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Last active May 22, 2018 04:13
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haskell implementation of Godel's System T (typed Lambda calculus with Nats as a base type)
module SystemT where
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as S
data T
= TNat
| TArr T T
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show T where
show TNat = "Nat"
show (TArr a b) = '(':show a ++ "->" ++ show b ++")"
data STTerm
= Var Int
| Abs Int T STTerm
| App STTerm STTerm
| Zero
| Succ STTerm
| RecNat STTerm STTerm STTerm
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show STTerm where
show Zero = "Zero"
show (Succ n) = "S " ++ show n
show (RecNat h a n) = "Rec "++ show h ++ " (" ++ show a ++ ") (" ++ show n ++ ")"
show (Var x) = show x
show (App t1 t2) = '(':show t1 ++ ' ':show t2 ++ ")"
show (Abs x t l1) = '(':"\x03bb" ++ show x ++ ":" ++ show t ++ "." ++ show l1 ++ ")"
type Context = M.Map Int T
typeof :: STTerm -> Context -> Maybe T
typeof Zero ctx = Just TNat
typeof (Succ n) ctx = do
t <- typeof n ctx
if t == TNat then Just t else Nothing
typeof l@(RecNat h a n) ctx = do
t1 <- typeof h ctx
t2 <- typeof a ctx
t3 <- typeof n ctx
case t1 of
TArr TNat (TArr t1' t1'') -> if t1' == t1''
&& t2 == t1'
&& t3 == TNat
then Just $ t2
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
typeof (Var v) ctx = M.lookup v ctx
typeof l@(Abs x t l1) ctx = do
t' <- typeof l1 (M.insert x t ctx)
return $ TArr t t'
typeof l@(App l1 l2) ctx = do
t1 <- typeof l2 ctx
case typeof l1 ctx of
Just (TArr t2 t3) -> if t1 == t2 then return t3 else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
typeof' l = typeof l M.empty
--bound variables of a term
bound :: STTerm -> Set Int
bound Zero = S.empty
bound (Succ n) = bound n
bound (RecNat h a n) = S.union (bound h) $ S.union (bound a) (bound n)
bound (Var n) = S.empty
bound (Abs n t l1) = S.insert n $ bound l1
bound (App l1 l2) = S.union (bound l1) (bound l2)
--free variables of a term
free :: STTerm -> Set Int
free Zero = S.empty
free (Succ n) = free n
free (RecNat h a n) = S.union (free h) $ S.union (free a) (free n)
free (Var n) = S.singleton n
free (Abs n t l1) = S.delete n (free l1)
free (App l1 l2) = S.union (free l1) (free l2)
--test to see if a term is closed (has no free vars)
closed :: STTerm -> Bool
closed = S.null . free
--subterms of a term
sub :: STTerm -> Set STTerm
sub l@Zero = S.singleton l
sub l@(Succ n) = S.insert l $ sub n
sub l@(RecNat h a n) = S.insert l $ S.union (sub h) $ S.union (sub a) (sub n)
sub l@(Var x) = S.singleton l
sub l@(Abs c t l1) = S.insert l $ sub l1
sub l@(App l1 l2) = S.insert l $ S.union (sub l1) (sub l2)
--element is bound in a term
notfree :: Int -> STTerm -> Bool
notfree x = not . S.member x . free
--set of variables in a term
vars :: STTerm -> Set Int
vars Zero = S.empty
vars (Succ n) = vars n
vars (RecNat h a n) = S.union (vars h) $ S.union (vars a) (vars n)
vars (Var x) = S.singleton x
vars (App t1 t2) = S.union (vars t1) (vars t2)
vars (Abs x t l1) = S.insert x $ vars l1
