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kentcdodds / useOnRead.tsx
Last active June 9, 2021 04:24
How I determine whether you've read a blog post.
function useOnRead({
enabled = true,
}: {
parentElRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>
onRead: () => void
enabled: boolean
}) {
React.useEffect(() => {
sperand-io / worker.js
Last active October 28, 2023 09:41
Cloudflare Workers / Segment Smart Proxy — serve data collection assets and endpoints from your own domain
* Steps to use:
* 1. Create CF Worker, copy and paste this in
* 2. (Optional) Update configuration defaults
* - If you want to manage in code, do so below under "Static Configuration"
* - If you want dynamic custom config: Create CFW KV namespace, link them, and add reference below
* - You can overwrite default path prefix for loading analytics.js (<yourdomain>/ajs)
* (corresponding KV entry: `script_path_prefix`)
* - You can overwrite default path prefix for handling first-party data collection (<yourdomain>/data)
dantheman213 /
Last active January 11, 2022 18:15
PostgreSQL & PL/pgSQL Stored Functions Cheatsheet

PostgreSQL & PL/pgSQL Stored Functions Cheatsheet

Boiler-plate stored function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.sp_user_ins_status(status smallint)
  RETURNS integer
  LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$