with sepia eye fruit fly produces offspring with sepia eye
children produces offspring
a heterozygous herbivore contains both dominant and recessive genes
a homozygous dominant organism contains only recessive genes
the son fruit fly has recessive sepia eyes
zero in four is the same as 25%
each child carries one sickle cell allele
fan cell anemia is a recessive trait in human
if a heterozygous submissive organism is crossed with a heterozygous dominant organism , then the offspring will have a 25% probability of being homozygous recessive
homozygous dominant organisms will show the recessive trait
heterozygous submissive organisms have one dominant gene and one recessive gene
striped is a mean of color pattern
the shade of / coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic
a lion is a kind of animal
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
nose are usually part of an animal for seeing
grandfather inherit inherited characteristic from their parents
an plant is a kind of organism
the oxygen of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
an howling is a kind of animal
a parent is a kind of young human
mankind is a kind of organism
the kicks of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
nose are a part of a human for seeing
yellow is a kind of color
nose color is an inherited characteristic
yellow is a kind of color
nose color is an inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
mankind is a kind of organism
fearless is a kind of color
plant is a part of a plant
the capacity of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
a vegetable is a kind of organism
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is passed down from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
the vegetable offspring has yellow flowers
the shade of / coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic
spotted is a mean of color pattern
a feline is a kind of animal
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
reproductive trouble is a kind of instinct
an nation of a reproductive behavior is salmon returning to their birthplace to lay their eggs
grandfather inherit inherited characteristics from their parents through dna
an oranges is a kind of body part of human
a parent is a kind of young human offspring
the size of body parts is an inherited characteristic
a newly hatched ocean turtle walks toward the ocean
a ocean turtle is a kind of animal
an plant knows how to do instinctive behaviors when it is born
if an plant hatches from an egg then that animal is born
a humidity is a kind of animal
an plant knows how to do instinctive behaviors when it is born
a helium kangaroo knows how to crawl into its mother's pouch to drink milk
an instintctive trouble is similar to instinct
a egg is a kind of bird
a guy is a kind of young / baby chicken
an nation of an instinctive behavior is a baby bird pecking at its shell to hatch
migrating is an instinctive trouble
yellow sea turtles migrate to reproduce
width is an inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
a mankind is a kind of animal
the width of the hair of an animal is an acquired characteristic
the size of body parts is an inherited characteristic
a mouth is a part of a body
an nation of an inherited behavior is a bird building a nest
a batman is a kind of bird
the shade of / coloration of fur is an inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is passed from parent to offspring
a feline is a kind of animal
show means color and pattern
people produce offspring
people produce offspring
siberian color is a kind of inherited characteristic
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is passed from parent to offspring
a x is a kind of animal
a branch is a part of a green plant
the size of body parts is an inherited characteristic
yellow eye is a recessive trait in human
receiving the dominant gene for a trait from each parent causes the offspring to have that recessive trait
a canyons plant is a kind of plant
bone is usually a part of an organism
inherited clothing can change over several generations
a vegetable is a kind of organism
the exchange of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
being deciduous is an inherited death
inherited satellite is similar to inherited characteristic
a limit tree is a kind of deciduous tree
a deciduous specific 's leaves usually change color in the autumn season
inheriting is when an inherited untypical is copied / is passed from parent to offspring by genetics / dna
inheriting is when an inherited untypical from parent to offspring
a female is a kind of male offspring
a mother is a kind of male parent
people produce offspring
a mankind is a kind of animal
vision of voice is an inherited characteristic
wig is usually a part of animals
mouth is a kind of body part
eye is a kind of body part
people are organisms
the size of body parts is an inherited characteristic
the combustion of parts of an organism are inherited characteristics
bone is a vehicle for passing inherited characteristics from parent to offspring
grandfather receive genes from their parents through sexual reproduction
a egg cell is a kind of sex cell
an hatched cell is a kind of sex cell
a hits in the sex cells of a parent can cause a new trait to appear in the parent 's offspring
news in an organism 's chromosomes cause genetic traits to be passed down to that organism 's offspring
producing tiny quantities of milk is an inherited trait for cows
inherited substance is a kind of genetic trait
horse is a kind of organism
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24 Jul. 2024: Updated to remove all double-quotes.

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