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Last active May 31, 2021 23:18
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Async/await and parallel loops
// ES6 w/ Promises
// Note: From a React starter template - see
function fetchData(routes, params) {
let data = {};
return Promise.all(routes
.filter(route => route.handler.fetchData)
.map(route => {
return route.handler.fetchData(params).then(resp => {
data[] = resp;
).then(() => data);
// ES7 with async/await and Promise.all
// Note: Starting to look a lot more like `normal` procedural code
// * But there's that one crazy line of "magic" for the parallel loop
async function fetchData(routes, params) {
let data = {};
await Promise.all( route => {
if(!route.handler.fetchData) return;
data[] = await route.handler.fetchData(params);
return data;
// ES? with async/await and hypothetical await*
// Note: This didn't help much.
// * Removed 12 characters
// * But complexity of having nested arrow function and map vs. for..of still there
async function fetchData(routes, params) {
let data = {};
await* route => {
if(!route.handler.fetchData) return;
data[] = await route.handler.fetchData(params);
return data;
// ES?? with async/await and `asyncparallelfor..of
// Note: This actually makes things a lot simpler:
// * No need for a nested arrow function
// * Looks just like the procedural equivalent again
// * The downside is that it may not be obvious that the loop body executes non-sequentially
async function fetchData(routes, params) {
let data = {};
asyncparallelfor(route of routes) {
if(!route.handler.fetchData) return;
data[] = await route.handler.fetchData(params);
return data;
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it's pure magic asyncparallelfor function hahaha. Where it come from?

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asyncparallelfor - brilliant!

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Jopie64 commented Feb 28, 2018

What we need is 'await for' for RxJS like in Dart!

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