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Created December 28, 2018 16:15
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declare module "openzwave-shared" {
namespace ZWave {
export type ValueType =
| "bool"
| "byte"
| "decimal"
| "int"
| "list"
| "schedule"
| "short"
| "string"
| "button"
| "raw"
| "max";
export type ValueGenre =
| "basic"
| "user"
| "system"
| "config"
| "count";
export interface NodeInfo {
manufacturer: string;
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
manufacturerid: string;
product: string;
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
producttype: string;
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
productid: string;
type: string;
name: string;
loc: string;
export enum Notification {
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
MessageComplete = 0,
Timeout = 1,
Nop = 2,
NodeAwake = 3,
NodeSleep = 4,
NodeDeal = 5,
NodeAlive = 6,
export enum ControllerState {
ControllerState_Normal = 0,
ControllerState_Starting = 1,
ControllerState_Cancel = 2,
ControllerState_Error = 3,
ControllerState_Waiting = 4,
ControllerState_Sleeping = 5,
ControllerState_InProgress = 6,
ControllerState_Completed = 7,
ControllerState_Failed = 8,
ControllerState_NodeOK = 9,
ControllerState_NodeFailed = 10,
export enum LogLevel {
NoLogging = 0,
AllMessages = 1,
FatalMessagesOnly = 2,
ErrorMessagesAndHigher = 3,
WarningMessagesAndHigher = 4,
AlertMessagesAndHigher = 5,
InfoMessagesAndHigher = 6,
DetailedMessagesAndHigher = 7,
DebugMessagesAndHigher = 8,
ProtocolInformationAndHigher = 9,
export interface DriverStats {
SOFCnt: number;
ACKWaiting: number;
readAborts: number;
badChecksum: number;
readCnt: number;
writeCnt: number;
CANCnt: number;
NAKCnt: number;
ACKCnt: number;
OOFCnt: number;
dropped: number;
retries: number;
callbacks: number;
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
badroutes: number;
export interface NodeStats {
sentCnt: number;
sentFailed: number;
retries: number;
receivedCnt: number;
receivedDups: number;
receivedUnsolicited: number;
lastRequestRTT: number;
lastResponseRTT: number;
averageRequestRTT: number;
averageResponseRTT: number;
quality: number;
sentTS: string;
receivedTS: string;
export interface ValueId {
node_id: number;
class_id: number;
instance: number;
index: number;
export interface Value<T = boolean | number | string> {
value_id: string;
node_id: number;
class_id: number;
type: ValueType;
genre: ValueGenre;
instance: number;
index: number;
label: string;
units: string;
help: string;
read_only: boolean;
write_only: boolean;
min: number;
max: number;
is_polled: boolean;
values?: string[];
value: T;
export interface SwitchPoint {
hours: number;
minutes: number;
setback: number;
export interface SceneInfo {
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
sceneid: number;
label: string;
export interface IConstructorParameters {
* This is the directory location where various files created by the library are stored. Examples include the zwcfg_.xml and LogFiles_
UserPath: string;
* This is the directory where the device database resides
ConfigPath: string;
* Enable Logging in the Library or not
Logging: boolean;
* Enable log output to stdout (or console)
ConsoleOutput: boolean;
* The Log File Name to use (will be output in the UserPath Directory
LogFileName: string;
* On Restart, should we erase old log files, or append to existing log files
AppendLogFile: boolean;
SaveLogLevel: LogLevel;
QueueLogLevel: ZWave.LogLevel;
DumpTriggerLevel: ZWave.LogLevel;
* Automatically Associate the Control with any Groups that have be flagged by specific devices in the Device Database
Associate: boolean;
* When a Message Transaction (via the Zwave Protocol) has been completed, receive a Code_MsgComplete notification via the Notification Interface.
