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Last active July 31, 2022 20:59
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-- Based on:
import Data.List (delete, union)
{- HLINT ignore "Eta reduce" -}
-- File mnemonics:
-- env = typing environment
-- vid = variable identifier in Bind or Var
-- br = binder variant (Lambda or Pi)
-- xyzTyp = type of xyz
-- body = body of Lambda or Pi abstraction
-- fn = expression in a function position
-- arg = expression in an argument position
-- Variable identifiers. We 'export' only Eq, Show, freshVid
newtype Vid = Vid String deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Generates a fresh symbol given a list of forbidden symbols.
freshVid :: [Vid] -> Vid -> Vid
freshVid forbidden vid | vid `notElem` forbidden = vid
freshVid forbidden (Vid str) = freshVid forbidden $ Vid (str ++ "'")
-- Syntax tree of lambda-pi expressions
data Expr
= Var Vid
| App Expr Expr
| Bind Binder Vid Expr Expr -- both Lambda and Pi expressions
| Star
| Box
deriving (Show)
data Binder = Lambda | Pi deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Standard alpha equality.
alphaEq :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
alphaEq (Var vid) (Var vid') = vid == vid'
alphaEq (App fn arg) (App fn' arg') = alphaEq fn fn' && alphaEq arg arg'
alphaEq (Bind br vid vidTyp body) (Bind br' vid' vidTyp' body') =
br == br' && alphaEq vidTyp vidTyp' && alphaEq body (subst vid' (Var vid) body')
alphaEq Star Star = True
alphaEq Box Box = True
alphaEq _ _ = False
-- List of free variables.
freeVars :: Expr -> [Vid]
freeVars (Var vid) = [vid]
freeVars (App fn arg) = freeVars fn `union` freeVars arg
freeVars (Bind _ vid vidTyp body) = freeVars vidTyp `union` (vid `delete` freeVars body)
freeVars Star = []
freeVars Box = []
-- Capture avoiding substitution.
subst :: Vid -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
subst subVid subExpr expr = aux expr where
subExprFV = freeVars subExpr
aux (Var vid) = if vid == subVid then subExpr else Var vid
aux (App fn arg) = App (aux fn) (aux arg)
aux (Bind br vid vidTyp body)
| vid == subVid = Bind br vid (aux vidTyp) body
| vid `elem` subExprFV =
-- Bind br vid ... would capture vid in our substitution, need to rename to newVid
let fv = subExprFV ++ freeVars body
newVid = freshVid fv vid
newBody = subst vid (Var newVid) body
newExpr = Bind br newVid vidTyp newBody
in aux newExpr -- will call into the 'otherwise' below
| otherwise = Bind br vid (aux vidTyp) (aux body)
aux Star = Star
aux Box = Box
-- Strong normalization, computes normal form. Guaranteed to terminate for typeCheck-ed terms.
norm :: Expr -> Expr
norm expr = spine expr [] where
spine (App fn arg) args = spine fn (arg : args)
spine (Bind br vid vidTyp body) [] = Bind br vid (norm vidTyp) (norm body)
spine (Bind Lambda vid _ body) (arg : args) = spine (subst vid arg body) args
-- spine (Bind Pi _ _ _) (_:_) = error "should not happen for well typed terms"
spine fn args = foldl App fn (map norm args)
-- Given an typing environment and an expression, returns Left type error or Right type.
typeCheck :: [(Vid, Expr)] -> Expr -> Either String Expr
typeCheck [] (Var vid) = Left $ "Cannot find variable: " ++ show vid ++ "\n"
typeCheck ((envVid, envTyp) : _) (Var vid) | envVid == vid = Right envTyp
typeCheck (_ : env) (Var vid) = typeCheck env (Var vid)
typeCheck env (App fn arg) = do
fnTyp <- norm <$> typeCheck env fn
argTyp <- norm <$> typeCheck env arg
case fnTyp of
-- The core rule of App, type of the variable must be equal to the type of the argument.
Bind Pi vid vidTyp retTyp | alphaEq argTyp (norm vidTyp) -> Right $ subst vid arg retTyp
_ -> Left $ "Function type: " ++ show fnTyp ++ "\nArgument type: " ++ show argTyp ++ "\n"
typeCheck env (Bind br vid vidTyp body) = do
vidTypTyp <- norm <$> typeCheck env vidTyp
-- Invariant: all types in environemnt are well typed so that we can normalize them.
bodyTyp <- norm <$> typeCheck ((vid, vidTyp) : env) body
case br of
Lambda -> do
-- The type of (\(vid:vidTyp) -> body) is ((vid:vidTyp) -> bodyTyp)
let retTyp = Bind Pi vid vidTyp bodyTyp
_ <- typeCheck env retTyp
Right retTyp
Pi -> case (vidTypTyp, bodyTyp) of
-- These determin in which corner of the lambda cube are we in.
(Star, Star) -> Right Star
(Box, Star) -> Right Star
(Star, Box) -> Right Box
(Box, Box) -> Right Box
_ -> Left $ "Bad Pi abstraction: " ++ show (Bind br vid vidTyp body) ++ "\n"
typeCheck _ Star = Right Box
typeCheck _ Box = Left "CoC has only one universe 'Star' avaliable to the user.\n"
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