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Last active October 31, 2023 05:39
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Save lukegb/d2997a5fc7970ce6e1e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test code
import struct
import json
import copy
import gzip
from cStringIO import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
ROFL_MAGIC = 'RIOT' + chr(0) * 2
FILENAME = '20130523_0935_HA_PBE1_26967171.rofl'
FILENAME2 = '20130523_0702_HA_PBE1_26961185.rofl'
# With thanks to
class Struct(object):
format = None
extradata = None
def get_extradata(cls, fileobj):
return [None] * len(cls.get_format(fileobj, None))
def get_format(cls, fileobj, extradata):
return cls.format
def read(cls, fh, fileobj, extradata=None):
format = cls.get_format(fileobj, extradata=extradata)
f_str =
res = struct.unpack(format, f_str)
me = cls()
me.unpack_tuple(res, fileobj, extradata)
return me
def unpack_tuple(self, res, fileobj, extradata):
for field_name, field_value in zip(self.fields, res):
custom_func = getattr(self, "unpack_{}".format(field_name), None)
if custom_func is not None:
custom_func(field_name, field_value, fileobj, extradata)
setattr(self, field_name, field_value)
def pack_tuple(self, fileobj, extradata):
out = []
for field_name in self.fields:
custom_func = getattr(self, "pack_{}".format(field_name), None)
if custom_func is not None:
val = custom_func(field_name, fileobj, extradata)
val = getattr(self, field_name)
return out
def write(self, fh, fileobj, extradata=None):
out_tuple = self.pack_tuple(fileobj, extradata)
fh.write(struct.pack(self.get_format(fileobj, extradata), *out_tuple))
class CompositeStruct(Struct):
def read(cls, fh, fileobj, extradata=None):
self = cls()
for clazz, field in zip(cls.get_format(fileobj), cls.fields):
setattr(self, field,, self, extradata=extradata))
return self
class CompositeStructList(Struct):
def read(cls, fh, fileobj, extradata=None):
self = cls()
self.outer = fileobj = []
for clazz, ed in zip(
cls.get_format(fileobj, extradata=extradata),
):, self, extradata=ed))
return self
def __str__(self):
return "[{}]".format(', '.join((str(s) for s in
class RoflHeader(Struct):
format = '6s256sHIIIIII'
fields = [
'magic', 'signature', 'header_len', 'file_len',
'metadata_offset', 'metadata_len', 'payload_header_offset',
'payload_header_len', 'payload_offset'
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflHeader - magic: {}>".format(self.magic)
class RoflMetadata(Struct):
fields = ['json']
def get_format(cls, fileobj, extradata):
return "{}s".format(fileobj.header.metadata_len)
def unpack_json(self, field_name, field_value, fileobj, extradata):
self.json = json.loads(field_value)
self.json['stats'] = json.loads(self.json['statsJSON'])
del self.json['statsJSON']
def pack_json(self, field_name, fileobj, extradata):
tmpj = copy.deepcopy(self.json)
tmpj['statsJSON'] = json.dumps(tmpj['stats'])
del tmpj['stats']
return json.dumps(tmpj)
def as_json(self):
return json.dumps(self.json, indent=4)
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflMetadata>"
class RoflPayloadHeader(Struct):
format = 'QIIIIIIH'
fields = [
'game_id', 'game_length', 'keyframe_count', 'chunk_count',
'end_startup_chunk_id', 'start_game_chunk_id', 'keyframe_interval',
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflPayloadHeader - game ID: {} - game length: {} - " + \
"keyframe count: {} - chunk count: {}>".format(
self.game_id, self.game_length,
self.keyframe_count, self.chunk_count
class RoflEncryptionKey(Struct):
def get_format(cls, fileobj, extradata):
return '{}s'.format(fileobj.payload_header.encryption_key_length)
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflEncryptionKey - key as hex: {}>".format(
fields = ['encryption_key']
def unpack_encryption_key(self, field_name, field_value, *args, **kwargs):
self.encryption_key = field_value.decode('base64')
def pack_encryption_key(self, field_name, *args, **kwargs):
return self.encryption_key.encode('base64')
class RoflChunkHeader(Struct):
format = '<IBIII'
fields = ['id', 'type', 'length', 'next_chunk_id', 'offset']
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflChunkHeader - id: {}, type: {}, length: {}>".format(, 'CHUNK' if self.type == 1 else 'KEYFRAME', self.length
class RoflChunkPayload(Struct):
def get_format(cls, outer, extradata):
return '{}s'.format(extradata)
def unpack_chunk(self, field_name, field_value, outer, extradata):
self.length = len(field_value)
if False:
self.chunk = field_value
crypto = outer.outer.crypto
# we need to decrypt this
chunk = StringIO(crypto.decrypt(crypto.keyframe_key, field_value))
# now decompress
chunkgz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=chunk)
self.chunk =
fields = ['chunk']
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflChunkPayload - length: {}>".format(self.length)
class RoflChunkHeaders(CompositeStructList):
def get_format(cls, fileobj, extradata):
return [RoflChunkHeader] * fileobj.payload_header.chunk_count
class RoflKeyframeHeaders(CompositeStructList):
def get_format(cls, fileobj, extradata):
return [RoflChunkHeader] * fileobj.payload_header.keyframe_count
class RoflChunks(CompositeStructList):
def get_format(cls, fileobj, extradata):
return [RoflChunkPayload] * (
len( +
def get_extradata(cls, fileobj):
out = []
for h in ( +
return out
class RoflCrypto(object):
def __init__(self, roflfile):
self.file = roflfile
def make_crypto(self, key):
from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
return, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
def decrypt(self, key, data):
crypto = self.make_crypto(key)
datawpadding = crypto.decrypt(data)
# how much padding do we need to remove?
paddingbytes = ord(datawpadding[-1])
return datawpadding[:-paddingbytes]
def keyframe_key(self):
key = self.decrypt(
return key
class RoflFile(object):
def read(cls, fh):
self = cls()
self.header =, self)
if self.header.magic != ROFL_MAGIC:
raise Exception("Decoding error - magic invalid")
self.metadata =, self)
self.payload_header =, self)
self.encryption_key =, self)
self.chunk_headers =, self)
self.keyframe_headers =, self)
self.chunks =, self)
self.chunk_pairs = zip( +,
return self
def crypto(self):
return RoflCrypto(self)
def __str__(self):
return "<RoflFile - header: {} - metadata: {} - payload header: {}" + \
" - encryption key: {}>".format(
self.header, self.metadata,
self.payload_header, self.encryption_key
def unpack_rofl_to_directory(rofl_file, directory):
import os
keyframe_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'keyframe')
chunk_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'chunk')
with open(rofl_file, 'rb') as f:
roflfile =
for header, chunk in roflfile.chunk_pairs:
print header, chunk
base_dir = keyframe_dir if header.type == 2 else chunk_dir
with open(os.path.join(base_dir, str(, 'wb') as c:
with open(os.path.join(directory, 'meta.json'), 'wb') as f:
roflfile.metadata.json['gameKey'] = {
'gameId': roflfile.metadata.json['gameId']
roflfile.metadata.json['key'] = roflfile.encryption_key.\
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import os.path
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print "{} <ROFL file> <directory>".format(sys.argv[0])
my_name, rofl_file, output_dir = sys.argv
if not os.path.exists(rofl_file):
print "ROFL file specified does not exist"
if os.path.exists(output_dir):
print "Output directory exists - won't unpack"
unpack_rofl_to_directory(rofl_file, output_dir)
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Is the rofl format still the same?

