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Last active February 22, 2022 12:52
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  • Save lukaszgryglicki/c4284fa26822a01cde104392e2dffe88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lukaszgryglicki/c4284fa26822a01cde104392e2dffe88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Top 30 projects from March 2017 (non forked, no bot counting) with projects hints from top 30 201604-201703
This is a top 30 projects from March 2017.
It uses the same algorithm as Top 30 201604 - 201703 but skips all activity of users with name LIKE '%bot%' and takes only 2016-03 data.
Non forked repos, no bot activity, all others the same as in previous top 30s.
`data.csv` is a file generated by BigQuery `query.sql`.
I've manually (iterative) added projects to repos there (query doesn't return CSV "project" column - because there is no such data in BigQuery's githubarchive table)
Created ruby tool `analysis.rb` that takes intput from `data.csv` and `hint.csv` (hint.csv is output of top 30 last year bigquery with manually added projects)
hint.csv is used there:
`analysis.csv` loads hint.csv and creates mapping repo --> project.
Then loads `data.csv` (data for 201703) and takes project from there (manually added) if no project it lookups hint.csv, and if no projects found it is blank.
Tool generates projects.csv output which is an input for google sheet:
Tool is used iteratively and each time I'm updating data.csv with new projects besed on analysis and visiting github websites.
Finally list of top 30 projects is used for generating chart and finally I'm manually adding each prject's URL.
require 'csv'
require 'pry'
project_hints = {}
CSV.foreach('./hint.csv', headers: true) do |row|
h = row.to_h
project = h['project']
next unless project
repo = h['repo']
project_hints[repo] = project
#puts 'Hints from hints.csv'
#p project_hints
orgs = {}
projects = {}
CSV.foreach('./data.csv', headers: true) do |row|
h = row.to_h
k = h['project']
unless k
rep = h['repo']
h['project'] = project_hints[rep] if project_hints.key? rep
k = h['project']
if k
projects[k] = 0 unless projects.key?(k)
projects[k] += 1
k = h['org'] unless k
k = h['repo'] unless k
next unless k
orgs[k] = { items: [] } unless orgs.key? k
h.each do |p, v|
vi = v.to_i
vis = vi.to_s
h[p] = vi if vi > 0 && vis == v
orgs[k][:items] << h
orgs.each do |name, org|
org[:sum] = {}
org[:items].each do |repo|
repo.each do |k, v|
if v.is_a?(String)
if repo['org'] && k == 'repo' && v.include?('/')
v = v.split('/')[1]
if org[:sum].key? k
org[:sum][k] = '' if org[:sum][k].nil?
org[:sum][k] += '+' + v
org[:sum][k] = v
elsif v.is_a?(Integer)
org[:sum][k] = 0 unless org[:sum].key? k
org[:sum][k] += v
org[:sum][k] = nil
new_org = org[:sum]['org']
org[:sum]['org'] = new_org.split('+').uniq.join('+') if new_org
new_prj = org[:sum]['project']
org[:sum]['project'] = new_prj.split('+').uniq.join('+') if new_prj
orgs_arr = []
orgs.each do |name, org|
orgs_arr << [name, org[:sum]['activity'], org]
res = orgs_arr.sort_by { |item| -item[1] }
puts "Defined projects: "
prjs = []
projects.keys.sort.each do |k|
prjs << "#{k}: #{projects[k]}"
prjs = prjs.join(', ')
puts prjs
tops = res[0..30].map { |it| it[0] }.join(', ')
puts tops
puts 'Now debug values res[0][2][:items][0][\'project\'] = \'proj_name\' and save'
puts 'res[0..20].map { |it| it[0] }'
binding.pry"projects.csv", "w", headers: res[0][2][:sum].keys) do |csv|
csv << res[0][2][:sum].keys
res.each do |row|
csv << row[2][:sum].values
res2 = []
res3 = []
res.each do |line|
org = line[2]
org[:items].each do |repo|
res2 << [repo['repo'], repo['activity'], repo]
res3 << [repo['repo'], repo['activity'], repo]
res3 << [org[:sum]['repo'], org[:sum]['activity'], org[:sum]]
res2 = res2.sort_by { |item| -item[1] }
res3 = res3.sort_by { |item| -item[1] }"combined.csv", "w", headers: res3[0][2].keys) do |csv|
csv << res3[0][2].keys
res3.each do |row|
csv << row[2].values
org repo activity comments prs commits issues authors project
kubernetes kubernetes/kubernetes 11243 9878 720 70 575 40
ethereum ethereum/go-ethereum 10701 570 109 43 9979 14
tgstation tgstation/tgstation 8120 6281 799 696 344 64
Microsoft Microsoft/vscode 6813 4738 113 236 1726 18
Automattic Automattic/wp-calypso 6736 2925 723 2803 285 128
dotnet dotnet/corefx 6413 5173 469 322 449 78
NixOS NixOS/nixpkgs 6209 3437 914 1577 281 243
tensorflow tensorflow/tensorflow 5682 4509 300 222 651 145
docker docker/docker 4892 4045 296 89 462 48
ansible ansible/ansible 4887 3307 627 513 440 123
angular angular/angular 4529 3375 324 345 485 41
dotnet dotnet/coreclr 4268 3295 427 311 235 86
joomla joomla/joomla-cms 4223 3373 292 289 269 39
nodejs nodejs/node 3863 3008 262 398 195 104
RobotLocomotion RobotLocomotion/drake 3776 3193 266 254 63 31
angular angular/angular-cli 3729 2958 185 87 499 25
Homebrew Homebrew/homebrew-core 3723 2051 800 790 82 230
hashicorp hashicorp/terraform 3648 2190 429 574 455 67 HashiCorp
facebook facebook/react-native 3578 2951 205 21 401 11
ParadiseSS13 ParadiseSS13/Paradise 3363 2788 226 216 133 15
dotnet dotnet/roslyn 3325 2365 308 228 424 50
ManageIQ ManageIQ/manageiq 3168 2094 535 504 35 87
home-assistant home-assistant/home-assistant 3069 2363 285 188 233 71
cockroachdb cockroachdb/cockroach 2986 2098 268 325 295 24
DefinitelyTyped DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped 2795 1631 520 532 112 292
magento magento/magento2 2586 2151 106 60 269 48
ampproject ampproject/amphtml 2438 1504 360 302 272 53
brave brave/browser-laptop 2428 1584 133 255 456 22
caskroom caskroom/homebrew-cask 2404 604 1057 661 82 161
Microsoft Microsoft/TypeScript 2367 1547 92 267 461 24
elastic elastic/elasticsearch 2321 1513 189 386 233 46
ElemeFE ElemeFE/element 2297 1409 133 99 656 31
eclipse eclipse/che 2290 1329 161 570 230 40
JuliaLang JuliaLang/julia 2266 1527 166 390 183 41
ManageIQ ManageIQ/manageiq-ui-classic 2260 1531 394 309 26 56
flutter flutter/flutter 2225 1408 274 252 291 23
fchollet/keras 2212 1485 199 188 340 68
zulip zulip/zulip 2155 1674 283 26 172 11
Automattic Automattic/jetpack 2116 1116 198 672 130 48 Automattic Jetpack
Microsoft Microsoft/visualfsharp 2089 1728 128 113 120 24
grpc grpc/grpc 2082 1517 221 183 161 35
dart-lang dart-lang/sdk 2077 901 17 887 272 55
freeCodeCamp freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp 2062 1500 90 72 400 41
dmlc dmlc/mxnet 1987 1213 200 287 287 72
angular angular/material2 1965 1298 141 187 339 28
mattermost mattermost/platform 1956 1128 305 449 74 32
go-gitea go-gitea/gitea 1956 1482 144 136 194 23
Microsoft Microsoft/CNTK 1939 416 20 1376 127 51
rails rails/rails 1927 1290 239 236 162 60
EFForg EFForg/https-everywhere 1915 798 530 532 55 45
Radarr Radarr/Radarr 1906 1407 86 129 284 20
opendatakit opendatakit/collect 1895 1448 164 109 174 37
gradle gradle/gradle 1885 758 78 872 177 38
aspnet aspnet/EntityFramework 1864 1289 82 263 230 22
department-of-veterans-affairs department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow 1855 566 179 916 194 27
CartoDB CartoDB/cartodb 1823 795 93 796 139 16
keybase keybase/client 1813 705 225 784 99 21
librenms librenms/librenms 1804 1331 195 188 90 30
driftyco driftyco/ionic 1769 1189 43 173 364 27
ant-design ant-design/ant-design 1736 1100 118 175 343 35
dotnet dotnet/cli 1730 1273 98 138 221 28 dotnet
chapel-lang chapel-lang/chapel 1715 928 360 328 99 22
kubernetes kubernetes/ 1698 693 432 486 87 111
CleverRaven CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA 1696 1237 191 120 148 31
elastic elastic/kibana 1680 1073 187 183 237 25
eggjs eggjs/egg 1655 1150 66 281 158 26
openssl openssl/openssl 1652 1056 217 305 74 27
npm npm/npm 1646 1227 29 103 287 12
department-of-veterans-affairs department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-website 1644 470 210 939 25 38
mantidproject mantidproject/mantid 1617 468 130 889 130 38
apache apache/trafficserver 1593 1383 66 101 43 22
vmware vmware/vic 1583 946 183 202 252 31
openshift openshift/openshift-ansible 1576 1175 213 139 49 26
highfidelity highfidelity/hifi 1563 999 252 278 34 31
ReactTraining ReactTraining/react-router 1548 1138 80 126 204 38
pingcap pingcap/tidb 1538 691 196 622 29 44
mesosphere mesosphere/marathon 1537 1072 40 378 47 20
Microsoft Microsoft/pxt 1519 521 147 653 198 13
scikit-learn scikit-learn/scikit-learn 1502 1241 103 55 103 44
electron electron/electron 1501 987 81 247 186 36
odoo odoo/odoo 1497 669 309 384 135 75
Necrobot-Private Necrobot-Private/NecroBot 1494 846 97 344 207 14
RocketChat RocketChat/Rocket.Chat 1487 926 123 209 229 20
Baystation12 Baystation12/Baystation12 1475 982 186 147 160 28
bitcoin bitcoin/bitcoin 1468 1203 165 39 61 18
TrinityCore TrinityCore/TrinityCore 1455 1045 59 234 117 35
vaadin vaadin/framework 1441 862 137 295 147 34
ScreepsOCS ScreepsOCS/screeps.behaviour-action-pattern 1441 577 162 612 90 12
LLNL LLNL/spack 1435 813 246 310 66 36
atom atom/atom 1435 929 50 304 152 24
crate crate/crate 1433 124 213 1078 18 15
minetest minetest/minetest 1430 1221 67 57 85 22
webpack webpack/webpack 1423 1137 63 63 160 24
sympy sympy/sympy 1419 1138 141 53 87 31
betaflight betaflight/betaflight 1414 1032 143 115 124 27
mlr-org mlr-org/mlr 1410 653 85 547 125 32
owncloud owncloud/core 1403 867 108 334 94 25
ARMmbed ARMmbed/mbed-os 1399 1073 141 87 98 36
mozilla mozilla/ 1395 974 44 290 87 60
TEAMMATES TEAMMATES/teammates 1392 923 130 164 175 46
PowerShell PowerShell/PowerShell 1380 1038 92 98 152 30
facebookincubator facebookincubator/create-react-app 1377 1132 85 34 126 18
mitodl mitodl/micromasters 1369 460 140 645 124 14
hazelcast hazelcast/hazelcast 1364 968 142 183 71 21
opentx opentx/opentx 1360 873 91 278 118 16
numpy numpy/numpy 1358 1140 76 63 79 27
PX4 PX4/Firmware 1352 947 121 158 126 20
greenplum-db greenplum-db/gpdb 1330 781 217 302 30 50
kubernetes kubernetes/test-infra 1328 946 186 164 32 35
nextcloud nextcloud/server 1328 883 60 162 223 22
chain chain/chain 1322 442 191 678 11 21
prettier prettier/prettier 1319 951 118 103 147 30
wordpress-mobile wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android 1291 525 131 502 133 14
ant-design ant-design/ant-design-mobile 1291 834 30 270 157 13
mapbox mapbox/mapbox-gl-native 1279 574 121 436 148 35
matplotlib matplotlib/matplotlib 1278 958 124 90 106 30
corda corda/corda 1264 378 173 694 19 31
deeplearning4j deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j 1257 803 80 227 147 26
WordPress WordPress/gutenberg 1254 641 175 399 39 12
docker docker/ 1254 408 333 300 213 65
checkstyle checkstyle/checkstyle 1252 1025 144 23 60 14
mozilla mozilla/addons-server 1251 604 94 427 126 61
medic medic/medic-webapp 1230 848 49 222 111 12
Cadasta Cadasta/cadasta-platform 1229 816 122 209 82 24
grafana grafana/grafana 1223 858 69 60 236 15
radare/radare2 1223 827 143 117 136 16
Microsoft Microsoft/vsts-tasks 1219 662 144 324 89 35
apinf apinf/platform 1219 697 52 325 145 11
xitu xitu/gold-miner 1211 808 54 234 115 31
fossasia fossasia/phimpme-android 1208 769 135 184 120 22
woocommerce woocommerce/woocommerce 1202 618 156 191 237 15
dgraph-io dgraph-io/dgraph 1196 572 72 481 71 11
minishift minishift/minishift 1192 995 48 58 91 12
prestodb prestodb/presto 1191 815 156 130 90 33
Azure Azure/azure-cli 1190 733 154 123 180 17
fastlane fastlane/fastlane 1182 851 84 59 188 19
ponylang ponylang/ponyc 1172 747 108 253 64 19
paritytech paritytech/parity 1169 296 123 414 336 20
KratosMultiphysics KratosMultiphysics/Kratos 1149 585 92 428 44 31
inverse-inc inverse-inc/packetfence 1143 364 38 654 87 14
voidlinux voidlinux/void-packages 1141 373 154 566 48 44
primefaces primefaces/primeng 1140 685 36 185 234 22
pymedusa pymedusa/Medusa 1133 494 126 443 70 12
rapid7 rapid7/metasploit-framework 1129 874 95 110 50 47
metabase metabase/metabase 1128 709 62 217 140 13
aspnet aspnet/Docs 1127 463 240 369 55 61
mgp25/Instagram-API 1119 645 42 328 104 16
hrydgard/ppsspp 1115 761 68 193 93 11
Promact Promact/trappist 1114 65 133 899 17 24
facebook facebook/react 1109 818 111 86 94 27
certbot certbot/certbot 1103 751 99 166 87 28
githubteacher/march-developers 1103 364 154 407 178 172
Mashape Mashape/kong 1099 683 81 244 91 18
dotCMS dotCMS/core 1094 427 134 303 230 17
pandas-dev pandas-dev/pandas 1093 842 88 33 130 20
bazelbuild bazelbuild/bazel 1085 864 22 55 144 21
ArduPilot ArduPilot/ardupilot 1081 775 122 121 63 35
mozilla mozilla/addons-frontend 1079 442 74 441 122 60
twbs twbs/bootstrap 1077 732 69 107 169 22
google google/protobuf 1075 844 80 70 81 21 Google
tensorflow tensorflow/models 1072 770 78 102 122 43
circleci circleci/circleci-docs 1071 347 218 465 41 40
akeneo akeneo/pim-community-dev 1070 151 198 703 18 32
iNavFlight iNavFlight/inav 1049 776 77 112 84 12
xcat2 xcat2/xcat-core 1046 689 120 115 122 19
Ultimaker Ultimaker/Cura 1046 631 41 270 104 16
bioconda bioconda/bioconda-recipes 1041 431 313 268 29 63
getsentry getsentry/sentry 1038 369 128 492 49 30
RIOT-OS RIOT-OS/RIOT 1035 834 100 79 22 23
ethcore ethcore/parity 1034 391 119 437 87 19
pypa pypa/pip 1031 916 37 30 48 11
habitat-sh habitat-sh/habitat 1030 661 81 202 86 22
openwhisk openwhisk/openwhisk 1028 773 115 77 63 24
pfnet pfnet/chainer 1019 552 121 316 30 35
eslint eslint/eslint 1016 648 98 169 101 15
k9mail k9mail/k-9 1010 779 85 60 86 22
spf13/hugo 1006 765 54 92 95 27
RPCS3 RPCS3/rpcs3 1003 778 64 49 112 18
devtools-html devtools-html/debugger.html 996 540 159 186 111 48
systemd systemd/systemd 993 728 92 76 97 36
apollographql apollographql/apollo-client 991 685 77 139 90 29
GoogleCloudPlatform GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-node 990 627 55 232 76 14 Google
kubernetes kubernetes/ingress 985 706 104 86 89 35 Kubernetes
influxdata influxdata/chronograf 977 248 96 512 121 13
devopsdays devopsdays/devopsdays-web 975 280 321 363 11 66
druid-io druid-io/druid 974 715 103 91 65 22
wireapp wireapp/wire-webapp 973 78 141 740 14 13
modxcms modxcms/revolution 973 817 73 51 32 22
palantir palantir/blueprint 973 564 80 230 99 26
syl20bnr/spacemacs 959 762 77 25 95 21
minio minio/minio 955 630 112 115 98 14
appirio-tech appirio-tech/connect-app 952 583 81 121 167 18
istio istio/manager 949 541 158 199 51 16
frappe frappe/erpnext 948 403 118 159 268 27
Microsoft Microsoft/WinObjC 946 502 137 157 150 18
idaholab idaholab/moose 945 625 127 137 56 25
reactioncommerce reactioncommerce/reaction 942 406 62 388 86 21
