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Luke Plausin lukeplausin

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lukeplausin / upload_historical_charts
Last active May 30, 2024 09:26
Upload all historical helm chart versions from a chart git repository history. If you didn't use a chart repository before but you do now, well this chart can help you upload your back catalogue.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# This script assumes that you store all your charts in a single repo
# under a single folder called charts-folder. It will go back through previous versions
# of the code and upload all of them into your chart registry.
# This script assumes that you have updated the chart version in `Chart.yaml`
# whenever a change has been made in the chart. If this is not the case, you can
# switch off version checking by disabling the check on line 54.
lukeplausin / values-lovely-plugin.yaml
Created April 4, 2024 15:43
Install ArgoCD lovely plugin via helm values.yaml file configuration
# Ah yes, the lovely, undocumented, and not-at-all-irrationally-difficult-to-understand ArgoCD method of chart customisation - plugins...
# If you are struggling to install the "lovely" plugin (or any plugin for that matter) with the ArgoCD Helm chart, this Gist could help you.
# Include this values config file as part of a Helm/Helmfile values argument to include the "lovely" plugin in your ArgoCD deployment.
# "Lovely" includes several popular tools for helm chart management, including the brilliant Helmfile, which itself includes
# "Vals" for secrets management.
lukeplausin /
Created January 26, 2024 12:55
This gist describes how to undelete files in GCS while retaining most of the metadata. I couldn't find any examples of how to do this other than in the UI. GCS doesn't seem to use delete markers like AWS. If anyone knows a better way please say so.
# This gist describes how to undelete files in GCS while retaining most of the metadata.
# GCS doesn't seem to use delete markers like AWS. If anyone knows a better way please say so in the comments.
# I couldn't find any examples of how to do this other than in the UI.
# GCS documentation doesn't seem to include instructions for restoring versioned objects in python, but I found
# that this method works. Confusingly they use terms like version, generation, and revision interchangably in
# the documentation. I couldn't understand how object deletion works on versioned buckets.
import tempfile
from import storage
lukeplausin /
Last active October 28, 2023 13:08
Export terraform cloud state files with history to a GCS bucket
# This example shows how you can export your Hashicorp Terraform Cloud state files out of
# Terraform Cloud and into a bucket storage provider, with the full history.
# This example assumes that you have object versioning enabled on your bucket storage.
# The example is written for using Google Cloud Storage, but can be adapted for any storage provider.
# Before you run the code, you need to generate an API token in Terraform Cloud, and export it as "TFE_TOKEN" in your shell.
# pip install terrasnek google-cloud-storage ipython
lukeplausin / docker-compose.yml
Created December 10, 2021 20:30
Home photo server
# From:
version: '3.5'
# Example Docker Compose config file for PhotoPrism (Linux / AMD64)
# Documentation :
# Docker Hub URL:
# Please run behind a reverse proxy like Caddy, Traefik or Nginx if you need HTTPS / SSL support
lukeplausin /
Last active February 3, 2025 20:51
Transfer a file to EC2 SSM instance without using S3 (SSM only)
# This script will explain how to transfer a file to EC2 using SSM ONLY!
# You will need to have permission to run SSM commands on the target machine and have sudo access as well
# Infos
# Step 1: Run command on machine to install netcat and dump from port to filename
# < Start session
lukeplausin /
Last active February 3, 2025 09:28
Automatically configure AWS SSO configuration file for all available accounts and roles
#!/bin/bash -e
# How to use this script:
# 1. Follow these instructions to configure a single AWS account to do initial login with SSO
# 2. Export AWS_PROFILE=... and then run "aws sso login" to get an SSO token
# 3. Once signed in with AWS SSO, run this script to automatically list out all the other accounts and roles and add them to your config file
# If you want to filter roles / accounts in the process, or validate config before committing it, you can customise the script to do this.
lukeplausin /
Last active November 16, 2022 11:48
Clean up merged git branches
# Do merged git branches clutter up your local machine?
# This handy script can automatically clean them up for you.
# To install - put the script somewhere on the filesystem and add a source command to your .bashrc / .zshrc
# e.g. - 'source ~/code/scrapbook/'
# When the script is sourced you will get two commands -
# "gitclean" - delete merged branches in current folder (with prompt)
lukeplausin /
Last active April 27, 2024 06:42
Copy data from local filesystem into a pod in kubernetes
# If your pod container doesn't have bash in the path, you might need to replace `bash` with `/bin/bash/`, `/bin/sh` or `/bin/ash`.
# Simple string from the command line - puts the literal text 'AAA' into a new file /tmp/test.txt
echo 'AAA' > kubectl -n MyNamespace exec -ti $my_pod_id -c my-pod-container -- bash -c 'cat - > /tmp/test.txt'
# Copy / inject a file from the local filesystem into a new file in the pod in the remote kubernetes cluster
kubectl -n MyNamespace exec -i $my_pod_id -c my-pod-container -- bash -c 'cat - > /tmp/file.txt' </my/input/file.txt
lukeplausin / top_modules.txt
Created May 25, 2021 23:41
Top python pypi modules, by downloads
# Ever wondered which modules are the most popular? Well.. here they are. The top 500 PyPI modules, by download
urllib3, 910195765
six, 749120890
botocore, 670113460
python-dateutil, 629757389
pip, 629606070
requests, 626954494
s3transfer, 595019137
certifi, 570148733