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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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/*global define*/
], function (_, Backbone, ClientModel) {
'use strict';
var ClientCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: ClientModel,
url : function() {
return APP.BASE_URL + 'prospect/clients';
parse: function(json) {
console.log('JSON = ' + json);
return ClientCollection;
/*global define*/
], function ($, _, Backbone, JST, ClientCollection) {
'use strict';
var ClientsView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: JST['app/scripts/templates/clients.ejs'],
el: 'body',
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, "render");
var self = this;
this.clients = new ClientCollection();
this.clients.bind('reset', this.render());
success: function (collection, response) {
console.log('Success: ' + response);
self.clients = response;
// self.trigger('update', '');
// this.render();
render : function () {
this.$el.html(this.template({clients: this.clients}));
return this;
return ClientsView;
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