pytorch pytorch/pytorch 942 585 120 93 144 28
conda-forge conda-forge/staged-recipes 938 668 156 102 12 18
callemall callemall/material-ui 935 665 89 70 111 19
mautic mautic/mautic 932 620 80 65 167 14
pymc-devs pymc-devs/pymc3 928 692 74 100 62 23
kontena kontena/kontena 927 404 78 386 59 13
openshift openshift/openshift-docs 924 527 193 193 11 47
containous containous/traefik 921 675 65 79 102 18
OfficeDev OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react 920 499 110 185 126 34
istio istio/mixer 920 616 158 107 39 11
VOREStation VOREStation/VOREStation 919 345 191 322 61 14
zeit zeit/next.js 917 633 58 97 129 30
Project-OSRM Project-OSRM/osrm-backend 916 406 61 381 68 17
fabric8io fabric8io/fabric8-planner 914 355 178 187 194 26
cockpit-project cockpit-project/cockpit 911 611 108 159 33 15
raspberrypi raspberrypi/documentation 907 573 64 249 21 43
d3athrow/vgstation13 907 709 64 69 65 20
OpenAngelArena OpenAngelArena/oaa 907 561 140 114 92 13
ISWPOLI ISWPOLI/Pacto-de-Honor 902 490 26 249 137 24
SeleniumHQ SeleniumHQ/selenium 902 564 19 177 142 23
trilinos trilinos/Trilinos 900 579 22 218 81 34
the-control-group the-control-group/voyager 899 618 88 76 117 22
NativeScript NativeScript/NativeScript 896 536 80 163 117 16
Cacti Cacti/cacti 888 536 20 190 142 11
pachyderm pachyderm/pachyderm 885 321 76 376 112 12
OpenRA OpenRA/OpenRA 882 682 73 54 73 11
meteor meteor/meteor 878 698 31 64 85 15
openSUSE openSUSE/open-build-service 875 509 165 171 30 20
koding koding/koding 872 114 142 564 52 14
dotnet dotnet/docs 867 414 169 218 66 51
phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin 865 580 36 179 70 32
sakaiproject sakaiproject/sakai 865 479 191 184 11 30
facebook facebook/jest 864 655 92 23 94 15
airbnb airbnb/superset 863 463 102 163 135 15
broadinstitute broadinstitute/gatk 862 593 46 138 85 17
facebook facebook/immutable-js 861 375 85 361 40 15
WhisperSystems WhisperSystems/Signal-Android 858 653 22 52 131 12
fossasia fossasia/open-event-android 850 474 108 168 100 23
influxdata influxdata/influxdb 847 501 61 183 102 14
oss-gate oss-gate/workshop 842 761 32 27 22 19
lyft lyft/envoy 842 380 106 315 41 21
Cloud-CV Cloud-CV/EvalAI 841 568 90 112 71 19
uclouvain uclouvain/osis 841 278 109 382 72 17
mpv-player mpv-player/mpv 841 682 22 59 78 17
domoticz domoticz/domoticz 840 534 119 156 31 32
aspnet aspnet/KestrelHttpServer 833 435 76 271 51 12
JeffreyWay/laravel-mix 829 607 19 68 135 12
fabric8io fabric8io/fabric8-ui 828 448 144 181 55 20
fuse-box fuse-box/fuse-box 825 503 38 198 86 12
blei-lab blei-lab/edward 825 226 65 496 38 17
quicwg quicwg/base-drafts 823 317 50 427 29 11
z-song/laravel-admin 823 512 74 94 143 12
crystal-lang crystal-lang/crystal 822 650 43 43 86 17
driftyco driftyco/ionic-native 821 400 72 238 111 60
zooniverse zooniverse/Panoptes-Front-End 821 393 102 268 58 19
eclipse eclipse/omr 819 527 138 118 36 32
w3c w3c/web-platform-tests 817 471 155 162 29 48
bloomberg bloomberg/bucklescript 816 432 106 191 87 17
serverless serverless/serverless 814 615 56 72 71 27
Homebrew Homebrew/brew 813 527 115 114 57 25
hydroshare hydroshare/hydroshare 812 368 39 365 40 15
oppia oppia/oppia 811 648 80 44 39 18
pioneers pioneers/PieCentral 806 112 112 568 14 28
Cockatrice Cockatrice/Cockatrice 805 579 64 93 69 11
astropy astropy/astropy 804 685 32 49 38 22
GoogleCloudPlatform GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-python 804 558 59 124 63 12 Google
antlr antlr/antlr4 801 612 60 83 46 14
openSUSE openSUSE/osem 801 643 65 45 48 20
vgstation-coders vgstation-coders/vgstation13 798 665 54 34 45 11
ymcatwincities ymcatwincities/openy 797 620 69 87 21 13
wordpress-mobile wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS 795 319 103 307 66 16
FriendsOfPHP FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer 793 615 64 89 25 15
GoogleCloudPlatform GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-java 792 533 89 86 84 20 Google
plotly plotly/plotly.js 785 489 54 184 58 11
docker docker/compose 782 578 48 61 95 29
neo4j neo4j/neo4j 782 275 186 288 33 25
convox convox/rack 778 336 79 307 56 12
open-mpi open-mpi/ompi 778 517 114 104 43 20
yarpc yarpc/yarpc-go 776 166 80 489 41 13
mapsme mapsme/omim 774 315 216 217 26 19
openscholar openscholar/openscholar 773 459 39 223 52 11
obspy obspy/obspy 772 476 48 219 29 14
18F 18F/fec-cms 771 452 56 213 50 12
babel babel/babel 771 539 84 77 71 20
codenvy codenvy/codenvy 769 356 53 232 128 21
Azure Azure/azure-rest-api-specs 767 595 83 61 28 38
4teamwork 4teamwork/opengever.core 766 177 90 426 73 13
cocos2d cocos2d/cocos2d-x 765 470 112 102 81 19
almighty almighty/almighty-core 764 463 100 99 102 14
scipy scipy/scipy 759 576 60 50 73 23
rcbops rcbops/rpc-openstack 759 344 123 259 33 15
airyland/vux 758 458 26 116 158 11
keepassxreboot keepassxreboot/keepassxc 755 529 35 128 63 17
aspnet aspnet/Mvc 752 460 42 150 100 17
google google/ExoPlayer 748 587 11 34 116 13 Google
galaxyproject galaxyproject/galaxy 748 464 116 103 65 17
JMRI JMRI/JMRI 746 474 123 119 30 20
influxdata influxdata/telegraf 742 554 47 54 87 14
mitchellh/packer 741 499 64 99 79 15
vaadin vaadin/vaadin-grid 739 375 44 274 46 11
lampepfl lampepfl/dotty 736 542 81 69 44 12
spesmilo spesmilo/electrum 736 465 18 138 115 11
BVLC BVLC/caffe 735 565 46 23 101 14
PaddlePaddle PaddlePaddle/Paddle 734 322 144 164 104 25
openMF openMF/community-app 734 476 104 72 82 16
LMMS LMMS/lmms 733 593 34 60 46 18
archesproject archesproject/arches 732 213 127 328 64 12
JabRef JabRef/jabref 732 443 54 181 54 19
freeorion freeorion/freeorion 732 429 49 217 37 12
wix wix/wix-style-react 730 41 46 627 16 30
streamlink streamlink/streamlink 730 581 46 45 58 11
junit-team junit-team/junit5 730 355 24 310 41 12
playframework playframework/playframework 723 456 119 96 52 19
Microsoft Microsoft/msbuild 722 508 59 57 98 12
hashicorp hashicorp/nomad 717 378 73 204 62 25 HashiCorp
mlpack mlpack/mlpack 716 564 54 73 25 22
dotnet dotnet/docfx 715 263 126 310 16 11 dotnet
AjuntamentdeBarcelona AjuntamentdeBarcelona/decidim 714 231 83 337 63 12
Minecolonies Minecolonies/minecolonies 711 445 31 178 57 11
azavea azavea/raster-foundry 711 198 81 296 136 17
cosname cosname/ 710 258 231 203 18 19
amahi amahi/android 710 467 89 66 88 16
sphinx-doc sphinx-doc/sphinx 706 473 56 114 63 19
Azure Azure/azure-powershell 705 470 88 75 72 39
kubernetes kubernetes/charts 704 528 67 88 21 38 Kubernetes
PolarisSS13 PolarisSS13/Polaris 703 393 152 142 16 15
fabric-composer fabric-composer/fabric-composer 703 238 172 176 117 23
Azure Azure/acs-engine 702 493 65 82 62 22
marmelab marmelab/admin-on-rest 700 405 58 132 105 24
Semantic-Org Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React 700 429 49 149 73 15
bokeh bokeh/bokeh 700 418 50 161 71 12
Tendrl Tendrl/commons 698 174 164 328 32 11
nim-lang nim-lang/Nim 695 362 91 151 91 39
piwik piwik/piwik 695 419 49 133 94 14
mozilla-services mozilla-services/pageshot 695 348 68 141 138 14
openemr openemr/openemr 693 502 75 83 33 19
weaveworks weaveworks/scope 692 306 64 253 69 19
curl curl/curl 691 499 43 113 36 29
infernojs infernojs/inferno 690 448 35 160 47 24
dotnet dotnet/core-setup 686 453 70 118 45 18
TesseractTeam TesseractTeam/Tesseract 682 434 27 104 117 21
01org 01org/cc-oci-runtime 680 509 55 91 25 15
realm realm/realm-cocoa 680 501 22 89 68 13
claroline claroline/Distribution 679 147 72 388 72 22
iiitv iiitv/algos 676 364 61 191 60 15
owncloud owncloud/client 674 509 32 63 70 13
typetools typetools/checker-framework 673 371 74 184 44 12
prometheus prometheus/prometheus 672 509 39 64 60 20
mitchellh/vagrant 671 494 33 66 78 17
diffblue diffblue/cbmc 670 387 140 113 30 24
ung-it ung-it/UngIT 669 30 60 556 23 11
Microsoft Microsoft/vcpkg 666 355 68 152 91 24 Microsoft vscode
elementary elementary/appcenter 664 232 55 239 138 18
kubernetes-incubator kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog 664 473 81 66 44 13
sqlcollaborative sqlcollaborative/dbatools 663 275 81 254 53 23
halide halide/Halide 662 263 65 315 19 11
marcobambini/gravity 662 410 52 136 64 20
adobe adobe/brackets 659 421 49 110 79 18
fossasia fossasia/open-event-webapp 654 441 57 97 59 14
pixijs pixijs/pixi.js 653 454 28 96 75 12
dotnet dotnet/corefxlab 653 426 81 109 37 11
AnalyticalGraphicsInc AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium 653 376 60 173 44 19
kubernetes kubernetes/helm 652 431 77 55 89 25 Kubernetes
rtfd rtfd/ 652 446 33 115 58 11
mamedev mamedev/mame 651 188 87 365 11 54
africanmathsinitiative africanmathsinitiative/Instat 651 384 107 109 51 12
fossasia fossasia/open-event-orga-server 651 359 90 115 87 21
kirmich kirmich/mustang 651 91 101 356 103 12
Azure Azure/autorest 651 346 115 80 110 14
YetiForceCompany YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM 650 283 73 177 117 11
mapbox mapbox/mapbox-gl-js 648 377 51 123 97 18
dotnet dotnet/roslyn-project-system 647 440 59 52 96 14
wireapp wireapp/wire-ios 646 138 112 383 13 15
Microsoft Microsoft/UWPCommunityToolkit 645 505 36 69 35 19
wix wix/react-native-navigation 645 322 39 170 114 18
python python/mypy 644 433 61 59 91 18
palantir palantir/atlasdb 642 234 61 309 38 28
palantir palantir/tslint 642 356 93 109 84 19
openwrt openwrt/packages 640 400 102 116 22 44
learningequality learningequality/kolibri 639 315 136 134 54 14
aio-libs aio-libs/aiohttp 638 411 20 157 50 13
erikras/redux-form 638 479 26 36 97 16
Zarel/Pokemon-Showdown 638 357 101 167 13 27
salesagility salesagility/SuiteCRM 638 447 69 37 85 19
KhronosGroup KhronosGroup/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers 637 250 69 267 51 28
openMF openMF/self-service-app 635 407 101 36 91 15
dmwm dmwm/WMCore 631 470 52 75 34 12
Theano Theano/Theano 630 478 56 22 74 12
akka akka/akka 626 441 87 40 58 15
angular angular/material 622 466 36 49 71 23
TryGhost TryGhost/Ghost 622 334 66 153 69 11
termux termux/termux-packages 619 389 32 138 60 12
ultrabug/py3status 618 291 77 235 15 13
elysium-project elysium-project/server 618 312 87 89 130 20
HippieStation HippieStation/HippieStation13 616 405 48 94 69 17
openaddresses openaddresses/openaddresses 613 270 101 220 22 13
artsy artsy/force 611 301 129 135 46 22
chartjs chartjs/Chart.js 611 449 31 31 100 11
home-assistant home-assistant/ 610 240 165 190 15 96
Charcoal-SE Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector 608 107 48 441 12 24
MovingBlocks MovingBlocks/Terasology 605 508 47 25 25 20
hyperledger hyperledger/iroha 605 176 51 350 28 15
status-im status-im/status-react 602 211 50 265 76 15
HabitRPG HabitRPG/habitica 600 337 61 168 34 12
KC3Kai KC3Kai/KC3Kai 600 409 43 96 52 12
nvaccess nvaccess/nvda 596 398 19 80 99 13
Polymer Polymer/polymer 592 351 39 109 93 14
magefree magefree/mage 592 280 85 171 56 19
cplusplus cplusplus/draft 591 307 49 182 53 11
eclipse eclipse/kura 590 293 86 157 54 14
sequelize sequelize/sequelize 589 399 39 22 129 16
dotnet dotnet/sdk 588 430 39 37 82 14
atomist atomist/rug 588 159 62 323 44 18
uber uber/ 586 141 110 304 31 15
bigchaindb bigchaindb/bigchaindb 586 228 76 220 62 16
RocketMap RocketMap/RocketMap 585 475 56 34 20 16
ONSdigital ONSdigital/eq-survey-runner 584 116 54 393 21 13
NativeScript NativeScript/nativescript-cli 583 285 58 188 52 23
broadinstitute broadinstitute/cromwell 582 306 34 199 43 14
angular angular/angular.js 581 415 57 53 56 11 Angular
monero-project/monero 579 375 94 82 28 24
infinitered infinitered/ignite 577 290 79 136 72 16
almende almende/vis 577 400 33 40 104 12
Axelrod-Python Axelrod-Python/Axelrod 575 348 66 143 18 12
lhorie/mithril.js 575 428 34 58 55 19
frappe frappe/frappe 574 121 179 245 29 31
Courseplay Courseplay/courseplay 572 392 47 58 75 17
shadowsocks shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev 571 418 26 45 82 15
wekan wekan/wekan 567 386 21 96 64 13
airbnb airbnb/react-native-maps 566 416 29 37 84 18
bolt bolt/bolt 566 334 72 134 26 12
humhub humhub/humhub 566 294 38 153 81 13
deeplearning4j deeplearning4j/nd4j 563 321 31 173 38 15
mitmproxy mitmproxy/mitmproxy 563 312 91 100 60 21
eclipse eclipse/jetty.project 563 329 18 147 69 19
telerik telerik/kendo-ui-core 562 95 36 305 126 37
RaRe-Technologies RaRe-Technologies/gensim 560 437 50 44 29 19
qTox qTox/qTox 559 423 53 41 42 13
OWASP OWASP/owasp-mstg 559 93 51 225 190 16
payara payara/Payara 559 429 48 50 32 18
kubernetes kubernetes/minikube 559 392 65 53 49 18 Kubernetes
elastic elastic/beats 558 344 96 76 42 14
auth0 auth0/docs 558 68 179 275 36 45
GoogleChrome GoogleChrome/lighthouse 558 303 56 144 55 15
Homebrew Homebrew/homebrew-science 557 401 73 60 23 35
wagtail wagtail/wagtail 556 388 69 59 40 33
Midburn Midburn/Spark 556 220 80 215 41 20
mozilla mozilla/testpilot 556 229 36 231 60 61
openstates openstates/openstates 553 295 94 100 64 12
RestComm RestComm/Restcomm-Connect 552 281 25 148 98 14
dealii dealii/dealii 552 326 113 89 24 12
buildbot buildbot/buildbot 551 236 65 39 211 19
react-community react-community/create-react-native-app 548 383 17 62 86 11
portainer portainer/portainer 547 356 36 65 90 11
aimacode aimacode/aima-python 546 285 139 78 44 23
mozilla mozilla/brackets 546 436 50 45 15 18
mesonbuild mesonbuild/meson 544 370 55 64 55 17
girder girder/girder 544 253 61 204 26 17
jitsi jitsi/jitsi-meet 544 319 50 138 37 14
plone plone/plone.restapi 543 242 43 215 43 12
ppy ppy/osu 541 230 149 144 18 17
explosion explosion/spaCy 541 273 24 187 57 21
eclipse eclipse/kapua 540 180 56 265 39 15
valor-software valor-software/ng2-bootstrap 540 371 30 41 98 14
dotnet dotnet/orleans 540 347 81 82 30 17 dotnet
cBioPortal cBioPortal/cbioportal 538 207 68 224 39 24
moment moment/moment 538 391 29 63 55 39
google google/guetzli 538 367 45 38 88 12 Google
Azure Azure/azure-sdk-for-net 538 285 120 96 37 36
projecthydra-labs projecthydra-labs/hyrax 536 187 92 203 54 17
styled-components styled-components/styled-components 535 375 23 65 72 14
centreon centreon/centreon 534 161 27 281 65 19
kubernetes kubernetes/dashboard 534 358 49 59 68 12
youtube youtube/vitess 533 309 96 97 31 20
vuetifyjs vuetifyjs/vuetify 531 174 21 238 98 11
ManageIQ ManageIQ/integration_tests 528 172 180 163 13 27
Particular Particular/ 526 230 56 218 22 29
tomchristie/django-rest-framework 526 342 59 73 52 27
HerculesWS HerculesWS/Hercules 526 379 44 81 22 17
bjorn/tiled 524 410 32 49 33 16
citusdata citusdata/citus 524 211 28 271 14 15
openthread openthread/openthread 521 267 118 105 31 20
