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Created November 2, 2020 13:28
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root@de55579f607a:/glasgow/software# YOSYS=yowasp-yosys NEXTPNR_ICE40=yowasp-nextpnr-ice40 ICEPACK=yowasp-icepack glasgow run selftest
I: g.device.hardware: building bitstream ID e5f33409d5368e8982b88babb2050f4e
Preparing to run yowasp-yosys. This might take a while...
ABC command line: "source /tmp/yosys-abc-000000/abc.script".
+ read_lut /tmp/yosys-abc-000000/input.lut
+ read_box /tmp/yosys-abc-000000/
+ &read /tmp/yosys-abc-000000/input.xaig
+ &ps
/tmp/yosys-abc-000000/input : i/o = 448/ 846 and = 1755 lev = 22 (1.41) mem = 0.08 MB box = 729 bb = 565
+ &scorr
Warning: The network is combinational.
+ &sweep
+ &dc2
+ &dch -f
+ &ps
/tmp/yosys-abc-000000/input : i/o = 448/ 846 and = 1667 lev = 12 (1.02) mem = 0.07 MB ch = 242 box = 729 bb = 565
+ &if -W 250 -v
K = 4. Memory (bytes): Truth = 0. Cut = 48. Obj = 104. Set = 480. CutMin = no
Node = 1667. Ch = 214. Total mem = 0.56 MB. Peak cut mem = 0.05 MB.
P: Del = 3580.00. Ar = 637.0. Edge = 2207. Cut = 8197. T = 0.00 sec
P: Del = 3580.00. Ar = 610.0. Edge = 2188. Cut = 8002. T = 0.00 sec
P: Del = 3580.00. Ar = 551.0. Edge = 1751. Cut = 9041. T = 0.00 sec
F: Del = 3580.00. Ar = 531.0. Edge = 1702. Cut = 7375. T = 0.00 sec
A: Del = 3564.00. Ar = 529.0. Edge = 1621. Cut = 7280. T = 0.00 sec
A: Del = 3564.00. Ar = 529.0. Edge = 1619. Cut = 7355. T = 0.00 sec
Total time = 0.02 sec
+ &write -n /tmp/yosys-abc-000000/
+ &mfs
+ &ps -l
/tmp/yosys-abc-000000/input : i/o = 448/ 846 and = 1195 lev = 12 (1.04) mem = 0.07 MB box = 722 bb = 565
Mapping (K=4) : lut = 523 edge = 1583 lev = 6 (0.65) levB = 10 mem = 0.03 MB
LUT = 523 : 2=187 35.8 % 3=135 25.8 % 4=201 38.4 % Ave = 3.03
+ &write -n /tmp/yosys-abc-000000/
+ time
elapse: 0.24 seconds, total: 0.24 seconds
Warning: Wire top.$flatten\U$$0.$verilog_initial_trigger has an unprocessed 'init' attribute.
Warning: Wire top.$flatten\i2c_target.\bus.$verilog_initial_trigger has an unprocessed 'init' attribute.
Warning: Wire top.$verilog_initial_trigger has an unprocessed 'init' attribute.
Preparing to run yowasp-nextpnr-ice40. This might take a while...
Preparing to run yowasp-icepack. This might take a while...
I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'selftest'
I: g.applet.internal.selftest: running self-test mode pins-int
I: g.applet.internal.selftest: running self-test mode loopback
E: g.applet.internal.selftest: self-test: FAIL
E: g.applet.internal.selftest: pins-int: fail high: A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
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