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@lukegb @blackjack4494 what changed? Did they completely change the format or just some workable changes which caused the script to not work out of the box? Is there any recent work on extracting the data?

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lukegb commented Jun 27, 2020

It's been 7 years since I looked at this; I'm pretty sure quite a bit has changed...

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I get that I was just wondering if you looked into it since then or know about a project which followed up. Did you manage at the time to find out the meaning of the values in the chunks and keyframes?

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mlobl commented Jul 7, 2020

I've been looking into this myself. If you don't mind Dominik, could you please update if you find something? I'll do the same if I can get get back into the actual keyframes and chunks

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Hey @mlobl. I'm trying to collect all existing knowledge about the replay files here
If you know of any other projects, efforts or chat groups please post them there as an issue so that I can add it to the list. Right now I'm trying to replicate previous efforts in case they are still using gzip and blowfish because I didn't find anywhere anyone mentioning a different encryption or zip tool. Maybe they just changed the data formats

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mlobl commented Jul 10, 2020

Great idea @Kungitoo. I was able to get the same box score data and parse all the headers based on the ROFL-Player project into Python. I couldn't get the decryption part right with Blowfish etc. What's also unclear to me is what keyframes and chunks are in the rofl context and how to get the chunks. Maybe it would be obvious if it got decrypted properly. I'll let you know in the repo if I have a breakthrough

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I managed to decrypt and decompress using the and I'm trying to find the patterns as described in . What seems to be obvious at first is that right at the beginning the keyframe header does not match
"019A167044020000001F0100000000578BB1000103010057B100194D020001DE1BCBCBC ....
so I'm not sure what to expect of the rest of the spec. I did manage to find item codes in the bitstream but I don't think it's correct
I've managed to get in contact with @ryancole who created LeagueReplayReader here ryancole/LeagueReplayReader#1

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mlobl commented Jul 12, 2020

I was able to get the initial header and even able to parse the keyframe and chunk headers. You can see that some things have changed, but the number of bytes each header takes is the same still (17). The part i'm stuck on is actually decrypting the chunks and keyframes. It might still be blowfish, but following the instructions from years ago hasn't gotten me anywhere. Would be interested if you have a break through. I'll post the code I have shortly from another machine.