neomutt neomutt/neomutt 520 336 22 135 27 14
djangocon djangocon/ 518 159 58 261 40 20
42shpimanmls 42shpimanmls/42sh 517 195 46 236 40 19
libretro libretro/RetroArch 516 294 11 146 65 12
HTBox HTBox/allReady 515 333 55 51 76 21
matrix-org matrix-org/synapse 513 216 49 217 31 14
ibogicevic/SCADinspect 513 108 42 275 88 30
simulationcraft simulationcraft/simc 512 152 13 301 46 23
pybee pybee/voc 512 322 103 54 33 24
ballerinalang ballerinalang/composer 512 133 167 171 41 21
elixir-lang elixir-lang/elixir 512 331 95 57 29 19
ESMCI ESMCI/cime 512 310 47 96 59 11
alibaba alibaba/weex 511 324 28 42 117 14
wso2 wso2/product-ei 511 231 71 72 137 13
lerna lerna/lerna 510 375 45 42 48 15
Dolibarr Dolibarr/dolibarr 508 130 81 226 71 23
deployphp deployphp/deployer 506 307 50 117 32 11
zeromq zeromq/libzmq 506 267 113 108 18 90
wireapp wireapp/wire-android 506 210 60 207 29 11
duckduckgo duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies 503 333 59 82 29 31
dotnet dotnet/corert 503 188 140 151 24 27
sgmap sgmap/ 500 134 83 269 14 28
pi-hole pi-hole/pi-hole 499 307 52 110 30 12
47deg 47deg/freestyle 499 79 44 339 37 11
nodejs nodejs/abi-stable-node 499 343 63 60 33 11
exercism exercism/x-common 498 269 105 106 18 22
python python/typeshed 497 256 127 90 24 32
intel-analytics intel-analytics/BigDL 496 176 133 127 60 21
monero-project/monero-core 495 263 99 89 44 18
facebook facebook/AsyncDisplayKit 493 243 69 123 58 14
clab clab/dynet 493 334 34 75 50 14
yandex yandex/ClickHouse 493 136 81 247 29 24
vanilla vanilla/vanilla 492 97 93 258 44 14
micropython micropython/micropython 491 300 24 122 45 12
SatelliteQE SatelliteQE/robottelo 490 241 101 115 33 18
leanprover leanprover/lean 490 305 60 89 36 11
codex-team codex-team/ 487 46 40 336 65 13
Tendrl Tendrl/node-agent 487 133 112 217 25 11
MoonchildProductions MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon 486 327 37 92 30 11
channelcat/sanic 485 332 55 48 50 25
weaveworks weaveworks/weave 483 245 26 180 32 12
hashicorp hashicorp/vault 482 234 44 132 72 21 HashiCorp
chef chef/chef 482 207 55 198 22 19
KiCad KiCad/kicad-library 481 380 50 35 16 17
http4s http4s/http4s 481 191 74 191 25 17
espressif espressif/esp-idf 480 365 22 22 71 12
hydrabolt/discord.js 479 226 44 170 39 14
BitcoinUnlimited BitcoinUnlimited/BitcoinUnlimited 479 340 65 52 22 11
NodeBB NodeBB/NodeBB 476 230 20 164 62 13
nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware 472 356 34 44 38 11
BabylonJS BabylonJS/Babylon.js 472 154 102 171 45 27
octobercms octobercms/october 471 360 18 39 54 11
facebook facebook/osquery 469 326 54 50 39 15
racaljk/hosts 469 361 30 40 38 17
opencart opencart/opencart 468 317 34 62 55 13
NuCivic NuCivic/dkan 468 91 71 295 11 16
Alexpux/MINGW-packages 468 235 93 99 41 26
githubteacher/dev-mar-6 465 163 55 182 65 55
mozilla mozilla/fxa-auth-server 464 163 61 216 24 13
material-components material-components/material-components-web 463 238 38 135 52 21
iovisor iovisor/bcc 461 342 45 49 25 20
emberjs emberjs/ember.js 460 303 70 47 40 18
strongloop strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler 458 363 28 55 12 20
concrete5 concrete5/concrete5 457 240 65 98 54 16
NREL NREL/EnergyPlus 457 259 31 147 20 13
laradock laradock/laradock 456 314 43 55 44 22
akka akka/akka-http 455 339 40 25 51 12
awesomeWM awesomeWM/awesome 454 313 43 56 42 16
galaxyproject galaxyproject/galaxy-hub 454 119 24 291 20 14
thoughtbot thoughtbot/administrate 450 323 37 77 13 30
HandBrake HandBrake/HandBrake 449 319 15 67 48 11
acemod acemod/ACE3 449 283 47 74 45 17
cerner cerner/terra-ui 448 70 48 286 44 22
OpenRCT2 OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 447 323 42 53 29 17
code-corps code-corps/code-corps-ember 447 139 51 220 37 14
NuGet NuGet/NuGetGallery 446 191 40 113 102 17
red red/red 446 214 11 162 59 11
FStarLang FStarLang/FStar 444 105 17 291 31 19
kubernetes-incubator kubernetes-incubator/bootkube 442 341 40 29 32 12
vmware vmware/clarity 441 255 37 58 91 12
mozilla-services mozilla-services/screenshots 440 166 39 190 45 48
gocd gocd/gocd 440 241 79 73 47 17
google google/gapid 440 140 120 124 56 12 Google
bootstrap-vue bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue 438 219 27 142 50 15
KELiON/cerebro 436 326 30 40 40 18
PaddlePaddle PaddlePaddle/book 435 115 133 147 40 29
malonnnn/ServerConfig 435 43 205 158 29 15
jwplayer jwplayer/jwplayer 435 154 64 196 21 12
Roll20 Roll20/roll20-character-sheets 434 153 127 143 11 52
glpi-project glpi-project/glpi 432 219 53 93 67 16
angular-ui angular-ui/ui-grid 431 252 36 81 62 14
acquia acquia/blt 431 177 84 129 41 18
google google/seq2seq 430 222 53 95 60 12 Google
mozilla-neutrino mozilla-neutrino/neutrino-dev 428 270 50 72 36 13
rmosolgo/graphql-ruby 427 215 56 129 27 17
ucb-bar ucb-bar/rocket-chip 426 117 63 235 11 16
online-go online-go/ 425 213 40 66 106 11
notepad-plus-plus notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus 424 248 27 29 120 15
webpack-contrib webpack-contrib/css-loader 424 348 15 29 32 12
pantheon-systems pantheon-systems/documentation 424 109 60 211 44 33
dotnet dotnet/eShopOnContainers 421 199 32 154 36 13 dotnet
SparkDevNetwork SparkDevNetwork/Rock 419 160 33 185 41 20
google google/WebFundamentals 417 107 73 212 25 28 Google
cerebral cerebral/cerebral 417 181 54 163 19 21
sonata-project sonata-project/SonataAdminBundle 417 290 63 43 21 20
I2PC I2PC/scipion 415 154 25 188 48 14
metacurrency metacurrency/holochain 414 105 19 233 57 14
Zulko/moviepy 412 299 39 46 28 14
fabric8-ui fabric8-ui/fabric8-runtime-console 411 155 94 113 49 12
colinxfleming/dcaf_case_management 409 225 56 103 25 21
shogun-toolbox shogun-toolbox/shogun 409 277 55 52 25 13
docker docker/containerd 408 249 76 66 17 20 Docker
scrapy scrapy/scrapy 408 277 52 43 36 13
chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate 408 271 31 56 50 12
algolia algolia/instantsearch.js 407 155 30 179 43 14
ipfs ipfs/js-ipfs 406 239 29 125 13 12
kwsch/PKHeX 406 132 65 165 44 13
webpack-contrib webpack-contrib/style-loader 406 354 17 21 14 12
jsdelivr jsdelivr/jsdelivr 405 104 129 158 14 62
ReactionMechanismGenerator ReactionMechanismGenerator/RMG-Py 405 174 23 174 34 14
ampproject ampproject/docs 403 112 53 206 32 13
google google/oss-fuzz 402 192 43 139 28 17 Google
rpherbig/dr-scripts 400 213 47 92 48 15
Code4SocialGood/C4SG 400 184 72 71 73 25
w0rp/ale 400 251 25 79 45 26
PowerDNS PowerDNS/pdns 400 204 76 74 46 15
webpack webpack/ 399 146 82 153 18 53
MISP MISP/MISP 398 235 21 62 80 14
atomist atomist/end-user-documentation 398 74 25 275 24 13
alibaba alibaba/atlas 398 200 14 106 78 12
volumio/Volumio2 397 242 38 85 32 14
quasarframework quasarframework/quasar 397 198 21 125 53 11
kubernetes-incubator kubernetes-incubator/kargo 396 225 73 60 38 18
hangoutsbot hangoutsbot/hangoutsbot 394 212 21 135 26 11
Yelp Yelp/paasta 394 99 63 218 14 21
open-learning-exchange open-learning-exchange/ 393 265 53 40 35 16
AzureAD AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet 393 81 69 204 39 14
Miserlou/Zappa 392 239 16 102 35 14
linuxmint linuxmint/cinnamon-spices-applets 392 210 76 81 25 16
Free-Cities Free-Cities/Free-Cities 392 177 109 95 11 12
firebase firebase/functions-samples 391 240 35 62 54 23
lukesampson/scoop 391 191 30 144 26 17
terasolunaorg terasolunaorg/guideline 391 127 74 162 28 15
Azure Azure/sonic-buildimage 391 182 98 92 19 16
istio istio/istio 389 145 68 163 13 15
urho3d urho3d/Urho3D 389 250 14 86 39 13
diesel-rs diesel-rs/diesel 389 158 28 169 34 13
prebid prebid/Prebid.js 389 249 54 57 29 26
keystonejs keystonejs/keystone 389 230 21 98 40 13
wallabag wallabag/wallabag 389 267 19 44 59 13
Linuxbrew Linuxbrew/homebrew-core 387 187 100 72 28 19
Teradata Teradata/covalent 386 169 30 137 50 11
jgthms/bulma 385 272 29 36 48 17
StoneyJacksonOrg StoneyJacksonOrg/collaborate 385 49 98 86 152 19
apollographql apollographql/react-apollo 383 250 26 60 47 12
kubernetes-incubator kubernetes-incubator/kube-aws 383 282 37 34 30 11
SiamakSamie/SOEN341 382 47 48 264 23 16
facebook facebook/reason 382 238 42 62 40 12
jerryscript-project jerryscript-project/jerryscript 381 244 59 56 22 12
chef chef/inspec 381 168 49 118 46 16
idris-lang idris-lang/Idris-dev 380 258 21 70 31 15
reactjs reactjs/redux 379 283 41 33 22 23
aspnet aspnet/Razor 379 127 41 179 32 11
gitextensions gitextensions/gitextensions 379 216 21 99 43 30
01org 01org/corelibs-arduino101 378 278 43 39 18 11
csu2017sp314 csu2017sp314/class 378 46 120 201 11 83
AliasIO/Wappalyzer 377 237 59 52 29 13
mattermost mattermost/docs 376 64 75 208 29 12
rust-lang rust-lang/book 374 189 52 106 27 23
sebastianbergmann/phpunit 374 148 41 148 37 23
ceph ceph/ceph-ansible 373 197 41 107 28 14
jolocom jolocom/little-sister 372 31 40 249 52 14
biopython biopython/biopython 370 259 39 47 25 20
broadinstitute broadinstitute/gatk-protected 369 135 22 185 27 11
googlei18n googlei18n/libphonenumber 369 232 41 58 38 11 Google
gatsbyjs gatsbyjs/gatsby 369 166 50 131 22 19
HGustavs/LenaSYS 368 150 48 101 69 28
rackerlabs rackerlabs/rackspace-how-to 367 245 39 65 18 18
kamailio kamailio/kamailio 367 202 23 125 17 20
lagom lagom/lagom 366 217 41 67 41 16
nipy nipy/nipype 366 257 48 40 21 17
deepchem deepchem/deepchem 364 270 32 31 31 12
SnappyDataInc SnappyDataInc/snappydata 363 99 16 232 16 24
kubernetes kubernetes/community 363 247 59 46 11 37 Kubernetes
tiny-dnn tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn 362 295 22 24 21 11
angular angular/ 362 146 104 62 50 15 Angular
phoenixframework phoenixframework/phoenix 362 193 50 71 48 17
aspnet aspnet/SignalR 359 128 35 150 46 14
dotnet dotnet/core 359 255 34 39 31 14
grommet grommet/grommet 358 211 15 74 58 16
DataDog DataDog/dd-agent 358 66 52 226 14 24
haikuports haikuports/haikuports 357 186 50 106 15 12
howdyai howdyai/botkit 356 234 21 63 38 20
SharePoint SharePoint/PnP-Sites-Core 355 236 23 56 40 12
sksamuel/elastic4s 354 200 37 73 44 15
alibaba alibaba/rax 354 47 43 246 18 12
youzan youzan/zent 354 50 69 222 13 20
fpco fpco/stackage 353 144 64 126 19 48
googledatalab googledatalab/pydatalab 353 83 64 182 24 14 Google
Code4SocialGood/c4sg-web 352 109 61 55 127 18
ckan ckan/ckan 352 237 26 54 35 11
cerner cerner/terra-core 351 33 33 274 11 18
Financial-Times Financial-Times/polyfill-service 350 201 36 92 21 13
hzuapps hzuapps/android-labs-2017 348 110 110 66 62 59
Azure Azure/azure-quickstart-templates 346 108 121 98 19 58
lattice lattice/quda 346 152 21 160 13 11
realm realm/realm-js 345 187 30 97 31 13
Nukkit Nukkit/Nukkit 343 240 32 28 43 12
hak5 hak5/bashbunny-payloads 343 168 116 38 21 20
thelounge thelounge/lounge 343 227 27 74 15 11
MusicConnectionMachine MusicConnectionMachine/api 343 166 46 108 23 15
ibm-cds-labs ibm-cds-labs/pixiedust 342 116 29 129 68 12
smartdevicelink smartdevicelink/sdl_core 340 177 66 66 31 11
ofiwg ofiwg/libfabric 340 165 80 75 20 17
coreos coreos/prometheus-operator 340 219 49 45 27 12
tc39 tc39/test262 335 219 47 47 22 17
celery celery/celery 334 223 25 30 56 24
mobxjs mobxjs/mobx 332 246 21 25 40 13
canjs canjs/canjs 332 62 30 207 33 16
pimcore pimcore/pimcore 331 125 23 146 37 24
KAIST-IS521 KAIST-IS521/2017-Spring 330 146 62 81 41 37
pantsbuild pantsbuild/pants 328 130 73 86 39 16
iron-io iron-io/functions 327 148 40 113 26 11
marcosmoura/vue-material 327 229 21 23 54 15
OfficeDev OfficeDev/skype-docs 325 176 32 103 14 15
biolab biolab/orange3 324 138 71 59 56 11
google google/trillian 324 172 60 61 31 11 Google
Fyrd/caniuse 323 164 41 82 36 24
trailofbits trailofbits/mcsema 323 49 53 171 50 12
qmk qmk/qmk_firmware 323 204 43 55 21 33
kaldi-asr kaldi-asr/kaldi 320 237 37 25 21 15
OpenMS OpenMS/OpenMS 318 227 33 35 23 13
auth0 auth0/lock 318 178 37 61 42 15
googleapis googleapis/toolkit 318 174 66 59 19 11 Google
codecombat codecombat/codecombat 318 48 43 213 14 18
Leaflet Leaflet/Leaflet 317 223 21 24 49 16
cleanflight cleanflight/cleanflight 317 173 35 86 23 11
HospitalRun HospitalRun/hospitalrun-frontend 316 167 38 85 26 15
accidentalshakespeare accidentalshakespeare/company-site 315 42 75 187 11 16
WikiEducationFoundation WikiEducationFoundation/WikiEduDashboard 312 55 33 212 12 12
Polymer Polymer/docs 312 86 69 135 22 27
open-power open-power/op-build 311 119 79 91 22 14
gnuradio gnuradio/gnuradio 309 224 21 48 16 15
bwinton/SnoozeTabs 309 161 31 83 34 35
ligo-cbc ligo-cbc/pycbc 308 139 62 96 11 16
Leetcode-Tutorial Leetcode-Tutorial/Tutorial 308 30 57 181 40 12
SpongePowered SpongePowered/SpongeCommon 306 160 13 92 41 14
p4lang p4lang/p4c 304 177 44 50 33 11
doomspork/elixir-school 304 199 46 48 11 20
Jumpscale Jumpscale/jumpscale_core8 304 55 18 194 37 18
letscontrolit letscontrolit/ESPEasy 303 152 52 70 29 12
mfem mfem/mfem 302 116 16 156 14 18
valhalla valhalla/valhalla 302 104 51 132 15 12
scikit-image scikit-image/scikit-image 302 232 26 22 22 12
driftyco driftyco/ionic-site 301 26 14 249 12 13
wso2 wso2/carbon-apimgt 301 28 128 133 12 27
prometheus prometheus/node_exporter 300 193 28 54 25 12
mozilla mozilla/DeepSpeech 300 190 27 42 41 11
kubernetes kubernetes/heapster 298 235 23 27 13 18 Kubernetes
pivorakmeetup pivorakmeetup/pivorak-web-app 295 45 35 144 71 14
EC-CUBE EC-CUBE/ec-cube 294 155 51 44 44 14
projectcalico projectcalico/calico 294 156 49 40 49 11
cloud-elements cloud-elements/churros 293 36 64 174 19 24
sinonjs sinonjs/sinon 293 202 32 30 29 19
getsentry getsentry/raven-js 292 199 28 46 19 12
Shippable Shippable/base 292 64 79 80 69 20
audiokit audiokit/AudioKit 291 182 17 43 49 11
aiidateam aiidateam/aiida_core 291 95 56 102 38 13
DarkstarProject DarkstarProject/darkstar 291 164 42 52 33 14
kivy kivy/kivy 287 187 25 38 37 14
DynamoDS DynamoDS/Dynamo 286 137 77 54 18 13
ianstormtaylor/slate 286 152 26 73 35 11
bulletphysics bulletphysics/bullet3 286 158 55 56 17 16
Automattic Automattic/wp-e2e-tests 283 96 51 122 14 12 Automattic Calypso
BOINC BOINC/boinc 283 132 29 109 13 12
yahoo yahoo/pulsar 283 146 54 65 18 13
ballerinalang ballerinalang/ballerina 283 79 70 78 56 19
emberjs emberjs/data 282 167 39 60 16 17
Moya Moya/Moya 282 207 15 28 32 12
STEllAR-GROUP STEllAR-GROUP/hpx 281 87 40 143 11 15
plone plone/Products.CMFPlone 280 210 16 32 22 11
Endless-Horizon Endless-Horizon/CEV-Eris 280 54 55 114 57 13
devtools-html devtools-html/devtools-core 279 74 58 117 30 17
ofi-cray ofi-cray/libfabric-cray 278 157 36 47 38 11
serghey-rodin/vesta 277 152 23 74 28 11
