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Created March 7, 2019 06:06
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Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
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import boto3
import hashlib
import json
import urllib2
# Name of the service, as seen in the ip-groups.json file, to extract information for
# Ports your application uses that need inbound permissions from the service for
INGRESS_PORTS = { 'Http' : 80, 'Https': 443 }
# Tags which identify the security groups you want to update
SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_GLOBAL_HTTP = { 'Name': 'cloudfront_g', 'AutoUpdate': 'true', 'Protocol': 'http' }
SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_GLOBAL_HTTPS = { 'Name': 'cloudfront_g', 'AutoUpdate': 'true', 'Protocol': 'https' }
SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_REGION_HTTP = { 'Name': 'cloudfront_r', 'AutoUpdate': 'true', 'Protocol': 'http' }
SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_REGION_HTTPS = { 'Name': 'cloudfront_r', 'AutoUpdate': 'true', 'Protocol': 'https' }
S3_BUCKET_TAG = 'cloudfront_only'
def lambda_handler(event, context):
print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))
if is_cloudtrail_event(event):
if not is_scalinggroup_or_sg_tag(event):
url = ""
expected_hash = None
if 'Records' in event:
message = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message'])
url = message['url']
expected_hash = message['md5']
url = ""
expected_hash = None
# Load the ip ranges from the url
ip_ranges = json.loads(get_ip_groups_json(url, expected_hash))
# extract the service ranges
global_cf_ranges = get_ranges_for_service(ip_ranges, SERVICE, "GLOBAL")
region_cf_ranges = get_ranges_for_service(ip_ranges, SERVICE, "REGION")
ip_ranges = { "GLOBAL": global_cf_ranges, "REGION": region_cf_ranges }
# update the security groups
result = update_security_groups(ip_ranges)
return result
def get_ip_groups_json(url, expected_hash):
print("Updating from " + url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
ip_json =
if expected_hash is not None:
m = hashlib.md5()
hash = m.hexdigest()
if hash != expected_hash:
raise Exception('MD5 Mismatch: got ' + hash + ' expected ' + expected_hash)
return ip_json
def get_ranges_for_service(ranges, service, subset):
service_ranges = list()
for prefix in ranges['prefixes']:
if prefix['service'] == service and ((subset == prefix['region'] and subset == "GLOBAL") or (subset != 'GLOBAL' and prefix['region'] != 'GLOBAL')):
print('Found ' + service + ' region: ' + prefix['region'] + ' range: ' + prefix['ip_prefix'])
return service_ranges
def update_s3_buckets(new_ranges):
client = boto3.client('s3')
bucket_list = client.list_buckets()
for bucket in bucket_list['Buckets']:
bucket_name = bucket['Name']
bucket_tags = client.get_bucket_tagging(Bucket=bucket_name)
for tag in bucket_tags['TagSet']:
key = tag['Key']
value = tag['Value']
if key == S3_BUCKET_TAG:
policy = {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "S3PolicyForBucket",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "IPAllow",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::" + bucket_name + "/*",
"arn:aws:s3:::" + bucket_name
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": new_ranges["GLOBAL"] + new_ranges["REGION"]
policy_string = json.dumps(policy)
print('Applying policy to bucket ' + bucket_name + ':')
response = client.put_bucket_policy(
print('Failed to update bucket policy.')
print('No tags for ' + bucket_name)
def update_security_groups(new_ranges):
client = boto3.client('ec2')
global_http_group = get_security_groups_for_update(client, SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_GLOBAL_HTTP)
global_https_group = get_security_groups_for_update(client, SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_GLOBAL_HTTPS)
region_http_group = get_security_groups_for_update(client, SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_REGION_HTTP)
region_https_group = get_security_groups_for_update(client, SECURITY_GROUP_TAG_FOR_REGION_HTTPS)
print ('Found ' + str(len(global_http_group)) + ' CloudFront_g HttpSecurityGroups to update')
print ('Found ' + str(len(global_https_group)) + ' CloudFront_g HttpsSecurityGroups to update')
print ('Found ' + str(len(region_http_group)) + ' CloudFront_r HttpSecurityGroups to update')
print ('Found ' + str(len(region_https_group)) + ' CloudFront_r HttpsSecurityGroups to update')
result = list()
global_http_updated = 0
global_https_updated = 0
region_http_updated = 0
region_https_updated = 0
for group in global_http_group:
if update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges["GLOBAL"], INGRESS_PORTS['Http']):
global_http_updated += 1
result.append('Updated ' + group['GroupId'])
for group in global_https_group:
