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Last active October 8, 2021 21:26
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Autogenerate a graphql schema from sqlalchemy models.


This is the movies and directors schema from the strawberry fastapi-sqlalchemy example.

class Director(Base):
    __tablename__ = "directors"

    id: int = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True, nullable=False)
    name: str = Column(String, unique=True, index=True, nullable=False)

class Movie(Base):
    __tablename__ = "movies"

    id: int = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True, nullable=False)
    title: str = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False)
    imdb_id: str = Column(String, unique=True, index=True, nullable=False)
    year: int = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    image_url: str = Column(String, nullable=False)
    imdb_rating: float = Column(Float, nullable=False)
    imdb_rating_count: str = Column(String, nullable=False)

    director_id: int = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False)
    director: Director = relationship("Director")

When we add this schema to hasura we get the following graphql schema (Added at the bottom for readability). The schema is really long but it is a good example of where we could go in the long run.


  • implement automatic schema generation from strawberry types
  • implement automatic schema generation from sqlalchemy types
  • implement where clause
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement limit/offset clauses
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement order by clauses
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement distinct clauses
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement nested single item queries from the many to the one side of a relationship
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement nested array queries from the one to the many side of a relationship
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement where clauses for nested array queries
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement limit/offset clauses for nested array queries
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement order by clauses for nested array queries
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement distinct clauses for nested array queries
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration
  • implement automatic query generation from sqlalchemy models
    • schema generation
    • sqlalchemy integration

In the future...

  • Implement a relay api for queries
  • Implement mutations
  • Support hiding fields
  • Support derived fields
  • Add support/documentation to avoid n+1 selects

Summary of Hasura Automatic Query Generation

  1. For every table we can create a query over that table which supports the following inputs. The fields are the columns in the table.
  • distinct
  • limit
  • offset
  • order by
  • where
  1. We can also fetch aggregates which use the previous inputs but have the following fields. These fields are nested and refer to the columns of the table when they are valid. So for example avg would only contain numeric columns from the table.
  • avg
  • count
  • max
  • min
  • stddev
  • sum
  • var
  1. We can fetch items by their primary key.

  2. If there are relationships we can fetch those but it depends on the type of relation. If we are fetching a single item then the item can be accessed directly. If we are fetching multiple items then we would support nested fetches using both 1 and 4

Generated Schema

Expand to see schema
schema {
  query: query_root
  mutation: mutation_root
  subscription: subscription_root

whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only)
directive @cached(
  measured in seconds
  ttl: Int! = 60

  refresh the cache entry
  refresh: Boolean! = false
) on QUERY

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Int_comparison_exp {
  _eq: Int
  _gt: Int
  _gte: Int
  _in: [Int!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: Int
  _lte: Int
  _neq: Int
  _nin: [Int!]

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input String_comparison_exp {
  _eq: String
  _gt: String
  _gte: String

  does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern
  _ilike: String
  _in: [String!]

  does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
  _iregex: String
  _is_null: Boolean

  does the column match the given pattern
  _like: String
  _lt: String
  _lte: String
  _neq: String

  does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern
  _nilike: String
  _nin: [String!]

  does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
  _niregex: String

  does the column NOT match the given pattern
  _nlike: String

  does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
  _nregex: String

  does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression
  _nsimilar: String

  does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
  _regex: String

  does the column match the given SQL regular expression
  _similar: String

columns and relationships of "directors"
type directors {
  id: Int!

  An array relationship
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [movies_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [movies_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: movies_bool_exp
  ): [movies!]!

