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Created May 21, 2013 13:59
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Save lukpazera/5619989 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implements a simple item.listTags command that lists all string tags attached to the selected item.
List all Item's Tags
Simple command that lists all tags attached to the selected item.
The output goes to Event Log.
import lx
import lxu.command
import traceback
import struct
CMD_NAME = 'item.listTags'
class CmdListTags(lxu.command.BasicCommand):
def __init__(self):
# Init services that will be needed
self.sceneSrv = lx.service.Scene()
self.selectSrv = lx.service.Selection()
def basic_Enable(self, msg):
The command will be enabled if at least 1 item is selected
if self.selectSrv.Count(lx.symbol.iSEL_ITEM) >= 1:
return True
return False
def cmd_Flags(self):
Command doesn't affect scene state so no need to set any flags
return 0
def basic_Execute(self, msg, flags):
Main command method
lx.out('--- item.listTags Log ---')
# double check if items are selected
if self.selectSrv.Count(lx.symbol.iSEL_ITEM) == 0:
# grab item selection
# localize the first selected item to Item() object
itemSel =
item = lx.object.Item(itemSel.current()[0])
# StringTag interface is used to access tags
# so we're localizing the String Tag object for the first selected item
tags = lx.object.StringTag(item)
# pull number of tags attached to the first selected item
tagN = tags.Count()
# output information about number of attached tags
# if no tags found - return
if not tagN:
lx.out('%s item does not have any tags attached.' % item.UniqueName())
lx.out('%s item has %d tags attached:' % (item.UniqueName(), tagN))
# go through tags and output their names and values
for x in xrange(tagN):
# tagData will be a two element tuple
# the first element is tag name, the second one - a string value
tagData = tags.ByIndex(x)
# tag name is stored as 4 bytes long integer internally
# each byte represents one character so in the UI tags have 4-letter long names
# we need to convert the integer returned from the tags interface into 4 character string
# struct module does that
tagName = struct.pack('>I', tagData[0])
# at this point tagName holds a string equivalent of the 4-byte integer
# and we can output tag data
lx.out('%s. %s : %s' % (str(x + 1).zfill(2), tagName, tagData[1]))
lx.bless(CmdListTags, CMD_NAME)
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