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Created September 27, 2018 00:49
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A simplified version of the game of Nim in which a player plays against a computer player.
#Computer Project #2
# Get if user wants to play the game
# Initialize starting state variables for a new game
# Display current amount of stones in each pile (5)
# Until the game is won, player and computer alternate turns taking stones
# from the piles. (Note: the computer always takes 1 stone from the opposite
# pile that the player picked, if possible. Player can take up to 3.)
# Display how many stones both player and computer took from a certain pile
# Output the updated number of stones in the piles
# After each turn, determine if the game has been won (if the last stone has
# been taken)
# If the game is over, determine the winner based on who took the last turn
# Output the winner
# Output the number of games the player and computer have won
# Ask user if they wish to play again
#Display the rules of the game
print("\nWelcome to the game of Nim! I'm probably going to win...")
print("Nim is a simple two-player game based on removing stones.\
The game begins with two piles of stones, numbered 1 and 2.\
Players alternate turns. Each turn, a player chooses to remove one,\
two, or three stones from some single pile. The player who removes the\
last stone wins the game.")
# Initialize number of times player and computer have won.
player_wins = 0
computer_wins = 0
# Ask the user if they want to play the game.
play_str=input("Would you like to play? (0=no, 1=yes) ")
while int(play_str) != 0:
# Initialize the state for a new game.
players_turn = True
pile_1 = 5
pile_2 = 5
game_over = False
print("Start --> Pile 1:", pile_1, " Pile 2:", pile_2)
# Continue to have the user and computer take turns until the game is over.
# Determined by removal of all stones.
# Note: All 'else' cases are used to handle errors, with very few
# exceptions.
while game_over == False:
# To allow for error handling, the user will be prompted for input
# until a valid one is made.
while players_turn == True:
players_pile_choice_str = input('Choose a pile (1 or 2): ')
# Player chooses a pile and the pile must have at least 1 stone to
# take from that pile.
if int(players_pile_choice_str) == 1:
if pile_1 > 0:
# Remove a number of stones chosen by user as long as the
# pile has at least that many left to take.
remove_stones_str = input('Choose stones to remove \
from pile: ')
if int(remove_stones_str) <= pile_1:
print("Player -> Remove", remove_stones_str, "stones \
from pile 1")
pile_1 -= int(remove_stones_str)
players_turn = False # Computer's turn.
# Error for removing too many stones from the pile.
print("Invalid number of stones. Please try again.")
# Error for picking a pile without stones.
print("Pile must be 1 or 2 and non-empty. Please try \
elif int(players_pile_choice_str) == 2:
if pile_2 > 0:
# Remove a number of stones chosen by user as long as the
# pile has at least that many left to take.
remove_stones_str = input('Choose stones to remove \
from pile: ')
if int(remove_stones_str) <= pile_2:
print("Player -> Remove", remove_stones_str, "stones \
from pile 2")
pile_2 -= int(remove_stones_str)
players_turn = False # Computer's turn.
# Error for removing too many stones from the pile.
print("Invalid number of stones. Please try again.")
# Error for picking a pile without stones.
print("Pile must be 1 or 2 and non-empty. Please try \
# Error for not picking 1 or 2.
print("Pile must be 1 or 2 and non-empty. Please try again.")
# Check if the game should be over, now that the player has taken
# his/her turn.
if pile_1 == 0 and pile_2 == 0:
game_over = True
print("Pile 1:", pile_1, " Pile 2:", pile_2)
# If the game is not over, print the number of stones in each pile
# so the user can see the remaining stones.
print("Pile 1:", pile_1, " Pile 2:", pile_2)
# Computer's turn.
if int(players_pile_choice_str) == 1:
if pile_2 > 0:
print("Computer -> Remove 1 stones from \
pile 2")
pile_2 -= 1
players_turn = True
# Computer takes one stone from pile 1 since there are no
# more stones in pile 2.
print("Computer -> Remove 1 stones from \
pile 1")
pile_1 -= 1
players_turn = True
if int(players_pile_choice_str) == 2:
if pile_1 > 0:
print("Computer -> Remove 1 stones from \
pile 1")
pile_1 -= 1
players_turn = True
# Computer takes one stone from pile 2 since there are no
# more stones in pile 1.
print("Computer -> Remove 1 stones from \
pile 2")
pile_2 -= 1
players_turn = True
# Check if the game should be over, now that the computer has taken its
# turn.
if pile_1 == 0 and pile_2 == 0:
game_over = True
print("Pile 1:", pile_1, " Pile 2:", pile_2)
# If the game is not over, print the number of stones in each pile
# so the user can see the remaining stones.
print("Pile 1:", pile_1, " Pile 2:", pile_2)
# Determine winner.
# If it is the player's turn, that means the computer just took its
# turn, taking the last stone, and ending the game. Therefore, it must
# have won.
if players_turn == True:
computer_wins += 1
print("\nComputer wins!")
print("Score -> human:", player_wins, "; computer:", computer_wins)
play_str = input("\nWould you like to play again? (0=no, 1=yes) ")
# If it is not the player's turn, that means the player just took
# his/her turn, taking the last stone, and ending the game. Therefore,
# he/she must have won.
if players_turn == False:
player_wins += 1
print("\nPlayer wins!")
print("Score -> human:", player_wins, "; computer:", computer_wins)
play_str = input("\nWould you like to play again? (0=no, 1=yes) ")
# Display to the user that the game has officially ended.
print("\nThanks for playing! See you again soon!")
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