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Created July 14, 2014 20:45
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Save lukluk/b181c685948fdfdeb41d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var S = require('string');
var fs = require('fs');
var filendir = require('filendir')
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var coreWEBPath = "../../CoreWEB/",
wwwPath = "Hertz/www",
androidPhoneAssets = "Hertz/www/androidphone",
contentSourceRoot = ""; // prk-agavecell cell 3 machine
process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = "0"; // disable SSL checking if content against cell machine
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
clean: {
assests: [
wwwPath + "/images/apps/kui",
wwwPath + "/images/apps/logo",
wwwPath + "/images/apps/weather",
wwwPath + "/images/apps/iostablet",
wwwPath + "/images/apps/misc",
wwwPath + "/images/weather",
wwwPath + "/js/content.js",
compass: {
coreweb_scss: {
options: {
config: coreWEBPath + 'assets/config.rb',
basePath: coreWEBPath + 'assets/'
sed: {
remove_cache_manifest: {
path: wwwPath,
pattern: /manifest="\/rentacar\/handlers\/manifest\/[a-z]*\/cache.manifest\?deviceGroup=[a-z]*\&edge=Y"/g,
replacement: ' ',
recursive: true
css_and_javascript_paths: {
path: wwwPath,
pattern: /\/rentacar\/assets\/\d*\/((androidphone)\/?)?/g,
replacement: 'generated/',
recursive: true
image_paths: {
path: [androidPhoneAssets],
pattern: /\/rentacar\/assets\/images\//g,
replacement: '../images/',
recursive: true
css: {
path: [androidPhoneAssets],
pattern: /-webkit-mask-box-image:( ?)url\("..\/images\//g,
replacement: '-webkit-mask-box-image:url("../../images/',
recursive: true
copy: {
static_resources: {
files: [
// includes files within path
src: [coreWEBPath + 'assets/html/androidphone/hub/**'],
dest: androidPhoneAssets,
expand: true,
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
}, {
src: [coreWEBPath + 'assets/images/apps/kui/*'],
dest: wwwPath + "/images/apps/kui",
expand: true,
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
}, {
src: [coreWEBPath + 'assets/images/apps/logo/*'],
dest: wwwPath + "/images/apps/logo",
expand: true,
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
}, {
src: [coreWEBPath + 'assets/images/apps/weather/*'],
dest: wwwPath + "/images/apps/weather",
expand: true,
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
}, {
src: [coreWEBPath + 'assets/images/apps/misc/*'],
dest: wwwPath + "/images/apps/misc",
expand: true,
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
}, {
src: [coreWEBPath + 'assets/images/weather/*'],
dest: wwwPath + "/images/weather",
expand: true,
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
concat: {
css: {
files: {
"Hertz/www/androidphone/generated/global.css": [
coreWEBPath + '/assets/css/libs/kendo.common.min.css',
coreWEBPath + '/assets/css/libs/',
coreWEBPath + '/assets/css/androidphone/global.css'
javascripts: {
"Hertz/www/androidphone/generated/libs.js": [
coreWEBPath + 'js/htz.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/libs/app/androidphone/cordova-3.1.1.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/libs/app/androidphone/cordova_plugins.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/libs/app/iosphone/progress.min.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/jsinclude/libs/js.jsp',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/libs/app/',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/libs/app/androidphone/fastclick.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/preloader.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/remoteToLocal.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/androidphone/plugins/MapKit.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/splashControl.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/androidphone/plugins/applicationPreferences.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/Geocode.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/PhoneDialer.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/detectApp.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/PushNotification.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/plugins/CardIOPGPlugin.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/androidphone/plugins/network.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/androidphone/plugins/Connection.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/androidphone/backbutton.js'
"Hertz/www/androidphone/generated/hub/mobileapp.js": [
coreWEBPath + 'assets/jsinclude/global/js.jsp',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/utils/app/slider.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/jsinclude/global/app/config/js.jsp',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzConstants.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzEvents.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzGUI.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzStorage.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzMessages.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzMember.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzUtils.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzVC.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/HzOauth.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/androidphone/global.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/ErrorHelper.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/apps/iosphone/customer-support.js',
coreWEBPath + 'assets/js/utils/omniture-helper.js'
content: {
dialects: [
grunt.registerTask('js', 'javascript process', function() {
var js = grunt.config('javascripts');
for (var key in js) {
var data = '';
console.log('#--->' + key);
for (var n in js[key]) {
var jsurl = js[key][n];
var jstxt = fs.readFileSync(jsurl);
if (jsurl.indexOf('.jsp') > 0) {
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll('<%@ include file="', '');
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll('<jsp:includepage="', '');
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll('<jsp:include page="', '');
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll('" ', '');
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll('/assets', 'assets');
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll("\n", '');
jstxt = S(jstxt).replaceAll("\n", '');
if (jstxt.indexOf('%>') > -1) {
var links = jstxt.split('%>');
} else
if (jstxt.indexOf('/>') > -1) {
var links = jstxt.split('/>');
for (var link in links) {
var url = S(links[link]).replaceAll(' ', '');
if (url != '') {
console.log('--->include JS '+url);
data = data + '\n // includeJS :' + url +'\n'+ fs.readFileSync(coreWEBPath + url);
} else {
console.log('--->include JS '+jsurl);
data = data + '\n // includeJS :' + jsurl +'\n'+ jstxt;
var xdata=data;, xdata);
grunt.registerTask('content', 'Get language translations', function() {
var done = this.async(),
request = require('request-json'),
async = require('async'),
i = 0,
content = {},
deviceGroup = 'iosphone';
dialects = grunt.config('content.dialects');
var client = request.newClient(contentSourceRoot);
count = dialects.length;
function getContent(deviceGroup, callback) {
var q = async.queue(function(task, callback) {
client.get(task.url, function(err, res, body) {
if (err) {
grunt.log.writeln("Error getting content >> " + err);
content[task.dialect] =;
grunt.log.writeln("Get content for dialect:" + task.dialect + " from: " + contentSourceRoot + task.url);
}, 4);
// assign a callback
q.drain = function() {
var data = "";
data += "htz.content = htz.content || {} ;" +
"htz.content.hub = htz.content.hub || " + JSON.stringify(content) + ";"
fs.writeFile('Hertz/www/' + deviceGroup + '/generated/content.js', data, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
grunt.log.ok("Write content to file");
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
url = '/rentacar/rest/config/{deviceGroup}/{dialect}'.replace('{deviceGroup}', deviceGroup);
url = url.replace('{dialect}', dialects[i]);
dialect: dialects[i],
url: url
}, function(err) {});
function(callback) {
getContent('androidphone', callback);
// measures the time each task takes
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'compass', 'copy', 'concat:css', 'sed', 'content', 'js'])
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