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Created December 22, 2015 17:09
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sfptpd via supervisord
class { 'sfptpd':
interface => $management_interface,
stats_log_enable => true,
manage_service => false,
daemon => false,
message_log => 'stderr',
stats_log_file => 'stdout',
class { 'supervisord':
install_pip => false,
package_provider => 'yum',
service_name => 'supervisord',
install_init => true,
config_include => '/etc/supervisord.d',
config_include_purge => true,
Class[sfptpd::config] ~> Class[supervisord::service]
class { 'ntp':
service_ensure => 'stopped',
service_enable => false,
#LB: supervisor program + modifying the stdio line buffering so we can get second by second
#stats, so we can read metrics more often with collectd.
supervisord::program { 'sfptpd':
command => '/usr/bin/stdbuf -oL -eL /usr/sbin/sfptpd -f /etc/sfptpd.conf',
autostart => true,
autorestart => true,
redirect_stderr => false,
stdout_logfile => '/var/log/sfptpd/stats.log',
stderr_logfile => '/var/log/sfptpd/sfptpd.log',
stdout_logfile_maxbytes => 0,
stdout_logfile_backups => 0,
stderr_logfile_maxbytes => 0,
stderr_logfile_backups => 0
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