  An aggregate relationship
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [movies_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [movies_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: movies_bool_exp
  ): movies_aggregate!
  name: String!

aggregated selection of "directors"
type directors_aggregate {
  aggregate: directors_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [directors!]!

aggregate fields of "directors"
type directors_aggregate_fields {
  avg: directors_avg_fields
  count(columns: [directors_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: directors_max_fields
  min: directors_min_fields
  stddev: directors_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: directors_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: directors_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: directors_sum_fields
  var_pop: directors_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: directors_var_samp_fields
  variance: directors_variance_fields

aggregate avg on columns
type directors_avg_fields {
  id: Float

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "directors". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input directors_bool_exp {
  _and: [directors_bool_exp!]
  _not: directors_bool_exp
  _or: [directors_bool_exp!]
  id: Int_comparison_exp
  movies: movies_bool_exp
  name: String_comparison_exp

unique or primary key constraints on table "directors"
enum directors_constraint {
  unique or primary key constraint

  unique or primary key constraint

input type for incrementing numeric columns in table "directors"
input directors_inc_input {
  id: Int

input type for inserting data into table "directors"
input directors_insert_input {
  id: Int
  movies: movies_arr_rel_insert_input
  name: String

aggregate max on columns
type directors_max_fields {
  id: Int
  name: String

aggregate min on columns
type directors_min_fields {
  id: Int
  name: String

response of any mutation on the table "directors"
type directors_mutation_response {
  number of rows affected by the mutation
  affected_rows: Int!

  data from the rows affected by the mutation
  returning: [directors!]!

input type for inserting object relation for remote table "directors"
input directors_obj_rel_insert_input {
  data: directors_insert_input!

  on conflict condition
  on_conflict: directors_on_conflict

on conflict condition type for table "directors"
input directors_on_conflict {
  constraint: directors_constraint!
  update_columns: [directors_update_column!]! = []
  where: directors_bool_exp

Ordering options when selecting data from "directors".
input directors_order_by {
  id: order_by
  movies_aggregate: movies_aggregate_order_by
  name: order_by

primary key columns input for table: directors
input directors_pk_columns_input {
  id: Int!

select columns of table "directors"
enum directors_select_column {
  column name

  column name

input type for updating data in table "directors"
input directors_set_input {
  id: Int
  name: String

aggregate stddev on columns
type directors_stddev_fields {
  id: Float

aggregate stddev_pop on columns
type directors_stddev_pop_fields {
  id: Float

aggregate stddev_samp on columns
type directors_stddev_samp_fields {
  id: Float

aggregate sum on columns
type directors_sum_fields {
  id: Int

update columns of table "directors"
enum directors_update_column {
  column name

  column name

aggregate var_pop on columns
type directors_var_pop_fields {
  id: Float

aggregate var_samp on columns
type directors_var_samp_fields {
  id: Float

aggregate variance on columns
type directors_variance_fields {
  id: Float

scalar float8

Boolean expression to compare columns of type "float8". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input float8_comparison_exp {
  _eq: float8
  _gt: float8
  _gte: float8
  _in: [float8!]
  _is_null: Boolean
  _lt: float8
  _lte: float8
  _neq: float8
  _nin: [float8!]

columns and relationships of "movies"
type movies {
  An object relationship
  director: directors!
  director_id: Int!
  id: Int!
  image_url: String!
  imdb_id: String!
  imdb_rating: float8!
  imdb_rating_count: String!
  title: String!
  year: Int!

aggregated selection of "movies"
type movies_aggregate {
  aggregate: movies_aggregate_fields
  nodes: [movies!]!

aggregate fields of "movies"
type movies_aggregate_fields {
  avg: movies_avg_fields
  count(columns: [movies_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
  max: movies_max_fields
  min: movies_min_fields
  stddev: movies_stddev_fields
  stddev_pop: movies_stddev_pop_fields
  stddev_samp: movies_stddev_samp_fields
  sum: movies_sum_fields
  var_pop: movies_var_pop_fields
  var_samp: movies_var_samp_fields
  variance: movies_variance_fields

order by aggregate values of table "movies"
input movies_aggregate_order_by {
  avg: movies_avg_order_by
  count: order_by
  max: movies_max_order_by
  min: movies_min_order_by
  stddev: movies_stddev_order_by
  stddev_pop: movies_stddev_pop_order_by
  stddev_samp: movies_stddev_samp_order_by
  sum: movies_sum_order_by
  var_pop: movies_var_pop_order_by
  var_samp: movies_var_samp_order_by
  variance: movies_variance_order_by

input type for inserting array relation for remote table "movies"
input movies_arr_rel_insert_input {
  data: [movies_insert_input!]!

