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Created April 23, 2024 13:25
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Password Secure Code Snippets
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This CLI tool does not work with MFA authentication."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Please make sure you're using PowerShell 7.4+"
Do {
$version = Read-Host "Enter the PWS version (8 or 9)"
if (!$version -or ($version -ne '8' -and $version -ne '9')) {
Write-Error "Please enter a valid API URL."
} while (!$version -or ($version -ne '8' -and $version -ne '9'))
# Load the DLL
if ($version -eq '8') {
try {
Add-Type -Path "dll_v8\PsrApi.dll"
} catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "You have previously used the CLI tool with PWS v9 in this Powershell instance. Please open a new Powershell instance to use it with PWS v8."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "Using PWS v8"
else {
try {
Add-Type -Path "dll_v9\PsrApi.dll"
} catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "You have previously used the CLI tool with PWS v8 in this Powershell instance. Please open a new Powershell instance to use it with PWS v9."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "Using PWS v9"
# Create the API object
Do {
$apiUrl = Read-Host "Enter the API URL, without the protocol (e.g."
if (!$apiUrl) {
Write-Error "Please enter a valid API URL."
} while (!$apiUrl)
$psrApi = New-Object PsrApi.PsrApi($apiUrl.Trim())
# Get login credentials
Do {
$db = Read-Host "Enter the database name"
if (!$db) {
Write-Error "Please enter a database name"
} while (!$db)
Do {
$username = Read-Host "Enter the username"
if (!$username) {
Write-Error "Please enter a username"
} while (!$username)
Do {
$password = Read-Host -MaskInput "Enter the password"
if (!$password) {
Write-Error "Please enter a password"
} while (!$password)
# Login for PWS v8
if ($version -eq '8') {
$loginTask = $psrApi.AuthenticationManager.Login($db.Trim(), $username.Trim(), $password.Trim())
try {
catch {
Write-Error "Login failed. Please check the credentials and try again."
# Login for PWS v9
else {
$authenticationFlow = $psrApi.AuthenticationManagerV2.StartNewAuthentication($db.Trim(), $username.Trim())
$startLoginTask = $authenticationFlow.StartLogin()
$requirement = $authenticationFlow.GetNextRequirement()
$selectedRequirement = $requirement.PossibleRequirements[0]
foreach ($field in $selectedRequirement.Fields) {
$field.Value = $password.Trim()
$authenticateTask = $authenticationFlow.Authenticate($selectedRequirement)
try {
catch {
Write-Error "Login failed. Please check the credentials and try again."
# Get the container list
$defaultContainerFilter = New-Object PsrApi.Data.PsrContainerListFilter
# Get all forms
$findFormsTask = $psrApi.ContainerManager.GetContainerList([PsrApi.Data.Enums.PsrContainerType]::Form, $defaultContainerFilter)
Do {
$formName = Read-Host "Enter the form name"
if (!$formName) {
Write-Error "Please enter a valid form name"
} while (!$formName)
# Find the form by name
$filteredForm = $findFormsTask.Result.Where({ $_.Name -eq $formName.Trim() })
if ($filteredForm.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "No forms with the name '$formName' found."
$formId = $filteredForm.Id
# Get all Password containers based on the form
$findPasswordTask = $psrApi.ContainerManager.GetContainerList([PsrApi.Data.Enums.PsrContainerType]::Password, $defaultContainerFilter)
$containersBasedOnForm = $findPasswordTask.Result.Where({ $_.BaseContainerId -eq $formId })
if ($containersBasedOnForm.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "No containers found for the form '$formName'."
# Get the old and new password field names
Do {
$oldField = Read-Host "Enter the name of the OLD password field"
if (!$oldField) {
Write-Error "Please enter an old field name"
} while (!$oldField)
Do {
$newField = Read-Host "Enter the name of the NEW password field"
if (!$newField) {
Write-Error "Please enter a new field name"
} while (!$newField)
$formFieldsExist = $true
$containerMissingFields = ''
# Check if the form fields exist
foreach ($container in $containersBasedOnForm) {
# Check if both "Password" and "Password (old)" are present in the Items
$passwordPresent = $false
$passwordOldPresent = $false
$passwordDescription = ''
foreach ($item in $container.Items) {
if ($item.Name -eq $newField.Trim()) {
$passwordPresent = $true
if ($item.Name -eq $oldField.Trim()) {
$passwordOldPresent = $true
if ($item.Name -eq "Description") {
$passwordDescription = $item.Value
if (-not $passwordPresent -or -not $passwordOldPresent) {
$formFieldsExist = $false
$containerMissingFields = $passwordDescription
# If the form fields don't exist, return an error
if (!$formFieldsExist) {
Write-Error "The following container is missing the required form fields: $containerMissingFields"
$progressTracker = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
# Update the passwords
$containersBasedOnForm | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 10 -Parallel {
# Get the old password value
$passwordOldItem = $_.Items | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $($using:oldField).Trim() }
$passwordOldValue = $passwordOldItem.Value
# Set the PlainTextValue of the new password field to the old password value
$passwordItem = $_.Items | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $($using:newField).Trim() }
if ($null -ne $passwordItem -and $null -ne $passwordOldItem) {
$passwordItem.PlainTextValue = $passwordOldValue
# Update the container
$updateTask = $($using:psrApi).ContainerManager.UpdateContainer($_)
$($using:progressTracker)[$_.Id] = $true
# Update the progress
$completed = $($using:progressTracker).Keys.Count
$percentComplete = ($completed / $($using:containersBasedOnForm).Count) * 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Updating Container Passwords" -Status "$completed of $($($using:containersBasedOnForm).Count) Completed" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
# Logout
if ($version -eq '8') {
$logoutTask = $psrApi.AuthenticationManager.Logout()
} else {
$logoutTask = $psrApi.AuthenticationManagerV2.Logout()
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "The script successfully processed $($containersBasedOnForm.Count) Password container(s)"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press any key to close" | Out-Null
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