MichMich/MagicMirror 277 168 50 43 16 14
Codeception Codeception/Codeception 276 188 26 35 27 13
Netflix Netflix/security_monkey 276 159 33 45 39 13
uber-go uber-go/zap 275 152 36 65 22 15
travis-ci travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-com 275 111 66 81 17 32
solgenomics solgenomics/sgn 274 36 20 190 28 11
SAPDocuments SAPDocuments/Tutorials 274 57 19 99 99 14
gallantlab gallantlab/pycortex 274 22 31 201 20 15
astaxie/beego 273 180 22 22 49 16
Subsurface-divelog/subsurface 273 146 48 60 19 11
appleseedhq appleseedhq/appleseed 271 122 76 59 14 13
awslabs awslabs/s2n 271 122 54 51 44 11
webdriverio webdriverio/webdriverio 269 173 32 28 36 22
react-native-community react-native-community/react-native-elements 268 149 22 53 44 11
secdev secdev/scapy 267 170 50 30 17 16
magento magento/devdocs 266 80 14 161 11 27
spotify spotify/docker-client 265 140 33 73 19 11
gwu-libraries gwu-libraries/sfm-ui 262 141 15 80 26 11
jeff-regier/Celeste.jl 262 60 44 145 13 11
flatpak flatpak/flatpak 261 122 29 59 51 17
ampproject ampproject/amp-by-example 261 114 53 78 16 12
azerothcore azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk 259 184 15 31 29 13
bcicen/ctop 258 131 15 64 48 13
mockito mockito/mockito 258 186 26 26 20 12
ember-cli ember-cli/ember-cli 258 144 26 50 38 17
Azure Azure/azure-iot-gateway-sdk 257 112 39 93 13 13
Flexget Flexget/Flexget 256 127 16 77 36 13
palantir palantir/spark 256 66 27 147 16 11
google google/flatbuffers 256 179 31 24 22 19 Google
Microsoft Microsoft/vscode-docs 255 61 34 149 11 24 Microsoft vscode
neos neos/neos-development-collection 255 131 52 51 21 19
kpenning/peoplepower 255 41 23 171 20 11
2factorauth 2factorauth/twofactorauth 255 144 52 42 17 25
CGAL CGAL/cgal 254 148 42 35 29 11
hunkim/DeepLearningZeroToAll 254 115 47 81 11 12
miraheze miraheze/mw-config 254 45 73 124 12 13
angular angular/tsickle 253 160 19 52 22 11 Angular
google google/python-fire 253 156 20 49 28 12 Google
slimphp slimphp/Slim 252 187 17 32 16 12
QCoDeS QCoDeS/Qcodes 252 90 34 117 11 17
ember-learn ember-learn/ember-api-docs 251 106 45 70 30 12
Microsoft Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-dotnet-server 251 78 39 115 19 11
PowerShell PowerShell/PowerShell-Docs 251 132 33 68 18 19
wevote wevote/WebApp 250 125 51 43 31 12
ucb-bar ucb-bar/firrtl 249 114 25 88 22 11
emberjs emberjs/guides 248 154 38 21 35 12
rathena rathena/rathena 248 164 14 38 32 11
mipengine mipengine/mip-extensions 247 125 48 46 28 11
hyperium hyperium/hyper 247 113 14 106 14 11
strongloop strongloop/ 246 132 32 70 12 21
typelevel typelevel/cats 244 180 27 25 12 12
play-with-docker play-with-docker/ 242 74 59 91 18 18
cloudfoundry cloudfoundry/loggregator 242 62 12 147 21 13
alliance-genome alliance-genome/agr 240 78 12 134 16 11
w3c w3c/webauthn 240 159 16 54 11 11
leancloud leancloud/docs 240 106 41 66 27 13
SoftEng-HEIGVD SoftEng-HEIGVD/Teaching-HEIGVD-RES-2017-Labo-00 239 46 58 42 93 30
microsoftgraph microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs 236 28 95 98 15 17
deeplearning4j deeplearning4j/dl4j-examples 236 87 28 98 23 16
cakephp cakephp/authentication 236 105 30 83 18 11
fsharp fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service 236 167 27 28 14 14
exercism exercism/xjava 234 129 30 33 42 12
linkerd linkerd/linkerd 233 111 27 61 34 12
sublimehq/Packages 232 130 36 52 14 12
honestbleeps/Reddit-Enhancement-Suite 230 68 54 83 25 12
nybles nybles/ 230 95 44 70 21 11
DistrictDataLabs DistrictDataLabs/yellowbrick 229 158 16 27 28 12
ResearchKit ResearchKit/ResearchKit 229 170 19 22 18 11
Microsoft Microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat 229 142 30 29 28 13
wix wix/yoshi 229 27 26 154 22 16
munki munki/munki 227 114 17 83 13 11
pagarme pagarme/pagarme-magento 227 32 37 121 37 11
rangle rangle/angular-training-slides 226 68 38 35 85 13
UVASGD UVASGD/spring-2017-the-big-dungeon 225 23 22 163 17 11
part-up part-up/part-up 225 76 23 102 24 13
spree spree/spree 224 90 65 52 17 16
libgit2 libgit2/libgit2 224 126 32 55 11 12
juju juju/docs 223 68 60 65 30 12
perl6 perl6/doc 220 84 11 99 26 16
loklak loklak/loklak_server 220 142 25 28 25 13
smartdevicelink smartdevicelink/sdl_evolution 217 114 19 67 17 13
cloudfoundry cloudfoundry/uaa 216 56 14 122 24 11
fluent fluent/fluentd 216 133 22 41 20 13
opentable opentable/oc 215 96 26 81 12 11
contiv contiv/netplugin 214 130 34 35 15 12
neos neos/neos-ui 214 59 57 63 35 17
FriendsOfSymfony FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle 214 119 38 27 30 14
getredash getredash/redash 214 127 32 29 26 11
libgdx libgdx/libgdx 213 121 25 40 27 19
oVirt oVirt/ovirt-site 212 96 49 56 11 24
Metaswitch Metaswitch/sprout 212 69 21 99 23 12
badges badges/shields 211 140 30 23 18 13
foundersandcoders foundersandcoders/master-reference 211 115 20 63 13 21
neos neos/flow-development-collection 211 128 30 42 11 12
Particular Particular/NServiceBus 211 136 20 43 12 12
material-components material-components/material-components-ios 209 67 40 76 26 12
adaptlearning adaptlearning/adapt_framework 209 106 16 46 41 11
capitalone capitalone/cloud-custodian 208 107 34 44 23 13
mlr-org mlr-org/mlr-tutorial 207 77 11 92 27 13
bigbluebutton bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton 204 61 55 64 24 13
github github/linguist 201 125 31 26 19 15
NuGet NuGet/ 200 71 40 71 18 19
openwrt openwrt/luci 200 123 26 29 22 11
SharePoint SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts 199 129 19 36 15 13
sosreport sosreport/sos 198 120 27 39 12 18
vasanthk/react-bits 196 69 32 83 12 29
OWASP OWASP/owasp-summit-2017 196 28 36 113 19 21
lammps lammps/lammps 195 91 33 59 12 18
liblouis liblouis/liblouis 195 118 12 50 15 12
IgniteUI IgniteUI/ignite-ui 193 35 57 87 14 23
bcit-ci bcit-ci/CodeIgniter4 193 111 18 44 20 11
Thinkmill Thinkmill/react-conf-app 192 36 28 115 13 11
UCATLAS UCATLAS/xAODAnaHelpers 191 107 30 37 17 11
spulec/moto 191 92 16 59 24 14
racket racket/racket 190 130 11 33 16 12
GeoNode GeoNode/geonode 190 95 33 33 29 11
Azure Azure/AzureStack-Tools 188 37 41 84 26 15
flowtype flowtype/flow-typed 187 70 56 41 20 30
chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher 187 56 36 76 19 14
donnemartin/system-design-primer 184 93 25 44 22 13
robotology robotology/yarp 182 76 26 63 17 13
linkedin linkedin/bluepill 180 72 17 72 19 11
splitbrain/dokuwiki 179 106 33 25 15 13
NYTimes NYTimes/kyt 179 54 20 92 13 12
OpenZWave OpenZWave/open-zwave 178 98 28 39 13 13
reactide reactide/reactide 177 54 45 61 17 12
yarnpkg yarnpkg/website 175 99 36 27 13 12
austinv11/Discord4J 175 61 17 78 19 14
linuxboss182/SoftEng-2017 174 55 24 74 21 11
department-of-veterans-affairs department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow-efolder 173 49 29 76 19 18
tlswg tlswg/tls13-spec 173 81 35 45 12 14
vuejs vuejs/ 172 67 50 39 16 27
mirumee mirumee/saleor 171 81 23 47 20 12
dojo dojo/widget-core 171 91 28 29 23 11
adazzle adazzle/react-data-grid 170 103 16 31 20 11
bitcoinbook bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook 170 75 32 36 27 12
KhronosGroup KhronosGroup/WebGL 169 109 27 22 11 11
deeplearning4j deeplearning4j/DataVec 166 103 22 30 11 11
mbeddr mbeddr/mbeddr.core 165 36 11 102 16 15
babel babel/babylon 165 77 30 45 13 11
OperationCode OperationCode/operationcode 165 76 33 31 25 12
patternfly patternfly/patternfly-design 164 75 25 48 16 14
hteso/iaito 163 93 19 26 25 11
sukeesh/Jarvis 163 70 36 40 17 12
renatomarinho/laravel-gitscrum 162 41 22 86 13 12
pennersr/django-allauth 162 93 23 23 23 12
flowable flowable/flowable-engine 161 67 28 52 14 13
feathersjs feathersjs/feathers-docs 161 55 22 65 19 12
confluentinc confluentinc/schema-registry 159 85 16 40 18 12
photonstorm/phaser-ce 158 83 22 22 31 11
ansible ansible/ansibullbot 156 46 36 39 35 12
tue-robotics tue-robotics/tue_robocup 156 57 12 64 23 12
future-architect future-architect/vuls 156 60 27 50 19 11
githubteacher/bug-free-doodle 155 40 18 76 21 25
darkskyapp darkskyapp/forecast-io-translations 154 75 19 25 35 14
cake-build cake-build/website 152 57 27 57 11 21
webpack-china webpack-china/ 151 73 21 42 15 20
swagger-api swagger-api/swagger-js 151 72 24 41 14 11
remind101 remind101/stacker 149 66 14 57 12 11
emberjs emberjs/website 148 40 36 61 11 13
bigcommerce bigcommerce/cornerstone 148 66 30 41 11 12
styled-components styled-components/polished 143 69 24 39 11 12
ros-planning ros-planning/moveit 142 76 16 38 12 11
githubteacher/palm-tree 136 42 26 48 20 14
cmu-db cmu-db/peloton 127 68 25 22 12 12
dotnet dotnet/buildtools 127 54 30 29 14 14
assimp assimp/assimp 127 71 11 30 15 13
MicrosoftDocs MicrosoftDocs/winrt-api 124 23 42 46 13 32
tomdale/glimmer-website 120 50 21 26 23 15
nodejs nodejs/node-chakracore 119 70 13 25 11 12
ArduPilot ArduPilot/ardupilot_wiki 114 35 23 44 12 15
githubteacher/miniature-spork 110 29 14 48 19 16
githubteacher/turbo-fortnight 105 25 15 49 16 17
donejs donejs/donejs 104 41 14 35 14 11
MichelleGlauser/techtonica 104 41 13 34 16 11
docker docker/labs 91 32 23 23 13 17 Docker
org repo activity comments prs commits issues authors project
kubernetes kubernetes/kubernetes 62510 51646 6077 492 4295 180 Kubernetes
Automattic Automattic/wp-calypso 47127 20264 4804 19863 2196 357 Automattic Calypso
Microsoft Microsoft/vscode 45949 30885 705 1069 13290 49 Microsoft vscode
NixOS NixOS/nixpkgs 42670 24858 6974 8632 2206 910
docker docker/docker 40380 32239 2894 191 5056 93 Docker
tgstation tgstation/tgstation 40069 31644 3565 3090 1770 146 SS13
tensorflow tensorflow/tensorflow 39311 30847 2535 1267 4662 516 Tensor Flow
facebook facebook/react-native 37863 29341 2180 2547 3795 576 Facebook React Native
PokemonGoF PokemonGoF/PokemonGo-Bot 33601 25912 2045 1694 3950 309
ManageIQ ManageIQ/manageiq 33546 22758 6073 3897 818 230
angular angular/angular 32657 23006 1890 2826 4935 289 Angular
magento magento/magento2 30825 24939 835 514 4537 241
hashicorp hashicorp/terraform 29615 17023 2543 6406 3643 321 HashiCorp Terraform
dotnet dotnet/coreclr 29159 21973 3460 1829 1897 229 dotnet
Plailect/Guide 28451 2838 122 24621 870 25
ansible ansible/ansible 27837 18644 3924 2093 3176 421 Ansible
dotnet dotnet/corefx 27366 19400 3935 1286 2745 203 dotnet
Microsoft Microsoft/TypeScript 25948 16705 1433 3355 4455 76 Microsoft TypeScript
joomla joomla/joomla-cms 25368 19713 1669 2394 1592 233
dotnet dotnet/roslyn 23460 18091 1682 1173 2514 142 dotnet
nodejs nodejs/node 23353 18212 2124 1163 1854 262
saltstack saltstack/salt 22992 16749 3018 187 3038 60
angular angular/angular-cli 22886 17918 1027 117 3824 33 Angular
home-assistant home-assistant/home-assistant 22502 15603 3061 2114 1724 232
elastic elastic/elasticsearch 22316 13742 2295 3731 2548 173 Elasticsearch
guardian guardian/frontend 22269 7448 3891 10864 66 174
ParadiseSS13 ParadiseSS13/Paradise 21962 17562 1769 1695 936 62
mantidproject mantidproject/mantid 21811 7258 1784 10967 1802 114
caskroom caskroom/homebrew-cask 21714 5034 9594 5998 1088 1017
AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map 21207 16995 1064 677 2471 199
DefinitelyTyped DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped 21012 11882 5531 2494 1105 1196
d3athrow/vgstation13 20995 17190 1272 540 1993 54
Homebrew Homebrew/homebrew-core 20600 11355 5576 2572 1097 585
CartoDB CartoDB/cartodb 19914 8133 1678 8177 1926 87
driftyco driftyco/ionic 19756 13844 548 1151 4213 128
department-of-veterans-affairs department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-website 19480 6592 2135 9260 1493 108
JuliaLang JuliaLang/julia 19321 14059 1513 1931 1818 138
eclipse eclipse/che 18927 8166 1646 7297 1818 115
dart-lang dart-lang/sdk 18736 8925 74 7134 2603 151
rails rails/rails 18657 12626 2600 1967 1464 367
fastlane fastlane/fastlane 18105 13838 1110 720 2437 119
NECROBOTIO NECROBOTIO/NecroBot 17955 13659 630 565 3101 164
ampproject ampproject/amphtml 17906 11671 2628 1687 1920 171
odoo odoo/odoo 17745 8489 3029 4786 1441 409
CleverRaven CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA 17633 13098 2032 794 1709 126
githubschool githubschool/open-enrollment-classes-introduction-to-github 17588 4720 2953 6700 3215 2017
Microsoft Microsoft/CNTK 17486 4247 126 11823 1290 196 Microsoft CNTK
elastic elastic/kibana 17125 11042 1977 1502 2604 96 Elasticsearch
ethcore ethcore/parity 17082 5188 2231 8143 1520 60
Automattic Automattic/jetpack 17077 7080 1854 7176 967 191 Automattic Jetpack
TrinityCore TrinityCore/TrinityCore 16288 10850 660 3123 1655 168
vmware vmware/vic 15937 10664 1647 1949 1677 60
cdnjs cdnjs/cdnjs 15922 5191 996 7909 1826 17
brave brave/browser-laptop 15808 9609 977 1409 3813 58
npm npm/npm 15572 11022 308 915 3327 61
cockroachdb cockroachdb/cockroach 15546 9238 1368 1799 3141 72
atom atom/atom 15285 10437 557 2244 2047 95
grpc grpc/grpc 15209 10496 2050 1288 1375 124
easylist easylist/easylist 14936 575 55 13998 308 27
FreeCodeCamp FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp 14755 10435 1046 193 3081 100
Microsoft Microsoft/BotBuilder 14449 10691 147 1123 2488 100 Microsoft BotBuilder
RocketChat RocketChat/Rocket.Chat 14441 9051 1156 1775 2459 128
aspnet aspnet/EntityFramework 14289 9447 742 1977 2123 73
ethereum ethereum/go-ethereum 14173 2984 479 159 10551 37
HippieStationCode HippieStationCode/HippieStation13 13943 12097 706 499 641 75
PokemonGoMap PokemonGoMap/PokemonGo-Map 13923 11645 780 476 1022 138
keybase keybase/client 13791 5294 1517 5805 1175 58
owncloud owncloud/core 13600 9836 658 1604 1502 91
dmlc dmlc/mxnet 13592 9362 1275 475 2480 132
mapbox mapbox/mapbox-gl-native 13430 6062 1132 4675 1561 105
RobotLocomotion RobotLocomotion/drake 13312 11551 837 537 387 45
TeamPorcupine TeamPorcupine/ProjectPorcupine 13171 10400 1210 952 609 114
FortAwesome FortAwesome/Font-Awesome 13078 10839 72 231 1936 14
SAP SAP/openui5 12989 1646 103 10829 411 273
voidlinux voidlinux/void-packages 12863 3751 1511 7038 563 191
rancher rancher/rancher 12833 9655 51 238 2889 22
zulip zulip/zulip 12822 9412 2278 225 907 50
grafana grafana/grafana 12793 8245 678 1148 2722 128
Baystation12 Baystation12/Baystation12 12596 7927 1691 1214 1764 126
gradle gradle/gradle 12581 3462 449 7977 693 160
Microsoft Microsoft/vsts-tasks 12084 5546 1586 4098 854 158 Microsoft vscode
mapsme mapsme/omim 11874 6596 2482 2371 425 73
dotnet dotnet/cli 11829 8289 681 951 1908 101 dotnet cli
akeneo akeneo/pim-community-dev 11742 2294 1616 7660 172 90