--generates a fresh variable name for a term
newlabel :: STTerm -> Int
newlabel = (+1) . maximum . vars
--rename t (x,y): renames free occurences of x in t to y
rename :: STTerm -> (Int, Int) -> STTerm
rename Zero c = Zero
rename (Succ n) c = Succ $ rename n c
rename (RecNat h a n) c = RecNat (rename h c) (rename a c) (rename n c)
rename (Var a) (x,y) = if a == x then Var y else Var a
rename l@(Abs a t l1) (x,y) = if a == x then l else Abs a t $ rename l1 (x, y)
rename (App l1 l2) (x,y) = App (rename l1 (x,y)) (rename l2 (x,y))
--substitute one term for another in a term
--does capture avoiding substitution
substitute :: STTerm -> (STTerm, STTerm) -> STTerm
substitute Zero c = Zero
substitute (Succ n) c = Succ $ substitute n c
substitute (RecNat h a n) c = RecNat (substitute h c) (substitute a c) (substitute n c)
substitute l1@(Var c1) (Var c2, l2)
= if c1 == c2 then l2 else l1
substitute (App l1 l2) c
= App (substitute l1 c) (substitute l2 c)
substitute (Abs y t l1) c@(Var x, l2)
| y == x = Abs y t l1
| y `notfree` l2 = Abs y t $ substitute l1 c
| otherwise = Abs z t $ substitute (rename l1 (y,z)) c
where z = max (newlabel l1) (newlabel l2)
--one-step reduction relation
reduce1 :: STTerm -> Maybe STTerm
reduce1 Zero = Nothing
reduce1 l@(Succ n) = do
x <- reduce1 n
Just $ Succ x
reduce1 l@(RecNat h a Zero) = Just a
reduce1 l@(RecNat h a (Succ n)) =
Just $ App (App h n) (RecNat h a n)
reduce1 l@(RecNat h a x) = Nothing
reduce1 l@(Var x) = Nothing
reduce1 l@(Abs x t s) = do
s' <- reduce1 s
Just $ Abs x t s'
reduce1 l@(App (Abs x t l') l2) =
Just $ substitute l' (Var x, l2) --beta conversion
reduce1 l@(App l1 l2) = do
l' <- reduce1 l1
Just $ App l' l2
--multi-step reduction relation - NOT GUARANTEED TO TERMINATE
reduce :: STTerm -> STTerm
reduce t = case reduce1 t of
Just t' -> reduce t'
Nothing -> t
---multi-step reduction relation that accumulates all reduction steps
reductions :: STTerm -> [STTerm]
reductions t = case reduce1 t of
Just t' -> t' : reductions t'
_ -> []
--common combinators
i_Nat t = Abs 1 t (Var 1)
true t f = Abs 1 t (Abs 2 f (Var 1))
false t f= Abs 1 t (Abs 2 f (Var 2))
xx = Abs 1 (TArr TNat TNat) (App (Var 1) (Var 1)) --won't type check as expected
omega = App xx xx --won't type check, see above
_if = \c t f -> App (App c t) f
isZero Zero = true
plus = Abs 1 TNat $ Abs 2 TNat $ RecNat (Abs 3 TNat $ Abs 4 TNat (Succ (Var 4))) (Var 1) (Var 2)
plusApp n m = App (App plus n) m
toChurch :: Int -> STTerm
toChurch 0 = Zero
toChurch n = Succ (toChurch (n-1))
toInt :: STTerm -> Int
toInt Zero = 0
toInt (Succ n) = 1 + toInt n
toInt _ = error "Not Nat"
test1 = Abs 1 (TArr TNat TNat) $ Abs 2 TNat $ App (Var 1) (Var 2) -- \f x. f x
test2 = Abs 1 (TArr TNat TNat) $ Abs 2 TNat $ App (App (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Var 1) -- \f x. (f x) f
test3 = App (App (Abs 1 TNat (Abs 2 TNat (Var 2))) (Var 2)) (Var 4)
test4 = plusApp (toChurch 3) (toChurch 2)
--toInt $ reduce (plusApp (toChurch 3) (toChurch 2)) --> 5
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