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Last active September 21, 2017 19:38
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DetectNet Python Inference
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Classify an image using individual model files
Use this script as an example to build your own tool
import argparse
import os
import time
from google.protobuf import text_format
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import scipy.misc
os.environ['GLOG_minloglevel'] = '2' # Suppress most caffe output
import caffe
from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
def get_net(caffemodel, deploy_file, use_gpu=True):
Returns an instance of caffe.Net
caffemodel -- path to a .caffemodel file
deploy_file -- path to a .prototxt file
Keyword arguments:
use_gpu -- if True, use the GPU for inference
if use_gpu:
# load a new model
return caffe.Net(deploy_file, caffemodel, caffe.TEST)
def get_transformer(deploy_file, mean_file=None):
Returns an instance of
deploy_file -- path to a .prototxt file
Keyword arguments:
mean_file -- path to a .binaryproto file (optional)
network = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
with open(deploy_file) as infile:
text_format.Merge(, network)
if network.input_shape:
dims = network.input_shape[0].dim
dims = network.input_dim[:4]
t =
inputs = {'data': dims}
t.set_transpose('data', (2,0,1)) # transpose to (channels, height, width)
# color images
if dims[1] == 3:
# channel swap
t.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0))
if mean_file:
# set mean pixel
with open(mean_file,'rb') as infile:
blob = caffe_pb2.BlobProto()
if blob.HasField('shape'):
blob_dims = blob.shape
assert len(blob_dims) == 4, 'Shape should have 4 dimensions - shape is "%s"' % blob.shape
elif blob.HasField('num') and blob.HasField('channels') and \
blob.HasField('height') and blob.HasField('width'):
blob_dims = (blob.num, blob.channels, blob.height, blob.width)
raise ValueError('blob does not provide shape or 4d dimensions')
pixel = np.reshape(, blob_dims[1:]).mean(1).mean(1)
t.set_mean('data', pixel)
return t
def load_image(path, height, width, mode='RGB'):
Load an image from disk
Returns an np.ndarray (channels x width x height)
path -- path to an image on disk
width -- resize dimension
height -- resize dimension
Keyword arguments:
mode -- the PIL mode that the image should be converted to
(RGB for color or L for grayscale)
image =
image = image.convert(mode)
image = np.array(image)
# squash
image = scipy.misc.imresize(image, (height, width), 'bilinear')
return image
def forward_pass(images, net, transformer, batch_size=None):
Returns scores for each image as an np.ndarray (nImages x nClasses)
images -- a list of np.ndarrays
net -- a caffe.Net
transformer -- a
Keyword arguments:
batch_size -- how many images can be processed at once
(a high value may result in out-of-memory errors)
if batch_size is None:
batch_size = 1
caffe_images = []
for image in images:
if image.ndim == 2:
dims = transformer.inputs['data'][1:]
scores = None
for chunk in [caffe_images[x:x+batch_size] for x in xrange(0, len(caffe_images), batch_size)]:
new_shape = (len(chunk),) + tuple(dims)
if net.blobs['data'].data.shape != new_shape:
for index, image in enumerate(chunk):
image_data = transformer.preprocess('data', image)
net.blobs['data'].data[index] = image_data
start = time.time()
output = net.forward()[net.outputs[-1]]
end = time.time()
if scores is None:
scores = np.copy(output)
scores = np.vstack((scores, output))
print 'Processed %s/%s images in %f seconds ...' % (len(scores), len(caffe_images), (end - start))
return scores
def read_labels(labels_file):
Returns a list of strings
labels_file -- path to a .txt file
if not labels_file:
print 'WARNING: No labels file provided. Results will be difficult to interpret.'
return None
labels = []
with open(labels_file) as infile:
for line in infile:
label = line.strip()
if label:
assert len(labels), 'No labels found'
return labels
def classify(caffemodel, deploy_file, image_files,
mean_file=None, labels_file=None, batch_size=None, use_gpu=True):
Classify some images against a Caffe model and print the results
caffemodel -- path to a .caffemodel
deploy_file -- path to a .prototxt
image_files -- list of paths to images
Keyword arguments:
mean_file -- path to a .binaryproto
labels_file path to a .txt file
use_gpu -- if True, run inference on the GPU
# Load the model and images
net = get_net(caffemodel, deploy_file, use_gpu)
transformer = get_transformer(deploy_file, mean_file)
_, channels, height, width = transformer.inputs['data']
if channels == 3:
mode = 'RGB'
elif channels == 1:
mode = 'L'
raise ValueError('Invalid number for channels: %s' % channels)
images = [load_image(image_file, height, width, mode) for image_file in image_files]
labels = read_labels(labels_file)
# Classify the image
scores = forward_pass(images, net, transformer, batch_size=batch_size)
### Process the results
# Format of scores is [ batch_size x max_bbox_per_image x 5 (xl, yt, xr, yb, confidence) ]
for i, image_results in enumerate(scores):
print '==> Image #%d' % i
for left, top, right, bottom, confidence in image_results:
if confidence == 0:
print 'Detected object at [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] with "confidence" %f' % (
if __name__ == '__main__':
script_start_time = time.time()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Classification example - DIGITS')
### Positional arguments
parser.add_argument('caffemodel', help='Path to a .caffemodel')
parser.add_argument('deploy_file', help='Path to the deploy file')
help='Path[s] to an image')
### Optional arguments
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mean',
help='Path to a mean file (*.npy)')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--labels',
help='Path to a labels file')
help="Don't use the GPU")
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
classify(args['caffemodel'], args['deploy_file'], args['image_file'],
args['mean'], args['labels'], args['batch_size'], not args['nogpu'])
print 'Script took %f seconds.' % (time.time() - script_start_time,)
diff --git a/examples/classification/ b/examples/classification/
index 808426cf..c81aac05 100755
--- a/examples/classification/
+++ b/examples/classification/
@@ -203,24 +203,21 @@ def classify(caffemodel, deploy_file, image_files,
### Process the results
- indices = (-scores).argsort()[:, :5] # take top 5 results
- classifications = []
- for image_index, index_list in enumerate(indices):
- result = []
- for i in index_list:
- # 'i' is a category in labels and also an index into scores
- if labels is None:
- label = 'Class #%s' % i
- else:
- label = labels[i]
- result.append((label, round(100.0*scores[image_index, i],4)))
- classifications.append(result)
- for index, classification in enumerate(classifications):
- print '{:-^80}'.format(' Prediction for %s ' % image_files[index])
- for label, confidence in classification:
- print '{:9.4%} - "{}"'.format(confidence/100.0, label)
- print
+ # Format of scores is [ batch_size x max_bbox_per_image x 5 (xl, yt, xr, yb, confidence) ]
+ #
+ for i, image_results in enumerate(scores):
+ print '==> Image #%d' % i
+ for left, top, right, bottom, confidence in image_results:
+ if confidence == 0:
+ continue
+ print 'Detected object at [(%d, %d), (%d, %d)] with "confidence" %f' % (
+ int(round(left)),
+ int(round(top)),
+ int(round(right)),
+ int(round(bottom)),
+ confidence,
+ )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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bpinaya commented Feb 22, 2017

Hi there Luke, I expanded this gist to add video detection. Takes as input a video.mp4 and outputs another one with Car detection and drawn bounding boxes. I added a link in there to this original gist.
Tested on the jetson TX1
I also have another running on a live usb camera but I am tuning some parts on it.

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askrish commented Apr 13, 2017

Hi @bpinaya have you had any success with the USB camera code yet ? I am quite new to this and can't seem to wrap my head around it !

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@askrish You should be able to use OpenCV's VideoCapture to get an image that can be passed into the model.

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