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Created May 11, 2023 08:22
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Calculator for the dimensions of a brick or earthen pizza oven.
// Function to compute optimal dimensions for a pizza oven given a fixed door width and flue pipe area
// For example, a door to accept a 12" pizza and an 8" flue pipe
function pizzaOven(doorWidth, flueDiameter) {
let doorHeight = flueDiameter / (doorWidth * 0.1); // flue is 10% the area of the door
let domeWidth = doorWidth * 2; // door is ~50% the width of the dome
let domeHeight = (doorWidth / 63) * 100; // door is ~63% the height of the dome
return {
dome: {
width: domeWidth.toFixed(2),
height: domeHeight.toFixed(2),
door: {
width: doorWidth.toFixed(2),
height: doorHeight.toFixed(2),
flue: {
diameter: flueDiameter.toFixed(2),
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