claroline claroline/Distribution 11706 3804 1168 5655 1079 62
meteor meteor/meteor 11706 9951 275 115 1365 35
Yoast Yoast/wordpress-seo 11563 6740 667 2287 1869 65
highfidelity highfidelity/hifi 11560 7638 2261 1511 150 81
ant-design ant-design/ant-design 11321 6807 777 599 3138 80
crate crate/crate 11258 1994 1707 7402 155 45
arangodb arangodb/arangodb 11236 2753 55 7844 584 49
facebook facebook/react 11217 8202 1180 733 1102 89 Facebook React Native
yogstation13 yogstation13/yogstation 11215 7490 958 1777 990 80
mattermost mattermost/platform 11135 5777 2097 2615 646 120
minetest minetest/minetest 11126 9371 626 366 763 91
electron electron/electron 11117 7711 777 241 2388 46
mesosphere mesosphere/marathon 10978 5616 643 3728 991 118
rg3/youtube-dl 10816 6877 568 452 2919 15
PX4 PX4/Firmware 10792 6895 1098 1901 898 94
prestodb prestodb/presto 10712 7213 1642 1093 764 129
hyperledger hyperledger/fabric 10656 7296 795 1810 755 194
YetiForceCompany YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM 10415 3771 228 5054 1362 42
scikit-learn scikit-learn/scikit-learn 10362 8605 924 131 702 89
NativeScript NativeScript/NativeScript 10273 6620 791 1562 1300 77
flutter flutter/flutter 10169 5706 1447 1332 1684 68
wordpress-mobile wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS 10141 4461 1090 3756 834 55
ansible ansible/ansible-modules-core 10052 6861 1296 789 1106 222 Ansible
angular angular/material2 9977 6343 848 764 2022 88 Angular
yarnpkg yarnpkg/yarn 9938 7576 549 283 1530 102
mozilla mozilla/addons-server 9897 4598 767 3279 1253 209
EFForg EFForg/https-everywhere 9780 4634 3952 617 577 117
koding koding/koding 9727 2262 1704 5124 637 38
rapid7 rapid7/metasploit-framework 9721 7160 927 1086 548 210
Microsoft Microsoft/ChakraCore 9706 5882 1469 1935 420 102 Microsoft Chakra
palantir palantir/atlasdb 9658 3175 1064 4988 431 112
realm realm/realm-java 9649 6672 413 1452 1112 43
opentx opentx/opentx 9617 5241 635 2983 758 49
mamedev mamedev/mame 9605 2393 1288 5778 146 214
matplotlib matplotlib/matplotlib 9565 7375 814 588 788 133
nextcloud nextcloud/server 9548 6183 455 1435 1475 66
neo4j neo4j/neo4j 9442 3696 1978 3424 344 96
wordpress-mobile wordpress-mobile/WordPress-Android 9411 3622 813 4105 871 46
systemd systemd/systemd 9396 6814 1090 362 1130 124
betaflight betaflight/betaflight 9249 7223 818 345 863 47
frappe frappe/erpnext 9228 4055 1297 1958 1918 104
ArduPilot ArduPilot/ardupilot 9206 6488 1288 857 573 76
ParsePlatform ParsePlatform/parse-server 9203 6892 595 209 1507 36
angular angular/material 9190 6579 463 347 1801 71 Angular
codenvy codenvy/codenvy 9105 3217 872 4039 977 64
alibaba alibaba/weex 9012 4519 1006 2145 1342 114
bazelbuild bazelbuild/bazel 8962 6611 153 785 1413 103
ElemeFE ElemeFE/element 8884 5112 655 495 2622 46
eslint eslint/eslint 8868 6721 579 426 1142 102
Lunat1q/Catchem-PoGo 8823 6057 176 461 2129 45
greenplum-db greenplum-db/gpdb 8776 5385 1375 1791 225 173
rcbops rcbops/rpc-openstack 8698 5871 761 1710 356 59
SickRage SickRage/SickRage 8614 6331 321 192 1770 15
serverless serverless/serverless 8598 5874 752 926 1046 98
JabRef JabRef/jabref 8553 5356 743 1795 659 77
facebookincubator facebookincubator/create-react-app 8523 6809 633 157 924 67 Facebook Incubator
zurb zurb/foundation-sites 8479 6227 674 782 796 182
mitodl mitodl/micromasters 8446 3232 701 4067 446 32
ansible ansible/ansible-modules-extras 8424 5940 1235 764 485 290 Ansible
chain chain/chain 8391 1694 754 5883 60 30
orientechnologies orientechnologies/orientdb 8389 5677 88 1413 1211 43
librenms librenms/librenms 8360 5398 1305 516 1141 70
chapel-lang chapel-lang/chapel 8345 4107 2084 1917 237 68
ARMmbed ARMmbed/mbed-os 8311 6465 960 290 596 55
facebook facebook/flow 8310 5749 466 640 1455 112 Facebook Flow
PowerShell PowerShell/PowerShell 8279 6058 658 568 995 121
citusdata citusdata/citus 8247 3888 387 3463 509 47
hazelcast hazelcast/hazelcast 8218 4666 1189 1539 824 85
telegramdesktop telegramdesktop/tdesktop 8193 6176 114 634 1269 35
realm realm/realm-cocoa 8151 5386 317 1506 942 45
fossasia fossasia/open-event-orga-server 8149 3680 1721 1727 1021 73
openwrt openwrt/packages 8125 5075 1333 1382 335 268
OpenNos OpenNos/OpenNos 8094 3413 59 3054 1568 36
sakaiproject sakaiproject/sakai 8065 3556 1917 2364 228 135
mautic mautic/mautic 8056 5156 598 815 1487 74
KhronosGroup KhronosGroup/Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers 8041 3551 895 3057 538 123
CocoaPods CocoaPods/CocoaPods 8018 6333 184 206 1295 37
auth0 auth0/docs 7990 2440 2240 2854 456 235
kubernetes kubernetes/ 7969 4119 1662 1470 718 465 Kubernetes
facebook facebook/AsyncDisplayKit 7966 4313 1090 1928 635 64 Facebook AsyncDisplay Kit
Microsoft Microsoft/pxt 7914 2622 719 3461 1112 28 Microsoft PXT
openscholar openscholar/openscholar 7888 3891 510 2811 676 33
simulationcraft simulationcraft/simc 7876 2224 176 4670 806 93
bioconda bioconda/bioconda-recipes 7857 3322 2287 2026 222 215
primefaces primefaces/primeng 7821 3914 343 1585 1979 107
nylas nylas/N1 7811 5006 88 1413 1304 44
crystal-lang crystal-lang/crystal 7798 6026 559 243 970 58
w3c w3c/web-platform-tests 7795 5259 1291 1039 206 180
dotCMS dotCMS/core 7776 2843 933 2472 1528 66
neovim neovim/neovim 7740 6075 706 188 771 31
iTXTech iTXTech/Genisys 7708 5530 442 532 1204 66
JMRI JMRI/JMRI 7694 3867 1588 1576 663 66
radare/radare2 7658 4776 1144 733 1005 64
osmandapp osmandapp/Osmand 7633 2789 91 3736 1017 187
Microsoft Microsoft/WinObjC 7575 4589 853 953 1180 70 Microsoft Obj-C
pfnet pfnet/chainer 7575 3679 1023 2484 389 122
sympy sympy/sympy 7522 5932 718 289 583 118
PCSX2 PCSX2/pcsx2 7509 6714 216 262 317 38
RIOT-OS RIOT-OS/RIOT 7504 6182 735 375 212 78
broadinstitute broadinstitute/cromwell 7503 3051 561 3115 776 48
pingcap pingcap/tidb 7496 2514 1006 3692 284 73
idaholab idaholab/moose 7473 4705 895 1225 648 87
oppia oppia/oppia 7463 5777 724 447 515 82
openwhisk openwhisk/openwhisk 7438 5159 942 549 788 73
pixijs pixijs/pixi.js 7401 5066 544 967 824 92
salesagility salesagility/SuiteCRM 7354 4223 1097 893 1141 67
metabase metabase/metabase 7315 4762 363 928 1262 48
deeplearning4j deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j 7315 2762 721 2822 1010 105
NecronomiconCoding/NecroBot 7308 5138 698 573 899 146
cocos2d cocos2d/cocos2d-x 7299 5175 1176 159 789 43
influxdata influxdata/influxdb 7288 4738 434 1028 1088 83
twbs twbs/bootstrap 7285 4903 696 64 1622 13
pachyderm pachyderm/pachyderm 7254 2881 580 3042 751 43
BVLC BVLC/caffe 7247 5330 433 337 1147 116
ONSdigital ONSdigital/eq-survey-runner 7228 1413 683 4839 293 43
Cadasta Cadasta/cadasta-platform 7221 3130 572 2816 703 48
mozilla mozilla/testpilot 7206 3586 532 2195 893 135
scality scality/S3 7168 2687 464 3835 182 37
Mashape Mashape/kong 7163 4340 503 1598 722 48
tgstation tgstation/-tg-station 7155 5739 531 632 253 63 SS13
vladyslav2/gfwhitelabels 7132 829 2226 3284 793 17
elastic elastic/beats 7106 3920 1474 1132 580 77 Elasticsearch
Microsoft Microsoft/visualfsharp 7098 5295 491 731 581 73 Microsoft F#
zooniverse zooniverse/Panoptes-Front-End 7080 3954 754 1793 579 63
OpenRA OpenRA/OpenRA 7078 5372 532 288 886 45
Necrobot-Private Necrobot-Private/NecroBot 7073 3980 480 1653 960 48
lede-project lede-project/source 7037 4410 963 1580 84 187
conda-forge conda-forge/staged-recipes 7000 4231 1491 1211 67 64
owncloud owncloud/client 6969 5016 260 993 700 47
LLNL LLNL/spack 6953 4784 1182 484 503 76
Azure Azure/azure-cli 6922 3961 1058 1000 903 51
facebook facebook/jest 6887 4825 826 239 997 68
symless symless/synergy 6860 4046 61 2076 677 40
jhipster jhipster/generator-jhipster 6858 4857 949 131 921 59
SeleniumHQ SeleniumHQ/selenium 6839 4168 298 846 1527 79
acemod acemod/ACE3 6834 3806 725 1727 576 85
jl777/SuperNET 6816 92 240 6431 53 23
OpenKore OpenKore/openkore 6815 6049 216 304 246 25
OpenRCT2 OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2 6804 5080 651 134 939 27
facebook facebook/buck 6801 2307 273 3918 303 127
google google/protobuf 6796 4620 743 661 772 152
jabbink/PokemonGoBot 6736 5412 258 90 976 25
mitchellh/packer 6722 4738 556 699 729 139
mpv-player mpv-player/mpv 6716 5240 344 180 952 27
hydroshare hydroshare/hydroshare 6715 3657 304 2279 475 40
ChurchCRM ChurchCRM/CRM 6703 2406 760 2583 954 24
TEAMMATES TEAMMATES/teammates 6697 4300 725 1125 547 83
dotnet dotnet/orleans 6660 4869 764 562 465 85 dotnet orleans
facebook facebook/hhvm 6659 3666 285 2194 514 212
supercollider supercollider/supercollider 6633 5284 530 438 381 69
telerik telerik/kendo-ui-core 6616 1452 176 3651 1337 158
Dogfalo/materialize 6590 4801 285 303 1201 63
Project-OSRM Project-OSRM/osrm-backend 6570 2799 497 2658 616 52
WhisperSystems WhisperSystems/Signal-Android 6555 5144 261 305 845 38
convox convox/rack 6506 2810 777 2178 741 30
kontena kontena/kontena 6503 2627 873 2399 604 44
inverse-inc inverse-inc/packetfence 6497 2142 362 3435 558 40
sharetribe sharetribe/sharetribe 6492 887 975 4522 108 49
Dolibarr Dolibarr/dolibarr 6471 1869 1114 2891 597 123
glpi-project glpi-project/glpi 6460 3532 527 1441 960 53
concrete5 concrete5/concrete5 6458 3259 890 1564 745 92
ornicar/lila 6455 1478 344 3857 776 57
PolarisSS13 PolarisSS13/Polaris 6441 3193 1503 1379 366 91
Ultimaker Ultimaker/Cura 6439 3283 205 2315 636 44
TheOdinProject TheOdinProject/curriculum 6434 976 2587 2794 77 693
k9mail k9mail/k-9 6429 4414 416 775 824 50
ant-design ant-design/ant-design-mobile 6424 3454 217 1905 848 30
emberjs emberjs/ember.js 6382 4240 797 698 647 102
mitchellh/vagrant 6368 4900 299 303 866 70
ocaml ocaml/opam-repository 6363 2332 2226 1704 101 277
xcat2 xcat2/xcat-core 6362 3805 1011 775 771 59
dgraph-io dgraph-io/dgraph 6348 2660 469 2955 264 37
opencv opencv/opencv 6343 4066 875 700 702 188
freeorion freeorion/freeorion 6341 4180 494 1272 395 43
jruby jruby/jruby 6336 2873 228 2783 452 74
halide halide/Halide 6335 2099 705 3344 187 59
uclouvain uclouvain/osis 6323 1914 937 2659 813 44
sequelize sequelize/sequelize 6276 4345 543 219 1169 69
bitpay bitpay/copay 6241 3697 785 713 1046 32
jekyll jekyll/jekyll 6217 4306 514 837 560 160
aspnet aspnet/Mvc 6211 3880 300 1100 931 63
Bilibili Bilibili/ijkplayer 6204 4321 61 65 1757 16
africanmathsinitiative africanmathsinitiative/Instat 6188 3080 1422 1352 334 36
freeCodeCamp freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp 6179 4362 394 170 1253 70
citra-emu citra-emu/citra 6154 4647 538 457 512 73
mne-tools mne-tools/mne-python 6140 5246 440 91 363 32
arduino arduino/Arduino 6135 4539 176 257 1163 48
dotnet dotnet/docfx 6134 2787 1039 2092 216 52 dotnet docfx
SpartanRefactoring SpartanRefactoring/Spartanizer 6118 2278 67 3024 749 92
devopsdays devopsdays/devopsdays-web 6105 1781 1929 2196 199 224
hydrabolt/discord.js 6076 2269 600 2685 522 91
linuxmint linuxmint/Cinnamon 6069 4557 244 382 886 56
vmware vmware/harbor 6015 3211 913 958 933 65
inasafe inasafe/inasafe 6014 3883 798 734 599 24
mapbox mapbox/mapbox-gl-js 6013 3468 415 1243 887 85
Semantic-Org Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI 6011 4333 141 316 1221 37
MinecraftForge MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge 6009 4555 467 494 493 103
influunt influunt/influunt 6006 825 816 3234 1131 19
opentoonz opentoonz/opentoonz 5989 4559 434 425 571 56
getsentry getsentry/sentry 5953 2234 776 2432 511 50
docker docker/compose 5952 4645 236 83 988 41 Docker
adobe adobe/brackets 5932 4486 234 500 712 80
UM-USElab UM-USElab/gradecraft-development 5927 930 746 3669 582 18
elastic elastic/logstash 5924 4138 523 400 863 33 Elasticsearch
coala coala/coala 5924 4617 553 278 476 41
UniversalMediaServer UniversalMediaServer/UniversalMediaServer 5915 3852 224 1676 163 21
openbmc openbmc/openbmc 5900 3915 84 739 1162 56
cgeo cgeo/cgeo 5877 3923 314 1055 585 28
Flexget Flexget/Flexget 5875 2924 301 2125 525 97
google google/WebFundamentals 5874 1851 981 2500 542 174
Minecolonies Minecolonies/minecolonies 5867 3247 222 1855 543 27
archesproject archesproject/arches 5861 1212 788 3096 765 22
AnalyticalGraphicsInc AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium 5838 3231 642 1486 479 74
palantir palantir/tslint 5794 3422 742 1014 616 122
scipy scipy/scipy 5789 4429 563 246 551 110
LMMS LMMS/lmms 5782 4701 324 322 435 41
flynn flynn/flynn 5769 3421 433 1152 763 30
pojome pojome/elementor 5759 2276 857 1889 737 17
zeit zeit/next.js 5744 4124 499 397 724 83
docker docker/ 5744 2231 1444 1139 930 276 Docker
metasfresh metasfresh/metasfresh 5730 699 511 3778 742 32
TauCetiStation TauCetiStation/TauCetiClassic 5720 4086 644 516 474 51
wireapp wireapp/wire-webapp 5720 677 798 4089 156 26
ethereum ethereum/mist 5719 3431 263 884 1141 46
department-of-veterans-affairs department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-api 5711 1484 748 3332 147 40 Department of Veterans Affairs
playframework playframework/playframework 5703 3566 835 867 435 163
FStarLang FStarLang/FStar 5694 1516 85 3741 352 78
trilinos trilinos/Trilinos 5678 3217 153 1788 520 125
openthread openthread/openthread 5668 2798 1280 1284 306 57
mxstbr/react-boilerplate 5667 4318 516 118 715 33
libretro libretro/RetroArch 5655 3677 733 403 842 34
vanilla vanilla/vanilla 5650 1291 945 2611 803 50
highcharts highcharts/highcharts 5647 3289 64 953 1341 26
home-assistant home-assistant/ 5645 1352 1466 2756 71 486
cakephp cakephp/cakephp 5643 4053 603 147 840 25
vaadin vaadin/framework 5637 3233 589 1310 505 47
bigchaindb bigchaindb/bigchaindb 5620 2438 648 1954 580 45
tangrams tangrams/tangram-es 5606 2197 412 2648 349 24
bokeh bokeh/bokeh 5597 3428 439 864 866 53
kubernetes kubernetes/contrib 5584 4030 880 157 517 35 Kubernetes
chartjs chartjs/Chart.js 5561 3817 286 109 1349 29
strongloop strongloop/loopback 5556 4067 171 574 744 40
InfiniteFlightAirportEditing InfiniteFlightAirportEditing/Airports 5551 2903 54 1195 1399 35
ESMCI ESMCI/cime 5546 3233 614 1104 595 50
duckduckgo duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies 5541 3836 796 541 368 190
AjuntamentdeBarcelona AjuntamentdeBarcelona/decidim 5538 1296 621 3192 429 13
mlr-org mlr-org/mlr 5537 2904 394 1840 399 77
almende almende/vis 5533 3884 376 383 890 78
Homebrew Homebrew/brew 5528 3592 754 429 753 44
RPCS3 RPCS3/rpcs3 5515 4373 344 351 447 54
nim-lang nim-lang/Nim 5510 2903 729 1002 876 143
open-mpi open-mpi/ompi 5508 4242 634 380 252 53
Theano Theano/Theano 5499 4052 574 248 625 75
