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Last active December 17, 2015 01:49
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Save lukpazera/5531664 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple modo Python API command that implements group.stats command. The command enumerates all selected groups and returns a number of items and channels in every group.
Group Statistics Command
A simple command that enumerates all selected groups
and returns a number of items and channels in every group
Author: Lukasz Pazera
import lx
import lxifc
import lxu.command
class GroupVisitor(lxifc.Visitor):
Visitor is used to enumerate group members
Information about currently processed group member can be obtained
via the grpEnum GroupEnumerator object that is passed to the __init__ method
def __init__(self, grpEnum):
# GroupEnumerator object
self.grpEnum = grpEnum
# variables for storing number of items and channels in a group
self.itemN = 0
self.chanN = 0
def vis_Evaluate(self):
vis_Evaluate method is called in one of following ways:
- for every group member (both items and channels)
- for every item member
- for every channel member
The choice between these three options is made during GroupEnumerator.Enumerate() method call
(see the GroupsStatsCommand code below)
In this case the evaluate method will be called for every member.
We determine the type of currently enumerated member using GroupEnumerator.Type() method
and we increase itemN or chanN variables accordingly.
NOTE: group members such as actor's poses for example count as items too
# test for the type of member that is currently being enumerated
if self.grpEnum.Type() == lx.symbol.fGRPTYPE_ITEM:
self.itemN += 1
elif self.grpEnum.Type() == lx.symbol.fGRPTYPE_CHANNEL:
self.chanN += 1
class GroupStatsCommand(lxu.command.BasicCommand):
def __init__(self):
def cmd_Flags(self):
return 0
def basic_Execute(self, msg, flags):
This is the main method that will be executed when the command is fired in modo
# grab item selection
currentSelection =
# initialize scene service object
# we need that object to look up the integer type number of the group item
scn_svc = lx.service.Scene()
group_type = scn_svc.ItemTypeLookup(lx.symbol.sITYPE_GROUP)
# we'll count number of selected groups just for fun
groupsCount = 0
# we're going to cycle through the item selection
# and enumerate all found group items
for x in xrange(len(currentSelection.current())):
# localize indexed selected item
item_loc = lx.object.Item(currentSelection.current()[x])
# test the item against being of group type
# we are going to use the group_type integer that we previously obtained from scene service
if not item_loc.TestType(group_type):
# a group is found!
groupsCount += 1
# get group item name
grpName = item_loc.UniqueName()
# cast the Item object to GroupItem so we can access GroupItem specific methods
groupItem = lx.object.GroupItem(item_loc)
# get the GroupEnumerator object for the group.
# The enumerator object will be used to iterate through group members and count our stats
groupEnum = lx.object.GroupEnumerator(groupItem.Enumerator())
# initialize our visitor object and pass GroupEnumerator object to it
grpVisitor = GroupVisitor(groupEnum)
# call GroupEnumerator.Enumerate() method to enumerate the group
# pass our visitor as first argument
# pass a symbol that'll determine the way in which the group will be enumerated as second argument:
# lx.symbol.fGRPTYPE_BOTH - visitor's vis_Evaluate method will be called for every group member
# lx.symbol.fGRPTYPE_ITEM - only item members will be enumerated
# lx.symbol.fGRPTYPE_CHANNEL - only channel members will be enumerated
groupEnum.Enumerate(grpVisitor, lx.symbol.fGRPTYPE_BOTH)
# at this point enumeration is completed, visitor's vis_Evaluate() method was called for every group member
# the visitor should have a complete information on number of items and channels in a group
# so we can output this data
lx.out('%s Group has: %d items, %d channels' % (grpName, grpVisitor.itemN, grpVisitor.chanN))
# output number of selected groups
lx.out('Groups selected: %d' % groupsCount)
"Blessing" the class promotes it to a fist class server. This basically
means that modo will now recognize this plugin script as a command plugin.
lx.bless(GroupStatsCommand, "group.stats")
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