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Last active April 25, 2023 01:38
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# This script has only been tested on Fedora 29 &>
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "Please run as the root user"
exit 1
read -p "Name for vtpm vm: " vm_name
echo -e "Turn off SELinux for now"
setenforce 0
echo -e "Updating Packages"
dnf update -y
echo -e "Install virtualization package group and deps"
dnf install -y @virtualization
dnf -y install make \
libguestfs-tools-c \
libseccomp-devel \
wget \
libtasn1-devel \
expect \
socat \
python3-twisted \
fuse-devel glib2-devel \
gnutls \
gnutls-devel \
gnutls-utils \
tpm-tools \
tpm2-tools \
openssl-devel \
git \
libtool \
echo -e "Starting / Enabling Libvirt virtualization package group"
systemctl start libvirtd
systemctl enable libvirt
echo -e "Clone and build libtmpms"
git clone
cd libtpms/
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-openssl --with-tpm2
make install
echo -e "Clone and build swtpm"
cd ../
git clone
cd swtpm/
./ --with-openssl --prefix=/usr
make -j4
make -j4 check
make install
echo -e "setting up vtpm socket"
swtpm socket --tpmstate dir=/tmp/mytpm1 --ctrl type=unixio,path=/tmp/tpm0/swtpm-sock --log level=20 &
echo -e "Grabbing qcow2 image"
wget -c -O /var/lib/libvirt/images/fedora30.qcow2
echo -e "Setting machine password"
password=$(tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w30 | head -n1)
cd /var/lib/libvirt/images
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b fedora30.qcow2 ${vm_name}.qcow2
virt-customize -a ${vm_name}.qcow2 --root-password password:${password} --uninstall cloud-init
virt-customize -a ${vm_name}.qcow2 --run-command 'sed -i s/^SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=disabled/ /etc/selinux/config'
echo -e "root password is : ${password}"
echo -e "Installing ${vm_name}"
virt-install --ram 2048 --vcpus 2 --os-variant rhel7.0 \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/${vm_name}.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,device=disk \
--import --noautoconsole --vnc --network network:default --name ${vm_name}
sleep 5
echo -e "Injecting tpm2 to libvirt xml"
virt-xml ${vm_name} --add-device --tpm emulator,model=tpm-tis,version=2.0
echo -e "Reboot for changes to take effect"
virsh reboot vtpm ${vm_name}
echo -e "To login to the vm run: virsh console ${vm_name}"
echo -e "Please then complete the following steps:"
echo -e "# dhclient should get an address for the vm"
echo -e "# dnf install tpm2-tools tpm2-tss tpm2-abrmd"
echo -e "Then run the abrmd as root:"
echo -e "# /usr/sbin/tpm2-abrmd --allow-root &"
echo -e "You should now be able to query the tpm with a command such as tpm2_pcrlist"
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Something wrong with running tpm2-abrmd as a service which we need to figure out why, for now we can run as root.

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