openSUSE openSUSE/open-build-service 5499 2970 942 1303 284 65
pingcap pingcap/tikv 5499 1919 726 2703 151 45
python python/mypy 5496 3723 602 351 820 56
department-of-veterans-affairs department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow 5495 1847 483 2630 535 36 Department of Veterans Affairs
HTBox HTBox/allReady 5495 3609 618 578 690 129
Graylog2 Graylog2/graylog2-server 5491 2795 459 1208 1029 28
HubSpot HubSpot/Singularity 5480 839 437 4132 72 44
DynamoDS DynamoDS/Dynamo 5474 3209 1002 839 424 75
minio minio/minio 5474 3431 908 149 986 14
apache apache/trafficserver 5461 3137 953 1235 136 126
vatesfr vatesfr/xo-web 5453 1606 516 2675 656 24
wix wix/react-native-navigation 5441 2956 233 1496 756 49
w3c w3c/csswg-drafts 5421 3567 103 908 843 69
openshift openshift/openshift-ansible 5407 3905 844 195 463 32
rpherbig/dr-scripts 5403 2250 392 1963 798 41
getlantern getlantern/lantern 5383 3735 79 378 1191 17
4teamwork 4teamwork/opengever.core 5377 1269 609 2959 540 29
TerriaJS TerriaJS/terriajs 5373 1727 566 2621 459 39
ArchStrike ArchStrike/ArchStrike 5353 183 239 4826 105 24
DataDog DataDog/dd-agent 5344 2131 741 2280 192 177
HabitRPG HabitRPG/habitrpg 5338 3523 360 864 591 29
Jackett Jackett/Jackett 5335 3766 278 591 700 50
youtube youtube/vitess 5325 3038 965 1159 163 71
mozilla mozilla/activity-stream 5304 2715 698 928 963 33
instructure instructure/canvas-lms 5301 645 52 4438 166 206
perl6 perl6/doc 5289 1991 306 2404 588 122
habitat-sh habitat-sh/habitat 5282 2715 790 1427 350 58
modxcms modxcms/evolution 5273 3868 313 661 431 37
thaliproject thaliproject/Thali_CordovaPlugin 5267 1992 413 2453 409 39
urho3d urho3d/Urho3D 5262 3140 196 1514 412 77
IBM-Bluemix IBM-Bluemix/docs 5262 293 1034 3847 88 153
Azure Azure/azure-powershell 5235 3490 818 324 603 110
SatelliteQE SatelliteQE/robottelo 5234 3402 732 714 386 38
syncthing syncthing/syncthing 5227 2966 171 1519 571 74
twitter twitter/heron 5227 3426 626 781 394 77
iNavFlight iNavFlight/inav 5222 4376 205 215 426 18
c2corg c2corg/v6_ui 5218 3035 353 1340 490 22
nvaccess nvaccess/nvda 5191 3431 212 611 937 34
smartdevicelink smartdevicelink/sdl_core 5189 3549 740 647 253 80
angular angular/protractor 5170 3610 413 422 725 55 Angular
hashicorp hashicorp/nomad 5167 2562 546 1423 636 79 HashiCorp Nomad
hrydgard/ppsspp 5151 3662 221 781 487 33
fgpv-vpgf fgpv-vpgf/fgpv-vpgf 5145 3726 443 346 630 27
codecombat codecombat/codecombat 5143 1156 528 3213 246 143
BSData BSData/wh40k 5136 2523 191 1003 1419 44
tensorflow tensorflow/models 5130 3589 410 280 851 128 Tensor Flow
malonnnn/ServerConfig 5128 642 2083 2240 163 45
palantir palantir/blueprint 5127 3000 404 1282 441 49
silverstripe silverstripe/silverstripe-framework 5127 3592 584 324 627 68
mesosphere mesosphere/dcos-commons 5121 1185 742 3142 52 47
fusionpbx fusionpbx/fusionpbx 5121 1655 531 2515 420 53
pimcore pimcore/pimcore 5119 1608 266 2627 618 102
LigaData LigaData/Kamanja 5119 1501 249 3068 301 49
CenterForOpenScience CenterForOpenScience/ 5106 2192 1584 1278 52 80
almighty almighty/almighty-core 5104 3174 497 819 614 27
OP-TEE OP-TEE/optee_os 5098 4049 366 311 372 52
NREL NREL/EnergyPlus 5083 2924 275 1649 235 56
eclipse eclipse/jetty.project 5021 2510 219 1603 689 48
magefree magefree/mage 5018 1921 674 1776 647 103
enonic enonic/xp 5007 335 1451 2960 261 33
keystonejs keystonejs/keystone 4993 2916 1031 547 499 42
woocommerce woocommerce/woocommerce 4992 2561 576 796 1059 50
numpy numpy/numpy 4988 3879 413 107 589 60
reactioncommerce reactioncommerce/reaction 4982 1917 466 2113 486 49
Grover-c13/PokeGOAPI-Java 4981 3663 390 442 486 63
kivy kivy/kivy 4976 3311 426 688 551 101
babel babel/babel 4967 3710 573 236 448 68
chamilo chamilo/chamilo-lms 4951 743 469 3492 247 28
NativeScript NativeScript/nativescript-cli 4951 2598 451 1352 550 60
GoogleChrome GoogleChrome/lighthouse 4943 2867 536 935 605 60
jackhumbert/qmk_firmware 4942 3253 543 866 280 201
cBioPortal cBioPortal/cbioportal 4937 2721 762 903 551 75
Kwoth/NadekoBot 4928 2169 437 1742 580 50
mozilla mozilla/tofino 4925 1951 1013 1419 542 41
steemit steemit/ 4923 2267 482 1425 749 32
Azure Azure/azure-iot-sdks 4901 2291 219 1954 437 125
ScreepsOCS ScreepsOCS/screeps.behaviour-action-pattern 4895 2283 533 1757 322 26
PowerDNS PowerDNS/pdns 4893 2318 976 966 633 86
rackerlabs rackerlabs/rackspace-how-to 4878 1932 896 1642 408 95
Microsoft Microsoft/UWPCommunityToolkit 4873 3792 357 295 429 57
coreos coreos/etcd 4864 3592 512 59 701 12
mitmproxy mitmproxy/mitmproxy 4833 2381 693 1265 494 94
ReactTraining ReactTraining/react-router 4831 3458 285 319 769 28
Alfresco Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components 4828 1046 644 2268 870 21
influxdata influxdata/telegraf 4820 3303 554 110 853 28
openshift openshift/openshift-docs 4820 2887 1087 720 126 81
AffiliateWP AffiliateWP/AffiliateWP 4803 2118 405 1768 512 36
StoDevX StoDevX/AAO-React-Native 4801 1658 633 2301 209 17
mysociety mysociety/alaveteli 4783 1698 420 2324 341 25
bundler bundler/bundler 4783 3620 238 315 610 49
angular angular/ 4767 2484 994 506 783 74 Angular
nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware 4756 3659 273 385 439 54
appcelerator appcelerator/amp 4755 1171 566 2701 317 20
TryGhost TryGhost/Ghost 4752 2572 878 774 528 42
nortikin/sverchok 4749 3880 89 429 351 15
aspnet aspnet/KestrelHttpServer 4734 2591 295 1510 338 47
pymc-devs pymc-devs/pymc3 4732 3422 470 439 401 47
medic medic/medic-webapp 4727 3434 57 521 715 19
kpwn/yalu102 4712 4166 106 64 376 19
OfficeDev OfficeDev/office-ui-fabric-react 4710 2206 840 1128 536 113
bridgedotnet bridgedotnet/Bridge 4708 1645 518 1650 895 32 bridge dotnet
capitalone capitalone/Hygieia 4706 3574 246 285 601 49
dealii dealii/dealii 4705 3174 711 636 184 55
dotnet dotnet/roslyn-project-system 4702 3171 398 460 673 36 dotnet
ekylibre ekylibre/ekylibre 4702 1072 116 2334 1180 24
rathena rathena/rathena 4690 2584 242 1173 691 58
notepad-plus-plus notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus 4686 2918 361 330 1077 77
steemit steemit/steem 4685 2296 333 1339 717 40
the-control-group the-control-group/voyager 4666 2993 523 600 550 83
MediaBrowser MediaBrowser/Emby 4660 761 818 2936 145 34
zeit zeit/hyper 4659 3614 220 158 667 42
eggjs eggjs/egg 4657 3012 238 1057 350 48
Unitech/pm2 4652 3140 84 748 680 50
translate translate/pootle 4650 1898 1016 1309 427 27
lampepfl lampepfl/dotty 4650 3200 532 466 452 55
zestedesavoir zestedesavoir/zds-site 4649 3562 400 357 330 50
FreeRDP FreeRDP/FreeRDP 4640 3711 303 282 344 55
monero-project/monero 4636 3179 633 539 285 66
neomutt neomutt/neomutt 4623 2669 156 1450 348 70
KC3Kai KC3Kai/KC3Kai 4623 2414 296 1476 437 28
mesonbuild mesonbuild/meson 4621 2811 519 886 405 69
certbot certbot/certbot 4619 3285 313 375 646 47
commercialhaskell commercialhaskell/stack 4618 3265 217 446 690 58
kubernetes kubernetes/dashboard 4604 3281 614 331 378 49 Kubernetes
subutai-io subutai-io/base 4604 677 897 2642 388 52
vmware vmware/docker-volume-vsphere 4604 2235 350 1621 398 27
DestinyItemManager DestinyItemManager/DIM 4603 2860 354 818 571 32
Aurorastation Aurorastation/Aurora.3 4596 1943 865 866 922 38
akka akka/akka 4595 3270 610 113 602 26
aidancbrady/Mekanism 4592 2953 80 510 1049 32
SpongePowered SpongePowered/SpongeCommon 4592 1679 217 2209 487 66
aspnet aspnet/Docs 4585 2035 968 1301 281 155
cockpit-project cockpit-project/cockpit 4566 2961 517 808 280 41
ntop ntop/ntopng 4566 2789 90 1102 585 30
servicecatalog servicecatalog/development 4555 1296 232 2572 455 48
01org 01org/cc-oci-runtime 4555 3190 413 594 358 20
kubernetes kubernetes/test-infra 4553 2886 822 677 168 76 Kubernetes
matrix-org matrix-org/synapse 4553 1913 586 1852 202 59
php-fusion php-fusion/PHP-Fusion 4551 1453 68 2366 664 23
geneontology geneontology/go-ontology 4543 3793 115 146 489 14
chef chef/chef 4533 2046 403 1714 370 109
valor-software valor-software/ng2-bootstrap 4524 2961 601 97 865 19
elixir-lang elixir-lang/elixir 4518 2925 861 338 394 71
gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto 4513 3949 201 109 254 24
opencart opencart/opencart 4511 2497 489 850 675 106
spring-cloud spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix 4510 2756 182 927 645 23
opensim-org opensim-org/opensim-core 4498 2437 328 1519 214 31
openaddresses openaddresses/openaddresses 4488 2341 723 1186 238 37
druid-io druid-io/druid 4483 3262 647 231 343 42
Microsoft Microsoft/vsts-agent 4482 1874 464 1755 389 58 Microsoft vscode
googleapis googleapis/toolkit 4467 2569 823 746 329 35
centreon centreon/centreon 4462 1556 148 2033 725 54
ponylang ponylang/ponyc 4462 2241 523 1396 302 42
KiCad KiCad/kicad-library 4461 3343 606 423 89 105
Microsoft Microsoft/msbuild 4460 2964 512 515 469 59 Microsoft vscode
odota odota/ui 4453 647 335 3311 160 27
nasa nasa/openmct 4449 2416 328 1296 409 37
digitalocean digitalocean/netbox 4446 2591 185 812 858 41
gocd gocd/gocd 4442 2404 796 759 483 54
grommet grommet/grommet 4431 1714 319 1872 526 78
cloudfoundry cloudfoundry/bosh 4426 1487 174 2460 305 129
osTicket osTicket/osTicket 4421 3540 195 88 598 22
org repo activity comments prs commits issues authors project
dotnet corefx+coreclr+roslyn+cli+docs+docfx+core-setup+corefxlab+roslyn-project-system+sdk+orleans+corert+eShopOnContainers+core+buildtools 21842 15575 2163 2298 1806 446
kubernetes 18364 14414 1782 1134 1034 369 Kubernetes
angular 12041 8818 866 835 1522 154 Angular
ethereum go-ethereum 10701 570 109 43 9979 14
Microsoft vscode+vsts-tasks+msbuild+vcpkg+vscode-docs 9675 6324 418 918 2015 113 Microsoft vscode
google+GoogleCloudPlatform+googlei18n+googledatalab+googleapis protobuf+google-cloud-node+google-cloud-python+google-cloud-java+ExoPlayer+guetzli+gapid+seq2seq+WebFundamentals+oss-fuzz+libphonenumber+pydatalab+trillian+toolkit+flatbuffers+python-fire 8509 5173 910 1587 839 239 Google
tgstation tgstation 8120 6281 799 696 344 64 SS13
docker 7427 5312 776 539 800 179 Docker
Automattic wp-calypso+wp-e2e-tests 7019 3021 774 2925 299 140 Automattic Calypso
tensorflow tensorflow+models 6754 5279 378 324 773 188 Tensor Flow
NixOS nixpkgs 6209 3437 914 1577 281 243
ManageIQ manageiq+manageiq-ui-classic+integration_tests 5956 3797 1109 976 74 170
Azure azure-cli+azure-rest-api-specs+azure-powershell+acs-engine+autorest+azure-sdk-for-net+sonic-buildimage+azure-quickstart-templates+azure-iot-gateway-sdk+AzureStack-Tools 5735 3361 924 884 566 268
mozilla 5591 3038 386 1692 475 284
aspnet EntityFramework+Docs+KestrelHttpServer+Mvc+Razor+SignalR 5314 2902 516 1382 514 137
Homebrew homebrew-core+brew+homebrew-science 5093 2979 988 964 162 290
ansible ansible 4887 3307 627 513 440 123 Ansible
hashicorp terraform+nomad+vault 4847 2802 546 910 589 113 HashiCorp
eclipse che+omr+kura+jetty.project+kapua 4802 2658 459 1257 428 120
facebook react-native+react 4687 3769 316 107 495 38 Facebook React Native
elastic elasticsearch+kibana+beats 4559 2930 472 645 512 85 Elasticsearch
nodejs node+abi-stable-node+node-chakracore 4481 3421 338 483 239 127
joomla joomla-cms 4223 3373 292 289 269 39
RobotLocomotion drake 3776 3193 266 254 63 31
home-assistant 3679 2603 450 378 248 167
fossasia phimpme-android+open-event-android+open-event-webapp+open-event-orga-server 3363 2043 390 564 366 80
ParadiseSS13 Paradise 3363 2788 226 216 133 15
ampproject amphtml+docs+amp-by-example 3102 1730 466 586 320 78
ant-design ant-design+ant-design-mobile 3027 1934 148 445 500 48
cockroachdb cockroach 2986 2098 268 325 295 24
driftyco ionic+ionic-native+ionic-site 2891 1615 129 660 487 100
magento magento2+devdocs 2852 2231 120 221 280 75
DefinitelyTyped DefinitelyTyped 2795 1631 520 532 112 292
facebook jest+immutable-js+osquery+reason 2576 1594 273 496 213 57
influxdata chronograf+influxdb+telegraf 2566 1303 204 749 310 41
palantir blueprint+atlasdb+tslint+spark 2513 1220 261 795 237 84
openshift openshift-ansible+openshift-docs 2500 1702 406 332 60 73
brave browser-laptop 2428 1584 133 255 456 22
caskroom homebrew-cask 2404 604 1057 661 82 161
Microsoft TypeScript 2367 1547 92 267 461 24 Microsoft TypeScript
mattermost platform+docs 2332 1192 380 657 103 44
ElemeFE element 2297 1409 133 99 656 31
JuliaLang julia 2266 1527 166 390 183 41
istio manager+mixer+istio 2258 1302 384 469 103 42
flutter flutter 2225 1408 274 252 291 23
deeplearning4j deeplearning4j+nd4j+dl4j-examples+DataVec 2222 1314 161 528 219 68
fchollet/keras 2212 1485 199 188 340 68
vaadin framework+vaadin-grid 2180 1237 181 569 193 45
zulip zulip 2155 1674 283 26 172 11
wireapp wire-webapp+wire-ios+wire-android 2125 426 313 1330 56 39
Automattic jetpack 2116 1116 198 672 130 48 Automattic Jetpack
Microsoft visualfsharp 2089 1728 128 113 120 24 Microsoft F#
wordpress-mobile WordPress-Android+WordPress-iOS 2086 844 234 809 199 30
grpc grpc 2082 1517 221 183 161 35
owncloud core+client 2077 1376 140 397 164 38
dart-lang sdk 2077 901 17 887 272 55
freeCodeCamp freeCodeCamp 2062 1500 90 72 400 41
vmware vic+clarity 2024 1201 220 260 343 43
dmlc mxnet 1987 1213 200 287 287 72
go-gitea gitea 1956 1482 144 136 194 23
Microsoft CNTK 1939 416 20 1376 127 51 Microsoft CNTK
rails rails 1927 1290 239 236 162 60
mapbox mapbox-gl-native+mapbox-gl-js 1927 951 172 559 245 53
EFForg https-everywhere 1915 798 530 532 55 45
Radarr Radarr 1906 1407 86 129 284 20
opendatakit collect 1895 1448 164 109 174 37
gradle gradle 1885 758 78 872 177 38
kubernetes-incubator service-catalog+bootkube+kargo+kube-aws 1885 1321 231 189 144 54
department-of-veterans-affairs caseflow 1855 566 179 916 194 27 Department of Veterans Affairs
CartoDB cartodb 1823 795 93 796 139 16
webpack 1822 1283 145 216 178 77
department-of-veterans-affairs vets-website+caseflow-efolder 1817 519 239 1015 44 56
broadinstitute gatk+cromwell+gatk-protected 1813 1034 102 522 155 42
keybase client 1813 705 225 784 99 21
librenms librenms 1804 1331 195 188 90 30
fabric8io fabric8-planner+fabric8-ui 1742 803 322 368 249 46
chapel-lang chapel 1715 928 360 328 99 22
CleverRaven Cataclysm-DDA 1696 1237 191 120 148 31
openSUSE open-build-service+osem 1676 1152 230 216 78 40
eggjs egg 1655 1150 66 281 158 26
openssl openssl 1652 1056 217 305 74 27
npm npm 1646 1227 29 103 287 12
PowerShell PowerShell+PowerShell-Docs 1631 1170 125 166 170 49
mlr-org mlr+mlr-tutorial 1617 730 96 639 152 45
mantidproject mantid 1617 468 130 889 130 38
wix wix-style-react+react-native-navigation+yoshi 1604 390 111 951 152 64