if update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges["GLOBAL"], INGRESS_PORTS['Https']):
global_https_updated += 1
result.append('Updated ' + group['GroupId'])
for group in region_http_group:
if update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges["REGION"], INGRESS_PORTS['Http']):
region_http_updated += 1
result.append('Updated ' + group['GroupId'])
for group in region_https_group:
if update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges["REGION"], INGRESS_PORTS['Https']):
region_https_updated += 1
result.append('Updated ' + group['GroupId'])
result.append('Updated ' + str(global_http_updated) + ' of ' + str(len(global_http_group)) + ' CloudFront_g HttpSecurityGroups')
result.append('Updated ' + str(global_https_updated) + ' of ' + str(len(global_https_group)) + ' CloudFront_g HttpsSecurityGroups')
result.append('Updated ' + str(region_http_updated) + ' of ' + str(len(region_http_group)) + ' CloudFront_r HttpSecurityGroups')
result.append('Updated ' + str(region_https_updated) + ' of ' + str(len(region_https_group)) + ' CloudFront_r HttpsSecurityGroups')
return result
def update_security_group(client, group, new_ranges, port):
added = 0
removed = 0
if len(group['IpPermissions']) > 0:
for permission in group['IpPermissions']:
if permission['FromPort'] <= port and permission['ToPort'] >= port :
old_prefixes = list()
to_revoke = list()
to_add = list()
for range in permission['IpRanges']:
cidr = range['CidrIp']
if new_ranges.count(cidr) == 0:
print(group['GroupId'] + ": Revoking " + cidr + ":" + str(permission['ToPort']))
for range in new_ranges:
if old_prefixes.count(range) == 0:
to_add.append({ 'CidrIp': range })
print(group['GroupId'] + ": Adding " + range + ":" + str(permission['ToPort']))
removed += revoke_permissions(client, group, permission, to_revoke)
added += add_permissions(client, group, permission, to_add)
to_add = list()
for range in new_ranges:
to_add.append({ 'CidrIp': range })
print(group['GroupId'] + ": Adding " + range + ":" + str(port))
permission = { 'ToPort': port, 'FromPort': port, 'IpProtocol': 'tcp'}
added += add_permissions(client, group, permission, to_add)
print (group['GroupId'] + ": Added " + str(added) + ", Revoked " + str(removed))
return (added > 0 or removed > 0)
def revoke_permissions(client, group, permission, to_revoke):
if len(to_revoke) > 0:
revoke_params = {
'ToPort': permission['ToPort'],
'FromPort': permission['FromPort'],
'IpRanges': to_revoke,
'IpProtocol': permission['IpProtocol']
client.revoke_security_group_ingress(GroupId=group['GroupId'], IpPermissions=[revoke_params])
return len(to_revoke)
def add_permissions(client, group, permission, to_add):
if len(to_add) > 0:
add_params = {
'ToPort': permission['ToPort'],
'FromPort': permission['FromPort'],
'IpRanges': to_add,
'IpProtocol': permission['IpProtocol']
client.authorize_security_group_ingress(GroupId=group['GroupId'], IpPermissions=[add_params])
return len(to_add)
def get_security_groups_for_update(client, security_group_tag):
filters = list();
for key, value in security_group_tag.iteritems():
{ 'Name': "tag-key", 'Values': [ key ] },
{ 'Name': "tag-value", 'Values': [ value ] }
response = client.describe_security_groups(Filters=filters)
return response['SecurityGroups']
def is_cloudtrail_event(event):
return "source" in event and event["source"] == "aws.ec2" and "detail-type" in event and event["detail-type"] == "AWS API Call via CloudTrail" and "detail" in event
def is_scalinggroup_or_sg_tag(event):
if is_cloudtrail_event(event):
detail = event["detail"]
if "eventName" in detail:
if detail["eventName"] =="CreateTags":
print('Tag created event...')
for resource in detail["requestParameters"]["resourcesSet"]["items"]:
print('Tag created on resource: ' + resource["resourceId"])
if resource["resourceId"].startswith("sg-"):
return True;
except Exception, e:
print('Error attempting to parse CreateTags event:')
if detail["eventName"] =="CreateSecurityGroup":
print('Security group created...')
print('Security group name: ' + detail["requestParameters"]["groupName"])
return True
except Exception, e:
print('Error attempting to parse CreateSecurityGroup event:')
return True
return False
Sample Event From SNS:
"Records": [
"EventVersion": "1.0",
"EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:EXAMPLE",
"EventSource": "aws:sns",
"Sns": {
"SignatureVersion": "1",
"Timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"Signature": "EXAMPLE",
"SigningCertUrl": "EXAMPLE",
"MessageId": "95df01b4-ee98-5cb9-9903-4c221d41eb5e",
"Message": "{\"create-time\": \"yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00\", \"synctoken\": \"0123456789\", \"md5\": \"45be1ba64fe83acb7ef247bccbc45704\", \"url\": \"\"}",
"Type": "Notification",
"UnsubscribeUrl": "EXAMPLE",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:EXAMPLE",
"Subject": "TestInvoke"
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