NotifyTransactions: boolean;
* Maximum Attempts the Library will try to Initialize the controller
DriverMaxAttempts: number;
* When Shutting Down, should the library automatically save the Network Configuration in zwcfg_.xml_
SaveConfiguration: boolean;
* How long we should spend polling the entire network, or how long between polls we should wait. (See IntervalBetweenPolls)
PollInterval: number;
* Should the above value be how long to wait between polling the network devices, or how often all devices should be polled
IntervalBetweenPools: boolean;
* After Processing a Group Changed Notification, should we update the Return Routes Map on affected devices
PerformReturnRoutes: boolean;
* Specify Which Command Classes the Library will support
Include: string;
* Specifically Exclude Command Classes from the Library
Excldue: string;
* After a Value is Refreshed, should we send a notification to the application
SuppressValueRefresh: boolean;
* Timeout before retrying to send a message. Defaults to 40 Seconds
RetryTimeout: number;
* Network Key to use for Encrypting Secure Messages over the Network
NetworkKey: Buffer;
* Automatically become a SUC if there is No SUC on the network
EnableSIS: boolean;
* Assume Devices that support the Wakeup Class are awake when starting up OZW
AssumeAwake: boolean;
* Should we refresh all UserCodes in the UserCode CC when we start up
RefreshAllUserCodes: boolean;
* Open ZWave NodeJS wrapper object interface.
class ZWave {
constructor(settings: Partial<ZWave.IConstructorParameters>);
on(event: "connected", listener: (version: string) => void): this;
on(event: "driver ready", listener: (homeId: number) => void): this;
on(event: "driver failed", listener: () => void): this;
| "polling enabled"
| "polling disabled"
| "node removed"
| "node added",
listener: (nodeId: number) => void,
): this;
event: "node event",
listener: (nodeId: number, data: any) => void,
): this;
event: "node ready" | "node naming" | "node available",
listener: (nodeId: number, nodeInfo: ZWave.NodeInfo) => void,
): this;
event: "value added" | "value changed",
listener: (
nodeId: number,
comClass: number,
value: ZWave.Value,
) => void,
): this;
event: "value removed",
listener: (nodeId: number, comClass: number, index: number) => void,
): this;
event: "notification",
listener: (
nodeId: number,
notification: ZWave.Notification,
) => void,
): this;
on(event: "scan complete", listener: () => void): this;
event: "controller command",
listener: (
nodeId: number,
state: ZWave.ControllerState,
notif: number,
message: string,
) => void,
): this;
on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
// Exposed by ""
nodeId: number,
param: number,
value: number,
size?: number,
): void;
requestConfigParam(nodeId: number, param: number): void;
requestAllConfigParams(nodeId: number): void;
// Exposed by ""
* @param {string} path Usually a name of COM port, such as /dev/ttyACM0
connect(path: string): void;
* @param {string} path Usually a name of COM port, such as /dev/ttyACM0
disconnect(path: string): void;
* Reset the ZWave controller chip. A hard reset is destructive and wipes
* out all known configuration, a soft reset just restarts the chip.
hardReset(): void;
softReset(): void;
* Return Node ID of the controller itself.
getControllerNodeId(): number;
getSUCNodeId(): number;
* Query if the controller is a primary controller. The primary controller
* is the main device used to configure and control a Z-Wave network.
* There can only be one primary controller - all other controllers
* are secondary controllers.
isPrimaryController(): boolean;
* Query if the controller is a static update controller. A Static
* Update Controller (SUC) is a controller that must never be moved
* in normal operation and which can be used by other nodes to
* receive information about network changes.
isStaticUpdateController(): boolean;
* Query if the controller is using the bridge controller library.
* A bridge controller is able to create virtual nodes that can be
* associated with other controllers to enable events to be passed on.
isBridgeController(): boolean;
* Get the version of the Z-Wave API library used by a controller.
getLibraryVersion(): string;
* Get a string containing the Z-Wave API library type used by a controller.
* The controller should never return a slave library type. For a
* more efficient test of whether a controller is a Bridge Controller,
* use the IsBridgeController method.
| "Static Controller"
| "Controller"
| "Enhanced Slave"
| "Slave"
| "Installer"
| "Routing Slave"
| "Bridge Controller"
| "Device Under Test";
getSendQueueCount(): number;
// Exposed by ""
* Gets the number of association groups reported by this node.
