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#!/bin/env python2.7
This creates an Apache Tomcat server version 7.0.63.
The front-end web server proxies incoming requests to the Tomcat server
listening on an unprivileged port.
The installer disables the AJP protocol, as well as the network port Tomcat
uses to terminate and relies on Linux signals to do so.
A cron job is created to restart the Tomcat server every 20 minutes if
it is not already running.
To start Tomcat, run: ~/webapps/<app_name>/bin/
To stop Tomcat, run: ~/webapps/<app_name>/bin/
Tomcat's main logging file is located at ~/logs/user/<app_name>.log
The official Tomcat documentation is available at
Some WebFaction specific tips can be found at the file of
"autostart": not applicable
"extra info": not applicable.
import sys
import xmlrpclib
import platform
from random import randint
def create(server, session_id, account, app_name, extra_info):
# Create the application
app = server.create_app(session_id, app_name, 'custom_app_with_port', False, '')
# Download the source code and place it under the webapp directory
url = ''
server.system(session_id, 'curl --silent %s | tar xz --strip 1;' % url)
# Change the default port tomcat is listening to
server.system(session_id, 'sed -i "0,/8080/! {0,/8080/ s/8080/%s/}" conf/server.xml' % app['port'])
# Disable AJP protocol, which needs an extra port, and our nginx doesn't work with it
# There must be a better way to add xml comments... :/
server.system(session_id, 'sed -i "/8009/s/-->//" conf/server.xml; sed -i "94i\ \ \ \ -->" conf/server.xml')
# Disable the shutdown port
server.system(session_id, 'sed -i "s/8005/-1/" conf/server.xml')
# Set JRE_HOME to bin/
if platform.machine() == 'x86_64':
jre_home ='/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64'
server.system(session_id, 'echo JRE_HOME=%s >> bin/' % jre_home)
# Store the pid to bin/
server.system(session_id, "echo CATALINA_PID='$CATALINA_HOME'/temp/ >> bin/")
# Set the script to always use the --force switch to stop the service
server.system(session_id, 'sed -i "s/stop/stop -force/" bin/')
# Tomcat does its own log rotating, but it would be nice to move the main log
# to a more familiar directory
server.system(session_id, 'ln -s ~/logs/user/%s.log logs/catalina.out' % app['name'])
# Add a cronjob
minute = randint(0, 9)
cronjob = '%s,%s,%s * * * * ~/webapps/%s/bin/' % (minute, minute + 20, minute + 40, app['name'])
server.create_cronjob(session_id, cronjob)
# Start the instance
server.system(session_id, './bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1')
print app['id']
def delete(server, session_id, account, app_name, extra_info):
# Remove the crontab
server.system(session_id, 'crontab -l | grep -v "~/webapps/%s/bin/" | crontab -' % app_name)
# Stop the applicaiton
server.system(session_id, '~/webapps/%s/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1' % app_name)
# Delete the app
server.delete_app(session_id, app_name)
def main(action, username, password, machine, app_name, autostart, extra_info):
# Connect to the server
server = xmlrpclib.Server('')
session_id, account = server.login(username, password, machine)
# Create or delete the app
globals()[action](server, session_id, account, app_name, extra_info)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
print e.faultString
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