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Luke lukeeey

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Minecraft Launch Intents

Annoyingly, you can't click these links in this gist because github doesnt recognize them as actual valid links. You cant paste it into a browser address bar either, so create a bookmark with the link and then click that!


Opens Minecraft in Edu Mode. This is the real Education Edition!

Link: minecraft:?edu=1


lukeeey / index.html
Created August 6, 2018 23:41
SVG Effect: Outer Glow
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 500 500" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
<filter id="sofGlow" height="300%" width="300%" x="-75%" y="-75%">
<!-- Thicken out the original shape -->
<feMorphology operator="dilate" radius="4" in="SourceAlpha" result="thicken" />
<!-- Use a gaussian blur to create the soft blurriness of the glow -->
<feGaussianBlur in="thicken" stdDeviation="10" result="blurred" />

Featured Servers

Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US
Cache-Control: public
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: cpprestsdk/2.9.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
lukeeey / ps3
Last active February 18, 2021 10:09

Update check

GET HTTP/1.1  
Connection: Keep-Alive  
Accept-Encoding: identity  
User-Agent: PS3Update-agent/1.0.0 libhttp/1.0.0
[CLIENT BOUND] - AvailableCommandsPacket(commands=[CommandData(
CommandParamData(name=setting, optional=false, enumData=CommandEnumData(name=BoolSettingName, values=[allow-cheats], isSoft=false), type=null, postfix=null, options=[])
CommandParamData(name=value, optional=false, enumData=CommandEnumData(name=Boolean, values=[true, false], isSoft=false), type=null, postfix=null, options=[])

Classes that reference "pack.png"

ji.class Modified: 10th November 2010, 17:24:06

ny.class Modified: 10th November 2010, 17:24:06

The date is the same for a few class files, so i can assume its the same for them all. This could be because the jar was built at this time.

However, according to the launcher.json for alpha 1.2.2, it was released on 9th November 2010 at 10pm (2010-11-09T22:00:00+00:00)?

lukeeey /
Created October 28, 2018 13:40
What i want in the Scripting API

Network Access

I don't care if it's limited to images and JSON and the game internally checks it for validity before passing it to the script, we need access to internet to allow for a wider array of mods. I don't care if you route it through some stupid Microsoft proxy first, but we need this.

For example, i want to create a translating mod to help the people who arent so fluent in English (or vice versa). I cant realistically do that without using an external API. Or what if i want to make a mod that allows people to create an entity with the skin of a player from Minecraft: Java Edition. I would need to use the JSON API for that, wouldnt i.

After all this, i don't see why it cant be added? I think after all these checks it is finally safe enough for us to make a single HTTP request.

lukeeey /
Last active October 27, 2018 12:25
An example of what i would like to see in the Minecraft: Bedrock scripting api

An example of what i would like to be part of the Scripting API in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

Multi-file support as well, please. I dont want to make a 2000 line server mod, thanks.

"description":"Lobby Description...",