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Created July 31, 2015 02:05
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Lua 5.1+ base64 v3.0 (c) 2009 by Alex Kloss <> Licensed under the terms of the LGPL2
local function base64(data)
-- Lua 5.1+ base64 v3.0 (c) 2009 by Alex Kloss <>
-- Licensed under the terms of the LGPL2
local b = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
return ((data:gsub('.', function(x)
local r, b = '', x:byte()
for i = 8, 1, -1 do r = r .. (b % 2 ^ i - b % 2 ^ (i - 1) > 0 and '1' or '0') end
return r;
end) .. '0000'):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
if (#x < 6) then return '' end
local c = 0
for i = 1, 6 do c = c + (x:sub(i, i) == '1' and 2 ^ (6 - i) or 0) end
return b:sub(c + 1, c + 1)
end) .. ({ '', '==', '=' })[#data % 3 + 1])
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