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Last active May 12, 2022 06:12
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PowerShell Azure Automation Runbook for Stopping Virtual Machines, that have been Shutdown within the Windows Operating System (Stopped and not Deallocated).
#requires -Version 3.0 -Modules Az.Accounts, Az.AlertsManagement
PowerShell Azure Automation Runbook for Stopping Virtual Machines, that have been Shutdown within the Windows Operating System (Stopped and not Deallocated).
Luke Murray (
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Data from the WebHook/Azure Alert')][Object]$WebhookData
Import-Module Az.AlertsManagement
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
# Get the data object from WebhookData
$WebhookData = $WebhookData.RequestBody
Write-Output -InputObject $WebhookData
$Schema = $WebhookData | ConvertFrom-Json
#Sets the Webhook data into object
$Essentials = [object] ($
Write-Output -InputObject $Essentials
# Get the first target only as this script doesn't handle multiple and and export variables for the resource.
$alertIdArray = (($Essentials.alertId)).Split('/')
$alertTargetIdArray = (($Essentials.alertTargetIds)[0]).Split('/')
$alertid = ($alertIdArray)[6]
$SubId = ($alertTargetIdArray)[2]
$ResourceGroupName = ($alertTargetIdArray)[4]
$ResourceType = ($alertTargetIdArray)[6] + '/' + ($alertTargetIdArray)[7]
$ResourceName = ($alertTargetIdArray)[-1]
$status = $Essentials.monitorCondition
Write-Output -InputObject $alertTargetIdArray
Write-Output -InputObject "status: $status" -Verbose
#Sets VM shutdown
if (($status -eq 'Activated') -or ($status -eq 'Fired')) {
$status = $Essentials.monitorCondition
Write-Output -InputObject "resourceType: $ResourceType" -Verbose
Write-Output -InputObject "resourceName: $ResourceName" -Verbose
Write-Output -InputObject "resourceGroupName: $ResourceGroupName" -Verbose
Write-Output -InputObject "subscriptionId: $SubId" -Verbose
# Determine code path depending on the resourceType
if ($ResourceType -eq 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines') {
# This is an Resource Manager VM
Write-Output -InputObject 'This is an Resource Manager VM.' -Verbose
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process
# Connect to Azure with system-assigned managed identity
$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context
# set and store context
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
Write-Output -InputObject $AzureContext
#Checks Azure VM status
$VMStatus = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $ResourceName -Status
Write-Output -InputObject $VMStatus
If ($VMStatus.Statuses[1].Code -eq 'PowerState/stopped') {
Write-Output -InputObject "Stopping the VM, it was Shutdown without being Deallocated - $ResourceName - in resource group - $ResourceGroupName" -Verbose
Stop-AzVM -Name $ResourceName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DefaultProfile $AzureContext -Force -Verbose
#Check VM Status after deallocation
$VMStatus = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $ResourceName -Status -Verbose
Write-Output -InputObject $VMStatus
If ($VMStatus.Statuses[1].Code -eq 'PowerState/deallocated') {
#Closes Alert
Write-Output -InputObject $VMStatus.Statuses[1].Code
Write-Output -InputObject $alertid
Get-AzAlert -AlertId $alertid -verbose -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
Get-AzAlert -AlertId $alertid -verbose -DefaultProfile $AzureContext | Update-AzAlertState -State 'Closed' -Verbose -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
Elseif ($VMStatus.Statuses[1].Code -eq 'PowerState/deallocated') {
Write-Output -InputObject 'Already deallocated' -Verbose
Elseif ($VMStatus.Statuses[1].Code -eq 'PowerState/running') {
Write-Output -InputObject 'VM running. No further actions' -Verbose
# [OutputType(PSAzureOperationResponse")]
else {
# The alert status was not 'Activated' or 'Fired' so no action taken
Write-Output -InputObject ('No action taken. Alert status: ' + $status) -Verbose
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