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Created April 14, 2010 16:59
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ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
# ActiveRecord looks up the columns for a table each time it loads a class using that table
# With STI, this means repeated calls to 'SHOW FIELDS FROM table_name' for each subclass.
def self.columns
@@table_columns ||= {}
unless @@table_columns[table_name]
retrieved_columns = connection.columns(table_name, "#{name} Columns")
retrieved_columns.each { |column| column.primary = == primary_key }
@@table_columns[table_name] = retrieved_columns
#original code we are overriding at the time that I wrote this:
# def columns
# unless defined?(@columns) && @columns
# @columns = connection.columns(table_name, "#{name} Columns")
# @columns.each { |column| column.primary = == primary_key }
# end
# @columns
# end
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