  on conflict condition
  on_conflict: movies_on_conflict

aggregate avg on columns
type movies_avg_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by avg() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_avg_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "movies". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input movies_bool_exp {
  _and: [movies_bool_exp!]
  _not: movies_bool_exp
  _or: [movies_bool_exp!]
  director: directors_bool_exp
  director_id: Int_comparison_exp
  id: Int_comparison_exp
  image_url: String_comparison_exp
  imdb_id: String_comparison_exp
  imdb_rating: float8_comparison_exp
  imdb_rating_count: String_comparison_exp
  title: String_comparison_exp
  year: Int_comparison_exp

unique or primary key constraints on table "movies"
enum movies_constraint {
  unique or primary key constraint

  unique or primary key constraint

  unique or primary key constraint

input type for incrementing numeric columns in table "movies"
input movies_inc_input {
  director_id: Int
  id: Int
  imdb_rating: float8
  year: Int

input type for inserting data into table "movies"
input movies_insert_input {
  director: directors_obj_rel_insert_input
  director_id: Int
  id: Int
  image_url: String
  imdb_id: String
  imdb_rating: float8
  imdb_rating_count: String
  title: String
  year: Int

aggregate max on columns
type movies_max_fields {
  director_id: Int
  id: Int
  image_url: String
  imdb_id: String
  imdb_rating: float8
  imdb_rating_count: String
  title: String
  year: Int

order by max() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_max_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  image_url: order_by
  imdb_id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  imdb_rating_count: order_by
  title: order_by
  year: order_by

aggregate min on columns
type movies_min_fields {
  director_id: Int
  id: Int
  image_url: String
  imdb_id: String
  imdb_rating: float8
  imdb_rating_count: String
  title: String
  year: Int

order by min() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_min_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  image_url: order_by
  imdb_id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  imdb_rating_count: order_by
  title: order_by
  year: order_by

response of any mutation on the table "movies"
type movies_mutation_response {
  number of rows affected by the mutation
  affected_rows: Int!

  data from the rows affected by the mutation
  returning: [movies!]!

on conflict condition type for table "movies"
input movies_on_conflict {
  constraint: movies_constraint!
  update_columns: [movies_update_column!]! = []
  where: movies_bool_exp

Ordering options when selecting data from "movies".
input movies_order_by {
  director: directors_order_by
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  image_url: order_by
  imdb_id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  imdb_rating_count: order_by
  title: order_by
  year: order_by

primary key columns input for table: movies
input movies_pk_columns_input {
  id: Int!

select columns of table "movies"
enum movies_select_column {
  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

input type for updating data in table "movies"
input movies_set_input {
  director_id: Int
  id: Int
  image_url: String
  imdb_id: String
  imdb_rating: float8
  imdb_rating_count: String
  title: String
  year: Int

aggregate stddev on columns
type movies_stddev_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by stddev() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_stddev_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

aggregate stddev_pop on columns
type movies_stddev_pop_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_stddev_pop_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

aggregate stddev_samp on columns
type movies_stddev_samp_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_stddev_samp_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

aggregate sum on columns
type movies_sum_fields {
  director_id: Int
  id: Int
  imdb_rating: float8
  year: Int

order by sum() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_sum_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

update columns of table "movies"
enum movies_update_column {
  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

  column name

aggregate var_pop on columns
type movies_var_pop_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by var_pop() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_var_pop_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

aggregate var_samp on columns
type movies_var_samp_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by var_samp() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_var_samp_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

