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Created May 9, 2015 14:45
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<div class="comment-area">
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{!! Form::open(['class' => 'comment-form form-horizontal']) !!}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-xs-1">
<img class="pull-right user-image img-responsive" src="{{ empty(\Auth::user()->profile_img) === false ? \Auth::user()->profile_img : asset('/img/user.svg') }}">
<div class="col-xs-11">
{!! Form::text('comment', null, ['class'=> 'comment-text form-control','placeholder' => $blog->comments->count() == 0 ? 'Start the discussion . . .' : 'Join the discussion . . .' ]) !!}
{!! Form::submit('Post', ['class' => 'pull-right comment-post btn btn-primary']) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
{!! Form::open(['class' => 'hide comment-edit-form row']) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::text('comment', null, ['class' => 'comment-text form-control']) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::submit('Post', ['class' => 'pull-right comment-post btn btn-primary']) !!}
<div class="cancel pull-right comment-post btn btn-danger">Cancel</div>
{!! Form::close() !!}
<div class="comments">
@foreach($blog->comments as $comment)
@include('blog.comments.comment', [
'comment' => $comment
<script type="text/javascript">
// Update the comment number to include all sub comments
// Get the timeago
}, 1000);
// When a create comment is emited lets add it in the list
socket.on('create_comment', function(comment_id, parent_id)
// We are going to get the comments html
$.get('{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\CommentsController@show', [null]) }}/' + comment_id, function(html)
// Append to the parent id if given
$('.comment-row[data-id="' + parent_id + '"]').find('> .reply-area').append(html);
// just prepend to the comments
// update the comments number
// When a comment is being updated we just need to change the html
socket.on('update_comment', function(comment_id, comment)
$('.comment-row[data-id="' + comment_id + '"]').find('.comment').first().html(comment);
// Delete the comment that was passed through
socket.on('delete_comment', function(comment_id)
$('.comment-row[data-id="' + comment_id + '"]').remove();
// We want to update the votes and get the most current vote count
socket.on('update_votes', function(comment_id, votes)
$('.comment-row[data-id="' + comment_id + '"]').find('.comment-footer .up-votes').first().html(votes);
// Submit the comment the resource, this also can do a reply
$(document).on('submit', '.comment-form', function(e)
var form = $(this);
// Disable the form so they cannot submit it twice
form.find('.comment-post').prop('disabled', true);
var comment = $(this).find('.comment-text');
// we are going to attach the comment to the blog
$.post("{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\CommentsController@store') }}",
comment: comment.val(),
blog_id: "{{ $blog->id }}",
reply_to : $(form).data('reply-to')
// if its a reply , remove the generated form
form.find('.comment-post').prop('disabled', false);
form.find('.comment-post').prop('disabled', false);
// The edit submit is similar to the create except it sends an update
$(document).on('submit', '.comment-edit-form', function(e)
var form = $(this);
form.find('.comment-post').prop('disabled', true);
var comment = form.find('.comment-text');
url: "{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\CommentsController@update', null) }}/" + $(this).data('id'),
type: 'PUT',
data: {
comment : comment.val()
form.find('.comment-post').prop('disabled', false);
// send the command to delete the comment
$(document).on('click', '.delete', function(e)
url: "{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\CommentsController@destroy', null) }}/" + $(this).data('id'),
type: 'DELETE'
// When a person clicks the upvote we want to send it to server
$(document).on('click', '.up-vote', function()
var span = this;
$.post("{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\CommentVotesController@store') }}",
comment: $(this).data('id'),
vote : 1
// When a person clicks the downvote we want to send it to server
$(document).on('click', '.down-vote', function()
var span = this;
$.post("{{ action('\App\Http\Controllers\CommentVotesController@store') }}",
comment: $(this).data('id'),
vote: 0
// Creates the reply form needed to submit the comment
$(document).on('click', '.reply', function()
// Check to see if there is already a form open
// Close all open edit areas
var comment_form = $('.comment-form').first().clone().attr('data-reply-to', $(this).data('id'));
// we want to add a cancel button to the form
comment_form.find('.comment-post').val('Reply').after('<div class="pull-right btn btn-danger cancel">Cancel</div>');
$(this).closest('.comment-row').find('> .reply-area').append(comment_form);
// focus the users cursor to the form
// When user clicks on the form we will clone the edit form and add the corresponding comment id
$(document).on('click', '.edit', function()
// Check to see if there is already a form open
// Close all open edit areas
var comment_form = $('.comment-edit-form').first().clone().attr('data-reply-to', $(this).data('id'));
// add the comment id'id', $(this).data('id'));
// Get the text of the current comment and let the user edit it
// Hide the comment and we will replace it with the new comment form for editing
// focus the users cursor to the form
// When a user cancels and edit / reply we want to remove the form
$(document).on('click', '.cancel', function()
// Its always nice to allow enter when commeting
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27)
function close_all()
function update_comment_number()
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