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mlobl commented Jul 12, 2020

@Kungitoo, this is the scratch code I've been playing with so far. Haven't tried to clean it up, but should be still be clear enough if you're trying

import json
import blowfish
import gzip
import base64

from Crypto.Util.py3compat import *

def unpad(padded_data, block_size, style='pkcs7'):
    """Remove standard padding.
      padded_data : byte string
        A piece of data with padding that needs to be stripped.
      block_size : integer
        The block boundary to use for padding. The input length
        must be a multiple of ``block_size``.
      style : string
        Padding algorithm. It can be *'pkcs7'* (default), *'iso7816'* or *'x923'*.
        Data without padding.
    :Raises ValueError:
        if the padding is incorrect.

    pdata_len = len(padded_data)
    if pdata_len % block_size:
        raise ValueError("Input data is not padded")
    if style in ('pkcs7', 'x923'):
        padding_len = bord(padded_data[-1])
        if padding_len<1 or padding_len>min(block_size, pdata_len):
            raise ValueError("Padding is incorrect.")
        if style == 'pkcs7':
            if padded_data[-padding_len:]!=bchr(padding_len)*padding_len:
                raise ValueError("PKCS#7 padding is incorrect.")
            if padded_data[-padding_len:-1]!=bchr(0)*(padding_len-1):
                raise ValueError("ANSI X.923 padding is incorrect.")
    elif style == 'iso7816':
        padding_len = pdata_len - padded_data.rfind(bchr(128))
        if padding_len<1 or padding_len>min(block_size, pdata_len):
            raise ValueError("Padding is incorrect.")
        if padding_len>1 and padded_data[1-padding_len:]!=bchr(0)*(padding_len-1):
            raise ValueError("ISO 7816-4 padding is incorrect.")
        raise ValueError("Unknown padding style")
    return padded_data[:-padding_len]

f = open('/path/to/file.rofl', 'rb')
header_data =
header_length = int.from_bytes(header_data[:2], 'little')
file_length = int.from_bytes(header_data[2:6], 'little')
metadata_offset = int.from_bytes(header_data[6:10], 'little')
metadata_length = int.from_bytes(header_data[10:14], 'little')
payload_header_offset = int.from_bytes(header_data[14:18], 'little')
payload_header_length = int.from_bytes(header_data[18:22], 'little')
payload_offset = int.from_bytes(header_data[22:26], 'little')

metadata_bin =
metadata = json.loads(metadata_bin.decode())
game_length = metadata['gameLength']
game_version = metadata['gameVersion']
last_game_chunk_id = metadata['lastGameChunkId']
last_key_frame_id = metadata['lastKeyFrameId']
player_stats = json.loads(metadata['statsJson'])

payload_bin =
match_id = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[:8], 'little')
match_length = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[8:12], 'little')
keyframe_amount = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[12:16], 'little')
chunk_amount = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[16:20], 'little')
end_chunk_id = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[20:24], 'little')
start_chunk_id = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[24:28], 'little')
keyframe_interval = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[28:32], 'little')
encryption_key_length = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[32:34], 'little')
encryption_key = payload_bin[34: 34+encryption_key_length]

b64_encode_key = base64.b64encode(encryption_key)
cipher = blowfish.Cipher(match_id.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little'))

f = open('/path/to/file.rofl', 'rb')
payload_bin =

# reading chunk headers
chunk_headers = []
for i in range(chunk_amount+keyframe_amount):
    base = 17 * i
    chunk_id = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[base: base + 4], 'little')
    is_chunk = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[base + 4:base + 5], 'little')  # 1 is chunk, 2 is keyframe
    chunk_size = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[base + 5:base + 9], 'little')
    next_chunk_id = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[base + 9:base + 13], 'little')
    chunk_offset = int.from_bytes(payload_bin[base + 13:base + 17], 'little')
    chunk_headers.append([chunk_id, is_chunk, chunk_size, next_chunk_id, chunk_offset])

I'll be able to get the chunk/keyframe offsets from that, but I'm just looking at a bunch of encrypted hex when I do.

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I'm using the to decrypt and unpack keyframes and chunks and I think that it's still working on the latest replays. I'm currently trying to split a keyframe into blocks as specified in

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