apache trafficserver 1593 1383 66 101 43 22
highfidelity hifi 1563 999 252 278 34 31
ReactTraining react-router 1548 1138 80 126 204 38
pingcap tidb 1538 691 196 622 29 44
mesosphere marathon 1537 1072 40 378 47 20
frappe erpnext+frappe 1522 524 297 404 297 58
Microsoft pxt 1519 521 147 653 198 13 Microsoft PXT
scikit-learn scikit-learn 1502 1241 103 55 103 44
electron electron 1501 987 81 247 186 36
odoo odoo 1497 669 309 384 135 75
Necrobot-Private NecroBot 1494 846 97 344 207 14
RocketChat Rocket.Chat 1487 926 123 209 229 20
NativeScript NativeScript+nativescript-cli 1479 821 138 351 169 39
Baystation12 Baystation12 1475 982 186 147 160 28
bitcoin bitcoin 1468 1203 165 39 61 18
TrinityCore TrinityCore 1455 1045 59 234 117 35
ScreepsOCS screeps.behaviour-action-pattern 1441 577 162 612 90 12
atom atom 1435 929 50 304 152 24
LLNL spack 1435 813 246 310 66 36
crate crate 1433 124 213 1078 18 15
minetest minetest 1430 1221 67 57 85 22
airbnb superset+react-native-maps 1429 879 131 200 219 33
sympy sympy 1419 1138 141 53 87 31
betaflight betaflight 1414 1032 143 115 124 27
ARMmbed mbed-os 1399 1073 141 87 98 36
TEAMMATES teammates 1392 923 130 164 175 46
facebookincubator create-react-app 1377 1132 85 34 126 18 Facebook Incubator
apollographql apollo-client+react-apollo 1374 935 103 199 137 41
mitodl micromasters 1369 460 140 645 124 14
openMF community-app+self-service-app 1369 883 205 108 173 31
hazelcast hazelcast 1364 968 142 183 71 21
opentx opentx 1360 873 91 278 118 16
numpy numpy 1358 1140 76 63 79 27
PX4 Firmware 1352 947 121 158 126 20
getsentry sentry+raven-js 1330 568 156 538 68 42
greenplum-db gpdb 1330 781 217 302 30 50
nextcloud server 1328 883 60 162 223 22
chain chain 1322 442 191 678 11 21
prettier prettier 1319 951 118 103 147 30
matplotlib matplotlib 1278 958 124 90 106 30
devtools-html debugger.html+devtools-core 1275 614 217 303 141 65
corda corda 1264 378 173 694 19 31
alibaba weex+atlas+rax 1263 571 85 394 213 38
WordPress gutenberg 1254 641 175 399 39 12
checkstyle checkstyle 1252 1025 144 23 60 14
OfficeDev office-ui-fabric-react+skype-docs 1245 675 142 288 140 49
medic medic-webapp 1230 848 49 222 111 12
Cadasta cadasta-platform 1229 816 122 209 82 24
grafana grafana 1223 858 69 60 236 15
radare/radare2 1223 827 143 117 136 16
apinf platform 1219 697 52 325 145 11
xitu gold-miner 1211 808 54 234 115 31
galaxyproject galaxy+galaxy-hub 1202 583 140 394 85 31
woocommerce woocommerce 1202 618 156 191 237 15
dgraph-io dgraph 1196 572 72 481 71 11
ArduPilot ardupilot+ardupilot_wiki 1195 810 145 165 75 50
minishift minishift 1192 995 48 58 91 12
prestodb presto 1191 815 156 130 90 33
Tendrl commons+node-agent 1185 307 276 545 57 22
fastlane fastlane 1182 851 84 59 188 19
weaveworks scope+weave 1175 551 90 433 101 31
ponylang ponyc 1172 747 108 253 64 19
PaddlePaddle Paddle+book 1169 437 277 311 144 54
paritytech parity 1169 296 123 414 336 20
KratosMultiphysics Kratos 1149 585 92 428 44 31
inverse-inc packetfence 1143 364 38 654 87 14
python mypy+typeshed 1141 689 188 149 115 50
voidlinux void-packages 1141 373 154 566 48 44
primefaces primeng 1140 685 36 185 234 22
emberjs ember.js+data+guides+website 1138 664 183 189 102 60
mozilla-services pageshot+screenshots 1135 514 107 331 183 62
pymedusa Medusa 1133 494 126 443 70 12
rapid7 metasploit-framework 1129 874 95 110 50 47
metabase metabase 1128 709 62 217 140 13
Microsoft UWPCommunityToolkit+ApplicationInsights-dotnet-server+BotFramework-WebChat 1125 725 105 213 82 43
mgp25/Instagram-API 1119 645 42 328 104 16
hrydgard/ppsspp 1115 761 68 193 93 11
Promact trappist 1114 65 133 899 17 24
certbot certbot 1103 751 99 166 87 28
githubteacher/march-developers 1103 364 154 407 178 172
Mashape kong 1099 683 81 244 91 18
dotCMS core 1094 427 134 303 230 17
pandas-dev pandas 1093 842 88 33 130 20
bazelbuild bazel 1085 864 22 55 144 21
akka akka+akka-http 1081 780 127 65 109 27
twbs bootstrap 1077 732 69 107 169 22
circleci circleci-docs 1071 347 218 465 41 40
akeneo pim-community-dev 1070 151 198 703 18 32
01org cc-oci-runtime+corelibs-arduino101 1058 787 98 130 43 26
w3c web-platform-tests+webauthn 1057 630 171 216 40 59
iNavFlight inav 1049 776 77 112 84 12
xcat2 xcat-core 1046 689 120 115 122 19
Ultimaker Cura 1046 631 41 270 104 16
bioconda bioconda-recipes 1041 431 313 268 29 63
RIOT-OS RIOT 1035 834 100 79 22 23
ethcore parity 1034 391 119 437 87 19
pypa pip 1031 916 37 30 48 11
habitat-sh habitat 1030 661 81 202 86 22
openwhisk openwhisk 1028 773 115 77 63 24
realm realm-cocoa+realm-js 1025 688 52 186 99 26
pfnet chainer 1019 552 121 316 30 35
eslint eslint 1016 648 98 169 101 15
k9mail k-9 1010 779 85 60 86 22
spf13/hugo 1006 765 54 92 95 27
RPCS3 rpcs3 1003 778 64 49 112 18
systemd systemd 993 728 92 76 97 36
atomist rug+end-user-documentation 986 233 87 598 68 31
devopsdays devopsdays-web 975 280 321 363 11 66
druid-io druid 974 715 103 91 65 22
modxcms revolution 973 817 73 51 32 22
prometheus prometheus+node_exporter 972 702 67 118 85 32
syl20bnr/spacemacs 959 762 77 25 95 21
minio minio 955 630 112 115 98 14
appirio-tech connect-app 952 583 81 121 167 18
Microsoft WinObjC 946 502 137 157 150 18 Microsoft Obj-C
idaholab moose 945 625 127 137 56 25
reactioncommerce reaction 942 406 62 388 86 21
pytorch pytorch 942 585 120 93 144 28
conda-forge staged-recipes 938 668 156 102 12 18
babel babel+babylon 936 616 114 122 84 31
callemall material-ui 935 665 89 70 111 19
mautic mautic 932 620 80 65 167 14
pymc-devs pymc3 928 692 74 100 62 23
kontena kontena 927 404 78 386 59 13
containous traefik 921 675 65 79 102 18
VOREStation VOREStation 919 345 191 322 61 14
zeit next.js 917 633 58 97 129 30
Project-OSRM osrm-backend 916 406 61 381 68 17
cockpit-project cockpit 911 611 108 159 33 15
OpenAngelArena oaa 907 561 140 114 92 13
raspberrypi documentation 907 573 64 249 21 43
d3athrow/vgstation13 907 709 64 69 65 20
Polymer polymer+docs 904 437 108 244 115 41
ISWPOLI Pacto-de-Honor 902 490 26 249 137 24
SeleniumHQ selenium 902 564 19 177 142 23
trilinos Trilinos 900 579 22 218 81 34
the-control-group voyager 899 618 88 76 117 22
Cacti cacti 888 536 20 190 142 11
pachyderm pachyderm 885 321 76 376 112 12
OpenRA OpenRA 882 682 73 54 73 11
meteor meteor 878 698 31 64 85 15
auth0 docs+lock 876 246 216 336 78 60
koding koding 872 114 142 564 52 14
sakaiproject sakai 865 479 191 184 11 30
phpmyadmin phpmyadmin 865 580 36 179 70 32
chef chef+inspec 863 375 104 316 68 35
WhisperSystems Signal-Android 858 653 22 52 131 12
oss-gate workshop 842 761 32 27 22 19
lyft envoy 842 380 106 315 41 21
mpv-player mpv 841 682 22 59 78 17
uclouvain osis 841 278 109 382 72 17
Cloud-CV EvalAI 841 568 90 112 71 19
openwrt packages+luci 840 523 128 145 44 55
domoticz domoticz 840 534 119 156 31 32
webpack-contrib css-loader+style-loader 830 702 32 50 46 24
JeffreyWay/laravel-mix 829 607 19 68 135 12
fuse-box fuse-box 825 503 38 198 86 12
blei-lab edward 825 226 65 496 38 17
z-song/laravel-admin 823 512 74 94 143 12
plone plone.restapi+Products.CMFPlone 823 452 59 247 65 23
quicwg base-drafts 823 317 50 427 29 11
crystal-lang crystal 822 650 43 43 86 17
zooniverse Panoptes-Front-End 821 393 102 268 58 19
bloomberg bucklescript 816 432 106 191 87 17
serverless serverless 814 615 56 72 71 27
wso2 product-ei+carbon-apimgt 812 259 199 205 149 40
hydroshare hydroshare 812 368 39 365 40 15
oppia oppia 811 648 80 44 39 18
pioneers PieCentral 806 112 112 568 14 28
KhronosGroup Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers+WebGL 806 359 96 289 62 39
Cockatrice Cockatrice 805 579 64 93 69 11
astropy astropy 804 685 32 49 38 22
antlr antlr4 801 612 60 83 46 14
cerner terra-ui+terra-core 799 103 81 560 55 40
vgstation-coders vgstation13 798 665 54 34 45 11
ymcatwincities openy 797 620 69 87 21 13
ballerinalang composer+ballerina 795 212 237 249 97 40
FriendsOfPHP PHP-CS-Fixer 793 615 64 89 25 15
plotly plotly.js 785 489 54 184 58 11
neo4j neo4j 782 275 186 288 33 25
convox rack 778 336 79 307 56 12
open-mpi ompi 778 517 114 104 43 20
yarpc yarpc-go 776 166 80 489 41 13
mapsme omim 774 315 216 217 26 19
openscholar openscholar 773 459 39 223 52 11
obspy obspy 772 476 48 219 29 14
18F fec-cms 771 452 56 213 50 12
codenvy codenvy 769 356 53 232 128 21
4teamwork opengever.core 766 177 90 426 73 13
cocos2d cocos2d-x 765 470 112 102 81 19
almighty almighty-core 764 463 100 99 102 14
scipy scipy 759 576 60 50 73 23
rcbops rpc-openstack 759 344 123 259 33 15
airyland/vux 758 458 26 116 158 11
keepassxreboot keepassxc 755 529 35 128 63 17
OWASP owasp-mstg+owasp-summit-2017 755 121 87 338 209 37
JMRI JMRI 746 474 123 119 30 20
mitchellh/packer 741 499 64 99 79 15
Particular 737 366 76 261 34 41
lampepfl dotty 736 542 81 69 44 12
spesmilo electrum 736 465 18 138 115 11
BVLC caffe 735 565 46 23 101 14
LMMS lmms 733 593 34 60 46 18
freeorion freeorion 732 429 49 217 37 12
exercism x-common+xjava 732 398 135 139 60 34
JabRef jabref 732 443 54 181 54 19
archesproject arches 732 213 127 328 64 12
junit-team junit5 730 355 24 310 41 12
streamlink streamlink 730 581 46 45 58 11
playframework playframework 723 456 119 96 52 19
mlpack mlpack 716 564 54 73 25 22
AjuntamentdeBarcelona decidim 714 231 83 337 63 12
Minecolonies minecolonies 711 445 31 178 57 11
azavea raster-foundry 711 198 81 296 136 17
cosname 710 258 231 203 18 19
amahi android 710 467 89 66 88 16
sphinx-doc sphinx 706 473 56 114 63 19
strongloop 704 495 60 125 24 41
fabric-composer fabric-composer 703 238 172 176 117 23
PolarisSS13 Polaris 703 393 152 142 16 15
marmelab admin-on-rest 700 405 58 132 105 24
Semantic-Org Semantic-UI-React 700 429 49 149 73 15
bokeh bokeh 700 418 50 161 71 12
piwik piwik 695 419 49 133 94 14
nim-lang Nim 695 362 91 151 91 39
openemr openemr 693 502 75 83 33 19
curl curl 691 499 43 113 36 29
infernojs inferno 690 448 35 160 47 24
TesseractTeam Tesseract 682 434 27 104 117 21
neos neos-development-collection+neos-ui+flow-development-collection 680 318 139 156 67 48
claroline Distribution 679 147 72 388 72 22
styled-components styled-components+polished 678 444 47 104 83 26
iiitv algos 676 364 61 191 60 15
ucb-bar rocket-chip+firrtl 675 231 88 323 33 27
typetools checker-framework 673 371 74 184 44 12
material-components material-components-web+material-components-ios 672 305 78 211 78 33
mitchellh/vagrant 671 494 33 66 78 17
diffblue cbmc 670 387 140 113 30 24
ung-it UngIT 669 30 60 556 23 11
elementary appcenter 664 232 55 239 138 18
sqlcollaborative dbatools 663 275 81 254 53 23
marcobambini/gravity 662 410 52 136 64 20
halide Halide 662 263 65 315 19 11
adobe brackets 659 421 49 110 79 18
pixijs pixi.js 653 454 28 96 75 12
AnalyticalGraphicsInc cesium 653 376 60 173 44 19
rtfd 652 446 33 115 58 11
africanmathsinitiative Instat 651 384 107 109 51 12
kirmich mustang 651 91 101 356 103 12
mamedev mame 651 188 87 365 11 54
YetiForceCompany YetiForceCRM 650 283 73 177 117 11
NuGet 646 262 80 184 120 36
learningequality kolibri 639 315 136 134 54 14
erikras/redux-form 638 479 26 36 97 16
salesagility SuiteCRM 638 447 69 37 85 19
Zarel/Pokemon-Showdown 638 357 101 167 13 27
aio-libs aiohttp 638 411 20 157 50 13
dmwm WMCore 631 470 52 75 34 12
Theano Theano 630 478 56 22 74 12
TryGhost Ghost 622 334 66 153 69 11
termux termux-packages 619 389 32 138 60 12
ultrabug/py3status 618 291 77 235 15 13
elysium-project server 618 312 87 89 130 20
HippieStation HippieStation13 616 405 48 94 69 17
openaddresses openaddresses 613 270 101 220 22 13
artsy force 611 301 129 135 46 22
chartjs Chart.js 611 449 31 31 100 11
Charcoal-SE SmokeDetector 608 107 48 441 12 24
hyperledger iroha 605 176 51 350 28 15
MovingBlocks Terasology 605 508 47 25 25 20
status-im status-react 602 211 50 265 76 15
HabitRPG habitica 600 337 61 168 34 12
KC3Kai KC3Kai 600 409 43 96 52 12
nvaccess nvda 596 398 19 80 99 13
magefree mage 592 280 85 171 56 19
cplusplus draft 591 307 49 182 53 11
sequelize sequelize 589 399 39 22 129 16
bigchaindb bigchaindb 586 228 76 220 62 16
uber 586 141 110 304 31 15
RocketMap RocketMap 585 475 56 34 20 16
ONSdigital eq-survey-runner 584 116 54 393 21 13
monero-project/monero 579 375 94 82 28 24
almende vis 577 400 33 40 104 12
infinitered ignite 577 290 79 136 72 16
Axelrod-Python Axelrod 575 348 66 143 18 12
lhorie/mithril.js 575 428 34 58 55 19
Courseplay courseplay 572 392 47 58 75 17
shadowsocks shadowsocks-libev 571 418 26 45 82 15
wekan wekan 567 386 21 96 64 13
humhub humhub 566 294 38 153 81 13
bolt bolt 566 334 72 134 26 12
mitmproxy mitmproxy 563 312 91 100 60 21
telerik kendo-ui-core 562 95 36 305 126 37
RaRe-Technologies gensim 560 437 50 44 29 19
payara Payara 559 429 48 50 32 18
qTox qTox 559 423 53 41 42 13
GoogleChrome lighthouse 558 303 56 144 55 15
smartdevicelink sdl_core+sdl_evolution 557 291 85 133 48 24
wagtail wagtail 556 388 69 59 40 33
Midburn Spark 556 220 80 215 41 20
SharePoint PnP-Sites-Core+sp-dev-fx-webparts 554 365 42 92 55 25
openstates openstates 553 295 94 100 64 12
dealii dealii 552 326 113 89 24 12
RestComm Restcomm-Connect 552 281 25 148 98 14
buildbot buildbot 551 236 65 39 211 19
react-community create-react-native-app 548 383 17 62 86 11
portainer portainer 547 356 36 65 90 11
aimacode aima-python 546 285 139 78 44 23
mesonbuild meson 544 370 55 64 55 17
jitsi jitsi-meet 544 319 50 138 37 14
girder girder 544 253 61 204 26 17
ppy osu 541 230 149 144 18 17
explosion spaCy 541 273 24 187 57 21
valor-software ng2-bootstrap 540 371 30 41 98 14
moment moment 538 391 29 63 55 39
cBioPortal cbioportal 538 207 68 224 39 24
projecthydra-labs hyrax 536 187 92 203 54 17
centreon centreon 534 161 27 281 65 19
youtube vitess 533 309 96 97 31 20
vuetifyjs vuetify 531 174 21 238 98 11
tomchristie/django-rest-framework 526 342 59 73 52 27
HerculesWS Hercules 526 379 44 81 22 17
bjorn/tiled 524 410 32 49 33 16
citusdata citus 524 211 28 271 14 15
openthread openthread 521 267 118 105 31 20
neomutt neomutt 520 336 22 135 27 14
djangocon 518 159 58 261 40 20
42shpimanmls 42sh 517 195 46 236 40 19
libretro RetroArch 516 294 11 146 65 12
HTBox allReady 515 333 55 51 76 21
matrix-org synapse 513 216 49 217 31 14
ibogicevic/SCADinspect 513 108 42 275 88 30
elixir-lang elixir 512 331 95 57 29 19
ESMCI cime 512 310 47 96 59 11
pybee voc 512 322 103 54 33 24
simulationcraft simc 512 152 13 301 46 23
lerna lerna 510 375 45 42 48 15
Dolibarr dolibarr 508 130 81 226 71 23
deployphp deployer 506 307 50 117 32 11
