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Created April 23, 2024 11:42
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fetch_packages_for_user() {
local username="$1"
local output_file="${username}_packages.json"
local public_key_file="${username}_public_keys.txt"
local packages=()
local from=0
local size=100
local total_packages
# Fetch the total number of packages first
total_packages=$(curl -s "${username}" | jq '.total')
if [[ -z "$total_packages" ]]; then
echo "No packages found for user: ${username}"
exit 1
# Continue fetching until we reach the total number of packages
while [ $from -lt $total_packages ]; do
echo "Fetching packages $from to $(($from + $size)) for user $username"
# Fetch the package data
response=$(curl -s "${username}&size=${size}&from=${from}")
# Extract package names from the current page
current_page_packages=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.objects[]')
# If no packages are found, break the loop
if [ -z "$current_page_packages" ]; then
echo "No more packages found."
# Add package names to the list
# Increase the 'from' for the next iteration
from=$(($from + $size))
# Convert the array of packages to a JSON array
json_array=$(printf '%s\n' "${packages[@]}" | jq -R . | jq -s .)
# Create the final JSON object
echo "{\"username\":\"$username\", \"packages\":$json_array}" > "$output_file"
echo "Package list for $username saved to $output_file"
# Iterate over each package name
for pkg in $current_page_packages; do
echo "Processing package: $pkg"
# Use npm pack to download the tarball and capture its name
tarball=$(npm pack "$pkg" 2>/dev/null)
if [[ ! -f "$tarball" ]]; then
echo "Tarball not found for package: $pkg"
# Create a directory for the package
pkg_dir=$(echo "$pkg" | sed 's/@//;s/\//-/g')
mkdir "$pkg_dir"
# Extract the tarball into the directory
tar -xzf "$tarball" -C "$pkg_dir" --strip-components=1
rm "$tarball"
# Search for 'tea.yaml' files and extract hex strings / eth pub keys
find "$pkg_dir" -name 'tea.yaml' -exec grep -Eo '0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}' {} \; | while read -r hex_string; do
echo "Found hex string in $pkg: $hex_string"
# Append the package name and hex string to the output file
echo "$pkg: $hex_string" >> "$public_key_file"
# Cleanup
rm -rf "$pkg_dir"
echo "Hex strings saved to $public_key_file"
# Parse the command line argument for usernames
for i in "$@"; do
case $i in
echo "Unknown option: $i"
exit 1
# Check if the usernames variable is set, if not, show usage
if [[ -z $usernames ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 --usernames=user1,user2,user3"
exit 1
# Split the usernames and call the function for each user
IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$usernames"
for username in "${ADDR[@]}"; do
fetch_packages_for_user "$username"
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