* In Z-Wave, groups are numbered starting from one. For example,
* if a call to GetNumGroups returns 4, the _groupIdx value to use
* in calls to GetAssociations, AddAssociation and RemoveAssociation
* will be a number between 1 and 4.
getNumGroups(): number;
getAssociations(nodeId: number, groupIdx: number): Array<number>;
getMaxAssociations(nodeId: number, groupIdx: number): number;
getGroupLabel(nodeId: number, groupIdx: number): string;
nodeId: number,
groupIdx: number,
tgtNodeId: number,
): void;
nodeId: number,
groupIdx: number,
tgtNodeId: number,
): void;
// Exposed by ""
* Start the Inclusion Process to add a Node to the Network.
* The Status of the Node Inclusion is communicated via Notifications.
* Specifically, you should monitor ControllerCommand Notifications.
addNode(doSecurity?: boolean): boolean;
* Remove a Device from the Z-Wave Network
* The Status of the Node Removal is communicated via Notifications.
* Specifically, you should monitor ControllerCommand Notifications.
removeNode(): boolean;
* Check if the Controller Believes a Node has Failed.
* This is different from `thevIsNodeFailed` call in that we test the Controllers
* Failed Node List, where as `vtheIsNodeFailed` is testing our list of Failed Nodes,
* which might be different. The Results will be communicated via Notifications.
* Specifically, you should monitor the ControllerCommand notifications.
hasNodeFailed(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Ask a Node to update its Neighbor Tables
* This command will ask a Node to update its Neighbor Tables.
requestNodeNeighborUpdate(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Ask a Node to delete all Return Route.
* This command will ask a Node to delete all its return routes, and will
* rediscover when needed.
deleteAllReturnRoutes(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Send a NIF frame from the Controller to a Node.
* This command send a NIF frame from the Controller to a Node.
sendNodeInformation(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Create a new primary controller when old primary fails. Requires SUC.
* This command Creates a new Primary Controller when the Old Primary has Failed.
* Requires a SUC on the network to function.
createNewPrimary(): boolean;
* Receive network configuration information from primary controller. Requires
* secondary. This command prepares the controller to receive Network Configuration from a Secondary Controller.
receiveConfiguration(): boolean;
* Replace a failed device with another.
* If the node is not in the controller's failed nodes list, or the node responds,
* this command will fail. You can check if a Node is in the Controllers Failed
* node list by using the HasNodeFailed method.
replaceFailedNode(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Add a new controller to the network and make it the primary.
* The existing primary will become a secondary controller.
transferPrimaryRole(): boolean;
* Update the controller with network information from the SUC/SIS.
requestNetworkUpdate(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Send information from primary to secondary.
replicationSend(nodeId: number): boolean;
* Create a handheld button id.
createButton(nodeId: number, buttonId: number): boolean;
* Delete a handheld button id.
deleteButton(nodeId: number, buttonId: number): boolean;
* LEGACY MODE (using BeginControllerCommand)
* @obsolete
beginControllerCommand(command: any): void;
cancelControllerCommand(): void;
writeConfig(): void;
getDriverStatistics(): ZWave.DriverStats;
getNodeStatistics(nodeId: number): ZWave.NodeStats;
// Exposed by ""
* Test network node. Sends a series of messages to a network node
* for testing network reliability.
testNetworkNode(nodeId: number, retries?: number): void;
testNetwork(retries?: number): void;
* Heal network by requesting node's rediscover their neighbors.
* Sends a ControllerCommand_RequestNodeNeighborUpdate to every node.
* Can take a while on larger networks.
healNetwork(doRR?: boolean): void;
* Heal network node by requesting the node rediscover their neighbors.
healNetworkNode(nodeId: number, doRR?: boolean): void;
// Exposed by ""
* Gets the neighbors for a node.
getNodeNeighbors(nodeId: number): Array<number>;
setNodeOn(nodeId: number): void;
setNodeOff(nodeId: number): void;
* Generic dimmer control
setNodeLevel(nodeId: number, level: number): void;
switchAllOn(): void;
switchAllOff(): void;
pressButton(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): void;
releaseButton(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): void;
* Write a new location string to the device, if supported.
setNodeLocation(nodeId: number, location: string): void;
* Write a new name string to the device, if supported.
setNodeName(nodeId: number, name: string): void;
setNodeManufacturerName(nodeId: number, name: string): string;
setNodeProductName(nodeId: number, productName: string): string;
* Trigger the fetching of fixed data about a node. Causes the node's data to be obtained from the
* Z-Wave network in the same way as if it had just been added.
