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An encryption/decryption program that uses the Caesar and Affine encryption methods to encrypt a string of text.
# Computer Project #3
# Algorithm
# Prompt to encrypt, decrypt, or quit
# Initialize variables that need to be appended to or used in the program
# Generate string of all lowercase alphabetic characters
# Ask for keyword of only alphabetic charactes and less than 26 characters
# Ask for a message to encrypt/decrypt
# If Encrypt:
# Create Caesar cipher:
# Append each letter in the keyword (if not already there)
# Append each letter of the alphabet (if not already there)
# Create the Affine cipher:
# Loop through the Caesar key
# For each index perform the Affine operation ((5x + 8) % 26)
# Append the character in the Caesar key index from Affine operation
# Encrypt with Caesar cipher:
# Just add all non-alphabetic characters
# If it is a letter, find its index in the alphabet and replace it
# with the letter in that index in the Caesar cipher key
# Encrypt with Affine cipher:
# Just add all non-alphabetic characters
# If it is a letter, find its index in the Caesar key and replace it
# with the letter in that index in the Affine cipher key
# Display encrypted message
# If Decrypt:
# Create Caesar cipher:
# Append each letter in the keyword (if not already there)
# Append each letter of the alphabet (if not already there)
# Create the Affine cipher:
# Loop through the Caesar key
# For each index perform the Affine operation ((5x + 8) % 26)
# Append the character in the Caesar key index from Affine operation
# Decrypt with Affine cipher:
# Just add all non-alphabetic characters
# If it is a letter, find its index in the Affine cipher key and
# replace it with the letter in that index in the Caesar cipher key
# Decrypt with Caesar cipher:
# Just add all non-alphabetic characters
# If it is a letter, find its index in the Caesar key and replace it
# with the letter in that index in the alphabet string
# Display decrypted message
# Display closing message
import string
# Ask if user wants to quit or encrypt/decrypt
answer = input("Would you like to (D)ecrypt, (E)ncrypt or (Q)uit? ").upper()
while answer != 'Q':
# Initialize variables that need to be appended to or used in the program
ALPHABET_STR = string.ascii_lowercase
c_key = ""
c_encrypted_text = ""
a_key = ""
a_encrypted_text = ""
A = 5
B = 8
M = 26
a_decrypted_text = ""
c_decrypted_text = ""
# Encrypt
if answer == 'E':
keyword = input("Please enter a keyword: ").lower()
# Make sure the keyword is all letters and not longer than 26
# characters.
while keyword.isalpha() == False or len(keyword) > 26:
print("There is an error in the keyword. It must be all letters\
and a maximum length of 26")
keyword = input("Please enter a keyword: ").lower()
message = input("Enter your message: ").lower()
# Create the Ceasar cipher key.
# With the keyword first.
for index, letter in enumerate(keyword):
if letter not in c_key:
c_key += letter
# Then the rest of the letters of the alphabet.
for index, letter in enumerate(ALPHABET_STR):
if letter not in c_key:
c_key += letter
# Create the Affine cipher key.
# Loop through each letter in the Caesar key, performing the Affine
# encryption operation, and then append the letter value to the Affine
# key.
for index, letter in enumerate(c_key):
affine_index = (A * index + B) % M
a_key += c_key[affine_index]
# Encrypt using the Caesar cipher.
for letter in message:
# If the string in this index is not a letter, just add it to the
# ecrypted message.
if letter.isalpha() == False:
c_encrypted_text += letter
# If the string in this index is a letter, find the index where
# that letter normally appears in the alphabet. Then, substitute
# that letter for whatever letter is in that index in the Caeasr
# cipher.
index_in_alphabet = ALPHABET_STR.find(letter)
c_encrypted_text += c_key[index_in_alphabet]
# Encrypt using the Affine cipher.
for letter in c_encrypted_text:
# If the string in this index is not a letter, just add it to the
# ecrypted message.
if letter.isalpha() == False:
a_encrypted_text += letter
# If the string in this index is a letter, find the index where
# that letter appears in the Caesar cipher. Then, substitute that
# letter for whatever letter is in that index in the Affine cipher.
index_in_c_key = c_key.find(letter)
a_encrypted_text += a_key[index_in_c_key]
print("your encoded message: ", a_encrypted_text)
# Decrypt
if answer == 'D':
keyword = input("Please enter a keyword: ").lower()
# Make sure the keyword is all letters and not longer than 26
# characters.
while keyword.isalpha() == False or len(keyword) > 26:
print("There is an error in the keyword. It must be all letters\
and a maximum length of 26")
keyword = input("Please enter a keyword: ").lower()
message = input("Enter your message: ").lower()
# Create the Ceasar cipher key.
# With the keyword first.
for index, letter in enumerate(keyword):
if letter not in c_key:
c_key += letter
# Then the rest of the letters of the alphabet.
for index, letter in enumerate(ALPHABET_STR):
if letter not in c_key:
c_key += letter
# Create the Affine cipher key.
# Loop through each letter in the Caesar key, performing the Affine
# encryption operation, and then append the letter value to the Affine
# key.
for index, letter in enumerate(c_key):
affine_index = (A * index + B) % M
a_key += c_key[affine_index]
# Decrypt text using Affine cipher
for index, letter in enumerate(message):
# If the string in this index is not a letter, just add it to the
# decrypted message.
if letter.isalpha() == False:
a_decrypted_text += letter
# If the string in this index is a letter, find the index where
# that letter appears in the Affine cipher key. Then, substitute
# that letter for whatever letter in is that index in the Caeasr
# cipher.
affine_index = a_key.find(letter)
a_decrypted_text += c_key[affine_index]
# Decrypt using Caesar cipher
for index, letter in enumerate(a_decrypted_text):
# If the string in this index is not a letter, just add it to the
# ecrypted message.
if letter.isalpha() == False:
c_decrypted_text += letter
# If the string in this index is a letter, find the index where
# that letter appears in the Caesar cipher key. Then, substitute
# that letter for whatever letter in is that index in the alphabet
# string.
caesar_index = c_key.find(letter)
c_decrypted_text += ALPHABET_STR[caesar_index]
print("your decoded message: ", c_decrypted_text)
# Ask if user wants to quit or encrypt/decrypt
answer = input("Would you like to (D)ecrypt, (E)ncrypt or (Q)uit? ").upper()
print("See you again soon!")
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