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Created February 12, 2012 21:13
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Playing with Clojure's Java interop a little bit
;;;;;;; - baker.clj - ;;;;;;;;
; By Luke Arno <>
; Proof of concept for "baking" badge data into a PNG,
; a la Mozilla Open Badges.
(ns baker
"Bake badge data into PNGs."
(:import ( File)
(com.sun.imageio.plugins.png PNGMetadata)
(java.awt.image RenderedImage)
(javax.imageio ImageIO IIOImage)
( FileImageOutputStream)))
; Default field to put the claim in.
(def default-metadata-field "AccoladesClaim")
(defn set-metadata
"Set a metadata field on a PNG, creating metadata if needed."
[^IIOImage image field-name data-string]
; Add image metadata object if it doesn't have one.
(if (nil? (.getMetadata image))
(.setMetadata image (PNGMetadata.)))
(let [metadata (.getMetadata image)]
(.add (.tEXt_keyword metadata) field-name)
(.add (.tEXt_text metadata) data-string))
(defn bake
"Bake claim data into a PNG."
; Called with no field-name, use default.
([^IIOImage image claim-string]
(bake image default-metadata-field claim-string))
; Bake the claim string into the image.
([^IIOImage image field-name claim-string]
(set-metadata image field-name claim-string)))
(defn write-image
"Write the image to a file."
[output-file-name ^RenderedImage image]
(let [writer (.next (ImageIO/getImageWritersBySuffix "png"))]
(.setOutput writer (FileImageOutputStream. (File. output-file-name)))
(.write writer nil image nil)))
(defn bake-files
"Bake claim string from file into an image."
[claim-file original-image-file output-image-file]
; Read the data string from a file.
; Read the image file and render it into memory.
; Pass string and image to bake and write the returned image to a file.
(write-image output-image-file
(bake (IIOImage.
(ImageIO/read (File. original-image-file)) nil nil)
(slurp claim-file))))
(defn test-bake []
(bake-files "claim.json" "batter.png" "cake.png"))
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