* This method would normally be called automatically by OpenZWave, but if you know that a node has been
* changed, calling this method will force a refresh of all of the data held by the library.
* This can be especially useful for devices that were asleep when the application was first run.
* This is the same as the query state starting from the beginning.
refreshNodeInfo(nodeId: number): void;
requestNodeState(nodeId: number): void;
requestNodeDynamic(nodeId: number): void;
isNodeListeningDevice(nodeId: number): boolean;
isNodeFrequentListeningDevice(nodeId: number): boolean;
isNodeBeamingDevice(nodeId: number): boolean;
isNodeRoutingDevice(nodeId: number): boolean;
isNodeSecurityDevice(nodeId: number): boolean;
getNodeMaxBaudRate(nodeId: number): number;
getNodeVersion(nodeId: number): number;
getNodeSecurity(nodeId: number): number;
getNodeBasic(nodeId: number): number;
getNodeGeneric(nodeId: number): number;
getNodeSpecific(nodeId: number): number;
getNodeType(nodeId: number): string;
getNodeProductName(nodeId: number): string;
getNodeName(nodeId: number): string;
getNodeLocation(nodeId: number): string;
getNodeManufacturerId(nodeId: number): string;
getNodeProductType(nodeId: number): string;
getNodeProductId(nodeId: number): string;
// Exposed by ""
* Generic value set.
nodeid: number,
class_id: number,
instance: number,
index: number,
value: boolean | number,
): void;
setValue(valueId: ZWave.ValueId, value: boolean | number): void;
* Refresh value from Z-Wave network.
refreshValue(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): boolean;
* Ask OZW to verify the value change before notifying the application.
setChangeVerified(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): void;
* Get number of thermostat switch points.
getNumSwitchPoints(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): number;
valueId: ZWave.ValueId,
index: number,
): ZWave.SwitchPoint;
clearSwitchPoints(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): void;
valueId: ZWave.ValueId,
switchPoint: ZWave.SwitchPoint,
): void;
// Exposed by ""
* Get the time period between polls of a node's state, in ms.
getPollInterval(): number;
* Set the time period between polls of a node's state. Due to patent concerns, some devices do not report
* state changes automatically to the controller. These devices need to have their state polled at
* regular intervals. The length of the interval is the same for all devices.
* To even out the Z-Wave network traffic generated by polling, OpenZWave divides the polling interval by
* the number of devices that have polling enabled, and polls each in turn.
* It is recommended that if possible, the interval should not be set shorter than the number of polled devices
* in seconds (so that the network does not have to cope with more than one poll per second).
setPollInterval(intervalMilliseconds: number): void;
* Enable polling on a ValueID.
enablePoll(valueId: ZWave.ValueId, intensity?: number): boolean;
* Disable polling on a ValueID.
disablePoll(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): boolean;
* Determine the polling of a device's state.
isPolled(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): boolean;
setPollIntensity(valueId: ZWave.ValueId, intensity: number): void;
getPollIntensity(valueId: ZWave.ValueId): number;
// Exposed by ""
* Returns sceneId.
createScene(label: string): number;
removeScene(sceneId: number): void;
// noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
getScenes(): Array<ZWave.SceneInfo>;
addSceneValue(sceneId: number, value: ZWave.ValueId): void;
removeSceneValue(sceneId: number, value: ZWave.ValueId): void;
sceneGetValues(sceneId: number): Array<ZWave.ValueId>;
activateScene(sceneId: number): void;
export = ZWave;
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I can't edit this unfortunately.

R: 43

NodeDead = 5,

R: 47-59

        export enum ControllerState {
            Normal = 0,
            Starting = 1,
            Cancel = 2,
            Error = 3,
            Waiting = 4,
            Sleeping = 5,
            InProgress = 6,
            Completed = 7,
            Failed = 8,
            NodeOK = 9,
            NodeFailed = 10,

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