aggregate variance on columns
type movies_variance_fields {
  director_id: Float
  id: Float
  imdb_rating: Float
  year: Float

order by variance() on columns of table "movies"
input movies_variance_order_by {
  director_id: order_by
  id: order_by
  imdb_rating: order_by
  year: order_by

mutation root
type mutation_root {
  delete data from the table: "directors"
    filter the rows which have to be deleted
    where: directors_bool_exp!
  ): directors_mutation_response

  delete single row from the table: "directors"
  delete_directors_by_pk(id: Int!): directors

  delete data from the table: "movies"
    filter the rows which have to be deleted
    where: movies_bool_exp!
  ): movies_mutation_response

  delete single row from the table: "movies"
  delete_movies_by_pk(id: Int!): movies

  insert data into the table: "directors"
    the rows to be inserted
    objects: [directors_insert_input!]!

    on conflict condition
    on_conflict: directors_on_conflict
  ): directors_mutation_response

  insert a single row into the table: "directors"
    the row to be inserted
    object: directors_insert_input!

    on conflict condition
    on_conflict: directors_on_conflict
  ): directors

  insert data into the table: "movies"
    the rows to be inserted
    objects: [movies_insert_input!]!

    on conflict condition
    on_conflict: movies_on_conflict
  ): movies_mutation_response

  insert a single row into the table: "movies"
    the row to be inserted
    object: movies_insert_input!

    on conflict condition
    on_conflict: movies_on_conflict
  ): movies

  update data of the table: "directors"
    increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values
    _inc: directors_inc_input

    sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values
    _set: directors_set_input

    filter the rows which have to be updated
    where: directors_bool_exp!
  ): directors_mutation_response

  update single row of the table: "directors"
    increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values
    _inc: directors_inc_input

    sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values
    _set: directors_set_input
    pk_columns: directors_pk_columns_input!
  ): directors

  update data of the table: "movies"
    increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values
    _inc: movies_inc_input

    sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values
    _set: movies_set_input

    filter the rows which have to be updated
    where: movies_bool_exp!
  ): movies_mutation_response

  update single row of the table: "movies"
    increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values
    _inc: movies_inc_input

    sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values
    _set: movies_set_input
    pk_columns: movies_pk_columns_input!
  ): movies

column ordering options
enum order_by {
  in ascending order, nulls last

  in ascending order, nulls first

  in ascending order, nulls last

  in descending order, nulls first

  in descending order, nulls first

  in descending order, nulls last

type query_root {
  fetch data from the table: "directors"
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [directors_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [directors_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: directors_bool_exp
  ): [directors!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "directors"
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [directors_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [directors_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: directors_bool_exp
  ): directors_aggregate!

  fetch data from the table: "directors" using primary key columns
  directors_by_pk(id: Int!): directors

  An array relationship
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [movies_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [movies_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: movies_bool_exp
  ): [movies!]!

  An aggregate relationship
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [movies_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [movies_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: movies_bool_exp
  ): movies_aggregate!

  fetch data from the table: "movies" using primary key columns
  movies_by_pk(id: Int!): movies

type subscription_root {
  fetch data from the table: "directors"
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [directors_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [directors_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: directors_bool_exp
  ): [directors!]!

  fetch aggregated fields from the table: "directors"
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [directors_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [directors_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: directors_bool_exp
  ): directors_aggregate!

  fetch data from the table: "directors" using primary key columns
  directors_by_pk(id: Int!): directors

  An array relationship
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [movies_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [movies_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: movies_bool_exp
  ): [movies!]!

  An aggregate relationship
    distinct select on columns
    distinct_on: [movies_select_column!]

    limit the number of rows returned
    limit: Int

    skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by
    offset: Int

    sort the rows by one or more columns
    order_by: [movies_order_by!]

    filter the rows returned
    where: movies_bool_exp
  ): movies_aggregate!

  fetch data from the table: "movies" using primary key columns
  movies_by_pk(id: Int!): movies
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