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Last active March 17, 2023 19:30
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I needed to upsert (insert or update) bajillions of records into postgresql. After trying various libs including upsert (which was slow as hell) I ended up doing a bit of research and trying 3 different methods. This one won. While I'm manually building the sql string no user data is passed in. Its loaded via the copy from statement as CSV. Call…
import logging
import cStringIO
import csv
DEBUG = False
def data2csv(data):
si = cStringIO.StringIO()
cw = csv.writer(si, delimiter='\t',lineterminator="\n")
for row in data:
r = [ (x is None and '\N' or x) for x in row]
return si # .getvalue()
def upsert(cursor, table_name, selector_fields, setter_fields, data):
csv_data = data2csv(data)
sql_template = """
WITH updates AS (
UPDATE %(target)s t
SET %(set)s
FROM source s
WHERE %(where_t_pk_eq_s_pk)s
RETURNING %(s_pk)s
INSERT INTO %(target)s (%(columns)s)
SELECT %(source_columns)s
FROM source s LEFT JOIN updates t USING(%(pk)s)
WHERE %(where_t_pk_is_null)s
GROUP BY %(s_pk)s
statement = sql_template % dict(
target = table_name,
set = ',\n'.join(["%s = s.%s" % (x,x) for x in setter_fields]),
where_t_pk_eq_s_pk = ' AND '.join(["t.%s = s.%s" % (x,x) for x in selector_fields]),
s_pk = ','.join(["s.%s" % x for x in selector_fields]),
columns = ','.join([x for x in selector_fields+setter_fields]),
source_columns = ','.join(['s.%s' % x for x in selector_fields+setter_fields]),
pk = ','.join(selector_fields),
where_t_pk_is_null = ' AND '.join(["t.%s IS NULL" % x for x in selector_fields]),
t_pk = ','.join(["t.%s" % x for x in selector_fields]))
# with cursor as cur:
cur = cursor
cur.execute('CREATE TEMP TABLE source(LIKE %s INCLUDING ALL) ON COMMIT DROP;' % table_name);
cur.copy_from(csv_data, 'source', columns=selector_fields+setter_fields)
cur.execute('DROP TABLE source')
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andaoba commented Feb 25, 2021

Thanks a lot, that's a smarter way to do it!. I had to do a couple of modification for my use case. First, the cStringIO library is deprecated so i replaced to io, and all works the same. I added a function to manage the encoding, because i use utf-8 in database, but the files i load are in cp1252. The group by clause dont't work due there are not aggregation, as said by @chemeng, but in my case is don'n nedeed.

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