zeromq libzmq 506 267 113 108 18 90
duckduckgo zeroclickinfo-goodies 503 333 59 82 29 31
sgmap 500 134 83 269 14 28
pi-hole pi-hole 499 307 52 110 30 12
47deg freestyle 499 79 44 339 37 11
intel-analytics BigDL 496 176 133 127 60 21
monero-project/monero-core 495 263 99 89 44 18
yandex ClickHouse 493 136 81 247 29 24
clab dynet 493 334 34 75 50 14
facebook AsyncDisplayKit 493 243 69 123 58 14 Facebook AsyncDisplay Kit
vanilla vanilla 492 97 93 258 44 14
micropython micropython 491 300 24 122 45 12
SatelliteQE robottelo 490 241 101 115 33 18
leanprover lean 490 305 60 89 36 11
codex-team 487 46 40 336 65 13
MoonchildProductions Pale-Moon 486 327 37 92 30 11
channelcat/sanic 485 332 55 48 50 25
KiCad kicad-library 481 380 50 35 16 17
http4s http4s 481 191 74 191 25 17
espressif esp-idf 480 365 22 22 71 12
hydrabolt/discord.js 479 226 44 170 39 14
BitcoinUnlimited BitcoinUnlimited 479 340 65 52 22 11
NodeBB NodeBB 476 230 20 164 62 13
BabylonJS Babylon.js 472 154 102 171 45 27
nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware 472 356 34 44 38 11
octobercms october 471 360 18 39 54 11
racaljk/hosts 469 361 30 40 38 17
Alexpux/MINGW-packages 468 235 93 99 41 26
opencart opencart 468 317 34 62 55 13
NuCivic dkan 468 91 71 295 11 16
githubteacher/dev-mar-6 465 163 55 182 65 55
iovisor bcc 461 342 45 49 25 20
cloudfoundry loggregator+uaa 458 118 26 269 45 24
concrete5 concrete5 457 240 65 98 54 16
NREL EnergyPlus 457 259 31 147 20 13
laradock laradock 456 314 43 55 44 22
awesomeWM awesome 454 313 43 56 42 16
thoughtbot administrate 450 323 37 77 13 30
acemod ACE3 449 283 47 74 45 17
HandBrake HandBrake 449 319 15 67 48 11
OpenRCT2 OpenRCT2 447 323 42 53 29 17
code-corps code-corps-ember 447 139 51 220 37 14
red red 446 214 11 162 59 11
FStarLang FStar 444 105 17 291 31 19
gocd gocd 440 241 79 73 47 17
bootstrap-vue bootstrap-vue 438 219 27 142 50 15
KELiON/cerebro 436 326 30 40 40 18
malonnnn/ServerConfig 435 43 205 158 29 15
jwplayer jwplayer 435 154 64 196 21 12
Roll20 roll20-character-sheets 434 153 127 143 11 52
glpi-project glpi 432 219 53 93 67 16
acquia blt 431 177 84 129 41 18
angular-ui ui-grid 431 252 36 81 62 14
mozilla-neutrino neutrino-dev 428 270 50 72 36 13
rmosolgo/graphql-ruby 427 215 56 129 27 17
online-go 425 213 40 66 106 11
notepad-plus-plus notepad-plus-plus 424 248 27 29 120 15
pantheon-systems documentation 424 109 60 211 44 33
SparkDevNetwork Rock 419 160 33 185 41 20
sonata-project SonataAdminBundle 417 290 63 43 21 20
cerebral cerebral 417 181 54 163 19 21
I2PC scipion 415 154 25 188 48 14
metacurrency holochain 414 105 19 233 57 14
Zulko/moviepy 412 299 39 46 28 14
fabric8-ui fabric8-runtime-console 411 155 94 113 49 12
colinxfleming/dcaf_case_management 409 225 56 103 25 21
shogun-toolbox shogun 409 277 55 52 25 13
scrapy scrapy 408 277 52 43 36 13
chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate 408 271 31 56 50 12
algolia instantsearch.js 407 155 30 179 43 14
ipfs js-ipfs 406 239 29 125 13 12
kwsch/PKHeX 406 132 65 165 44 13
ReactionMechanismGenerator RMG-Py 405 174 23 174 34 14
jsdelivr jsdelivr 405 104 129 158 14 62
PowerDNS pdns 400 204 76 74 46 15
rpherbig/dr-scripts 400 213 47 92 48 15
Code4SocialGood/C4SG 400 184 72 71 73 25
w0rp/ale 400 251 25 79 45 26
MISP MISP 398 235 21 62 80 14
quasarframework quasar 397 198 21 125 53 11
volumio/Volumio2 397 242 38 85 32 14
Yelp paasta 394 99 63 218 14 21
hangoutsbot hangoutsbot 394 212 21 135 26 11
open-learning-exchange 393 265 53 40 35 16
AzureAD microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet 393 81 69 204 39 14
Free-Cities Free-Cities 392 177 109 95 11 12
Miserlou/Zappa 392 239 16 102 35 14
linuxmint cinnamon-spices-applets 392 210 76 81 25 16
firebase functions-samples 391 240 35 62 54 23
lukesampson/scoop 391 191 30 144 26 17
terasolunaorg guideline 391 127 74 162 28 15
keystonejs keystone 389 230 21 98 40 13
prebid Prebid.js 389 249 54 57 29 26
urho3d Urho3D 389 250 14 86 39 13
wallabag wallabag 389 267 19 44 59 13
diesel-rs diesel 389 158 28 169 34 13
Linuxbrew homebrew-core 387 187 100 72 28 19
Teradata covalent 386 169 30 137 50 11
jgthms/bulma 385 272 29 36 48 17
StoneyJacksonOrg collaborate 385 49 98 86 152 19
SiamakSamie/SOEN341 382 47 48 264 23 16
jerryscript-project jerryscript 381 244 59 56 22 12
idris-lang Idris-dev 380 258 21 70 31 15
reactjs redux 379 283 41 33 22 23
gitextensions gitextensions 379 216 21 99 43 30
csu2017sp314 class 378 46 120 201 11 83
AliasIO/Wappalyzer 377 237 59 52 29 13
rust-lang book 374 189 52 106 27 23
sebastianbergmann/phpunit 374 148 41 148 37 23
ceph ceph-ansible 373 197 41 107 28 14
jolocom little-sister 372 31 40 249 52 14
biopython biopython 370 259 39 47 25 20
gatsbyjs gatsby 369 166 50 131 22 19
HGustavs/LenaSYS 368 150 48 101 69 28
kamailio kamailio 367 202 23 125 17 20
rackerlabs rackspace-how-to 367 245 39 65 18 18
nipy nipype 366 257 48 40 21 17
lagom lagom 366 217 41 67 41 16
deepchem deepchem 364 270 32 31 31 12
SnappyDataInc snappydata 363 99 16 232 16 24
tiny-dnn tiny-dnn 362 295 22 24 21 11
phoenixframework phoenix 362 193 50 71 48 17
DataDog dd-agent 358 66 52 226 14 24
grommet grommet 358 211 15 74 58 16
haikuports haikuports 357 186 50 106 15 12
howdyai botkit 356 234 21 63 38 20
sksamuel/elastic4s 354 200 37 73 44 15
youzan zent 354 50 69 222 13 20
fpco stackage 353 144 64 126 19 48
ckan ckan 352 237 26 54 35 11
Code4SocialGood/c4sg-web 352 109 61 55 127 18
Financial-Times polyfill-service 350 201 36 92 21 13
hzuapps android-labs-2017 348 110 110 66 62 59
lattice quda 346 152 21 160 13 11
hak5 bashbunny-payloads 343 168 116 38 21 20
Nukkit Nukkit 343 240 32 28 43 12
thelounge lounge 343 227 27 74 15 11
MusicConnectionMachine api 343 166 46 108 23 15
ibm-cds-labs pixiedust 342 116 29 129 68 12
ofiwg libfabric 340 165 80 75 20 17
coreos prometheus-operator 340 219 49 45 27 12
tc39 test262 335 219 47 47 22 17
celery celery 334 223 25 30 56 24
canjs canjs 332 62 30 207 33 16
mobxjs mobx 332 246 21 25 40 13
pimcore pimcore 331 125 23 146 37 24
KAIST-IS521 2017-Spring 330 146 62 81 41 37
pantsbuild pants 328 130 73 86 39 16
iron-io functions 327 148 40 113 26 11
marcosmoura/vue-material 327 229 21 23 54 15
biolab orange3 324 138 71 59 56 11
qmk qmk_firmware 323 204 43 55 21 33
Fyrd/caniuse 323 164 41 82 36 24
trailofbits mcsema 323 49 53 171 50 12
kaldi-asr kaldi 320 237 37 25 21 15
OpenMS OpenMS 318 227 33 35 23 13
codecombat codecombat 318 48 43 213 14 18
Leaflet Leaflet 317 223 21 24 49 16
cleanflight cleanflight 317 173 35 86 23 11
HospitalRun hospitalrun-frontend 316 167 38 85 26 15
accidentalshakespeare company-site 315 42 75 187 11 16
WikiEducationFoundation WikiEduDashboard 312 55 33 212 12 12
open-power op-build 311 119 79 91 22 14
gnuradio gnuradio 309 224 21 48 16 15
bwinton/SnoozeTabs 309 161 31 83 34 35
Leetcode-Tutorial Tutorial 308 30 57 181 40 12
ligo-cbc pycbc 308 139 62 96 11 16
SpongePowered SpongeCommon 306 160 13 92 41 14
doomspork/elixir-school 304 199 46 48 11 20
p4lang p4c 304 177 44 50 33 11
Jumpscale jumpscale_core8 304 55 18 194 37 18
letscontrolit ESPEasy 303 152 52 70 29 12
scikit-image scikit-image 302 232 26 22 22 12
valhalla valhalla 302 104 51 132 15 12
mfem mfem 302 116 16 156 14 18
pivorakmeetup pivorak-web-app 295 45 35 144 71 14
EC-CUBE ec-cube 294 155 51 44 44 14
projectcalico calico 294 156 49 40 49 11
cloud-elements churros 293 36 64 174 19 24
sinonjs sinon 293 202 32 30 29 19
Shippable base 292 64 79 80 69 20
DarkstarProject darkstar 291 164 42 52 33 14
aiidateam aiida_core 291 95 56 102 38 13
audiokit AudioKit 291 182 17 43 49 11
kivy kivy 287 187 25 38 37 14
bulletphysics bullet3 286 158 55 56 17 16
DynamoDS Dynamo 286 137 77 54 18 13
ianstormtaylor/slate 286 152 26 73 35 11
yahoo pulsar 283 146 54 65 18 13
BOINC boinc 283 132 29 109 13 12
Moya Moya 282 207 15 28 32 12
STEllAR-GROUP hpx 281 87 40 143 11 15
Endless-Horizon CEV-Eris 280 54 55 114 57 13
ofi-cray libfabric-cray 278 157 36 47 38 11
MichMich/MagicMirror 277 168 50 43 16 14
serghey-rodin/vesta 277 152 23 74 28 11
Codeception Codeception 276 188 26 35 27 13
Netflix security_monkey 276 159 33 45 39 13
travis-ci docs-travis-ci-com 275 111 66 81 17 32
uber-go zap 275 152 36 65 22 15
gallantlab pycortex 274 22 31 201 20 15
SAPDocuments Tutorials 274 57 19 99 99 14
solgenomics sgn 274 36 20 190 28 11
astaxie/beego 273 180 22 22 49 16
Subsurface-divelog/subsurface 273 146 48 60 19 11
awslabs s2n 271 122 54 51 44 11
appleseedhq appleseed 271 122 76 59 14 13
webdriverio webdriverio 269 173 32 28 36 22
react-native-community react-native-elements 268 149 22 53 44 11
secdev scapy 267 170 50 30 17 16
spotify docker-client 265 140 33 73 19 11
gwu-libraries sfm-ui 262 141 15 80 26 11
jeff-regier/Celeste.jl 262 60 44 145 13 11
flatpak flatpak 261 122 29 59 51 17
azerothcore azerothcore-wotlk 259 184 15 31 29 13
ember-cli ember-cli 258 144 26 50 38 17
bcicen/ctop 258 131 15 64 48 13
mockito mockito 258 186 26 26 20 12
Flexget Flexget 256 127 16 77 36 13
kpenning/peoplepower 255 41 23 171 20 11
2factorauth twofactorauth 255 144 52 42 17 25
CGAL cgal 254 148 42 35 29 11
hunkim/DeepLearningZeroToAll 254 115 47 81 11 12
miraheze mw-config 254 45 73 124 12 13
QCoDeS Qcodes 252 90 34 117 11 17
slimphp Slim 252 187 17 32 16 12
ember-learn ember-api-docs 251 106 45 70 30 12
wevote WebApp 250 125 51 43 31 12
rathena rathena 248 164 14 38 32 11
mipengine mip-extensions 247 125 48 46 28 11
hyperium hyper 247 113 14 106 14 11
typelevel cats 244 180 27 25 12 12
play-with-docker 242 74 59 91 18 18
leancloud docs 240 106 41 66 27 13
alliance-genome agr 240 78 12 134 16 11
SoftEng-HEIGVD Teaching-HEIGVD-RES-2017-Labo-00 239 46 58 42 93 30
microsoftgraph microsoft-graph-docs 236 28 95 98 15 17
cakephp authentication 236 105 30 83 18 11
fsharp FSharp.Compiler.Service 236 167 27 28 14 14
linkerd linkerd 233 111 27 61 34 12
sublimehq/Packages 232 130 36 52 14 12
nybles 230 95 44 70 21 11
honestbleeps/Reddit-Enhancement-Suite 230 68 54 83 25 12
DistrictDataLabs yellowbrick 229 158 16 27 28 12
ResearchKit ResearchKit 229 170 19 22 18 11
munki munki 227 114 17 83 13 11
pagarme pagarme-magento 227 32 37 121 37 11
rangle angular-training-slides 226 68 38 35 85 13
part-up part-up 225 76 23 102 24 13
UVASGD spring-2017-the-big-dungeon 225 23 22 163 17 11
spree spree 224 90 65 52 17 16
libgit2 libgit2 224 126 32 55 11 12
juju docs 223 68 60 65 30 12
loklak loklak_server 220 142 25 28 25 13
perl6 doc 220 84 11 99 26 16
fluent fluentd 216 133 22 41 20 13
opentable oc 215 96 26 81 12 11
contiv netplugin 214 130 34 35 15 12
FriendsOfSymfony FOSUserBundle 214 119 38 27 30 14
getredash redash 214 127 32 29 26 11
libgdx libgdx 213 121 25 40 27 19
oVirt ovirt-site 212 96 49 56 11 24
Metaswitch sprout 212 69 21 99 23 12
badges shields 211 140 30 23 18 13
foundersandcoders master-reference 211 115 20 63 13 21
adaptlearning adapt_framework 209 106 16 46 41 11
capitalone cloud-custodian 208 107 34 44 23 13
bigbluebutton bigbluebutton 204 61 55 64 24 13
github linguist 201 125 31 26 19 15
sosreport sos 198 120 27 39 12 18
vasanthk/react-bits 196 69 32 83 12 29
lammps lammps 195 91 33 59 12 18
liblouis liblouis 195 118 12 50 15 12
IgniteUI ignite-ui 193 35 57 87 14 23
bcit-ci CodeIgniter4 193 111 18 44 20 11
Thinkmill react-conf-app 192 36 28 115 13 11
UCATLAS xAODAnaHelpers 191 107 30 37 17 11
spulec/moto 191 92 16 59 24 14
GeoNode geonode 190 95 33 33 29 11
racket racket 190 130 11 33 16 12
flowtype flow-typed 187 70 56 41 20 30
chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher 187 56 36 76 19 14
donnemartin/system-design-primer 184 93 25 44 22 13
robotology yarp 182 76 26 63 17 13
linkedin bluepill 180 72 17 72 19 11
splitbrain/dokuwiki 179 106 33 25 15 13
NYTimes kyt 179 54 20 92 13 12
OpenZWave open-zwave 178 98 28 39 13 13
reactide reactide 177 54 45 61 17 12
austinv11/Discord4J 175 61 17 78 19 14
yarnpkg website 175 99 36 27 13 12
linuxboss182/SoftEng-2017 174 55 24 74 21 11
tlswg tls13-spec 173 81 35 45 12 14
vuejs 172 67 50 39 16 27
mirumee saleor 171 81 23 47 20 12
dojo widget-core 171 91 28 29 23 11
adazzle react-data-grid 170 103 16 31 20 11
bitcoinbook bitcoinbook 170 75 32 36 27 12
mbeddr mbeddr.core 165 36 11 102 16 15
OperationCode operationcode 165 76 33 31 25 12
patternfly patternfly-design 164 75 25 48 16 14
sukeesh/Jarvis 163 70 36 40 17 12
hteso/iaito 163 93 19 26 25 11
pennersr/django-allauth 162 93 23 23 23 12
renatomarinho/laravel-gitscrum 162 41 22 86 13 12
flowable flowable-engine 161 67 28 52 14 13
feathersjs feathers-docs 161 55 22 65 19 12
confluentinc schema-registry 159 85 16 40 18 12
photonstorm/phaser-ce 158 83 22 22 31 11
ansible ansibullbot 156 46 36 39 35 12
tue-robotics tue_robocup 156 57 12 64 23 12
future-architect vuls 156 60 27 50 19 11
githubteacher/bug-free-doodle 155 40 18 76 21 25
darkskyapp forecast-io-translations 154 75 19 25 35 14
cake-build website 152 57 27 57 11 21
webpack-china 151 73 21 42 15 20
swagger-api swagger-js 151 72 24 41 14 11
remind101 stacker 149 66 14 57 12 11
bigcommerce cornerstone 148 66 30 41 11 12
ros-planning moveit 142 76 16 38 12 11
githubteacher/palm-tree 136 42 26 48 20 14
cmu-db peloton 127 68 25 22 12 12
assimp assimp 127 71 11 30 15 13
MicrosoftDocs winrt-api 124 23 42 46 13 32
tomdale/glimmer-website 120 50 21 26 23 15
githubteacher/miniature-spork 110 29 14 48 19 16
githubteacher/turbo-fortnight 105 25 15 49 16 17
donejs donejs 104 41 14 35 14 11
MichelleGlauser/techtonica 104 41 13 34 16 11
org.login as org, as repo,
count(*) as activity,
SUM(IF(type = 'IssueCommentEvent', 1, 0)) as comments,
SUM(IF(type = 'PullRequestEvent', 1, 0)) as prs,
SUM(IF(type = 'PushEvent', 1, 0)) as commits,
SUM(IF(type = 'IssuesEvent', 1, 0)) as issues,
EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT(JSON_EXTRACT(payload, '$.commits[0]')) AS authors
from (
select * from
type in ('IssueCommentEvent', 'PullRequestEvent', 'PushEvent', 'IssuesEvent')
AND (type = 'PushEvent' OR (type != 'PushEvent' AND JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, '$.action') in ('created', 'opened', 'reopened')))
AND not in (
WHERE type = 'ForkEvent'
AND LOWER(actor.login) not like '%bot%'
AND actor.login != 'tgstation-server'
AND actor.login NOT IN (
COUNT(*) c
type = 'IssueCommentEvent'
c > 200
org, repo
authors > 10
and comments > 20
and prs > 10
and commits > 20
and issues > 10
activity desc
limit 1000;
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