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Last active August 27, 2021 18:04
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import './components/error/error'
import content404 from './components/404/404.html'
import DATA_SERVICE from './utils/data'
const ds = new DATA_SERVICE()
// get SPA containing element
const $el = document.getElementById('app')
// define routes
const home = async () => {
await import('./components/recipe/recipe')
await import('./components/recipe-list/recipe-list')
await import('./components/modal/modal.js')
$el.innerHTML = `<recipe-list></recipe-list>`
const create = async () => {
await import('./components/create-recipe/create-recipe')
$el.innerHTML = `<create-recipe></create-recipe>`
const edit = async () => {
await import('./components/edit-recipe/edit-recipe')
$el.innerHTML = `<edit-recipe></edit-recipe>`
const error404 = async () => {
$el.innerHTML = content404
// match routes with paths
// grab recipe by id param for edit route
const routes = {
'/': home,
'/create': create,
'/error': error404,
'/edit': async function (params) {
const id = params.get('id')
const recipe = await ds.getRecipe(id)
await edit()
$el.querySelector('edit-recipe').recipe = recipe
// on pop state get params from url and pass to route
// if no such route, error
window.onpopstate = async () => {
const url = new URL(
window.location.pathname +,
if (routes[window.location.pathname]) {
await routes[window.location.pathname](url.searchParams)
} else routes['/error']()
// on pop state get params from url and pass to route
// if no such route, error
// add route to browser history
let onNavItemClick = async pathName => {
const url = new URL(pathName, window.location.origin)
const params = url.searchParams
if (routes[url.pathname]) {
window.history.pushState({}, pathName, window.location.origin + pathName)
await routes[url.pathname](params)
} else {
window.history.pushState({}, '404', window.location.origin + '/404')
// on page load/reload, set appropriate route
;(async () => {
const url = new URL(
window.location.pathname +,
if (routes[window.location.pathname]) {
await routes[window.location.pathname](url.searchParams)
} else routes['/error']()
// export routes and nav click method
const router = {
export { router }
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